Is Your God Limited to The God of Abraham?

If you know the story of Abraham then why do you have such trouble with the fact that Muslim and Judaism branch from Abraham?
For one God told me it is not so. That seems not compelling for some around here so I will also say that islam created a god that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the God described in the Old Testament of Abraham. islam wrote their own book from the ground up. They took what they choose to from other sources but they did write it to serve the purposes of their lesser deity. I can claim to be a descendent of the Queen of England. That does not make me a descendant of the Queen of England and most people will not believe me just for saying so. Why is it that people so automatically give islam a pass on saying they are people of the God of Abraham? They are most clearly not.
So by your own admission you are following your own teaching apart from what the bible you feel everyone should be following in unison says? should read beyond that into the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. There is really no way to point out things given you have by your own admission rejected the holy Word right in front of your face. It is stated right there where the split occurred. If you reject what is plainly stated by the image of God you believe in then it is your problem for going astray as you are condemning everyone else. The whole fight in the middle east is about who the land belongs to according to the true heir of Abraham!
Why are you asking if I have read other books of the Bible when the split you are referring to happened in Genesis? And again, one can claim any lineage they like. That does not make it so.

Don't you think the Muslims say the exact same thing about the Jews?
What's that? That Jews are not descended from Abraham? I have not heard that one.
If you know the story of Abraham then why do you have such trouble with the fact that Muslim and Judaism branch from Abraham?
For one God told me it is not so. That seems not compelling for some around here so I will also say that islam created a god that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the God described in the Old Testament of Abraham. islam wrote their own book from the ground up. They took what they choose to from other sources but they did write it to serve the purposes of their lesser deity. I can claim to be a descendent of the Queen of England. That does not make me a descendant of the Queen of England and most people will not believe me just for saying so. Why is it that people so automatically give islam a pass on saying they are people of the God of Abraham? They are most clearly not.
So by your own admission you are following your own teaching apart from what the bible you feel everyone should be following in unison says? should read beyond that into the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. There is really no way to point out things given you have by your own admission rejected the holy Word right in front of your face. It is stated right there where the split occurred. If you reject what is plainly stated by the image of God you believe in then it is your problem for going astray as you are condemning everyone else. The whole fight in the middle east is about who the land belongs to according to the true heir of Abraham!
Why are you asking if I have read other books of the Bible when the split you are referring to happened in Genesis? And again, one can claim any lineage they like. That does not make it so.

Don't you think the Muslims say the exact same thing about the Jews?
If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement but then again seeing as how you rejected the word of God and declared it null and void it probably doesn't matter. You by your own admission follow your own God and tell everyone else that because they do not adhere to that which you say they are wrong. You read what the scripture said and you admitted that it was wrong and that God told you something different. I personally think the parable of the seed sowed in the ground applies here but I bet you have not read that either
For what it is worth. A little over a year ago, about the time of one of four ago, I received two signs which I consider the opening to this path God has shown me. One was Ezeikel 37. The other was a little toast of how all religions could live together, over some Easter dinner if I remember correctly. (Which I do.) I had found these two signs to be oddly contradictory but put them in the back of my mind. The beginning of last week something occurred to me. I do not know why it did not occur to me earlier with all I have heard of the matter. It struck me that these two signs are not contradictory at all. For what it is worth.

That's great. Perhaps it did not occur to you before because God didn't reveal the connection to you until recently. Who knows? The cool thing is finding new learning and the more one opens themselves up and allows God to grow within them, the more they will learn. Through learning, we connect with God. When I was teaching, I did not employ one set method in my classroom. I recognized that different people learn different ways and so I studied my students in order to identify how they learned best. Then I adjusted my teaching methodology to them so that they could understand and learn in the manner they were suited for. I did not demand that they adjust to me; I adjusted to them. I think all the different religions we see in the world is very similar.
But you did not change what you thought, just how you taught it.

