Is whoever wins the election screwed?

You're just a dumbfuck on the internet hiding behind the US military, that is all.:eusa_whistle:

Just shut the fuck up, idiot.

You have no clue about what threats are out there.

You think leaving Iraq and Afghanistan proves the DoD can shutdown for business. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are no problem for us or our allies.

What? Darth Vader is lurking out there with the Death Star?

:lol: guys had a turn at the wheel. What it get us?


I ain't hiding behind anything. I walk my dog daily in McCarren Park..Brooklyn. My pic is up on my profile.

Around 11:00 pm or so.
Dumbfuck, the Army and Navy are supported by the US Constitution, there is nothing in there about welfare programs, green energy scams, etc.

You are so fucking stupid, it is amazing you are not dead.

FYI....our DoD budget is around 6% of GDP compared to 34% under JFK. I'd say the DoD has taken enough cuts compared to the bloated Social Security scam that has no basis in the US Constitution and is the reason for our national debt out of control.

Wrong idiot, Democrats are already gutting the military right now. Liberals like you want to spend money on pork projects to buyoff votes and keep people reliant on Big Govt, so you will cut the DoD budget to get more, more and more money for your bullshit.

Obamination blew the wad on green energy scams, the porkulus, etc and now is asking the DoD to help with the problem of no money left after all that crap.

The military in it's current configuration is an abomination..and that's according to the US constitution.

Nothing in the constitution mandates an offensive military capable of knocking over other countries based on lies and greed.

We don't need a professional standing army.

What we need is a defensive force. We could get away with spending 100 billion on defense, easily. Our nuclear arsenal, natural barriers and navy assure no country..or coalition of countries would ever imagine invading this one.
Democrats had total power with a super majority.
For two years. I don't think things will be SUDDENLY be great should that occur this November. We are in a hole dug by GWB, and are only climbing out slowly.

And republicans had congressional majority and the presidency for what 6 years?

Same rules for congress as the presidency in this thread.

Repubs never had a super majority. You chumps had all 3 branches & total power. Dems failed to fix anything. EPIC FAIL!!!
Well muslims did kill 3,000 in NYC, PA and DC in 2001.....but that is a joke to you.

They've also killed thousands around the world via beheadings, car bombs, etc.

Meanwhile a fake preacher like you spends your Sunday mornings here ranting bullshit non-stop.:eusa_whistle:

Most right wingers are fear based.

Muslims gonna get us.
They gonna take our guns away!
Immigrants are taking our jobs!
Obama is going to ruin America!

and on and on.....
Gone, a radical Islamic SECT attacked while we were SLEEPING; the fight against al Qaeda got sidetracked into IRAQ. One of the biggest military blunders in US history; this was T. Roosevelt's "splendid little war".
Best way to get this country out of the problems it's in? Get rid of the people in Congress who are intentionally blocking legislation which would generate jobs.

The only thing this Congress which was led by Boehner has done is pass abortion bills (of which there are several ALREADY on the books).

Tell the truth? I see the GOP taking massive losses in the House and Senate with Obama being re-elected.

Bookmark this if you wish.

I don't see the GOP losing any ground. In fact, if they don't have the Senate after this upcoming election and the feckless job Harry Reid has done; they should disband. I thought, you swallow.

You're just a dumbfuck on the internet hiding behind the US military, that is all.:eusa_whistle:

What? Darth Vader is lurking out there with the Death Star?

:lol: guys had a turn at the wheel. What it get us?


I ain't hiding behind anything. I walk my dog daily in McCarren Park..Brooklyn. My pic is up on my profile.

Around 11:00 pm or so.
Well muslims did kill 3,000 in NYC, PA and DC in 2001.....but that is a joke to you.

They've also killed thousands around the world via beheadings, car bombs, etc.

Meanwhile a fake preacher like you spends your Sunday mornings here ranting bullshit non-stop.:eusa_whistle:

Most right wingers are fear based.

Muslims gonna get us.
They gonna take our guns away!
Immigrants are taking our jobs!
Obama is going to ruin America!

and on and on.....

Fake Preacher?


I am a self professed atheist.

there are however some fake Christians on here.

I am also a combat vet and own maybe 30 guns. and have a 1911 .45 ACP Remington Rand in a holster attached to my power chair with one in the chamber and 2 extra mags.
And both party's and WE ruined America.
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You can't even figure out the nuclear TRIAD so don't even discuss military matters with me.

FYI...Bush JR didn't start Iraq, Saddam did when Bush SR was in the White House, but you probably were stoned out of your mind during that period.

Well muslims did kill 3,000 in NYC, PA and DC in 2001.....but that is a joke to you.

They've also killed thousands around the world via beheadings, car bombs, etc.

Meanwhile a fake preacher like you spends your Sunday mornings here ranting bullshit non-stop.:eusa_whistle:

Most right wingers are fear based.

