Is "White Guilt" rooted in Puritanism?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I came across this summary of the Puritan religion. Wow that is one harsh religion! Check out these guidelines, no wonder people ditched Puritanism the stress must have been horrible. Particularly Note the underlined sentence in Unconditional Election:

Puritan Concepts:
Original Sin. Because Adam sinned, every human is born sinful. This concept of Original Sin has no exceptions; in Michael Wigglesworth's poem "The Day of Doom," even babies who died at birth were condemned to hell (if that fate had been predestined for them). Redemption requires the preliminary overwhelming consciousness of one's own sinful nature.
Unconditional Election. God "saves" those he wishes, the doctrine of predestination. Because God is all-knowing, He already knows the final destination of every soul. Although all "deserve" to go to hell because of original sin, God in his mercy has chosen to save a few. However, a person cannot be totally certain of his or her Election, and thus must constantly examine his or her life and motives to see if they show signs of God's grace.
Limited Atonement. Jesus died for the chosen Elect only, those predestined for heaven, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace. God's grace, or merciful love, is freely given (to the Elect) but it cannot be earned or resisted. A person cannot "work" his or her way into heaven. However, if truly saved, he or she will want to live as a saint.
Perseverance of the "Saints." The Elect have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly.
Do you see the similarity between Unconditional Election and the White Guilt of today? The White Guiltists have to constantly apologize for their inherent Racism and the Racism of their ancestors. And even still they may be called out as a Racist by a virtuous Bronze skinned one. They must then redouble their efforts to prove that they have risen above their original sin of being a White Racist. But alas even that may not be enough.
all of mankind is guilty of sin and it has always been that way.

the fundamental premise of christianity deals with mankinds depravity and offers the solution.

the big mistake the liberals make in their quest to be morally superior is to promote things that only makes everything worse.

Racism as they define it, being a prime example. a useless word which is used as a political tool to try and demonize their opponents as well as to create chaos and destroy america--though they do not understand what they are doing. they have convinced themselves they are the righteous ones as in being followers of the father of all lies--satan himself.

Liberalism: a Demonic Deception & Satanic Takeover in American Thinking
I came across this summary of the Puritan religion. Wow that is one harsh religion! Check out these guidelines, no wonder people ditched Puritanism the stress must have been horrible. Particularly Note the underlined sentence in Unconditional Election:

Puritan Concepts:
Original Sin. Because Adam sinned, every human is born sinful. This concept of Original Sin has no exceptions; in Michael Wigglesworth's poem "The Day of Doom," even babies who died at birth were condemned to hell (if that fate had been predestined for them). Redemption requires the preliminary overwhelming consciousness of one's own sinful nature.
Unconditional Election. God "saves" those he wishes, the doctrine of predestination. Because God is all-knowing, He already knows the final destination of every soul. Although all "deserve" to go to hell because of original sin, God in his mercy has chosen to save a few. However, a person cannot be totally certain of his or her Election, and thus must constantly examine his or her life and motives to see if they show signs of God's grace.
Limited Atonement
. Jesus died for the chosen Elect only, those predestined for heaven, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace. God's grace, or merciful love, is freely given (to the Elect) but it cannot be earned or resisted. A person cannot "work" his or her way into heaven. However, if truly saved, he or she will want to live as a saint.
Perseverance of the "Saints." The Elect have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly.
Do you see the similarity between Unconditional Election and the White Guilt of today? The White Guiltists have to constantly apologize for their inherent Racism and the Racism of their ancestors. And even still they may be called out as a Racist by a virtuous Bronze skinned one. They must then redouble their efforts to prove that they have risen above their original sin of being a White Racist. But alas even that may not be enough.

That religion destroys incentive to improve. If I am either pre-destined to be worthy of heaven or not, why strive towards working to better myself? Why bother striving to actually become a decent, honorable person in terms of my actions and how I treat others if my behavior is irrelevant and is to be dismissed and rationalized away by disparaging my assumed motives by saying I'm "only trying to work my way into heaven"?