The subject matter was such that I offered them all possibilities and allowed my students to think for themselves and reach their own conclusions. My students were not graded on what their position was. They were graded on how well they supported their position.
Are you really going to make me ask? Fine, I will ask. What was the subject matter? (You really could have saved me all this typing.)
If you know the story of Abraham then why do you have such trouble with the fact that Muslim and Judaism branch from Abraham?
For one God told me it is not so. That seems not compelling for some around here so I will also say that islam created a god that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the God described in the Old Testament of Abraham. islam wrote their own book from the ground up. They took what they choose to from other sources but they did write it to serve the purposes of their lesser deity. I can claim to be a descendent of the Queen of England. That does not make me a descendant of the Queen of England and most people will not believe me just for saying so. Why is it that people so automatically give islam a pass on saying they are people of the God of Abraham? They are most clearly not.
So by your own admission you are following your own teaching apart from what the bible you feel everyone should be following in unison says? should read beyond that into the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. There is really no way to point out things given you have by your own admission rejected the holy Word right in front of your face. It is stated right there where the split occurred. If you reject what is plainly stated by the image of God you believe in then it is your problem for going astray as you are condemning everyone else. The whole fight in the middle east is about who the land belongs to according to the true heir of Abraham!
Why are you asking if I have read other books of the Bible when the split you are referring to happened in Genesis? And again, one can claim any lineage they like. That does not make it so.

Don't you think the Muslims say the exact same thing about the Jews?
If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement but then again seeing as how you rejected the word of God and declared it null and void it probably doesn't matter. You by your own admission follow your own God and tell everyone else that because they do not adhere to that which you say they are wrong. You read what the scripture said and you admitted that it was wrong and that God told you something different. I personally think the parable of the seed sowed in the ground applies here but I bet you have not read that either
What did I say that disagreed with what God said? And your comment that, "If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement" is a little vague you must admit. No chapter and verse? You sure do have an agenda, don't you.
For what it is worth. A little over a year ago, about the time of one of four ago, I received two signs which I consider the opening to this path God has shown me. One was Ezeikel 37. The other was a little toast of how all religions could live together, over some Easter dinner if I remember correctly. (Which I do.) I had found these two signs to be oddly contradictory but put them in the back of my mind. The beginning of last week something occurred to me. I do not know why it did not occur to me earlier with all I have heard of the matter. It struck me that these two signs are not contradictory at all. For what it is worth.

That's great. Perhaps it did not occur to you before because God didn't reveal the connection to you until recently. Who knows? The cool thing is finding new learning and the more one opens themselves up and allows God to grow within them, the more they will learn. Through learning, we connect with God. When I was teaching, I did not employ one set method in my classroom. I recognized that different people learn different ways and so I studied my students in order to identify how they learned best. Then I adjusted my teaching methodology to them so that they could understand and learn in the manner they were suited for. I did not demand that they adjust to me; I adjusted to them. I think all the different religions we see in the world is very similar.
But you did not change what you thought, just how you taught it.

The subject matter was such that I offered them all possibilities and allowed my students to think for themselves and reach their own conclusions. My students were not graded on what their position was. They were graded on how well they supported their position.
Are you really going to make me ask? Fine, I will ask. What was the subject matter? (You really could have saved me all this typing.)

Mostly history courses focusing on American history and ancient cultures specific to Rome, Judea, etc.
Just to educate you a bit on spiritual matters...if as you say God told you that what it clearly states in the bible is false that is a sure sign of listening to an evil spirit. The holy spirit does not speak cross wise to scripture. 1 John 4:1
Incidentally rejecting what God says is by definition claiming your own self to be self righteous and exalting yourself as God..tsk tsk tsk
Again, what of God's word did I reject?

