ISIS Attempts To Educate Liberals In New Video: You are an Infidel - I have to kill you...Period!

No one is saying we should be "nice" to ISIS

Taking the risk of allowing unvetted Muslims into our nation where there are no doubt terrorists implants is tantamount enough to being "nice" to them. We are doing that here. They are really doing that in Europe.

Allowing "no-go" zones in some cities and not monitoring mosques and muslim organizations in this country is tantamount to being "nice" to them.

When ISIS was hot and heavy in the news beheading children, impaling children, raping little girls, and indiscriminately torturing murdering hundreds of Chrisitians ----- that same time Obama at a national prayer breakfast admonishing Christians and preachers to get off your high horsese because you had the crusades and slavery is tantamount to being "nice" to ISIS.

Obama sucking up to the Muslim Brotherhood in numerous ways (a terrorist organization) is tantamount being "nice" to Islamic terrorism.

But if you want to get specific and say most of that above does not refer to ISIS but only your basic Islamic terrorists in general, then I guess you do have a point. If that gives one comfort.
the totally unnecessary over emphasis on Christian deaths is meaningless .
Strawman post. No one is saying we should be "nice" to ISIS.

No, the regressives are saying we should be very accepting of the barbaric Islamic ideology. "Not all muslims" blahblah...

Conservatives, ISIS is playing you for patsies.

Stop playing along. Grow up and stop screaming hysterically that we need to hate all muslims. That's the goal of ISIS, to get you to behave like that. Stop giving ISIS what they want.

We don't need to hate all muslims, just the ideology which is responsible for the terrorist attacks, crime and rape of Europe. Unfortunately regressives have a really big problem understanding basic statistics. That is you don't need to hate every individual to lathe the idea. This is probably because the consequence of such understanding would be to not import millions of muslims into Europe, who vote socialist destruction.

I don't need to think every black man is a criminal to acknowledge that there is a problem with 8x higher crime rate of the population.
the only regressives are conservatives there is nothing in it's stated philosophy that's even the least bit progressive.
Conservatism as a political and social philosophy promotes retaining traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others, called reactionaries, oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were".
  1. support for or advocacy of social reform:
note the vast difference ..
Your spiel falls flat again. Only the dumbest of the dittoheads could buy into your fraudulent conflagrations.
Sleazy 65 is on a bender.
daws101 is out breaking into houses like he learned to do as a kid.
and posting at the same time ?
desperate for attention little man?

You must be desperate for it since you had to break into houses in order for the dog to even play with you.
false but I see you delusion is strong today .
I think you have a man crush on me !
Sleazy 65 is on a bender.
daws101 is out breaking into houses like he learned to do as a kid.
and posting at the same time ?
desperate for attention little man?

You must be desperate for it since you had to break into houses in order for the dog to even play with you.
false but I see you delusion is strong today .
I think you have a man crush on me !

You're still having those homo fantasies I see. Try Asclepius. He's your type.
So what should WE do ? We are bombing and helping the locals vs ISIS . Got any other great ideas ?

Like an invasion???
Strawman post. No one is saying we should be "nice" to ISIS.
right---no one said that you said the we should be nice to ISIS-----the point you avoid is the stance ----in sum and substance---that Islamic triumphalism and terrorism is not prevalent in the ethos of communities of muslims thruout the world. In fact it is
That's also not true. Of course it's prevalent, but what's to be avoided is the condemnation of all Muslims, instead of just the radicals. Whenever that's pointed out, people are accused of trying to be "nice" to terrorists.
no---we did not give them shiny new weapons There is no program of the US government entitled "ARMAMENTS FOR ISIS" other than in your diseased mind
Bwahahaha! A liberal is trying to make the argument that the Obama administration did not arm terrorists because there was no official program on the books - drawing attention to the fact we were doing so!

Such naivety is 'cute'. :p

ok-----when did the USA "ARM" ISIS and with what?