Ideas that destroy incentive and discourage working towards a positive goal do not tend to bring success and happiness in my experience.
I came across this summary of the Puritan religion. Wow that is one harsh religion! Check out these guidelines, no wonder people ditched Puritanism the stress must have been horrible. Particularly Note the underlined sentence in Unconditional Election:

Puritan Concepts:
Original Sin. Because Adam sinned, every human is born sinful. This concept of Original Sin has no exceptions; in Michael Wigglesworth's poem "The Day of Doom," even babies who died at birth were condemned to hell (if that fate had been predestined for them). Redemption requires the preliminary overwhelming consciousness of one's own sinful nature.
Unconditional Election. God "saves" those he wishes, the doctrine of predestination. Because God is all-knowing, He already knows the final destination of every soul. Although all "deserve" to go to hell because of original sin, God in his mercy has chosen to save a few. However, a person cannot be totally certain of his or her Election, and thus must constantly examine his or her life and motives to see if they show signs of God's grace.
Limited Atonement
. Jesus died for the chosen Elect only, those predestined for heaven, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace. God's grace, or merciful love, is freely given (to the Elect) but it cannot be earned or resisted. A person cannot "work" his or her way into heaven. However, if truly saved, he or she will want to live as a saint.
Perseverance of the "Saints." The Elect have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly.
Do you see the similarity between Unconditional Election and the White Guilt of today? The White Guiltists have to constantly apologize for their inherent Racism and the Racism of their ancestors. And even still they may be called out as a Racist by a virtuous Bronze skinned one. They must then redouble their efforts to prove that they have risen above their original sin of being a White Racist. But alas even that may not be enough.

That religion destroys incentive to improve. If I am either pre-destined to be worthy of heaven or not, why strive towards working to better myself? Why bother striving to actually become a decent, honorable person in terms of my actions and how I treat others if my behavior is irrelevant and is to be dismissed and rationalized away by disparaging my assumed motives by saying I'm "only trying to work my way into heaven"?

Ideas that destroy incentive and discourage working towards a positive goal do not tend to bring success and happiness in my experience.

You are in error though it is a quite common one for those who have not studied the Holy Scriptures.

The essence of your mistake being you rely too much on human intelligence which simply cannot comprehend the awesome intelligence and greatness of the CREATOR blessed be his name of which we are not even worthy to mention.

The Lord understands all and knows all. humans cannot in their lowly logic understand how the Lord can give free will but at the same time know exactly how each of us will use that free will.

Thus it is up to you as in you are responsible for what you do no matter what. we all have free will, we can choose to do good or evil and we cannot blame the Lord for our sins. We are all responsible and will be held accountable for what we do or do not do.
I came across this summary of the Puritan religion. Wow that is one harsh religion! Check out these guidelines, no wonder people ditched Puritanism the stress must have been horrible. Particularly Note the underlined sentence in Unconditional Election:

Puritan Concepts:
Original Sin. Because Adam sinned, every human is born sinful. This concept of Original Sin has no exceptions; in Michael Wigglesworth's poem "The Day of Doom," even babies who died at birth were condemned to hell (if that fate had been predestined for them). Redemption requires the preliminary overwhelming consciousness of one's own sinful nature.
Unconditional Election. God "saves" those he wishes, the doctrine of predestination. Because God is all-knowing, He already knows the final destination of every soul. Although all "deserve" to go to hell because of original sin, God in his mercy has chosen to save a few. However, a person cannot be totally certain of his or her Election, and thus must constantly examine his or her life and motives to see if they show signs of God's grace.
Limited Atonement
. Jesus died for the chosen Elect only, those predestined for heaven, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace. God's grace, or merciful love, is freely given (to the Elect) but it cannot be earned or resisted. A person cannot "work" his or her way into heaven. However, if truly saved, he or she will want to live as a saint.
Perseverance of the "Saints." The Elect have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly.
Do you see the similarity between Unconditional Election and the White Guilt of today? The White Guiltists have to constantly apologize for their inherent Racism and the Racism of their ancestors. And even still they may be called out as a Racist by a virtuous Bronze skinned one. They must then redouble their efforts to prove that they have risen above their original sin of being a White Racist. But alas even that may not be enough.