(I find your avatar offensive by the way, but you probably know that.)
Just to educate you a bit on spiritual matters...if as you say God told you that what it clearly states in the bible is false that is a sure sign of listening to an evil spirit. The holy spirit does not speak cross wise to scripture. 1 John 4:1
Oops. There we go; New Testament. Sorry, I am strictly Old Testament. It is what God told me. I have heard that should not be a problem however.
For one God told me it is not so. That seems not compelling for some around here so I will also say that islam created a god that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the God described in the Old Testament of Abraham. islam wrote their own book from the ground up. They took what they choose to from other sources but they did write it to serve the purposes of their lesser deity. I can claim to be a descendent of the Queen of England. That does not make me a descendant of the Queen of England and most people will not believe me just for saying so. Why is it that people so automatically give islam a pass on saying they are people of the God of Abraham? They are most clearly not.
So by your own admission you are following your own teaching apart from what the bible you feel everyone should be following in unison says? should read beyond that into the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. There is really no way to point out things given you have by your own admission rejected the holy Word right in front of your face. It is stated right there where the split occurred. If you reject what is plainly stated by the image of God you believe in then it is your problem for going astray as you are condemning everyone else. The whole fight in the middle east is about who the land belongs to according to the true heir of Abraham!
Why are you asking if I have read other books of the Bible when the split you are referring to happened in Genesis? And again, one can claim any lineage they like. That does not make it so.

Don't you think the Muslims say the exact same thing about the Jews?
If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement but then again seeing as how you rejected the word of God and declared it null and void it probably doesn't matter. You by your own admission follow your own God and tell everyone else that because they do not adhere to that which you say they are wrong. You read what the scripture said and you admitted that it was wrong and that God told you something different. I personally think the parable of the seed sowed in the ground applies here but I bet you have not read that either
What did I say that disagreed with what God said? And your comment that, "If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement" is a little vague you must admit. No chapter and verse? You sure do have an agenda, don't you.

SHE has an agenda?!?! :rofl:
For one God told me it is not so. That seems not compelling for some around here so I will also say that islam created a god that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the God described in the Old Testament of Abraham. islam wrote their own book from the ground up. They took what they choose to from other sources but they did write it to serve the purposes of their lesser deity. I can claim to be a descendent of the Queen of England. That does not make me a descendant of the Queen of England and most people will not believe me just for saying so. Why is it that people so automatically give islam a pass on saying they are people of the God of Abraham? They are most clearly not.
So by your own admission you are following your own teaching apart from what the bible you feel everyone should be following in unison says? should read beyond that into the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. There is really no way to point out things given you have by your own admission rejected the holy Word right in front of your face. It is stated right there where the split occurred. If you reject what is plainly stated by the image of God you believe in then it is your problem for going astray as you are condemning everyone else. The whole fight in the middle east is about who the land belongs to according to the true heir of Abraham!
Why are you asking if I have read other books of the Bible when the split you are referring to happened in Genesis? And again, one can claim any lineage they like. That does not make it so.

Don't you think the Muslims say the exact same thing about the Jews?
If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement but then again seeing as how you rejected the word of God and declared it null and void it probably doesn't matter. You by your own admission follow your own God and tell everyone else that because they do not adhere to that which you say they are wrong. You read what the scripture said and you admitted that it was wrong and that God told you something different. I personally think the parable of the seed sowed in the ground applies here but I bet you have not read that either
What did I say that disagreed with what God said? And your comment that, "If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement" is a little vague you must admit. No chapter and verse? You sure do have an agenda, don't you.
Why should I bother to do research for you? Hard to pull out one verse from the whole. A lot of the fighting in those books is due to the split that occurred. Besides that you have already rejected what is clearly stated and made up your own version
So by your own admission you are following your own teaching apart from what the bible you feel everyone should be following in unison says? should read beyond that into the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. There is really no way to point out things given you have by your own admission rejected the holy Word right in front of your face. It is stated right there where the split occurred. If you reject what is plainly stated by the image of God you believe in then it is your problem for going astray as you are condemning everyone else. The whole fight in the middle east is about who the land belongs to according to the true heir of Abraham!
Why are you asking if I have read other books of the Bible when the split you are referring to happened in Genesis? And again, one can claim any lineage they like. That does not make it so.

