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Is Unemployment Planned???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Since the FDR era, the unemployed have been wielded as an army to accrue power. There are motivations of self aggrandizement to maintain the pressures of high unemployment.

But, perhaps there are even more nefarious reasons.

1. "Mass unemployment can be a frightening spectacle. When a working-age person has meaningful daily tasks—making a cappuccino, laying bricks, creating spreadsheets—his mind is active and occupied. He also has income, which means food on the table, a roof overhead, clothed children and a hopeful future. The employed mind tends to be happier, more stable, more content, more confident.

2.Take away employment, and two things begin to happen psychologically: First, as his bills mount and his stomach aches, the unemployed person becomes stressed and frustrated. As the situation persists, the anxiety evolves into desperation, hopelessness, even despair. Second, disenfranchised by his deteriorating circumstances—the loss of the family home, his decline in status, marital tension—the unemployed person can become emotionally and mentally vulnerable.

3. The one commodity the unemployed person now has is time—time for his susceptible, disillusioned mind to entertain new, often extreme or radical “solutions” that promise to rescue him from a system he believes has failed him. Disgruntled with the status quo, he longs for something new. A new political party, new ideologies, new leaders, new policies—a whole new system.

When unemployment is low, threats of social unrest and political transformation are easy to mitigate. When it reaches high levels over a sustained period, you suddenly have an army of disenfranchised, angry people. An army primed to embrace extreme political ideologies. An army ready to follow a leader who promises salvation. An army primed to overthrow the established system.

When this happens, unemployment stops being merely an unfortunate economic issue and becomes an alarming social and political crisis that can lead to major—even worldwide—catastrophe!"
An Army Waiting for a Leader - theTrumpet.com

2. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

a. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

3. Liberal hand-outs, i.e., welfare, is the cause of unemployment rather than the solution. Charles Murray’s “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

a. A key to why ‘poverty’ ceased to decline almost as soon as the ‘War on Poverty’ began, is that the poor and lower-income population stopped working, and this led to the other deteriorating social conditions Murray cites. In 1960, almost 2/3 of lowest-income households were headed by persons who worked. http://www2.census.gov/prod2/popscan/p60-080.pdf

b. By 1991, this number was down to only one third….and only 11% working full time. Nor was this due to being unable to find work, as the ‘80’s and ‘90’s were boom times.

4. With government welfare programs offering such generous and wide-ranging benefits, form housing to medical care to food stamps to outright cash, many reduce or eliminate their work effort. Proof? Sure.
The government conducted a study, 1971-1978 known as the Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment, or SIME-DIME, in which low income families were give a guaranteed income, a welfare package with everything liberal policy makers could hope for. Result: for every dollar of extra welfare given, low income recipients reduced their labor by 80 cents. http://www.policyarchive.org/handle/10207/bitstreams/12794.pdf

5.So.....why would devious politicians want to INCREASE UNEMPLOYMENT???

a. In 1934, William A. Wirt testified in Congress that officials of FDR's Agriculture Department planned on retarding economic recovery to speed the revolution, and so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image. "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... "....." The Washington Monthly

b. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwaAVJITx1Y]Obama civilian national security force. - YouTube[/ame]
The US and the western countries abandoned full employment as national policies after the Great Depression. I blame the monetarists – and their reactionary allies in Congress – for changing goal posts. The problem is, in their current state, modern capitalist economies simply cannot achieve full employment due to terrible macroeconomic policies.

A responsible policy would be for the government to spend enough to achieve full employment and steer around any bottlenecks in the overall economy. Most of these bottlenecks are directly responsible for most time periods of inflation during the modern era.

The US should no longer leverage unemployment to control inflation. This model is problematic to say the least. We should replace NAIRU with be a national employment buffer stock.
stupid conspiracy theory
Poor Uneducated Americans don't know that Socialism was quite popular World Wide in the 20's and 30's as a result of the devastation of WWI and after the rise of "Spiritualism" that followed the Civil War but that's another story.

Socialism was SO popular in fact that a famous National Socialist was Time Magazines' "Man of the Year". Google that!
So the problem with the unemployed is a plot in the 1930's to give unemployed welfare to make them lazy and that way a Soviet styled Bolshevism govt. could take over the US govt.?
Talk about your meandering mind of a journalists starving for readers so he can pay to have his butt massaged in bed.
Socialism was SO popular in fact that a famous National Socialist was Time Magazines' "Man of the Year". Google that!

Hitler being Man of the Year had nothing to do with Socialism being popular.

Hitler wasn't a Socialist.

Let's see if Hyrcamajerk is educable:

Hitler was a National SOCIALIST....

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... Communism....international socialism.

"Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred. A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right."
WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

Since we're buds, I'll just call you 'jerk'......OK?
So the problem with the unemployed is a plot in the 1930's to give unemployed welfare to make them lazy and that way a Soviet styled Bolshevism govt. could take over the US govt.?
Talk about your meandering mind of a journalists starving for readers so he can pay to have his butt massaged in bed.

Did you miss this part of the OP?

" In 1934, William A. Wirt testified in Congress that officials of FDR's Agriculture Department planned on retarding economic recovery to speed the revolution, and so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image. "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... "....." The Washington Monthly"

You know that it is a fact that FDR's program retarded recovery....don't you?

Actually, the dots connect nicely.

a. The psychological effect of unemployment

b. The use of that effect, the crisis, to manipulate the electorate...

c. FDR shredded the Constitution....and got away with it due to a & b above.

d. Obama using Keynesian Stimulus as a pretense....it is known not to be as successful as cutting spending...

e. The vid is the kicker!

Now....don't tell me that a smart guy like you, Drop-Draws, was taken in by propaganda???

Check out what all these Republicans are applauding.

With 3.8 million jobs unfilled, and Republicans calling the president a snob for wanting education to be available for all Americans and Republicans trying to vote into office a "pioneer of outsourcing", then YES, unemployment is planned. But only by Republicans.

Millions of jobs go unfilled - skills shortage

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Without an educated workforce, business will simply move overseas where the government actually supports their citizens. Who do Republicans hate more? The government or the US Middle Class?
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..Without an educated workforce, business will simply move overseas where the government actually supports their citizens. Who do Republicans hate more? The government or the US Middle Class?

by their actions, its clear they hate the American people.
If Keynes doesn't work what is the proven method of preventing or curing recessions/depressions? That was proven method not theory, not I think it will work, or let's try this, but proven method?

Check out what all these Republicans are applauding.

With 3.8 million jobs unfilled, and Republicans calling the president a snob for wanting education to be available for all Americans and Republicans trying to vote into office a "pioneer of outsourcing", then YES, unemployment is planned. But only by Republicans.

Millions of jobs go unfilled - skills shortage

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Without an educated workforce, business will simply move overseas where the government actually supports their citizens. Who do Republicans hate more? The government or the US Middle Class?

Thanks, deanie.....

I appreciate the vid.....made a lot of sense!

BTW.....while you're here......did you happen to read the OP?

Pretty good, huh?
If Keynes doesn't work what is the proven method of preventing or curing recessions/depressions? That was proven method not theory, not I think it will work, or let's try this, but proven method?

When you consider what Republicans did to help this country in the 50's and how well it worked, "every man for himself" and "drown government in a bathtub" isn't "conservative". It's "radical" and "deranged".
When you consider what Republicans did to help this country in the 50's and how well it worked, "every man for himself" and "drown government in a bathtub" isn't "conservative". It's "radical" and "deranged".

and anti-American.

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