Muslims gonna get us.
They gonna take our guns away!
Immigrants are taking our jobs!
Obama is going to ruin America!

and on and on.....
Gone, a radical Islamic SECT attacked while we were SLEEPING; the fight against al Qaeda got sidetracked into IRAQ. One of the biggest military blunders in US history; this was T. Roosevelt's "splendid little war".
Dumbfuck, the Army and Navy are supported by the US Constitution, there is nothing in there about welfare programs, green energy scams, etc.

You are so fucking stupid, it is amazing you are not dead.

FYI....our DoD budget is around 6% of GDP compared to 34% under JFK. I'd say the DoD has taken enough cuts compared to the bloated Social Security scam that has no basis in the US Constitution and is the reason for our national debt out of control.

Wrong idiot, Democrats are already gutting the military right now. Liberals like you want to spend money on pork projects to buyoff votes and keep people reliant on Big Govt, so you will cut the DoD budget to get more, more and more money for your bullshit.

Obamination blew the wad on green energy scams, the porkulus, etc and now is asking the DoD to help with the problem of no money left after all that crap.

The military in it's current configuration is an abomination..and that's according to the US constitution.

Nothing in the constitution mandates an offensive military capable of knocking over other countries based on lies and greed.

We don't need a professional standing army.

What we need is a defensive force. We could get away with spending 100 billion on defense, easily. Our nuclear arsenal, natural barriers and navy assure no country..or coalition of countries would ever imagine invading this one.

We spend nearly half of every dollar spent on the military worldwide. Put another way, for every dollar spent on national defense by all of the countries in the world, the US spends about $0.48 of that dollar. It makes no sense to increase the military budget one iota.

As for getting rid of medicare and social security....yeah...please campaign on that. Mondale may have won more states than Romney if you do.
Some of you really scare me. Well, not scare so much as worry me. We are gutting the military, we are tripling the healthcare costs to the retirees, and you fools don't think our enemies are wringing their hands and laughing? You keep denutting our military and it won't be long before we are challenged and don't have the forces to combat it or the troops who want to join seeing the way their promised benefits can be stripped away.

Go ahead and laugh, you may not be able to later........
You claimed to be a preacher last month. You are bi-polar...and stupid.

Well muslims did kill 3,000 in NYC, PA and DC in 2001.....but that is a joke to you.

They've also killed thousands around the world via beheadings, car bombs, etc.

Meanwhile a fake preacher like you spends your Sunday mornings here ranting bullshit non-stop.:eusa_whistle:

Most right wingers are fear based.

Muslims gonna get us.
They gonna take our guns away!
Immigrants are taking our jobs!
Obama is going to ruin America!

and on and on.....

Fake Preacher?


I am a self professed atheist.

there are however some fake Christians on here.
Democrats had total power with a super majority.
For two years. I don't think things will be SUDDENLY be great should that occur this November. We are in a hole dug by GWB, and are only climbing out slowly.

And republicans had congressional majority and the presidency for what 6 years?

Same rules for congress as the presidency in this thread.

Repubs never had a super majority. You chumps had all 3 branches & total power. Dems failed to fix anything. EPIC FAIL!!!
Bush got anything he asked for after 9/11, ANYTHING, including Iraq. Bush II can no long do any damage. The question is: who can pull us OUT of the defense industry addiction & get back working on the US? Plus handle Syria, NK, Iran, all of whom have have REAL WMD's.
Dumbfuck, the Chinese are lying about their know they are not an "open" govt that is required by law to report actual figures.

The Chinese love you idiots, keep gutting the military....your offspring will be their slaves.

Dumbfuck, the Army and Navy are supported by the US Constitution, there is nothing in there about welfare programs, green energy scams, etc.

You are so fucking stupid, it is amazing you are not dead.

FYI....our DoD budget is around 6% of GDP compared to 34% under JFK. I'd say the DoD has taken enough cuts compared to the bloated Social Security scam that has no basis in the US Constitution and is the reason for our national debt out of control.

The military in it's current configuration is an abomination..and that's according to the US constitution.

Nothing in the constitution mandates an offensive military capable of knocking over other countries based on lies and greed.

We don't need a professional standing army.

What we need is a defensive force. We could get away with spending 100 billion on defense, easily. Our nuclear arsenal, natural barriers and navy assure no country..or coalition of countries would ever imagine invading this one.

We spend nearly half of every dollar spent on the military worldwide. Put another way, for every dollar spent on national defense by all of the countries in the world, the US spends about $0.48 of that dollar. It makes no sense to increase the military budget one iota.

As for getting rid of medicare and social security....yeah...please campaign on that. Mondale may have won more states than Romney if you do.
You claimed to be a preacher last month. You are bi-polar...and stupid.

Well muslims did kill 3,000 in NYC, PA and DC in 2001.....but that is a joke to you.

They've also killed thousands around the world via beheadings, car bombs, etc.

Meanwhile a fake preacher like you spends your Sunday mornings here ranting bullshit non-stop.:eusa_whistle:

Fake Preacher?