That religion destroys incentive to improve. If I am either pre-destined to be worthy of heaven or not, why strive towards working to better myself? Why bother striving to actually become a decent, honorable person in terms of my actions and how I treat others if my behavior is irrelevant and is to be dismissed and rationalized away by disparaging my assumed motives by saying I'm "only trying to work my way into heaven"?

Ideas that destroy incentive and discourage working towards a positive goal do not tend to bring success and happiness in my experience.

You are in error though it is a quite common one for those who have not studied the Holy Scriptures.

The essence of your mistake being you rely too much on human intelligence which simply cannot comprehend the awesome intelligence and greatness of the CREATOR blessed be his name of which we are not even worthy to mention.

The Lord understands all and knows all. humans cannot in their lowly logic understand how the Lord can give free will but at the same time know exactly how each of us will use that free will.

Thus it is up to you as in you are responsible for what you do no matter what. we all have free will, we can choose to do good or evil and we cannot blame the Lord for our sins. We are all responsible and will be held accountable for what we do or do not do.
I am curious. How do you believe we will be held accountable? And how can you have the concept of final accountability and at the same time offer total forgiveness for all of your sins if only you believe in God? The example I always remember is the criminal who was hung on a cross next to Jesus. I may not be remembering it correctly but I believe Jesus said if you repent for your sins and believe in me, then you will have eternal life in heaven.
I came across this summary of the Puritan religion. Wow that is one harsh religion! Check out these guidelines, no wonder people ditched Puritanism the stress must have been horrible. Particularly Note the underlined sentence in Unconditional Election:

Puritan Concepts:
Original Sin. Because Adam sinned, every human is born sinful. This concept of Original Sin has no exceptions; in Michael Wigglesworth's poem "The Day of Doom," even babies who died at birth were condemned to hell (if that fate had been predestined for them). Redemption requires the preliminary overwhelming consciousness of one's own sinful nature.
Unconditional Election. God "saves" those he wishes, the doctrine of predestination. Because God is all-knowing, He already knows the final destination of every soul. Although all "deserve" to go to hell because of original sin, God in his mercy has chosen to save a few. However, a person cannot be totally certain of his or her Election, and thus must constantly examine his or her life and motives to see if they show signs of God's grace.
Limited Atonement
. Jesus died for the chosen Elect only, those predestined for heaven, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace. God's grace, or merciful love, is freely given (to the Elect) but it cannot be earned or resisted. A person cannot "work" his or her way into heaven. However, if truly saved, he or she will want to live as a saint.
Perseverance of the "Saints." The Elect have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly.
Do you see the similarity between Unconditional Election and the White Guilt of today? The White Guiltists have to constantly apologize for their inherent Racism and the Racism of their ancestors. And even still they may be called out as a Racist by a virtuous Bronze skinned one. They must then redouble their efforts to prove that they have risen above their original sin of being a White Racist. But alas even that may not be enough.

That religion destroys incentive to improve. If I am either pre-destined to be worthy of heaven or not, why strive towards working to better myself? Why bother striving to actually become a decent, honorable person in terms of my actions and how I treat others if my behavior is irrelevant and is to be dismissed and rationalized away by disparaging my assumed motives by saying I'm "only trying to work my way into heaven"?

Ideas that destroy incentive and discourage working towards a positive goal do not tend to bring success and happiness in my experience.

You are in error though it is a quite common one for those who have not studied the Holy Scriptures.

The essence of your mistake being you rely too much on human intelligence which simply cannot comprehend the awesome intelligence and greatness of the CREATOR blessed be his name of which we are not even worthy to mention.

