Is Your God Limited to The God of Abraham?

Now I can see why you cut the head off the female in your avatar.[/Q
You misunderstand my agenda then. I am simply speaking the truth. I am not trying to convert anyone. I am just biding my time. If you were familiar with the Old Testament you would know that nowhere in there is anyone trying to convert others. There is only one preacher but all he seems to want to do is talk about vanity.
You are a legend in your own mind and the only person who understands you is yourself. If you have an agenda you are attempting to sway a person or party to your way. As far as Old Testament goes I seem to be a lot more familiar with it given you stated you are not and have totally rejected all of the New Testament which (shhh don't let God tell you otherwise) is the fulfillement of the Old Testament....pass it on!
Make up your mind. One or the other. catholic or muslim. Which is it going to be?
You tell me given you apparently claim this great wisdom which goes cross of what God revealed to Abraham. I would tell you what Solomon would say but hey you would just throw that out as well
Oh, no, please give me the wisdom of Solomon, 'Mr. I built my house with the forest of Lebanon' and gave the ruler of Lebanon all the grain he could eat in exchange. I can't wait to hear this one.
I have given you enough freebie info. If you seek council go speak to Lucy...but she will charge you a nickel
Will you please put Penelope back on the line. She is smarter than her sock. Not by much though.
You now do not even remember? Sigh....You best write things down because you can't remember what you believe and discarded. Grand religion you made of yourself when you can't remember what you believe. How can you convert anyone?
Now I can see why you cut the head off the female in your avatar.[/Q
You now do not even remember? Sigh....You best write things down because you can't remember what you believe and discarded. Grand religion you made of yourself when you can't remember what you believe. How can you convert anyone?
You misunderstand my agenda then. I am simply speaking the truth. I am not trying to convert anyone. I am just biding my time. If you were familiar with the Old Testament you would know that nowhere in there is anyone trying to convert others. There is only one preacher but all he seems to want to do is talk about vanity.
You are a legend in your own mind and the only person who understands you is yourself. If you have an agenda you are attempting to sway a person or party to your way. As far as Old Testament goes I seem to be a lot more familiar with it given you stated you are not and have totally rejected all of the New Testament which (shhh don't let God tell you otherwise) is the fulfillement of the Old Testament....pass it on!
Make up your mind. One or the other. catholic or muslim. Which is it going to be?
You tell me given you apparently claim this great wisdom which goes cross of what God revealed to Abraham. I would tell you what Solomon would say but hey you would just throw that out as well
Wait. Wait. While your at it give the me the catholic version of Jezebel. This is going to be great.
So now I am Catholic. Please have a huddle with the teammates in your mind and consult the ouji board for English interpretation and get back to me about my religion and background. I am incredibly amused so far. Hang on a few minutes...I am going to make some popcorn before coming back to see the second half of this battle of demons and angels
Now I can see why you cut the head off the female in your avatar.[/Q
You misunderstand my agenda then. I am simply speaking the truth. I am not trying to convert anyone. I am just biding my time. If you were familiar with the Old Testament you would know that nowhere in there is anyone trying to convert others. There is only one preacher but all he seems to want to do is talk about vanity.
You are a legend in your own mind and the only person who understands you is yourself. If you have an agenda you are attempting to sway a person or party to your way. As far as Old Testament goes I seem to be a lot more familiar with it given you stated you are not and have totally rejected all of the New Testament which (shhh don't let God tell you otherwise) is the fulfillement of the Old Testament....pass it on!
Make up your mind. One or the other. catholic or muslim. Which is it going to be?
You tell me given you apparently claim this great wisdom which goes cross of what God revealed to Abraham. I would tell you what Solomon would say but hey you would just throw that out as well
Wait. Wait. While your at it give the me the catholic version of Jezebel. This is going to be great.
So now I am Catholic. Please have a huddle with the teammates in your mind and consult the ouji board for English interpretation and get back to me about my religion and background. I am incredibly amused so far. Hang on a few minutes...I am going to make some popcorn before coming back to see the second half of this battle of demons and angels
Do you have any other socks. Preferably one with a burka.
You are a legend in your own mind and the only person who understands you is yourself. If you have an agenda you are attempting to sway a person or party to your way. As far as Old Testament goes I seem to be a lot more familiar with it given you stated you are not and have totally rejected all of the New Testament which (shhh don't let God tell you otherwise) is the fulfillement of the Old Testament....pass it on!
Make up your mind. One or the other. catholic or muslim. Which is it going to be?
You tell me given you apparently claim this great wisdom which goes cross of what God revealed to Abraham. I would tell you what Solomon would say but hey you would just throw that out as well
Wait. Wait. While your at it give the me the catholic version of Jezebel. This is going to be great.
So now I am Catholic. Please have a huddle with the teammates in your mind and consult the ouji board for English interpretation and get back to me about my religion and background. I am incredibly amused so far. Hang on a few minutes...I am going to make some popcorn before coming back to see the second half of this battle of demons and angels
Do you have any other socks. Preferably one with a burka.
You are still vertical? I have kicked you a number of times in the philosophical crotch time and again that maybe you need to zip your pants up and quit leaving yourself hanging out exposing yourself to all these respectable people
What's more likely?

