Is whoever wins the election screwed?

It's clear you're a dumb mother fucker when you can't figure out getting into WWII was a big mistake, the purpose of the DoD is to prevent WWII. The DoD isn't into fighting wars, it is there to prevent wars but win them when the enemy is dumb enough to start it.

The DoD also wants to win it with the best weapons with minimal Americans and innocents harmed in the quickest building F-22s is to make sure this happens.

I am no longer educating a twit like you. I do know about nukes because I worked with them for 7 years, dumbass.

Dumbfucks like you kept the US military in check prior to WWII and allowed the Nazis to rise to power, then it only led to millions dead and the world economy turned on its head.....nice plan, dumbfuck.

And we built the A-Bomb and deployed it in 18 months. Bringing the war to a halt. Had Germany not surrendered; they would have gotten it first, not Japan.

You may know this but you don't seem too bright....psst...we have nukes now. Such a calamity as WWII would not take place again because of the calamity involved in ending it. I would worry about the Iranian troop ships coming through the Indian ocean though. Could happen any moment. :eusa_clap:

Still, there is no accounting for madmen with weapons...for that you're correct. I know, it's surprising as hell. But no amount of preparation will prevent the madman from taking you down with him. If North Korea nukes San Francisco, we have no counter for that except to nuke them back. We could quadruple the gun budget and we'd not have any counter for that after spending 4X. So why spend it?
I could care less about you picking up military guys in bars....

Idiot, a F-22 can carry JDAMs so it can blow up WMD on the ground. It also deters a cyber attack like I talked about since it can be used the blow the shit out of a country that does a cyber attack. Throw in some SSBNs, B-2s, etc to do the job too.

You have no security clearance or military background, so shut the fuck up about military matters. You have no clue about Iran, China and Russia.

Neither it seems do you. I've worked with plenty of guys who were former military and the last thing they discuss in public is their "security clearance".

Projecting again?

Basically, you've a weak argument so you really need to resort to insults.

It's okay. I am much bigger and stronger then it's laughable.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I never said Iran was going to invade us or the Pacific, I said Iran can dominate the middle stupid fuck. China can dominate Asia, but you think that is a good thing.

Here is what you said:

Iran is the one enemy that has a weird religious angle where chaos brings their religion to a wet dream climax, so giving them nukes is a bad thing in the minds of smart people.

But an invasion could happen after they nuke or cyber attack us back to the stone ages, but I prefer not to find out....idiot.

So either you meant Iran or China or Russia was going to invade. Which was it? You said Iran but you can run from that if you wish.

As for China nuking us, they will use as long as we are good for them, then they will cut us off. If our debt consumes our ability to repay them then like a drug dealer to a junkie, they will harm us someway.
So if we can't pay our bill, they will invade us. Seth Macfarlane should hire you to write for him.

Maybe not spending 50 cents of every dollar on bullets is a good way to start paying down the debt--especially when we're in no danger of having a military invasion from any country outside of your imagination. Just tossing that out there.

Drug dealers? Oh brother.
I could care less about you picking up military guys in bars....

Neither it seems do you. I've worked with plenty of guys who were former military and the last thing they discuss in public is their "security clearance".

Projecting again?

Basically, you've a weak argument so you really need to resort to insults.

It's okay. I am much bigger and stronger then it's laughable.

It's becoming clear that Gone Berzerk isn't serious...or at least I hope she's not serious. If so, she could put some young psychologists on the map with the amount of therapy they could deliver.

She's a waste of time.
Gay boy, try officer in the USAF.

I did CWMD planning, dumbfuck. Attacking a WMD site with kinetic weapons would be the last option, if we couldn't seize it and it needed to be destroyed.

Your limp wristed enlisted time doesn't impress me, I was building plans when your ass was handing out towels at the base gym.

Idiot, a F-22 can carry JDAMs so it can blow up WMD on the ground. It also deters a cyber attack like I talked about since it can be used the blow the shit out of a country that does a cyber attack. Throw in some SSBNs, B-2s, etc to do the job too.

You have no security clearance or military background, so shut the fuck up about military matters. You have no clue about Iran, China and Russia.

Hey long did you serve and in what branch, because you've made a SERIOUS error in your "military" thinking.

If you take a JDAM and blow up a WMD facility such as a bio weapons or chemical weapons storage area or factory, do you realize what will happen?

That's right..........all those toxins will be let into the air.

There's a REASON we had so many troops on the ground looking for WMD's, because if we blew them up, the land around it would be inhabitable.

Where did you learn your military tactics, FAUX Nooze and Risk?
It's clear you're a dumb mother fucker when you can't figure out getting into WWII was a big mistake, the purpose of the DoD is to prevent WWII. The DoD isn't into fighting wars, it is there to prevent wars but win them when the enemy is dumb enough to start it.

