Is Trump Going To Beat The Republican Party Into Submission?

Yep, after spending 7 years and billions of dollars trying every way on earth to get RID of Trump, you think it is GLORIOUS now that you are no better off for any of it and Trump is right there back in your faces challenging you to keep him from taking the WH back again!
  • After getting the most votes in history and
  • After two more years of BIDEN. :laughing0301:
Yep, you're THRILLED. :1peleas:
I am thrilled.
Trump has already won most of the patriotic Americans. Currently, Trump is a Republican and currently Trump has the most recognition. I think it's not a matter that Trump has to worry at all about either party right now however, soon the dirty Democrats will crank up their smear machine in the MSM and the long knives will come out for him in the Republican Party. I respect Trump for just trying to represent We The People instead of D.C.
As President, Trump's first order of business will be to beat Biden's debt record in four years the way he matched Obama's eight years of debt in four years.

That's what some Libertarian needs to throw at them.
I think all Trump has to do is reverse all Biden's stupid policies. Start drilling, defund anything having to do with 'climate change', fire the FBI elite and get back to punishing China. Just for starters...The debt record will take care of itself.
I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard.
She is hot. Heck, I even like just listening to her.

Plus, she is sanity.
She's a socialist.

I just don't get why the Trumptards support a socialist.

It just goes to show how empty-headed and weak-minded the rube herd is. They bleev what they are told to bleev, and parrot what they are told to parrot.
I think all Trump has to do is reverse all Biden's stupid policies. Start drilling, defund anything having to do with 'climate change', fire the FBI elite and get back to punishing China. Just for starters...The debt record will take care of itself.
I guess you haven't heard.

Biden has been punishing China bigly. More than Trump did.

Trump punished American importers with his stupid far left tariff war, resulting in the widest trade deficit with China in history.

So the joke's on you, kid.

The U.S. president has committed to rapid decoupling, whatever the consequences.

The Trump rubes have been told to say Biden loves Xi and works for Xi. They even call him Xiden sometimes.

But in reality:

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Trump said that at Davos.

You know, the place where the Deep State meets to plot our subjugation and stuff...

Out here in the real world:

Donald Trump’s scattershot regulation and erratic public statements offered little clarity to allies, adversaries, and companies around the world. Joe Biden’s actions have been more systematic, but long-term U.S. goals have remained hidden beneath bureaucratic opacity and cautious platitudes.

Last Friday, however, a dense regulatory filing from a little-known federal agency gave the strongest hint yet of U.S. intentions. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced new extraterritorial limits on the export to China of advanced semiconductors, chip-making equipment, and supercomputer components. The controls, more so than any earlier U.S. action, reveal a single-minded focus on thwarting Chinese capabilities at a broad and fundamental level. Although framed as a national security measure, the primary damage to China will be economic, on a scale well out of proportion to Washington’s cited military and intelligence concerns.


This shift portends even harsher U.S. measures to come, not only in advanced computing but also in other sectors (like biotech, manufacturing, and finance) deemed strategic. The pace and details are uncertain, but the strategic objective and political commitment are now clearer than ever. China’s technological rise will be slowed at any price.

You're welcome.

Biden goes it alone in his trade assault on China

Successive US administrations have been chuntering about encircling, outflanking or wrongfooting China’s economy for so long it’s quite startling when one seems to mean it. The Biden administration’s announcement on October 7 of new semiconductor export controls achieved what Donald Trump failed in four years of flailing about with trade policy — it credibly threatened that the US and China, at least their high-tech sectors, will be decoupled by force. The prophesied “weaponised interdependence”, the exploitation of trade and finance linkages to exert geopolitical pressure, now appears to be here.

The breadth of the controls was a big advance on Trump’s earlier measures. In particular, the prohibitions on US citizens and green card holders working in China’s semiconductor industry meant hundreds of employees, including from the world-leading Dutch manufacturer ASML, stopping work within days.

Read for yourself:

I know you won't read it since it is longer than a tweet, but I had to put it out there.

You're welcome.

Oh, gosh. Look how well Trump's tariff war worked!



:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Trump took us from a $100 billion trade deficit with China to a record smashing $500 billion trade deficit with China.

Trumptards sure do have a funny definition of what "punish China" means!
I guess you haven't heard.

Biden has been punishing China bigly. More than Trump did.

Trump punished American importers with his stupid far left tariff war, resulting in the widest trade deficit with China in history.

So the joke's on you, kid.
Trump was basically one of the first to speak out about the challenge posed by China to America. Trump had national security officials explain to the American public, in a series of speeches, as to the threat posed by the CCP. That's just for starters, Trump then outed them for Covid-19 while hitting them with tariffs..

Biden has done virtually nothing except beg Xi for cooperation. Biden said he wants a status quo with China. Xi had Biden jumping to Bali to beg for maintaining freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Biden tried to be Trump-like with China but only with limited high end chips.

No.....The joke is in the White House.......kid.
Trump was basically one of the first to speak out about the challenge posed by China to America. Trump had national security officials explain to the American public, in a series of speeches, as to the threat posed by the CCP. That's just for starters, Trump then outed them for Covid-19 while hitting them with tariffs..

Biden has done virtually nothing except beg Xi for cooperation. Biden said he wants a status quo with China. Xi had Biden jumping to Bali to beg for maintaining freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Biden tried to be Trump-like with China but only with limited high end chips.

No.....The joke is in the White House.......kid.
You really need to read posts 27 through 30, rube. And the links therein.

You've been hoaxed. AGAIN!
Biden just delivered a well placed kick to Xi's nuts.

But the poor rubes have not been informed by their propagandists. It goes against the narrative they have been trained to parrot.

Trump took us from a $100 billion trade deficit with China to a record smashing $500 billion trade deficit with China.

Trumptards sure do have a funny definition of what "punish China" means!
The trade defict with China decreased under Trump.


When looking at goods only, the trade deficit with China reached record highs at the beginning of the Trump administration, but decreased in 2019.

The China-United States trade war began in full in 2018, when Trump began setting tariffs and trade barriers on China to help quell “unfair trade practices.” Trade actually increased in 2018, but in 2019 it fell dramatically. However, U.S. exports to China also decreased.
Biden just delivered a well placed kick to Xi's nuts.

But the poor rubes have not been informed by their propagandists. It goes against the narrative they have been trained to parrot.

More like he sucked their nuts.

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