Is Trump The Most Alpha President In Decades?

Is Trump The Most Alpha POTUS?

  • Yes. He is the fucking man.

  • No. He is awesome and likely top 5 ever but not number one.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Yes, nothing says Alpha quite like throwing tantrums on twitter and constantly boasting his accomplishments as if he needs to remind himself heā€™s a good president...

Also, google Theodore Roosevelt if you want the most Alpha president.
The poll results speak for themself

80% right now say most alpha
:lol: which polls? Heā€™s at like 38% in approval ratings. Thatā€™s not very alpha
The same polls that had Hillary up double digits?

Is Trump The Most Alpha President In Decades?
LOL, all he does is whine and bitch, he cries about the press being against him, he cries about other world leaders, he cries about congress, he cries about the dingbat Democrats, etc, etc and when he's not bitching about something or someone he's indulging his social media addiction...heck he's worse than his predecessor President Nimrod.

He reminds me of a teenage girl not an alpha male.
Yes, nothing says Alpha quite like throwing tantrums on twitter and constantly boasting his accomplishments as if he needs to remind himself heā€™s a good president...

Also, google Theodore Roosevelt if you want the most Alpha president.
The poll results speak for themself

80% right now say most alpha

Ah yes the poll on a heavily right message board where the options are badass or slightly less badass.

Now thatā€™s some reliable polling right there
Trump is an alpha version of a President, full of bugs and unreliable. When he says something, nobody knows what is tomorrow. Time to uninstall.
Yes, nothing says Alpha quite like throwing tantrums on twitter and constantly boasting his accomplishments as if he needs to remind himself heā€™s a good president...

Also, google Theodore Roosevelt if you want the most Alpha president.
The poll results speak for themself

80% right now say most alpha
:lol: which polls? Heā€™s at like 38% in approval ratings. Thatā€™s not very alpha
The same polls that had Hillary up double digits?

So, no polls. Just fake news numbers in your head
Yes, nothing says Alpha quite like throwing tantrums on twitter and constantly boasting his accomplishments as if he needs to remind himself heā€™s a good president...

Also, google Theodore Roosevelt if you want the most Alpha president.
Teddy was a big pansy.....he was just a rich kid that was awarded officer rank and got lucky in a war.
Trump is a joke. The only support he has remaining is from his base.
one of the tallest ever, lowest golf handicap, hottest first lady, history of world class poontang, billionaire, slaps down jabronis like kim jong un.

Such a nice change from a beta male like our last POTUS

Trump does not know how to swim or ride a bicycle
Is Trump The Most Alpha President In Decades?
LOL, all he does is whine and bitch, he cries about the press being against him, he cries about other world leaders, he cries about congress, he cries about the dingbat Democrats, etc, etc and when he's not bitching about something or someone he's indulging his social media addiction...heck he's worse than his predecessor President Nimrod.

He reminds me of a teenage girl not an alpha male.
And all the press does is bawl about how his press-secretary picks on them.

A Washington Post columnist said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders humiliates the media on a daily basis.

In a column published Tuesday, opinion writer Kathleen Parker referenced Sanders asking reporters earlier this week to say what they were thankful for before asking a question.

"Yet again, she controlled the crowd, though this time by candy-coating her usual condescension with faux fellowship," Parker wrote.

"I'm thankful I wasn't in the room."

She wrote that her first impulse when someone asks her to share is to "not-share."

"For a press secretary to require professional journalists to essentially beg for their supper, surrendering their adversarial posture like a dog commanded to Drop The Bone, is an infantilizing tactic," she wrote.
"The effect is to neutralize the opposition."

Parker wrote one would think reporters were "supposed to be taking dictation" from the interplay between the media and the Trump administration.

She also went after Sanders for evading questions and "scolding."

To Trump's base, she wrote, Sanders is "the a la mode on a slice of apple pie, the pom-pom and confetti at a freedom rally, or, perhaps, the elfin princess who can read and direct a personā€™s thoughts by hypnotizing them with her magic pearls."

"Her daily humiliation of the press, making them seem like churlish children, is a booster shot of 'fake news' animus that also apparently inoculates against viral truths."

"To the media, she is the wall Trump promised to erect and, increasingly, it seems, we are the swamp he seeks to drain. Out with the media, out with free speech, out with facts!" Parker wrote.

She added that Sanders is "perfectly cast."

At the end of her column, Parker said she was thankful for the "freedom to speak without (undue) fear of retribution."

Poor babies.......
I remember the rare times that Obama got hammered not even near as badly and he always went out and told everyone to stop it. This must end now!!!! That sort of thing.
Yes, nothing says Alpha quite like throwing tantrums on twitter and constantly boasting his accomplishments as if he needs to remind himself heā€™s a good president...

Also, google Theodore Roosevelt if you want the most Alpha president.
Teddy was a big pansy.....he was just a rich kid that was awarded officer rank and got lucky in a war.
TR was one tough SOB
Is Trump The Most Alpha President In Decades?
LOL, all he does is whine and bitch, he cries about the press being against him, he cries about other world leaders, he cries about congress, he cries about the dingbat Democrats, etc, etc and when he's not bitching about something or someone he's indulging his social media addiction...heck he's worse than his predecessor President Nimrod.

He reminds me of a teenage girl not an alpha male.
And all the press does is bawl about how his press-secretary picks on them.
Yeah they're a bunch of cry-baby bitches too, between the douche bags in the press and President Twitter, D.C. has "fundamentally transformed" from a house of ill repute into a slumber party for errant teenage girls.
Is Trump The Most Alpha President In Decades?
LOL, all he does is whine and bitch, he cries about the press being against him, he cries about other world leaders, he cries about congress, he cries about the dingbat Democrats, etc, etc and when he's not bitching about something or someone he's indulging his social media addiction...heck he's worse than his predecessor President Nimrod.

He reminds me of a teenage girl not an alpha male.
And all the press does is bawl about how his press-secretary picks on them.
Yeah they're a bunch of cry-baby bitches too, between the douche bags in the press and President Twitter, D.C. has "fundamentally transformed" from a house of ill repute into a slumber party for errant teenage girls.
Quite a step up from being a cocaine-heroin and human-trafficking den/LGBT bathhouse under Obama.
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one of the tallest ever, lowest golf handicap, hottest first lady, history of world class poontang, billionaire, slaps down jabronis like kim jong un.

Such a nice change from a beta male like our last POTUS


You DO have the most apt screen name to your half brain........LOL
one of the tallest ever, lowest golf handicap, hottest first lady, history of world class poontang, billionaire, slaps down jabronis like kim jong un.

Such a nice change from a beta male like our last POTUS


If the measure of a leader should include how much pussy he can get, why aren't you people praising Roy Moore,
instead of denying that he got all that pussy?

Republicans so weak and sissified, they don't even know what a REAL man looks like.


Those to hung up on a political football team are why this Country has so many fk ups who are Anti American.

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