Don't you think the Muslims say the exact same thing about the Jews?
If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement but then again seeing as how you rejected the word of God and declared it null and void it probably doesn't matter. You by your own admission follow your own God and tell everyone else that because they do not adhere to that which you say they are wrong. You read what the scripture said and you admitted that it was wrong and that God told you something different. I personally think the parable of the seed sowed in the ground applies here but I bet you have not read that either
What did I say that disagreed with what God said? And your comment that, "If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement" is a little vague you must admit. No chapter and verse? You sure do have an agenda, don't you.

SHE has an agenda?!?! :rofl:
I like to believe I am pretty upfront about my agenda. Everyone has an agenda. The question is whether one is honest about what that agenda is.
For what it is worth. A little over a year ago, about the time of one of four ago, I received two signs which I consider the opening to this path God has shown me. One was Ezeikel 37. The other was a little toast of how all religions could live together, over some Easter dinner if I remember correctly. (Which I do.) I had found these two signs to be oddly contradictory but put them in the back of my mind. The beginning of last week something occurred to me. I do not know why it did not occur to me earlier with all I have heard of the matter. It struck me that these two signs are not contradictory at all. For what it is worth.

That's great. Perhaps it did not occur to you before because God didn't reveal the connection to you until recently. Who knows? The cool thing is finding new learning and the more one opens themselves up and allows God to grow within them, the more they will learn. Through learning, we connect with God. When I was teaching, I did not employ one set method in my classroom. I recognized that different people learn different ways and so I studied my students in order to identify how they learned best. Then I adjusted my teaching methodology to them so that they could understand and learn in the manner they were suited for. I did not demand that they adjust to me; I adjusted to them. I think all the different religions we see in the world is very similar.
But you did not change what you thought, just how you taught it.

The subject matter was such that I offered them all possibilities and allowed my students to think for themselves and reach their own conclusions. My students were not graded on what their position was. They were graded on how well they supported their position.
Are you really going to make me ask? Fine, I will ask. What was the subject matter? (You really could have saved me all this typing.)

Mostly history courses focusing on American history and ancient cultures specific to Rome, Judea, etc.
When you taught presumably you were trying to teach something in particular. They were suppose to know more about the history of Rome, for example, after they took your class than before it?
Just to educate you a bit on spiritual matters...if as you say God told you that what it clearly states in the bible is false that is a sure sign of listening to an evil spirit. The holy spirit does not speak cross wise to scripture. 1 John 4:1
Oops. There we go; New Testament. Sorry, I am strictly Old Testament. It is what God told me. I have heard that should not be a problem however.
Oh Jesus! Oops sorry you know not of who I speak but gee if you are so familiar with Old Testament then who do you believe Isaiah speaks of? And point of are the one who asked to point out the scripture reference and you rejected it without quoting any of your own. Where pray tell does it state what you claim? Given you say God told you Himself these things? Are you saying it is written in the tablets of your heart?
So by your own admission you are following your own teaching apart from what the bible you feel everyone should be following in unison says? should read beyond that into the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. There is really no way to point out things given you have by your own admission rejected the holy Word right in front of your face. It is stated right there where the split occurred. If you reject what is plainly stated by the image of God you believe in then it is your problem for going astray as you are condemning everyone else. The whole fight in the middle east is about who the land belongs to according to the true heir of Abraham!
Why are you asking if I have read other books of the Bible when the split you are referring to happened in Genesis? And again, one can claim any lineage they like. That does not make it so.

Don't you think the Muslims say the exact same thing about the Jews?
If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement but then again seeing as how you rejected the word of God and declared it null and void it probably doesn't matter. You by your own admission follow your own God and tell everyone else that because they do not adhere to that which you say they are wrong. You read what the scripture said and you admitted that it was wrong and that God told you something different. I personally think the parable of the seed sowed in the ground applies here but I bet you have not read that either
What did I say that disagreed with what God said? And your comment that, "If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement" is a little vague you must admit. No chapter and verse? You sure do have an agenda, don't you.
Why should I bother to do research for you? Hard to pull out one verse from the whole. A lot of the fighting in those books is due to the split that occurred. Besides that you have already rejected what is clearly stated and made up your own version
Hard to do or you can't do it. Don't throw out some blanket statement and then tell me to go look it up. (You are starting to get a hole in your sock.)
Incidentally rejecting what God says is by definition claiming your own self to be self righteous and exalting yourself as God..tsk tsk tsk
Again, what of God's word did I reject?

