ISIS announces intent to take over France.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."
Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."
Serves the French right, for elections have consequences, and the pansy ass French lost to the Nazi' last century, the French will lose to the ISIS(Nazi's) of this century...

What Nazi Propaganda Can Teach Us about ISIS | HuffPost
Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."
And to think back in the day of the Nazi's real men stepped up and stop the scourge upon the world. Today, I am not sure of the pajama boy.

Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."

Hold on a minute I was just told my missouri mike we destroyed ISIS now I see this?
Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."
And to think back in the day of the Nazi's real men stepped up and stop the scourge upon the world. Today, I am not sure of the pajama boy.

View attachment 175577

They deserve what they get. The problem is, liberals want the same here.
Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."

Oops, you missed the news. Our last president, BO destroyed ISIS. The French will likely be surrendering to a light gust of wind.
The Muslims will out breed them over the course of this century. Marseilles, in the south already has a Muslim pop of ~40%. the reason I use an approximation is because it is against French law to compel individuals to state their religion or ethnicity during a census. Marseilles BTW is considered one of the most dangerous cities in Europe.
French City with 40% Muslim Population is the Most Dangerous City in Europe

"Unlike in Britain or the US, where people are often asked to tick a box about ethnic origin, in France it is illegal to classify people by ethnicity or to ask census questions on race or origins."
French plan to break taboo on ethnic data causes uproar

The French, Germans and Britons are going to pay very dearly.
Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."


....they are led by either a woman, or a non-French leader, e.g., Napoleon....

Then......WATCH OUT!!!!!
The Muslims will out breed them over the course of this century. Marseilles, in the south already has a Muslim pop of ~40%. the reason I use an approximation is because it is against French law to compel individuals to state their religion or ethnicity during a census. Marseilles BTW is considered one of the most dangerous cities in Europe.
French City with 40% Muslim Population is the Most Dangerous City in Europe

"Unlike in Britain or the US, where people are often asked to tick a box about ethnic origin, in France it is illegal to classify people by ethnicity or to ask census questions on race or origins."
French plan to break taboo on ethnic data causes uproar

The French, Germans and Britons are going to pay very dearly.

Those women who don't shave their pits, will end up living the life....

Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."

Here's the difference between the US and ISIS, the US wanted to take over Iraq and did it by spending billions. Isis wanted to take over Iraq and half did it by spending a lot less.

Taking over France? Well, the US probably would if they thought there'd be a quick buck in it.
Word has it the French have been drafting conditions of surrender already.

ISIS Video Depicts Jihadists Waiting West of Paris for Attack on France

The pro-ISIS group that last month depicted the invasion of Washington this week declared "Paris before Rome," depicting a terrorist invasion that began with cells in the countryside outside Paris before attacking the city.

Al-Abd al-Faqir Media released what they called "a cinematic film about the invasion of the Islamic State of the capital of degeneracy ... in the near future, inshallah."

Here's the difference between the US and ISIS, the US wanted to take over Iraq and did it by spending billions. Isis wanted to take over Iraq and half did it by spending a lot less.

Taking over France? Well, the US probably would if they thought there'd be a quick buck in it.
wanted to take over Iraq
YOu are so full of shit, it is coming out of your ears. When we kicked the greatest Army in the middle east, in the ass, and removed a dictator like Osama Obama , I mean, Barrack Hussain Osama, err, Saddam Hussain, we had the right as victors to claim that region just like Russia took the Crimea. But instead we allowed the Iraqi people to vote in their own government with our assistance, and would of work, except that Obama and Biden never got a SOFA agreement and allowed that Jr Varsity team to get hold, due to Joe and Barry's lack of a spine...I really do hate you for your consistent lying....Fucktards like you need to go..

Obama refused to sign plan in place to leave 10,000 troops in Iraq, Bush says
"I think most observers would agree that a residual U.S. force would have prevented the Islamic State from achieving as much as it has in Iraq," Long said.
The Muslims will out breed them over the course of this century. Marseilles, in the south already has a Muslim pop of ~40%. the reason I use an approximation is because it is against French law to compel individuals to state their religion or ethnicity during a census. Marseilles BTW is considered one of the most dangerous cities in Europe.
French City with 40% Muslim Population is the Most Dangerous City in Europe

"Unlike in Britain or the US, where people are often asked to tick a box about ethnic origin, in France it is illegal to classify people by ethnicity or to ask census questions on race or origins."
French plan to break taboo on ethnic data causes uproar

The French, Germans and Britons are going to pay very dearly.

Those women who don't shave their pits, will end up living the life....

I have seen the parody before...quite funny. The thing that i find most odd about Britain and 'homegrown' ISIS fighters is that if the Home Office positively ID's an individual as a Jihadist who intends to depart the country to wage jihad, they will not permit them to leave. Concurrently, they will not detain the individual for reasons of safety. So, there are literally hundreds of positively ID'd jihadists walking the streets of Britain freely. Europeans are not only stupid, they are insane. The Swedes & Germans welcome them back with open arms in an attempt to 'reeducate' them. Modern Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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