Is Trump planning a nuclear war?

He is the first president since Reagan to advocate increasing our nuclear stockpile and the ONLY president to advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries. Mental instability is a YUGE danger in the oval office.

Ummm.. yeah.. it was actually the Obama Administration that signed off on a trillion dollars to update our nuclear weapons stockpile & infrastructure, it's definitely needed.

When did Donald Duck advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries?

Here is one of the times. There are others.

A great time to have a Narcissist with the nuclear code. Enjoy your trip to Hell...
HE won't start it; his fiddling around with foreign states' balance of power may piss off someone or other and THEY might start it. Narcissists aren't crazy, just annoying.
HE won't start it; his fiddling around with foreign states' balance of power may piss off someone or other and THEY might start it.
Trump's first action should go the Middle East and push a stick into the hornets nest and call it the Arab Spring.

Oh wait, Obama already did that.

The 2003 invasion of Iraq will always be remembered as the beginning of middle east destabilization.
He is the first president since Reagan to advocate increasing our nuclear stockpile and the ONLY president to advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries. Mental instability is a YUGE danger in the oval office.

Ummm.. yeah.. it was actually the Obama Administration that signed off on a trillion dollars to update our nuclear weapons stockpile & infrastructure, it's definitely needed.

When did Donald Duck advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries?

Here is one of the times. There are others.


The video you linked didn't include that since he was talking about other countries developing nuclear weapons on their own.
Electing a recovering alcoholic almost doomed this country. Stump will finish it.
O is still trying to instigate a nuclear war with russia. The hillary wanted to implement a no fly zone in syria which would have started a war with russia. Ultimately, those were her ulterior motives. But then she got thumped in november.
Historians will record these last days of the obama regime as the days when the nation held its breath in anticipation of obama ordering a strike on the Russian homeland. It would be his last desperate attempt to hang on to his office.
He is the first president since Reagan to advocate increasing our nuclear stockpile and the ONLY president to advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries. Mental instability is a YUGE danger in the oval office.

Ummm.. yeah.. it was actually the Obama Administration that signed off on a trillion dollars to update our nuclear weapons s:tockpile & infrastructure, it's definitely needed.

When did Donald Duck advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries?

Can't argue with Cult Members...

A great time to have a Narcissist with the nuclear code. Enjoy your trip to Hell...
HE won't start it; his fiddling around with foreign states' balance of power may piss off someone or other and THEY might start it. Narcissists aren't crazy, just annoying.
HE won't start it; his fiddling around with foreign states' balance of power may piss off someone or other and THEY might start it.
Trump's first action should go the Middle East and push a stick into the hornets nest and call it the Arab Spring.

Oh wait, Obama already did that.

The 2003 invasion of Iraq will always be remembered as the beginning of middle east destabilization.
Damn Hillary for insisting al queda was operating in Iraq.
Someone needs to stop that warmongering lunatic Trump from massing troops along the Russian border, before he starts WWIII!

Oh, wait.
Only against Chicago. We should let The Russians bomb it. Sore Loser.......
Hillary Clinton is a scumbag and Obama's legacy will be erased.
And Dems will paint themselves as Anti American Obstructionists.

May you get cured soon of your butt hurt.
Obama starts a nuclear arms race in the Middle east, starts 2 UN-Authorized / Un-Constitutional Wars, and threatens to order a Cyber ATTACK - an act of war - against Russia BEFORE ordering an investigation to find out what happened with hacking, and he has put US troops on the Russian Border while Liberals are criticizing Trump for wanting better relations with Russia rather than push harder for more conflict ... and you actually start ANOTHER thread claiming to be worried about Trump. :p

Yup, bombed more countries than Bush did. Yet he's got a Nobel Peace Prize. Leftists are very disingenuous and confused.
How many Nobel Peace Prize winners have ever had their own personal Drone Assassination program and / or has started their own personal un-sanctioned wars?
I said Trump needs to fire everyone hired or promoted by Obama, I never thought he would follow through on that.

Well done!!
How many Nobel Peace Prize winners have ever had their own personal Drone Assassination program and / or has started their own personal un-sanctioned wars?

The Nobel Peace Prize is handed out by Leftist Globalists. And they're very disingenuous folks. Hussein's been bombing & killing his entire tenure.

What happened to all those 'Anti-War' Leftists? Where'd they go? Oh, they'll likely pop their heads up again once the Republican President is sworn in. They're hypocrites. Shame on em.
Let me know when or if Trump bombs more countries than Hussein did. He bombed more countries than Bush. So till Trump surpasses him, i'll chalk this up to disingenuous hypocritical whining. Movin on...
Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize
Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize - BBC News

Geir Lundstadt, the former head of the Nobel Prize Committee, admitted the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Barak Obama in 2009 not for any accomplishment but for 'potential' and in an attempt to manipulate him:

"Geir Lundestad told the AP news agency that the committee hoped the award would strengthen Mr Obama. Instead, the decision was met with criticism in the US. Many argued he had not had any impact worthy of the award."

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