The DoD also wants to win it with the best weapons with minimal Americans and innocents harmed in the quickest building F-22s is to make sure this happens.

I am no longer educating a twit like you. I do know about nukes because I worked with them for 7 years, dumbass.

You post stuff like this and call other people "dumb"?

DOD spending didn't prevent WWII.


And we've been starting most of the wars we've been fighting..since Korea.
Gay boy, try officer in the USAF.

I did CWMD planning, dumbfuck. Attacking a WMD site with kinetic weapons would be the last option, if we couldn't seize it and it needed to be destroyed.

Your limp wristed enlisted time doesn't impress me, I was building plans when your ass was handing out towels at the base gym.

Idiot, a F-22 can carry JDAMs so it can blow up WMD on the ground. It also deters a cyber attack like I talked about since it can be used the blow the shit out of a country that does a cyber attack. Throw in some SSBNs, B-2s, etc to do the job too.

You have no security clearance or military background, so shut the fuck up about military matters. You have no clue about Iran, China and Russia.

Hey long did you serve and in what branch, because you've made a SERIOUS error in your "military" thinking.

If you take a JDAM and blow up a WMD facility such as a bio weapons or chemical weapons storage area or factory, do you realize what will happen?

That's right..........all those toxins will be let into the air.

There's a REASON we had so many troops on the ground looking for WMD's, because if we blew them up, the land around it would be inhabitable.

Where did you learn your military tactics, FAUX Nooze and Risk?

Hey, not my fault that you're a dumbfuck who thinks attacking a WMD facility with bombs was a good idea.

Yanno, you remind me of another Air Farce puke who was here for a while. He finally got outed as a fake.

Gonna be interesting to see when it happens to you.

And yeah......I was part of the NBC teams on my ships as well as was a PRP member for VFA-131 and handled the loading of nukes, so I know that most of your posts are bullshit.

And, nothing wrong with being enlisted, especially when you draw a retirement (like I do).

Try again ya pansified pussy ass cock smoking colon jouster, go sell your bullshit to someone else.

And, you've already admitted that kinetic weapons were a bad idea when called on it, why (if you know as much as you claim) did you suggest such a stupid idea in the first place?
It's clear you're a dumb mother fucker when you can't figure out getting into WWII was a big mistake, the purpose of the DoD is to prevent WWII. The DoD isn't into fighting wars, it is there to prevent wars but win them when the enemy is dumb enough to start it.
What? Preventing WWIII is probably what you meant I guess. None of that made sense. We shouldn't have got into WWII, you're saying?

Anyway, if it were 1939 and Hitler knew we had nukes, and Russia had nukes, and England had nukes, he wouldn't have done anything. That was my point.

The DoD also wants to win it with the best weapons with minimal Americans and innocents harmed in the quickest building F-22s is to make sure this happens.
Nice toy. The F18 and F15, and F111's all do the same thing. Design it to the max. Upgrade the designs as new technology is developed. But don't put them into the field until we can afford them. Currently we cannot.

I am no longer educating a twit like you.
The only thing you've educated me on is how little of a threat Romney poses to Obama if THIS is any indication of his plans for the military. I hope Governor Romney's real plans are in no way as cartoonish as you have made them out to be.

I do know about nukes because I worked with them for 7 years, dumbass.

Did one land on your head?

They are a hell of a deterrent. And outside of a madman, they will continue to be one. Unfortunately, we can do little to prevent madmen from getting them. No matter how much we spend. So why spend it?
The War Department as it was called prior to WWII was supposed to keep our military at a level to deter WWII, but it didn't. That is the point, moron.

When a WWII happens, it means the US military didn't deter the enemy from stirring up trouble.

"It is more expensive to fight a war than to prevent a war." That is my lesson to you twit.

So when you cut the DoD budget too much that it gives China the idea they can start a war in Asia, you end up with dead people and more money spent on pushing China back into their own border again or you just give up whatever they stole like say Japan, South Korea, etc.....

It's clear you're a dumb mother fucker when you can't figure out getting into WWII was a big mistake, the purpose of the DoD is to prevent WWII. The DoD isn't into fighting wars, it is there to prevent wars but win them when the enemy is dumb enough to start it.

The DoD also wants to win it with the best weapons with minimal Americans and innocents harmed in the quickest building F-22s is to make sure this happens.

I am no longer educating a twit like you. I do know about nukes because I worked with them for 7 years, dumbass.

You post stuff like this and call other people "dumb"?

DOD spending didn't prevent WWII.


And we've been starting most of the wars we've been fighting..since Korea.
I could care less about you picking up military guys in bars....

