Is Trump Folding on His Shutdown As He has on Many Other Things?


VIP Member
Jun 7, 2018
White House rules IRS can issue tax refunds during shutdown, aims to bring back agency employees

I wonder why he has agreed to this? who in his swamp and his crime family needs the IRS to be working?

Did the Deep State IRS threaten Trump?

Seriously, he hates the IRS. So why this? Or is the great Deal Maker confused again. After all, who knew healthcare could be so tough, so hard, so complicated?
‘No different from my original statements’: Trump denies changes to Syria exit plan

“We will be leaving at a proper pace while at the same time continuing to fight ISIS and doing all else that is prudent and necessary!” Trump said in a morning tweet. That was “no different from my original statements,” he said, accusing the news media of inaccurately reporting “my intentions on Syria.”

Last month, Trump declared the Islamic State defeated in Syria and said troops would be “coming back now.” Since then, senior officials have issued a series of statements that have cast doubt on his promise of a quick departure.
‘No different from my original statements’: Trump denies changes to Syria exit plan

“We will be leaving at a proper pace while at the same time continuing to fight ISIS and doing all else that is prudent and necessary!” Trump said in a morning tweet. That was “no different from my original statements,” he said, accusing the news media of inaccurately reporting “my intentions on Syria.”

Last month, Trump declared the Islamic State defeated in Syria and said troops would be “coming back now.” Since then, senior officials have issued a series of statements that have cast doubt on his promise of a quick departure.
Contrast that with.....

“They're all coming back and they're coming back now. We won, and that's the way we want it and that's the way they want it,”
This from the George SOROS guy who is on Trump's side LOL

Donald Trump’s Instincts Are Mostly Right on North Korea, His Advisors Are the Problem

By: Morton H. Halperin
September 11, 2018

Despite his reckless threats and taunts last year and his premature statement that there is no longer a North Korean nuclear threat made immediately after the Singapore Summit in June, President Trump has taken—mostly—sensible steps to reduce the risk of war and make possible the denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. What’s more, is that he’s done so over the objections of his advisors, the Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and Washington’s foreign policy establishment.

*Morton H. Halperin is a public servant and longtime expert on U.S. foreign policy, arms control, civil liberties, and how government bureaucracies operate. He is currently a senior advisor to the Open Society Foundations, which was founded by George Soros.


Exclusive: Trump promised Kim Jong Un he’d sign an agreement to end the Korean War

He hasn’t followed through yet — and North Korea talks may have stalled because of it.
By Alex Ward@AlexWardVox[email protected] Updated Aug 29, 2018, 4:02pm EDT


North Korea wants peace declaration ending Korean War, but Trump officials resisting
Deirdre Shesgreen, USA TODAY Published 6:00 a.m. ET Sept. 5, 2018 | Updated 4:44 p.m. ET Sept. 5, 2018

North Korea Leader Visits China After Warning of Alternate Path to U.S. Talks
By Se Young Lee and Christian Shepherd

BEIJING (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is visiting China at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, only days after warning he may take an alternative path if the United States does not ease sanctions and pressure on his isolated country.

The visit, confirmed by North Korean and Chinese state media, will likely lead to Kim's fourth summit with Xi in the last year and comes amid plans for a second summit with Trump aimed at denuclearizing the Korean peninsula.
Trump likes to reach beyond his grasp in order to force greater concessions. It’s called negotiating, something left wing fascists wouldn’t understand.
Trump likes to reach beyond his grasp in order to force greater concessions. It’s called negotiating, something left wing fascists wouldn’t understand.
No its called being a buffoon and then being shown how stupid you are by reality.
Trump likes to reach beyond his grasp in order to force greater concessions. It’s called negotiating, something left wing fascists wouldn’t understand.
a few facts as not presented on a stupid faux reality tv show:

The Plaza Hotel, long a symbol of luxury and grandeur in New York and more recently the crown jewel in Donald J. Trump's shaky business empire, is being sold to two of the world's richest men: a Saudi Arabian Prince and one of Singapore's leading entrepreneurs.

The buyers said yesterday that the deal put a total value of $325 million on the landmark hotel at 59th Street and Fifth Avenue near Central Park.

In essence, the buyers are taking over the Plaza by assuming most of its debts. None of the money from the deal will go to Mr. Trump, who acquired the hotel for about $400 million in 1988. Rather, it will go to banks in the United States that had lent money to Mr. Trump and to banks in Japan that hold a mortgage on the hotel property.