The Lord understands all and knows all. humans cannot in their lowly logic understand how the Lord can give free will but at the same time know exactly how each of us will use that free will.

Thus it is up to you as in you are responsible for what you do no matter what. we all have free will, we can choose to do good or evil and we cannot blame the Lord for our sins. We are all responsible and will be held accountable for what we do or do not do.

No, you appear to be in error. If it is pre-written whether or not I will be worthy of heaven, I can make whatever choices I want and it will not matter. I can go through life doing whatever I like and simply repent on my deathbed and ultimately ask what it says in the book.

Good post,
I don't know how so many Republicans think they are their friends.
Tim Wise one of those tribes people,
been instrumental in pushing White guilt into the mainstream.
Another one of those tribes people.
Jared Diamond too wrote books on how Whiteys just got lucky & were violent, basically heavily related to White guilt.
They run the game man. Everybody knows it...the Jews will even tell you they run this bitch...but NO ONE else is permitted to say it. It's fkn hilarious to watch all these non-Jew, normie cucks (Rep & Dem), jump through their collective assholes to defend them.
I came across this summary of the Puritan religion. Wow that is one harsh religion! Check out these guidelines, no wonder people ditched Puritanism the stress must have been horrible. Particularly Note the underlined sentence in Unconditional Election:

Puritan Concepts:
Original Sin. Because Adam sinned, every human is born sinful. This concept of Original Sin has no exceptions; in Michael Wigglesworth's poem "The Day of Doom," even babies who died at birth were condemned to hell (if that fate had been predestined for them). Redemption requires the preliminary overwhelming consciousness of one's own sinful nature.
Unconditional Election. God "saves" those he wishes, the doctrine of predestination. Because God is all-knowing, He already knows the final destination of every soul. Although all "deserve" to go to hell because of original sin, God in his mercy has chosen to save a few. However, a person cannot be totally certain of his or her Election, and thus must constantly examine his or her life and motives to see if they show signs of God's grace.
Limited Atonement
. Jesus died for the chosen Elect only, those predestined for heaven, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace. God's grace, or merciful love, is freely given (to the Elect) but it cannot be earned or resisted. A person cannot "work" his or her way into heaven. However, if truly saved, he or she will want to live as a saint.
Perseverance of the "Saints." The Elect have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly.
Do you see the similarity between Unconditional Election and the White Guilt of today? The White Guiltists have to constantly apologize for their inherent Racism and the Racism of their ancestors. And even still they may be called out as a Racist by a virtuous Bronze skinned one. They must then redouble their efforts to prove that they have risen above their original sin of being a White Racist. But alas even that may not be enough.

That religion destroys incentive to improve. If I am either pre-destined to be worthy of heaven or not, why strive towards working to better myself? Why bother striving to actually become a decent, honorable person in terms of my actions and how I treat others if my behavior is irrelevant and is to be dismissed and rationalized away by disparaging my assumed motives by saying I'm "only trying to work my way into heaven"?

Ideas that destroy incentive and discourage working towards a positive goal do not tend to bring success and happiness in my experience.

You are in error though it is a quite common one for those who have not studied the Holy Scriptures.

The essence of your mistake being you rely too much on human intelligence which simply cannot comprehend the awesome intelligence and greatness of the CREATOR blessed be his name of which we are not even worthy to mention.

The Lord understands all and knows all. humans cannot in their lowly logic understand how the Lord can give free will but at the same time know exactly how each of us will use that free will.

Thus it is up to you as in you are responsible for what you do no matter what. we all have free will, we can choose to do good or evil and we cannot blame the Lord for our sins. We are all responsible and will be held accountable for what we do or do not do.

No, you appear to be in error. If it is pre-written whether or not I will be worthy of heaven, I can make whatever choices I want and it will not matter. I can go through life doing whatever I like and simply repent on my deathbed and ultimately ask what it says in the book.