(I find your avatar offensive by the way, but you probably know that.)
Well don't flatter yourself. I didn't display it with you in mind. I mean if you were Muslim you know what you must do if you set your gaze upon the flesh of woman not your wife
Why are you asking if I have read other books of the Bible when the split you are referring to happened in Genesis? And again, one can claim any lineage they like. That does not make it so.

Don't you think the Muslims say the exact same thing about the Jews?
If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement but then again seeing as how you rejected the word of God and declared it null and void it probably doesn't matter. You by your own admission follow your own God and tell everyone else that because they do not adhere to that which you say they are wrong. You read what the scripture said and you admitted that it was wrong and that God told you something different. I personally think the parable of the seed sowed in the ground applies here but I bet you have not read that either
What did I say that disagreed with what God said? And your comment that, "If you had bothered to read the other books you would understand my statement" is a little vague you must admit. No chapter and verse? You sure do have an agenda, don't you.
Why should I bother to do research for you? Hard to pull out one verse from the whole. A lot of the fighting in those books is due to the split that occurred. Besides that you have already rejected what is clearly stated and made up your own version
Hard to do or you can't do it. Don't throw out some blanket statement and then tell me to go look it up. (You are starting to get a hole in your sock.)
I do not see you pointing to any reference except yourself and I did make are just too lazy to read the books I referenced.You stated that you d not know a whole lot. Trying to help you out but gee you already rejected the New Testament and essentially everything from Abraham on in the Old Testament. Seems to me you have started your own reilgion and cult with a party of onei
Just to educate you a bit on spiritual matters...if as you say God told you that what it clearly states in the bible is false that is a sure sign of listening to an evil spirit. The holy spirit does not speak cross wise to scripture. 1 John 4:1
Oops. There we go; New Testament. Sorry, I am strictly Old Testament. It is what God told me. I have heard that should not be a problem however.
Oh Jesus! Oops sorry you know not of who I speak but gee if you are so familiar with Old Testament then who do you believe Isaiah speaks of? And point of are the one who asked to point out the scripture reference and you rejected it without quoting any of your own. Where pray tell does it state what you claim? Given you say God told you Himself these things? Are you saying it is written in the tablets of your heart?
Pray tell what did I claim?
Incidentally rejecting what God says is by definition claiming your own self to be self righteous and exalting yourself as God..tsk tsk tsk
Again, what of God's word did I reject?

(I find your avatar offensive by the way, but you probably know that.)
Well don't flatter yourself. I didn't display it with you in mind. I mean if you were Muslim you know what you must do if you set your gaze upon the flesh of woman not your wife
And what did you have in your mind when you chose it?
Just to educate you a bit on spiritual matters...if as you say God told you that what it clearly states in the bible is false that is a sure sign of listening to an evil spirit. The holy spirit does not speak cross wise to scripture. 1 John 4:1
Oops. There we go; New Testament. Sorry, I am strictly Old Testament. It is what God told me. I have heard that should not be a problem however.
Oh Jesus! Oops sorry you know not of who I speak but gee if you are so familiar with Old Testament then who do you believe Isaiah speaks of? And point of are the one who asked to point out the scripture reference and you rejected it without quoting any of your own. Where pray tell does it state what you claim? Given you say God told you Himself these things? Are you saying it is written in the tablets of your heart?
Pray tell what did I claim?
You now do not even remember? Sigh....You best write things down because you can't remember what you believe and discarded. Grand religion you made of yourself when you can't remember what you believe. How can you convert anyone?

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