Is USMB hate speech?


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
So leftists, unlike the leftist media, schools and universities and other public venues, this board is allowing hate groups like the Republican party, libertarians and anarchists to freely voice our views. Hate speech like this isn't protected by the Constitution, right? That's what you keep telling us. Should it be shut down or at least regulated? Could it be saved when you take over and silence us?
Let it flow. Everyone should say what they really think. Let the chips fall where they may...
So leftists, unlike the leftist media, schools and universities and other public venues, this board is allowing hate groups like the Republican party, libertarians and anarchists to freely voice our views. Hate speech like this isn't protected by the Constitution, right? That's what you keep telling us. Should it be shut down or at least regulated? Could it be saved when you take over and silence us?

All speech is Constitutionally protected. That does not preclude penalties for damages precipitated by your speech.

For example, you can yell "Fire" in a crowded theater all you like. If people just sit there and laugh, there are no damages, ergo no penalty.

If they panic and people are injured, you're liable.
Let it flow. Everyone should say what they really think. Let the chips fall where they may...
Yep. While some want to control expression, it's the best indicator of what people are thinking. A "free" country needs that.
The far right would shut down the opposition if it could.

It can't.

Let both sides whale away here.

That is all American in theory, practice, and history.
So leftists, unlike the leftist media, schools and universities and other public venues, this board is allowing hate groups like the Republican party, libertarians and anarchists to freely voice our views. Hate speech like this isn't protected by the Constitution, right? That's what you keep telling us. Should it be shut down or at least regulated? Could it be saved when you take over and silence us?

I don't know. I'll consider your post as soon as I finish reading all these old Steve McRacist threads.
It doesn't get much hatier than USMB, at least online.
bullshit lol
There are some forums out there that make this place look like a safe space for intellectual honesty.

You’re right about that. I didn’t know how good this place was until I took my sabbatical

That being said, I do wonder why they allow some posts/posters to remain here when it is clear that there is little to be gained from their input. Yes, I know, some hold that opinion about me too.
The far right would shut down the opposition if it could.

It can't.

Let both sides whale away here.

That is all American in theory, practice, and history.
Your record at prediction precludes you from speculating “what might be”, or what “so, and so would do”; Mr. No path to victory...
The far right would shut down the opposition if it could.

It can't.

Let both sides whale away here.

That is all American in theory, practice, and history.
Your record at prediction precludes you from speculating “what might be”, or what “so, and so would do”; Mr. No path to victory...
I got 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014 right. I was wrong on Moore. :p I was right on almost every election since last fall.

I am far better than the average far right predictor.
So leftists, unlike the leftist media, schools and universities and other public venues, this board is allowing hate groups like the Republican party, libertarians and anarchists to freely voice our views. Hate speech like this isn't protected by the Constitution, right? That's what you keep telling us. Should it be shut down or at least regulated? Could it be saved when you take over and silence us?

This is a voluntary meeting space that is minimal controlled by a small set of rules and some Mods. There are people that engage in "hate speech" but that is not against the law
It doesn't get much hatier than USMB, at least online.
bullshit lol
There are some forums out there that make this place look like a safe space for intellectual honesty.
That's probably a fair point.

Frankly, anything worse than this, I don't wanna know.

Yea, ya do lol. I have a funny story.
So, i got referred to this "conservative" forum when i first started doing this forum stuff.
I joined and immediately knew they were all boring hacks. Every one of them were saying the same shit and circle jerking like they were watching jennifer aniston and selma hayek going at it.
Kim Davis ordeal in KY just happened and they were praising her. I popped in with my opinion of her being trash and violating her oath of office and shit.
A mod immediately PMed me and said i need to admit being a "liberal" or i will get banned. Its ok to be a liberal, but i need to identify myself he said LOL
I said i wasnt liberal or conservative. He called me a liar and said I had one more chance to admit the truth. I told him he had tunnel vision and needed to grow the fuck up. I was perma pinked :lol:
I laughed my ass off
It doesn't get much hatier than USMB, at least online.
bullshit lol
There are some forums out there that make this place look like a safe space for intellectual honesty.
That's probably a fair point.

Frankly, anything worse than this, I don't wanna know.

Yea, ya do lol. I have a funny story.
So, i got referred to this "conservative" forum when i first started doing this forum stuff.
I joined and immediately knew they were all boring hacks. Every one of them were saying the same shit and circle jerking like they were watching jennifer aniston and selma hayek going at it.
Kim Davis ordeal in KY just happened and they were praising her. I popped in with my opinion of her being trash and violating her oath of office and shit.
A mod immediately PMed me and said i need to admit being a "liberal" or i will get banned. Its ok to be a liberal, but i need to identify myself he said LOL
I said i wasnt liberal or conservative. He called me a liar and said I had one more chance to admit the truth. I told him he had tunnel vision and needed to grow the fuck up. I was perma pinked :lol:
I laughed my ass off
Jennifer Aniston and Selma Hayek going at it?


Um, anyway, I believe that, for sure. And one of those guys accusing someone else of tunnel vision, too fuckin' funny.
It doesn't get much hatier than USMB, at least online.
bullshit lol
There are some forums out there that make this place look like a safe space for intellectual honesty.
That's probably a fair point.

Frankly, anything worse than this, I don't wanna know.

Yea, ya do lol. I have a funny story.
So, i got referred to this "conservative" forum when i first started doing this forum stuff.
I joined and immediately knew they were all boring hacks. Every one of them were saying the same shit and circle jerking like they were watching jennifer aniston and selma hayek going at it.
Kim Davis ordeal in KY just happened and they were praising her. I popped in with my opinion of her being trash and violating her oath of office and shit.
A mod immediately PMed me and said i need to admit being a "liberal" or i will get banned. Its ok to be a liberal, but i need to identify myself he said LOL
I said i wasnt liberal or conservative. He called me a liar and said I had one more chance to admit the truth. I told him he had tunnel vision and needed to grow the fuck up. I was perma pinked :lol:
I laughed my ass off
I always knew you were a hillary and obama and ted kenedy lover. Yup, I'd say ban you now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reported..................................................................................................twice...................
When you have the leader of the free world advocating and supporting treason, violence, corruption and hate speech, what in the hell do you expect from its people?

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