Yes...if you repent you will be saved...of that part you are correct. However, everyone will face the Lord on judgement day and give account and be held accountable for all you have said and done.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

The Case For Unequal Reward in Heaven
There are many good Biblical reasons to believe there are different levels of reward in Heaven. Orthodox Christianity does teach faith alone saves us. But Christianity also teaches our salvation is not the same as our reward. We serve an equitable and fair King, who loves us and is also just and holy. Gracealone brings us into the kingdom. Nothing we can do on our own can ever ‘earn’ this for us:

Are There Different Degrees of Reward in Heaven? | Cold Case Christianity

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Good post,
I don't know how so many Republicans think they are their friends.
Tim Wise one of those tribes people,
been instrumental in pushing White guilt into the mainstream.
Another one of those tribes people.
Jared Diamond too wrote books on how Whiteys just got lucky & were violent, basically heavily related to White guilt.
They run the game man. Everybody knows it...the Jews will even tell you they run this bitch...but NO ONE else is permitted to say it. It's fkn hilarious to watch all these non-Jew, normie cucks (Rep & Dem), jump through their collective assholes to defend them.

Genesis 12:1-3 tells us that the Lord will bless those who bless the children of Abraham, and He will curse those who curse the children of Abraham. Those who have cursed Israel have, sadly, found themselves facing great pain and suffering. Those who have tried to divide the Land again and again have found themselves both causing but also experiencing great pain and suffering.

For many, these are not easy truths to hear or to hold…..but God in His love and fairness puts us on notice that there are consequences to rejecting these truths.

Good post,
I don't know how so many Republicans think they are their friends.
Tim Wise one of those tribes people,
been instrumental in pushing White guilt into the mainstream.
Another one of those tribes people.
Jared Diamond too wrote books on how Whiteys just got lucky & were violent, basically heavily related to White guilt.
They run the game man. Everybody knows it...the Jews will even tell you they run this bitch...but NO ONE else is permitted to say it. It's fkn hilarious to watch all these non-Jew, normie cucks (Rep & Dem), jump through their collective assholes to defend them.

Genesis 12:1-3 tells us that the Lord will bless those who bless the children of Abraham, and He will curse those who curse the children of Abraham. Those who have cursed Israel have, sadly, found themselves facing great pain and suffering. Those who have tried to divide the Land again and again have found themselves both causing but also experiencing great pain and suffering.

For many, these are not easy truths to hear or to hold…..but God in His love and fairness puts us on notice that there are consequences to rejecting these truths.

A matter of semantics, a bunch of people rejecting Christ, and thinking Christ is boiling in their Hell, or Gehenna in excrement certainly aren't the Chosen people by God.
the fake ones, the ones who speak a German dialect,
hijacked such terms, and of course really dumb Protestants fall for such nonsense.

The truth is probably Catholics are the real Chosen people, and the real fulfillment of Abraham.
I came across this summary of the Puritan religion. Wow that is one harsh religion! Check out these guidelines, no wonder people ditched Puritanism the stress must have been horrible. Particularly Note the underlined sentence in Unconditional Election:

Puritan Concepts:
Original Sin. Because Adam sinned, every human is born sinful. This concept of Original Sin has no exceptions; in Michael Wigglesworth's poem "The Day of Doom," even babies who died at birth were condemned to hell (if that fate had been predestined for them). Redemption requires the preliminary overwhelming consciousness of one's own sinful nature.
Unconditional Election. God "saves" those he wishes, the doctrine of predestination. Because God is all-knowing, He already knows the final destination of every soul. Although all "deserve" to go to hell because of original sin, God in his mercy has chosen to save a few. However, a person cannot be totally certain of his or her Election, and thus must constantly examine his or her life and motives to see if they show signs of God's grace.
Limited Atonement
. Jesus died for the chosen Elect only, those predestined for heaven, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace. God's grace, or merciful love, is freely given (to the Elect) but it cannot be earned or resisted. A person cannot "work" his or her way into heaven. However, if truly saved, he or she will want to live as a saint.
Perseverance of the "Saints." The Elect have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly.
Do you see the similarity between Unconditional Election and the White Guilt of today? The White Guiltists have to constantly apologize for their inherent Racism and the Racism of their ancestors. And even still they may be called out as a Racist by a virtuous Bronze skinned one. They must then redouble their efforts to prove that they have risen above their original sin of being a White Racist. But alas even that may not be enough.