Projecting again?

Basically, you've a weak argument so you really need to resort to insults.

It's okay. I am much bigger and stronger then it's laughable.

It's becoming clear that Gone Berzerk isn't serious...or at least I hope she's not serious. If so, she could put some young psychologists on the map with the amount of therapy they could deliver.

She's a waste of time.

GoneBezerk is a chick?

Who knew..:lol:
Gay boy, certain Chem and Bio weapons can be neutralized via a kinetic attack. not just nukes, dumbfuck.

Since you are the one FOR the gays in the military, it is common sense you were sucking dicks in various ports around the world. When I did an exchange program on a nuclear sub, your ass would've gone out the torpedo tube if you hit on me.

Oh, I'm not impressed you were the guy with the mop on the CBRNE team.

Gay boy, try officer in the USAF.

I did CWMD planning, dumbfuck. Attacking a WMD site with kinetic weapons would be the last option, if we couldn't seize it and it needed to be destroyed.

Your limp wristed enlisted time doesn't impress me, I was building plans when your ass was handing out towels at the base gym.

Hey long did you serve and in what branch, because you've made a SERIOUS error in your "military" thinking.

If you take a JDAM and blow up a WMD facility such as a bio weapons or chemical weapons storage area or factory, do you realize what will happen?

That's right..........all those toxins will be let into the air.

There's a REASON we had so many troops on the ground looking for WMD's, because if we blew them up, the land around it would be inhabitable.

Where did you learn your military tactics, FAUX Nooze and Risk?

Hey, not my fault that you're a dumbfuck who thinks attacking a WMD facility with bombs was a good idea.

Yanno, you remind me of another Air Farce puke who was here for a while. He finally got outed as a fake.

Gonna be interesting to see when it happens to you.

And yeah......I was part of the NBC teams on my ships as well as was a PRP member for VFA-131 and handled the loading of nukes, so I know that most of your posts are bullshit.

And, nothing wrong with being enlisted, especially when you draw a retirement (like I do).

Try again ya pansified pussy ass cock smoking colon jouster, go sell your bullshit to someone else.

And, you've already admitted that kinetic weapons were a bad idea when called on it, why (if you know as much as you claim) did you suggest such a stupid idea in the first place?
The War Department as it was called prior to WWII was supposed to keep our military at a level to deter WWII, but it didn't. That is the point, moron.

When a WWII happens, it means the US military didn't deter the enemy from stirring up trouble.

"It is more expensive to fight a war than to prevent a war." That is my lesson to you twit.

So when you cut the DoD budget too much that it gives China the idea they can start a war in Asia, you end up with dead people and more money spent on pushing China back into their own border again or you just give up whatever they stole like say Japan, South Korea, etc.....

It's clear you're a dumb mother fucker when you can't figure out getting into WWII was a big mistake, the purpose of the DoD is to prevent WWII. The DoD isn't into fighting wars, it is there to prevent wars but win them when the enemy is dumb enough to start it.

The DoD also wants to win it with the best weapons with minimal Americans and innocents harmed in the quickest building F-22s is to make sure this happens.

I am no longer educating a twit like you. I do know about nukes because I worked with them for 7 years, dumbass.

You post stuff like this and call other people "dumb"?

DOD spending didn't prevent WWII.


And we've been starting most of the wars we've been fighting..since Korea.

You seriously..and I mean seriously..don't know what you are talking about.
So you're claiming the F-111s "do the job" of the F-22???? What about the F-117s?

F-18s have stealth? You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

At Red Flag, a F-22 was able to pick off 5 F-15s before they got a shot off, that is why the USAF invested money into the F-22.

So what about those F-111s an F-117s again....

It's clear you're a dumb mother fucker when you can't figure out getting into WWII was a big mistake, the purpose of the DoD is to prevent WWII. The DoD isn't into fighting wars, it is there to prevent wars but win them when the enemy is dumb enough to start it.
What? Preventing WWIII is probably what you meant I guess. None of that made sense. We shouldn't have got into WWII, you're saying?

Anyway, if it were 1939 and Hitler knew we had nukes, and Russia had nukes, and England had nukes, he wouldn't have done anything. That was my point.

The DoD also wants to win it with the best weapons with minimal Americans and innocents harmed in the quickest building F-22s is to make sure this happens.
Nice toy. The F18 and F15, and F111's all do the same thing. Design it to the max. Upgrade the designs as new technology is developed. But don't put them into the field until we can afford them. Currently we cannot.

I am no longer educating a twit like you.
The only thing you've educated me on is how little of a threat Romney poses to Obama if THIS is any indication of his plans for the military. I hope Governor Romney's real plans are in no way as cartoonish as you have made them out to be.