While Mr. Trump will retain a say in the hotel's operations as a minority partner, his surrender of control is a defeat for the real estate developer, who in the heady days of the late 1980's proclaimed the Plaza "the ultimate trophy in the world." But the world has drastically changed for Mr. Trump since then, as real estate prices collapsed. Trump Is Selling Plaza Hotel To Saudi and Asian Investors

... and it was in the news not too long ago: "at one time owned by Donald J. Trump, who lost it in a bankruptcy." Deal Is Reached to Sell the Plaza Hotel

Trump is a salesman and a con man. he achieves some things and then destroys it all. He's Mister Magoo come to life

What Donald Trump’s Plaza Deal Reveals About His White House Bid Mister Trump gets some credit for reading people, but he has always, always been his own worse enemy. And it has gotten worse over time as he ages and becomes convinced he is at the top of his game. He is not.

Trump is on his downside and he will drag us all along with him. See? I can be fair.

You people cannot see the forest for the trees:

In essence, Mr. Trump was telling Mr. Barrack that he trusted him to disclose everything that a team of lawyers and inspectors would typically need at least 90 days to unearth. It was like asking an enemy for a map of a minefield. And by saying, in effect, “I’m at your mercy and will believe what you tell me,” Mr. Trump was appealing to Mr. Barrack’s integrity. Which was very disarming.

Mr. Barrack thought over Mr. Trump’s question for a moment. He had already worked out most of the major problems.

“The biggest issue,” he told Mr. Trump, “is Fannie Lowenstein.”

He was referring to a woman, who might have been in her 80s, who lived by herself in a tiny, rent-controlled apartment in the Plaza. With Ms. Lowenstein there, reconfiguring the building as a condominium or a co-op, which was Mr. Trump’s plan and the only way to justify the $407 million price tag, would be far more difficult. But she had adamantly refused to give up her rent-control rights and move to a larger apartment in the Plaza.

“I’ll do the deal in a week, for $407.5 million,” Mr. Trump said, “and you take care of Fannie Lowenstein. All I want at the closing is to hear that Fannie Lowenstein is happy.”

Mr. Barrack left the meeting in a daze, both thrilled and anxious.

“It was a genius deal for Trump,” Mr. Barrack said, “because while an auction would have fetched a bigger initial price, it would have been tangled up in contingencies. And he’d just convinced me to fix everything for him.”

Mr. Trump had correctly sized up Mr. Barrack: someone who was trying to prove himself and wanted a major coup.

“He kind of looked at me and said, ‘I’ll make you a star,’” said Mr. Barrack, who now runs Colony Capital, a real estate investment firm based in Los Angeles with 300 employees. “It’s the same talent on display when he gives political speeches. He reads an entire crowd with the same precision that he reads an individual.”
Trump likes to reach beyond his grasp in order to force greater concessions. It’s called negotiating, something left wing fascists wouldn’t understand.
a few facts as not presented on a stupid faux reality tv show:

The Plaza Hotel, long a symbol of luxury and grandeur in New York and more recently the crown jewel in Donald J. Trump's shaky business empire, is being sold to two of the world's richest men: a Saudi Arabian Prince and one of Singapore's leading entrepreneurs.

The buyers said yesterday that the deal put a total value of $325 million on the landmark hotel at 59th Street and Fifth Avenue near Central Park.

In essence, the buyers are taking over the Plaza by assuming most of its debts. None of the money from the deal will go to Mr. Trump, who acquired the hotel for about $400 million in 1988. Rather, it will go to banks in the United States that had lent money to Mr. Trump and to banks in Japan that hold a mortgage on the hotel property.

While Mr. Trump will retain a say in the hotel's operations as a minority partner, his surrender of control is a defeat for the real estate developer, who in the heady days of the late 1980's proclaimed the Plaza "the ultimate trophy in the world." But the world has drastically changed for Mr. Trump since then, as real estate prices collapsed. Trump Is Selling Plaza Hotel To Saudi and Asian Investors

... and it was in the news not too long ago: "at one time owned by Donald J. Trump, who lost it in a bankruptcy." Deal Is Reached to Sell the Plaza Hotel

Trump is a salesman and a con man. he achieves some things and then destroys it all. He's Mister Magoo come to life

What Donald Trump’s Plaza Deal Reveals About His White House Bid Mister Trump gets some credit for reading people, but he has always, always been his own worse enemy. And it has gotten worse over time as he ages and becomes convinced he is at the top of his game. He is not.