That religion destroys incentive to improve. If I am either pre-destined to be worthy of heaven or not, why strive towards working to better myself? Why bother striving to actually become a decent, honorable person in terms of my actions and how I treat others if my behavior is irrelevant and is to be dismissed and rationalized away by disparaging my assumed motives by saying I'm "only trying to work my way into heaven"?

Ideas that destroy incentive and discourage working towards a positive goal do not tend to bring success and happiness in my experience.

You are in error though it is a quite common one for those who have not studied the Holy Scriptures.

The essence of your mistake being you rely too much on human intelligence which simply cannot comprehend the awesome intelligence and greatness of the CREATOR blessed be his name of which we are not even worthy to mention.

The Lord understands all and knows all. humans cannot in their lowly logic understand how the Lord can give free will but at the same time know exactly how each of us will use that free will.

Thus it is up to you as in you are responsible for what you do no matter what. we all have free will, we can choose to do good or evil and we cannot blame the Lord for our sins. We are all responsible and will be held accountable for what we do or do not do.
I am curious. How do you believe we will be held accountable? And how can you have the concept of final accountability and at the same time offer total forgiveness for all of your sins if only you believe in God? The example I always remember is the criminal who was hung on a cross next to Jesus. I may not be remembering it correctly but I believe Jesus said if you repent for your sins and believe in me, then you will have eternal life in heaven.

Good post,
I don't know how so many Republicans think they are their friends.
Tim Wise one of those tribes people,
been instrumental in pushing White guilt into the mainstream.
Another one of those tribes people.
Jared Diamond too wrote books on how Whiteys just got lucky & were violent, basically heavily related to White guilt.
They run the game man. Everybody knows it...the Jews will even tell you they run this bitch...but NO ONE else is permitted to say it. It's fkn hilarious to watch all these non-Jew, normie cucks (Rep & Dem), jump through their collective assholes to defend them.

Genesis 12:1-3 tells us that the Lord will bless those who bless the children of Abraham, and He will curse those who curse the children of Abraham. Those who have cursed Israel have, sadly, found themselves facing great pain and suffering. Those who have tried to divide the Land again and again have found themselves both causing but also experiencing great pain and suffering.

For many, these are not easy truths to hear or to hold…..but God in His love and fairness puts us on notice that there are consequences to rejecting these truths.

A matter of semantics, a bunch of people rejecting Christ, and thinking Christ is boiling in their Hell, or Gehenna in excrement certainly aren't the Chosen people by God.
the fake ones, the ones who speak a German dialect,
hijacked such terms, and of course really dumb Protestants fall for such nonsense.

The truth is probably Catholics are the real Chosen people, and the real fulfillment of Abraham.

The Bible indicates that Jews would be a sinful people when they return to the Land in the last days. Only after they return, the Bible teaches, will the Holy Spirit be poured out upon the Jewish people in an increasingly significant way (Ezekiel 39:29 and Joel 2:28-32 — or Joel chapter 3 in Hebrew Bibles). Only then will a growing number of Jewish people will repent and return to a personal relationship with the Lord. Jesus said in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 that there would be “wars and rumors of wars” and “revolutions” and “lawlessness” in the last days. Certainly, the rebirth of Israel — while prophetic and God-ordained — has come with wars, rumors of war, revolutions, sins, and even crimes committed by some Arabs as well as some Jews.

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More likely rooted in the 20th century guilt trip of existentialism. Hippies wandered around the U.S. for decades whining about their bad luck to be born in the greatest Country on the face of the earth while H'wood moguls made money promoting the concept.
The Kingdom of God.