I do know about nukes because I worked with them for 7 years, dumbass.

Did one land on your head?

They are a hell of a deterrent. And outside of a madman, they will continue to be one. Unfortunately, we can do little to prevent madmen from getting them. No matter how much we spend. So why spend it?
I'd say your gay ad photo in your profile sums up your stupidity.

The War Department as it was called prior to WWII was supposed to keep our military at a level to deter WWII, but it didn't. That is the point, moron.

When a WWII happens, it means the US military didn't deter the enemy from stirring up trouble.

"It is more expensive to fight a war than to prevent a war." That is my lesson to you twit.

So when you cut the DoD budget too much that it gives China the idea they can start a war in Asia, you end up with dead people and more money spent on pushing China back into their own border again or you just give up whatever they stole like say Japan, South Korea, etc.....

You post stuff like this and call other people "dumb"?

DOD spending didn't prevent WWII.


And we've been starting most of the wars we've been fighting..since Korea.

You seriously..and I mean seriously..don't know what you are talking about.
I'd say your gay ad photo in your profile sums up your stupidity.

The War Department as it was called prior to WWII was supposed to keep our military at a level to deter WWII, but it didn't. That is the point, moron.

When a WWII happens, it means the US military didn't deter the enemy from stirring up trouble.

"It is more expensive to fight a war than to prevent a war." That is my lesson to you twit.

So when you cut the DoD budget too much that it gives China the idea they can start a war in Asia, you end up with dead people and more money spent on pushing China back into their own border again or you just give up whatever they stole like say Japan, South Korea, etc.....

You seriously..and I mean seriously..don't know what you are talking about.

Well now that I found out you are a chick..

Gay in your realm..means liking other chicks.

I like chicks. And I ain't one. So..that really doesn't qualify.
Wrong again, idiot.

But if you and candyass think a chick can kick both of your asses, well then I'm a chick in your dense head. I'd slap both of your heads together to hear the empty bong sound.

Oh, my wife would not agree that I'm a chick.

I'd say your gay ad photo in your profile sums up your stupidity.

You seriously..and I mean seriously..don't know what you are talking about.

Well now that I found out you are a chick..

Gay in your realm..means liking other chicks.

I like chicks. And I ain't one. So..that really doesn't qualify.
I believe candyass is quickly surfing the internet for the F-111 and I'll just go ahead and educate the twit.

The F-111 has been retired by the Air Force for years since the F-15E replaced it and the F-35 was projected back then and just this year fielded by the Air Force after years of testing.

F-117 was also retired in more recent history after a short career starting in the 80s over Panama. The F-15E replaced the F-117s but the F-35 was the real reason for it being shut down early for a fighter/bomber.

The F-15 has been flying since the 1970s, so the Air Force decided the F-22 was needed to go into this century with new threats from China and Russia. It is designed to fly past radar on its own, take on enemy aircraft and drop ordnance when required deep behind enemy lines.

The F-15Cs and F-15Es need Navy radar jammers flying with them to do the job that F-22s can do, so the Air Force figures less planes with the F-22 is a better option to do the job.

But of course idiots on this board like candyass know more than Air Force fighter pilots.

So what candyass proposes is to keep the F-15s and F-16s instead of F-22s and F-35s, which means more fighter aircraft and support aircraft to use in a battle than what F-22s and F-35s can do. More airplanes in battle means more costs and more people in the battlespace that could die or become POW/MIA.

SecDef candyass wants to save money so make the Air Force fly more dangerous missions with older aircraft is his salespitch to the American public so that little kiddies can get free WiFi in their classroom via Uncle Sam diverting F-22 money to their school.
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Gutting our military as is being planned at this time is one of the most stupid things I have ever seen or heard of. It nearly boarders on treason.

There is not one person in this thread or even on this board who can intelligently talk about the threats that we face or may face in the near future. And because I have been retired 18 years that includes me.

But I'm smart enough to understand that our troops for the last 10 years have spent way to long on deployments into hostile areas, and the chance of more war coming up is not exactly slim. So we cut our military's throat? Dumb dumb dumb.
Just the slightest bit of knowledge about Chinese history basically demonstrates that they are a "insular" culture. They have little interest in projecting military power around the world. You'd have to go back to the Mongol invasion of parts of Europe to make that point.

America? Heck. Iraq.


Cultures change. If anything, the fossil fuel based economies are only sustainable as long as there are fossil fuels. So I wouldn't rule out imperialism. However, nuking your largest trading partner isn't on the agenda. WE can be sure of that.

Aside from technology..the overall basis of Chinese terms of projecting military power around the world..hasn't changed all that much in centuries.

It's simply not something they are interested in.

you are out of your mind and talking crap, as usual. carry on...

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