Trump is on his downside and he will drag us all along with him. See? I can be fair.

You people cannot see the forest for the trees:

In essence, Mr. Trump was telling Mr. Barrack that he trusted him to disclose everything that a team of lawyers and inspectors would typically need at least 90 days to unearth. It was like asking an enemy for a map of a minefield. And by saying, in effect, “I’m at your mercy and will believe what you tell me,” Mr. Trump was appealing to Mr. Barrack’s integrity. Which was very disarming.

Mr. Barrack thought over Mr. Trump’s question for a moment. He had already worked out most of the major problems.

“The biggest issue,” he told Mr. Trump, “is Fannie Lowenstein.”

He was referring to a woman, who might have been in her 80s, who lived by herself in a tiny, rent-controlled apartment in the Plaza. With Ms. Lowenstein there, reconfiguring the building as a condominium or a co-op, which was Mr. Trump’s plan and the only way to justify the $407 million price tag, would be far more difficult. But she had adamantly refused to give up her rent-control rights and move to a larger apartment in the Plaza.

“I’ll do the deal in a week, for $407.5 million,” Mr. Trump said, “and you take care of Fannie Lowenstein. All I want at the closing is to hear that Fannie Lowenstein is happy.”

Mr. Barrack left the meeting in a daze, both thrilled and anxious.

“It was a genius deal for Trump,” Mr. Barrack said, “because while an auction would have fetched a bigger initial price, it would have been tangled up in contingencies. And he’d just convinced me to fix everything for him.”

Mr. Trump had correctly sized up Mr. Barrack: someone who was trying to prove himself and wanted a major coup.

“He kind of looked at me and said, ‘I’ll make you a star,’” said Mr. Barrack, who now runs Colony Capital, a real estate investment firm based in Los Angeles with 300 employees. “It’s the same talent on display when he gives political speeches. He reads an entire crowd with the same precision that he reads an individual.”
So you’re agreeing with me. Why then do your other posts deny this?
Trump likes to reach beyond his grasp in order to force greater concessions. It’s called negotiating, something left wing fascists wouldn’t understand.
a few facts as not presented on a stupid faux reality tv show:

The Plaza Hotel, long a symbol of luxury and grandeur in New York and more recently the crown jewel in Donald J. Trump's shaky business empire, is being sold to two of the world's richest men: a Saudi Arabian Prince and one of Singapore's leading entrepreneurs.

The buyers said yesterday that the deal put a total value of $325 million on the landmark hotel at 59th Street and Fifth Avenue near Central Park.

In essence, the buyers are taking over the Plaza by assuming most of its debts. None of the money from the deal will go to Mr. Trump, who acquired the hotel for about $400 million in 1988. Rather, it will go to banks in the United States that had lent money to Mr. Trump and to banks in Japan that hold a mortgage on the hotel property.

While Mr. Trump will retain a say in the hotel's operations as a minority partner, his surrender of control is a defeat for the real estate developer, who in the heady days of the late 1980's proclaimed the Plaza "the ultimate trophy in the world." But the world has drastically changed for Mr. Trump since then, as real estate prices collapsed. Trump Is Selling Plaza Hotel To Saudi and Asian Investors

... and it was in the news not too long ago: "at one time owned by Donald J. Trump, who lost it in a bankruptcy." Deal Is Reached to Sell the Plaza Hotel

Trump is a salesman and a con man. he achieves some things and then destroys it all. He's Mister Magoo come to life

What Donald Trump’s Plaza Deal Reveals About His White House Bid Mister Trump gets some credit for reading people, but he has always, always been his own worse enemy. And it has gotten worse over time as he ages and becomes convinced he is at the top of his game. He is not.

Trump is on his downside and he will drag us all along with him. See? I can be fair.

You people cannot see the forest for the trees:

In essence, Mr. Trump was telling Mr. Barrack that he trusted him to disclose everything that a team of lawyers and inspectors would typically need at least 90 days to unearth. It was like asking an enemy for a map of a minefield. And by saying, in effect, “I’m at your mercy and will believe what you tell me,” Mr. Trump was appealing to Mr. Barrack’s integrity. Which was very disarming.

Mr. Barrack thought over Mr. Trump’s question for a moment. He had already worked out most of the major problems.

“The biggest issue,” he told Mr. Trump, “is Fannie Lowenstein.”