  • The Kingdom of God will be established on earth when Jesus returns. The time that the Kingdom is established will be after Christ’s return to earth. Revelation 11:15 states: “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’” Jesus told His disciples that when the Kingdom was established, they would “sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matthew 19:28, also compare Luke 22:30).

What Is the Kingdom of God?
I came across this summary of the Puritan religion. Wow that is one harsh religion! Check out these guidelines, no wonder people ditched Puritanism the stress must have been horrible. Particularly Note the underlined sentence in Unconditional Election:

Puritan Concepts:
Original Sin. Because Adam sinned, every human is born sinful. This concept of Original Sin has no exceptions; in Michael Wigglesworth's poem "The Day of Doom," even babies who died at birth were condemned to hell (if that fate had been predestined for them). Redemption requires the preliminary overwhelming consciousness of one's own sinful nature.
Unconditional Election. God "saves" those he wishes, the doctrine of predestination. Because God is all-knowing, He already knows the final destination of every soul. Although all "deserve" to go to hell because of original sin, God in his mercy has chosen to save a few. However, a person cannot be totally certain of his or her Election, and thus must constantly examine his or her life and motives to see if they show signs of God's grace.
Limited Atonement
. Jesus died for the chosen Elect only, those predestined for heaven, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace. God's grace, or merciful love, is freely given (to the Elect) but it cannot be earned or resisted. A person cannot "work" his or her way into heaven. However, if truly saved, he or she will want to live as a saint.
Perseverance of the "Saints." The Elect have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly.
Do you see the similarity between Unconditional Election and the White Guilt of today? The White Guiltists have to constantly apologize for their inherent Racism and the Racism of their ancestors. And even still they may be called out as a Racist by a virtuous Bronze skinned one. They must then redouble their efforts to prove that they have risen above their original sin of being a White Racist. But alas even that may not be enough.

That religion destroys incentive to improve. If I am either pre-destined to be worthy of heaven or not, why strive towards working to better myself? Why bother striving to actually become a decent, honorable person in terms of my actions and how I treat others if my behavior is irrelevant and is to be dismissed and rationalized away by disparaging my assumed motives by saying I'm "only trying to work my way into heaven"?

Ideas that destroy incentive and discourage working towards a positive goal do not tend to bring success and happiness in my experience.

You are in error though it is a quite common one for those who have not studied the Holy Scriptures.

The essence of your mistake being you rely too much on human intelligence which simply cannot comprehend the awesome intelligence and greatness of the CREATOR blessed be his name of which we are not even worthy to mention.

The Lord understands all and knows all. humans cannot in their lowly logic understand how the Lord can give free will but at the same time know exactly how each of us will use that free will.

Thus it is up to you as in you are responsible for what you do no matter what. we all have free will, we can choose to do good or evil and we cannot blame the Lord for our sins. We are all responsible and will be held accountable for what we do or do not do.
I am curious. How do you believe we will be held accountable? And how can you have the concept of final accountability and at the same time offer total forgiveness for all of your sins if only you believe in God? The example I always remember is the criminal who was hung on a cross next to Jesus. I may not be remembering it correctly but I believe Jesus said if you repent for your sins and believe in me, then you will have eternal life in heaven.

Good post,
I don't know how so many Republicans think they are their friends.
Tim Wise one of those tribes people,
been instrumental in pushing White guilt into the mainstream.
Another one of those tribes people.
Jared Diamond too wrote books on how Whiteys just got lucky & were violent, basically heavily related to White guilt.
They run the game man. Everybody knows it...the Jews will even tell you they run this bitch...but NO ONE else is permitted to say it. It's fkn hilarious to watch all these non-Jew, normie cucks (Rep & Dem), jump through their collective assholes to defend them.

Genesis 12:1-3 tells us that the Lord will bless those who bless the children of Abraham, and He will curse those who curse the children of Abraham. Those who have cursed Israel have, sadly, found themselves facing great pain and suffering. Those who have tried to divide the Land again and again have found themselves both causing but also experiencing great pain and suffering.