I am a self professed atheist.

there are however some fake Christians on here.

And you sir are a blatant liar!

I never made any such claim.

Correct your lie or go on ignore.

No one else on here saw your claimed post of me saying I was a preacher.
Last edited:
Dumbfuck, the Army and Navy are supported by the US Constitution, there is nothing in there about welfare programs, green energy scams, etc.

You are so fucking stupid, it is amazing you are not dead.

FYI....our DoD budget is around 6% of GDP compared to 34% under JFK. I'd say the DoD has taken enough cuts compared to the bloated Social Security scam that has no basis in the US Constitution and is the reason for our national debt out of control.

Wrong idiot, Democrats are already gutting the military right now. Liberals like you want to spend money on pork projects to buyoff votes and keep people reliant on Big Govt, so you will cut the DoD budget to get more, more and more money for your bullshit.

Obamination blew the wad on green energy scams, the porkulus, etc and now is asking the DoD to help with the problem of no money left after all that crap.

The military in it's current configuration is an abomination..and that's according to the US constitution.

Nothing in the constitution mandates an offensive military capable of knocking over other countries based on lies and greed.

We don't need a professional standing army.

What we need is a defensive force. We could get away with spending 100 billion on defense, easily. Our nuclear arsenal, natural barriers and navy assure no country..or coalition of countries would ever imagine invading this one.

The Constitution provides for a permanent navy..and an army made up of militia. The funding for the army is "as needed" to be voted on every two years.

General Welfare, Taxation, and Commerce also fall under the scope of congressional powers.

Do even bother to read the thing you purport to love so much?
Dumbfuck, the Chinese are lying about their know they are not an "open" govt that is required by law to report actual figures.

The Chinese love you idiots, keep gutting the military....your offspring will be their slaves.

Dumbfuck, the Army and Navy are supported by the US Constitution, there is nothing in there about welfare programs, green energy scams, etc.

You are so fucking stupid, it is amazing you are not dead.

FYI....our DoD budget is around 6% of GDP compared to 34% under JFK. I'd say the DoD has taken enough cuts compared to the bloated Social Security scam that has no basis in the US Constitution and is the reason for our national debt out of control.

We spend nearly half of every dollar spent on the military worldwide. Put another way, for every dollar spent on national defense by all of the countries in the world, the US spends about $0.48 of that dollar. It makes no sense to increase the military budget one iota.

As for getting rid of medicare and social security....yeah...please campaign on that. Mondale may have won more states than Romney if you do.

Okay...please tell us what the ratio is since you know or pretend you know what your talking about: How much of the world's military budget is spent here as a percentage.

Your move.
I think its a goper, he might have to reenact the Reagan recession, or some such awful to straighten things out.

if it is obama and he has to deal with a gop house and senate, it will be fun to be here and watch all of the heavy breathing lunatics who spent years telling us bush was the reason why everything went south, in his last few years especially...the flip flops will be fantastic to behold.
Some of you really scare me. Well, not scare so much as worry me. We are gutting the military, we are tripling the healthcare costs to the retirees, and you fools don't think our enemies are wringing their hands and laughing? You keep denutting our military and it won't be long before we are challenged and don't have the forces to combat it or the troops who want to join seeing the way their promised benefits can be stripped away.

Go ahead and laugh, you may not be able to later........

Which "enemy" has the capability to invade the United States.

Go on.

Show us all.

1) The US reports its unclassified and classified budget to the public, the Chinese openly lie about their military spending.

2) The US after WWII became the world leader to keep the peace because Europe and Asia couldn't behave themselves, so it is common sense that the US will lead the world in military spending.

So I don't give a shit if the US spends more on the military compared to most countries because we are the one that can maintain the peace and keep islamofascists in check as well as the left-wingers like you.

Dumbfuck, the Chinese are lying about their know they are not an "open" govt that is required by law to report actual figures.

The Chinese love you idiots, keep gutting the military....your offspring will be their slaves.

We spend nearly half of every dollar spent on the military worldwide. Put another way, for every dollar spent on national defense by all of the countries in the world, the US spends about $0.48 of that dollar. It makes no sense to increase the military budget one iota.

As for getting rid of medicare and social security....yeah...please campaign on that. Mondale may have won more states than Romney if you do.

Okay...please tell us what the ratio is since you know or pretend you know what your talking about: How much of the world's military budget is spent here as a percentage.

Your move.
And republicans had congressional majority and the presidency for what 6 years?

Same rules for congress as the presidency in this thread.

Repubs never had a super majority. You chumps had all 3 branches & total power. Dems failed to fix anything. EPIC FAIL!!!
Bush got anything he asked for after 9/11, ANYTHING, including Iraq. Bush II can no long do any damage. The question is: who can pull us OUT of the defense industry addiction & get back working on the US? Plus handle Syria, NK, Iran, all of whom have have REAL WMD's.

The real issue is not just WMD's. It's oil pipelines. Democrats burn just as much oil as republicans do.

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