He was referring to a woman, who might have been in her 80s, who lived by herself in a tiny, rent-controlled apartment in the Plaza. With Ms. Lowenstein there, reconfiguring the building as a condominium or a co-op, which was Mr. Trump’s plan and the only way to justify the $407 million price tag, would be far more difficult. But she had adamantly refused to give up her rent-control rights and move to a larger apartment in the Plaza.

“I’ll do the deal in a week, for $407.5 million,” Mr. Trump said, “and you take care of Fannie Lowenstein. All I want at the closing is to hear that Fannie Lowenstein is happy.”

Mr. Barrack left the meeting in a daze, both thrilled and anxious.

“It was a genius deal for Trump,” Mr. Barrack said, “because while an auction would have fetched a bigger initial price, it would have been tangled up in contingencies. And he’d just convinced me to fix everything for him.”

Mr. Trump had correctly sized up Mr. Barrack: someone who was trying to prove himself and wanted a major coup.

“He kind of looked at me and said, ‘I’ll make you a star,’” said Mr. Barrack, who now runs Colony Capital, a real estate investment firm based in Los Angeles with 300 employees. “It’s the same talent on display when he gives political speeches. He reads an entire crowd with the same precision that he reads an individual.”
So you’re agreeing with me. Why then do your other posts deny this?
except the supposed "greater concessions" usually turn out to be yuge errors on Trump's part.

Mr Barrack is one of the very few people who say anything complimentary about The Donald. I suspect, they still have some business interests they share LOL

even sadder, is the fact almost every single American bank and financier that dealt with Trump refused his business later on -- which brings us to Mueller following the $$$$.

The whole Trump family once bragged about not needing American financiers, only to later deny they claimed such things -- even though we have it in print, audio, and video.

Now ask yourself, why would they all lie -- all of them?
White House rules IRS can issue tax refunds during shutdown, aims to bring back agency employees

I wonder why he has agreed to this? who in his swamp and his crime family needs the IRS to be working?

Did the Deep State IRS threaten Trump?

Seriously, he hates the IRS. So why this? Or is the great Deal Maker confused again. After all, who knew healthcare could be so tough, so hard, so complicated?

It’s not complicated at all. It’s blatantly obvious why he wants the IRS to issue refunds. It’s the economy stupid. People get their refund check, they spend their refund check, spending Spurs the economy. See, not complicated at all.
White House rules IRS can issue tax refunds during shutdown, aims to bring back agency employees

I wonder why he has agreed to this? who in his swamp and his crime family needs the IRS to be working?

Did the Deep State IRS threaten Trump?

Seriously, he hates the IRS. So why this? Or is the great Deal Maker confused again. After all, who knew healthcare could be so tough, so hard, so complicated?

It’s not complicated at all. It’s blatantly obvious why he wants the IRS to issue refunds. It’s the economy stupid. People get their refund check, they spend their refund check, spending Spurs the economy. See, not complicated at all.
So you believe Trump actually knows things about the economy? Like he knows more about the military than the military knows about the military? Because he''s a self-professed Stable Genius?
Trump sells a hotel for a few hundred million less than he paid for it (renovations included) and he calls it a win? Trump was buying hotels when the Helmsleys were selling
White House rules IRS can issue tax refunds during shutdown, aims to bring back agency employees

I wonder why he has agreed to this? who in his swamp and his crime family needs the IRS to be working?

Did the Deep State IRS threaten Trump?

Seriously, he hates the IRS. So why this? Or is the great Deal Maker confused again. After all, who knew healthcare could be so tough, so hard, so complicated?

It’s not complicated at all. It’s blatantly obvious why he wants the IRS to issue refunds. It’s the economy stupid. People get their refund check, they spend their refund check, spending Spurs the economy. See, not complicated at all.
So you believe Trump actually knows things about the economy? Like he knows more about the military than the military knows about the military? Because he''s a self-professed Stable Genius?

A third grader knows that when the people have more money, it’s good for the economy. Which means Trump is about in fourth grade......and you’re still in diapers judging from you OP.
White House rules IRS can issue tax refunds during shutdown, aims to bring back agency employees

I wonder why he has agreed to this? who in his swamp and his crime family needs the IRS to be working?

Did the Deep State IRS threaten Trump?

Seriously, he hates the IRS. So why this? Or is the great Deal Maker confused again. After all, who knew healthcare could be so tough, so hard, so complicated?

It’s not complicated at all. It’s blatantly obvious why he wants the IRS to issue refunds. It’s the economy stupid. People get their refund check, they spend their refund check, spending Spurs the economy. See, not complicated at all.
So you believe Trump actually knows things about the economy? Like he knows more about the military than the military knows about the military? Because he''s a self-professed Stable Genius?