For many, these are not easy truths to hear or to hold…..but God in His love and fairness puts us on notice that there are consequences to rejecting these truths.

A matter of semantics, a bunch of people rejecting Christ, and thinking Christ is boiling in their Hell, or Gehenna in excrement certainly aren't the Chosen people by God.
the fake ones, the ones who speak a German dialect,
hijacked such terms, and of course really dumb Protestants fall for such nonsense.

The truth is probably Catholics are the real Chosen people, and the real fulfillment of Abraham.

The Bible indicates that Jews would be a sinful people when they return to the Land in the last days. Only after they return, the Bible teaches, will the Holy Spirit be poured out upon the Jewish people in an increasingly significant way (Ezekiel 39:29 and Joel 2:28-32 — or Joel chapter 3 in Hebrew Bibles). Only then will a growing number of Jewish people will repent and return to a personal relationship with the Lord. Jesus said in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 that there would be “wars and rumors of wars” and “revolutions” and “lawlessness” in the last days. Certainly, the rebirth of Israel — while prophetic and God-ordained — has come with wars, rumors of war, revolutions, sins, and even crimes committed by some Arabs as well as some Jews.


Maybe Mizrahi,
but, I think of the Ashkenazi are the Syn@gogue of S@t@n.
More likely rooted in the 20th century guilt trip of existentialism. Hippies wandered around the U.S. for decades whining about their bad luck to be born in the greatest Country on the face of the earth while H'wood moguls made money promoting the concept.

one can guess and conjecture about any and everything under the sun. if you want the truth consult and study the holy scriptures.
More likely rooted in the 20th century guilt trip of existentialism. Hippies wandered around the U.S. for decades whining about their bad luck to be born in the greatest Country on the face of the earth while H'wood moguls made money promoting the concept.

one can guess and conjecture about any and everything under the sun. if you want the truth consult and study the holy scriptures.
How long does it take to become an oracle?
More likely rooted in the 20th century guilt trip of existentialism. Hippies wandered around the U.S. for decades whining about their bad luck to be born in the greatest Country on the face of the earth while H'wood moguls made money promoting the concept.

one can guess and conjecture about any and everything under the sun. if you want the truth consult and study the holy scriptures.
How long does it take to become an oracle?

that would be unknown as in it would depend on the person as in how much he has studied the holy scriptures and how well he has understood them.

having said should not depend on a oracle, priest or anyone else for the truth. the holy scriptures are where one needs to go for the truth.

Proverbs 2:6

6 All wisdom comes from the Lord,
and so do common sense
and understanding.

John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

John 17:17 - Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

2 Corinthians 4:4 - In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Matthew 21:22 - And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

1 Corinthians 3:18 - Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

John 7:14-18 - Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. (Read More...)

Mark 7:7-9 - Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men. (Read More...)

1 John 1:6 - If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

1 Timothy 4:1 - Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Ephesians 4:15 - But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, [even] Christ:
More likely rooted in the 20th century guilt trip of existentialism. Hippies wandered around the U.S. for decades whining about their bad luck to be born in the greatest Country on the face of the earth while H'wood moguls made money promoting the concept.

one can guess and conjecture about any and everything under the sun. if you want the truth consult and study the holy scriptures.
How long does it take to become an oracle?

that would be unknown as in it would depend on the person as in how much he has studied the holy scriptures and how well he has understood them.

having said should not depend on a oracle, priest or anyone else for the truth. the holy scriptures are where one needs to go for the truth.

Proverbs 2:6

6 All wisdom comes from the Lord,
and so do common sense
and understanding.

John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

John 17:17 - Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

2 Corinthians 4:4 - In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Matthew 21:22 - And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

1 Corinthians 3:18 - Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

John 7:14-18 - Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. (Read More...)

Mark 7:7-9 - Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men. (Read More...)

1 John 1:6 - If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

1 Timothy 4:1 - Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Ephesians 4:15 - But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, [even] Christ:
Who gets to interpret the "truth"?

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