Obama wasted no time to pull out boots i.e. humans out of Iraq but in his haste he left all kinds of equipment, weapons, explosives, ordinance, vehicles, technology and heaven knows what else to fall in the hands of ISIS. Surely you don't think that the stuff displayed by ISIS were manufactured by ISIS?

Obama, in his totally indecent haste to discredit GWB and lose a war that was already won, armed the enemy far more dangerous than Al Quada.
Ummm, isn't there another thread on here by a lefty that insists we should negotiate with them? And in that thread, didn't most of the lefties insist we should? They need come here and tell us again all about their brilliant negotiation initiative-)
IMO, another strawman post. If there is such a thread, cite it or STFU.
Conservatives, ISIS is playing you for patsies.

Stop playing along. Grow up and stop screaming hysterically that we need to hate all muslims. That's the goal of ISIS, to get you to behave like that. Stop giving ISIS what they want.

You got a link showing that is what they are doing, or that your BRILLIANT, lefty, progressive, socialistic, DEMOCRATIC, personal, opinion!
Sleazy 65 is on a bender.
daws101 is out breaking into houses like he learned to do as a kid.
and posting at the same time ?
desperate for attention little man?

You must be desperate for it since you had to break into houses in order for the dog to even play with you.
false but I see you delusion is strong today .
I think you have a man crush on me !

You're still having those homo fantasies I see. Try Asclepius. He's your type.
really? I'm not chasing you around like a jilted girlfriend ...
it's not me whose having gay gay fantasies ...
daws101 is out breaking into houses like he learned to do as a kid.
and posting at the same time ?
desperate for attention little man?

You must be desperate for it since you had to break into houses in order for the dog to even play with you.
false but I see you delusion is strong today .
I think you have a man crush on me !

You're still having those homo fantasies I see. Try Asclepius. He's your type.
really? I'm not chasing you around like a jilted girlfriend ...
it's not me whose having gay gay fantasies ...

You assume I actually posted to you because it was you? I posted to an idiotic statement that YOU happen to have made.

You keep talking about man crush and homo things not me.
So what should WE do ? We are bombing and helping the locals vs ISIS . Got any other great ideas ?

Like an invasion???
Well not arming ISIS might help dont ya think,,,,,,,wasting million dollar weapons on five guys at a time really isnt cost effective wouldnt ya say
and posting at the same time ?
desperate for attention little man?

You must be desperate for it since you had to break into houses in order for the dog to even play with you.
false but I see you delusion is strong today .
I think you have a man crush on me !

You're still having those homo fantasies I see. Try Asclepius. He's your type.
really? I'm not chasing you around like a jilted girlfriend ...
it's not me whose having gay gay fantasies ...

You assume I actually posted to you because it was you? I posted to an idiotic statement that YOU happen to have made.

You keep talking about man crush and homo things not me.
it's not me, who's for the last several days has been following other posters around and spouting racist and homomphobic shit .
you are either I'm love with me or you're the sociopath I pegged you as .
so which is it?
So what should WE do ? We are bombing and helping the locals vs ISIS . Got any other great ideas ?

Like an invasion???
Well not arming ISIS might help dont ya think,,,,,,,wasting million dollar weapons on five guys at a time really isnt cost effective wouldnt ya say

We armed them by invading Iraq in the first place and propping them up . Isis is Iraqis and Syrians , not some space invaders who landed in the Mid East .

Last time we went in was a disaster . Why do it again!?
So what should WE do ? We are bombing and helping the locals vs ISIS . Got any other great ideas ?

Like an invasion???
Well not arming ISIS might help dont ya think,,,,,,,wasting million dollar weapons on five guys at a time really isnt cost effective wouldnt ya say

We armed them by invading Iraq in the first place and propping them up . Isis is Iraqis and Syrians , not some space invaders who landed in the Mid East .

Last time we went in was a disaster . Why do it again!?
we are not the one who dropped and abandon weapons ,then pulled up or skirts and ran away.
but you'll blame the president for that too.

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