- a guy named Abrham encountered a god while walking through the woods one day.


- a guy named Abraham invented his own religion just as Joseph Smith did saying "Hey guys! I just met a god! Only no one else saw it, but you have to take my word for it!"

What's more likely?:)

[from other thread]:

Without having the originals on hand, or being able to read them if ya did, it's amazing how much can change changing one word. Why I've always emphasized the improtance of understanding the Bible version being used a sa book, not the contents, but how the words themselves came about. Obviously the original isn't in English, so understanding who translated, why, when, under what circumstances all plays a part in answering whether a given version is reliable or not.

Some are more reliable than others, but ultimately none is 'official or authoratative' unless the actual original.​

Might have to edit this a bit to get the formatting correct.

Is a difference between believing a book you can hold in yoru hand, or read online is real and worthy or discussion, and believing the tales in it.

Can do the same with works of fiction like "Twilight" and discuss the claims of others about the contents without believing in the contents. Know rather a lot about Bibles as books translated from other translations. Don't believe in gods though.
If it is not for the understanding of God what practical use of the Bible could there possibly be?

To understand how the people viewed God and how they behaved. Its their view, God did not write the bible. Every community and culture had a different view of God, that is why reading ancient religious texts tells you much more about the people writing it and the culture of the time than about God.
Penelope! Were you starting to choke on your own sock? Well nice to see you are back to yourself again. You are catholic and mulsim. Now why does that not surprise me?
Hey, Abe...kill your only son. You would if you love me.

Just kidding, it was a test.
This is just my thinking as I have not seen it stated as such anywhere but I have seen this pattern in the Bible on occasion. Chapter 22 of Genesis gives the narrative of God telling Abraham to sacrifice his son. What everyone seems to fail to mention is that in the second to the last verse of chapter 21 is:
33And Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba, and called there on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God.
Nowhere in the Bible I know of is planting a grove a good thing. It is equal to worshipping an idol as far as I can tell. My guess is that Abraham pissed off God, the jealous God. God basically said, I brought you out of the land of your father's, I saved your life, and this is how you repay me? I will cut off your seed and there will be no remembrance of you in this, or any other, land. All the interpretations I have seen of Genesis 21:33 have stated that the grove was some sort of blessing to the LORD. I think otherwise.

What's more likely?

- a guy named Abrham encountered a god while walking through the woods one day.


- a guy named Abraham invented his own religion just as Joseph Smith did saying "Hey guys! I just met a god! Only no one else saw it, but you have to take my word for it!"

What's more likely?:)

[from other thread]:

Without having the originals on hand, or being able to read them if ya did, it's amazing how much can change changing one word. Why I've always emphasized the improtance of understanding the Bible version being used a sa book, not the contents, but how the words themselves came about. Obviously the original isn't in English, so understanding who translated, why, when, under what circumstances all plays a part in answering whether a given version is reliable or not.

Some are more reliable than others, but ultimately none is 'official or authoratative' unless the actual original.​

Might have to edit this a bit to get the formatting correct.

Is a difference between believing a book you can hold in yoru hand, or read online is real and worthy or discussion, and believing the tales in it.

Can do the same with works of fiction like "Twilight" and discuss the claims of others about the contents without believing in the contents. Know rather a lot about Bibles as books translated from other translations. Don't believe in gods though.
If it is not for the understanding of God what practical use of the Bible could there possibly be?

To understand how the people viewed God and how they behaved. Its their view, God did not write the bible. Every community and culture had a different view of God, that is why reading ancient religious texts tells you much more about the people writing it and the culture of the time than about God.
Penelope! Were you starting to choke on your own sock? Well nice to see you are back to yourself again. You are catholic and mulsim. Now why does that not surprise me?

Muslims and Jews have much much more in common.
It is incredibly important to you to define someone according to your own set of spiritual file folders isn't it?
Penelope, you are a rotten catholic and a rotten muslim. There is not much else to be defined by.
Is Penelope someone you are speaking to that no one else can see? Wait...not a fair question...she is real to you jst like the God that told you Abraham was not to be trusted
If you were muslim, which you are, (you can be catholic and muslim apparently) then you would be sinning against the God of Abraham just by being muslim.


It's getting very warm here. I am wearing a burka and a habit at the same time and yet in my picture I appear very cool. Must be one of those emporer's new clothes situations in the mind of a variable. Go ahead and dress me like a paper doll, I will wait
Is Your God Limited to The God of Abraham?
was it the Almighty's intent to end the conversation when they wrote the bible(s) - or theirs ?


it should be clear to an sentient human that the writers of the OT had no intention of ending the conversation----or to stop
TALKING ABOUT IT. It is true that the writers of the Koran did have such a concept in mind

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