A third grader knows that when the people have more money, it’s good for the economy. Which means Trump is about in fourth grade......and you’re still in diapers judging from you OP.
the wealthy - tax cut for the wealthy. Your third grader is as knowledgeable about economics as Trump is about healthcare
Like Trickle down economics, ok.

Like the McConnell/Trump's people today - "most of the top Reagan administration officials didn’t think the tax cut would pay for itself. They were counting on spending cuts to avoid blowing up the deficit. But they never materialized."

Q. So the spending cuts never materialized, the deficit increased, and then what?
A. As projections for the deficit worsened, it became clear that the 1981 tax cut was too big. So with Reagan’s signature, Congress undid a good chunk of the 1981 tax cut by raising taxes a lot in 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1987. George H.W. Bush signed another tax increase in 1990 and Bill Clinton did the same in 1993. One lesson from that history: When tax cuts are really too big to be sustainable, they’re often followed by tax increases.

l What we learned from Reagan’s tax cuts
White House rules IRS can issue tax refunds during shutdown, aims to bring back agency employees

I wonder why he has agreed to this? who in his swamp and his crime family needs the IRS to be working?

Did the Deep State IRS threaten Trump?

Seriously, he hates the IRS. So why this? Or is the great Deal Maker confused again. After all, who knew healthcare could be so tough, so hard, so complicated?

It’s not complicated at all. It’s blatantly obvious why he wants the IRS to issue refunds. It’s the economy stupid. People get their refund check, they spend their refund check, spending Spurs the economy. See, not complicated at all.
So you believe Trump actually knows things about the economy? Like he knows more about the military than the military knows about the military? Because he''s a self-professed Stable Genius?

A third grader knows that when the people have more money, it’s good for the economy. Which means Trump is about in fourth grade......and you’re still in diapers judging from you OP.
the wealthy - tax cut for the wealthy. Your third grader is as knowledgeable about economics as Trump is about healthcare
Like Trickle down economics, ok.

Like the McConnell/Trump's people today - "most of the top Reagan administration officials didn’t think the tax cut would pay for itself. They were counting on spending cuts to avoid blowing up the deficit. But they never materialized."

Q. So the spending cuts never materialized, the deficit increased, and then what?
A. As projections for the deficit worsened, it became clear that the 1981 tax cut was too big. So with Reagan’s signature, Congress undid a good chunk of the 1981 tax cut by raising taxes a lot in 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1987. George H.W. Bush signed another tax increase in 1990 and Bill Clinton did the same in 1993. One lesson from that history: When tax cuts are really too big to be sustainable, they’re often followed by tax increases.

l What we learned from Reagan’s tax cuts

Your OP asked why Trump okayed irs refunds. I gave you the (obvious) reason. Now you are railing about the Reagan tax cuts. You are close to being put on ignore for being a mindless troll. If you can’t engage in reasonable fashion about your topic then I won’t waste my time reading your post or responding to them.

Look, I get it. You have only been on this forum for a relative short time. You’re trying to engage and be recognized, and it’s not going well to that end. But trolling is not the answer.
‘No different from my original statements’: Trump denies changes to Syria exit plan

“We will be leaving at a proper pace while at the same time continuing to fight ISIS and doing all else that is prudent and necessary!” Trump said in a morning tweet. That was “no different from my original statements,” he said, accusing the news media of inaccurately reporting “my intentions on Syria.”

Last month, Trump declared the Islamic State defeated in Syria and said troops would be “coming back now.” Since then, senior officials have issued a series of statements that have cast doubt on his promise of a quick departure.
It depends on what "now" means, now.
Your OP asked why Trump okayed irs refunds. I gave you the (obvious) reason. Now you are railing about the Reagan tax cuts. You are close to being put on ignore for being a mindless troll. If you can’t engage in reasonable fashion about your topic then I won’t waste my time reading your post or responding to them.

Look, I get it. You have only been on this forum for a relative short time. You’re trying to engage and be recognized, and it’s not going well to that end. But trolling is not the answer.
to be exact, I asked about: "White House rules IRS can issue tax refunds during shutdown" - during the shutdown being the operative issue.

Anyone who claims the obvious regarding a walk back of a Trump pronouncement, is a fool.

seeking attention would be calling myself something like "A Buck toothed Moron"

Tax cuts. The Trump bragging right - and we've been there before .. the Trump/McConnell promises .. same as during the Reagan tax cut years

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