ISIS Calls for Jewish Attacks Around the World

So, explain this post:

What the hell do you expect? Now Bibi Netanyahu wants the US to fight Gaza and Iran and ISIS.
That's been the goal of the so-called Palestinians AND their Arab neighbors since the 1940s...

They lie when they say otherwise...
Let’s try to look ahead to what Gaza will look like after all Palestinians have left the area, and the Israelis - with their superior abilities - can eventually turn the area into a gorgeous seaside resort. I’m thinking something like this:

Painful for you isnt it.

Look at a map of Jewish only settlements in the West Bank. There's been no room for a 2 state solution for 20 years. This is just a genocide in slow motion.
What the hell do you expect? Now Bibi Netanyahu wants the US to fight Gaza and Iran and ISIS.
Why not? These are all terrorist-run regimes intent on wiping Jews off the Earth. I say we provide Israel with all the money and equipment needed to find the antisemitic savages, and then ramp down hard on Iran’s sanctions.
What the hell do you expect? Now Bibi Netanyahu wants the US to fight Gaza and Iran and ISIS.
He doesn’t “want” to fight anyone. But, you have these people committing acts of war.
Look at a map of Jewish only settlements in the West Bank. There's been no room for a 2 state solution for 20 years. This is just a genocide in slow motion.
Look at a map of the ENTIRE Middle East. Arabs drove Jews out of their homes everywhere, and basically all that remains to them is a little sliver of land representing maybe 1% or 2% of the mass. Let all the Jew-hating Arabs go elsewhere.
Why not? These are all terrorist-run regimes intent on wiping Jews off the Earth. I say we provide Israel with all the money and equipment needed to find the antisemitic savages, and then ramp down hard on Iran’s sanctions.

Bullshit. Bibi Netanyahu has you brainwashed. The Saudi peace initiative has been on the table since 2002 and it guarantees Israel's security.
Yep .. The Israelis still have to kill another 2 million Gazans.
The majority have left the targeted region, and Israel is continuing to delay to give the Jew-haters more time to vacate.

Palestinians should have taken the deal when it was offered. They made their own bed with their Jew-hate.
Bullshit. Bibi Netanyahu has you brainwashed. The Saudi peace initiative has been on the table since 2002 and it guarantees Israel's security.
Bullshit. Your Muslim un ringing has you brainwashed. Jews don‘t go around chopping heads off of infants and setting toddlers on fire. Only the savages on your side do that.
Look at a map of the ENTIRE Middle East. Arabs drove Jews out of their homes everywhere, and basically all that remains to them is a little sliver of land representing maybe 1% or 2% of the mass. Let all the Jew-hating Arabs go elsewhere.

Quit lying.. They were still leaving in 1973. They'd still be living in the Arab world except for the European Zionists.
Look at a map of Jewish only settlements in the West Bank. There's been no room for a 2 state solution for 20 years. This is just a genocide in slow motion.

Palestinians rejected the peace offer. So you admit theres no room for Israelis, got it. And this is the problem with the Islamists. They lie , squirm with the facts, allowing violence to continue and build over the years, until the rage is high enough to get what they really waant wich is NO iSrael, no Jews.... and it will be worth all the suffering to them and their people in the end if they can finally get rid of the Jews once and for all..... so that is why they never accepted a peace agreemnet.

Yes there is room for both of them if they can have peace and get along. As a matter of fact there are Arabs who live inside the place you call an aparthide state, and are even in the government there.
Why not? These are all terrorist-run regimes intent on wiping Jews off the Earth. I say we provide Israel with all the money and equipment needed to find the antisemitic savages, and then ramp down hard on Iran’s sanctions.

This is not the fault of the US or American Jews. This is Israel's extortion game. Let Bibi Netanyahu fight Gazans and invade Iran. No US participation.
Palestinians rejected the peace offer. So you admit theres no room for Israelis, got it. And this is the problem with the Islamists. They lie , squirm with the facts, allowing violence to continue and build over the years, until the rage is high enough to get what they really waant wich is NO iSrael, no Jews.... and it will be worth all the suffering to them and their people in the end if they can finally get rid of the Jews once and for all..... so that is why they never accepted a peace agreemnet.

Yes there is room for both of them if they can have peace and get along. As a matter of fact there are Arabs who live inside the place you call an aparthide state, and are even in the government there.

Arabs living in the occupied West Bank don't have rights, you idiot.
Quit lying.. They were still leaving in 1973. They'd still be living in the Arab world except for the European Zionists.

Here's one earlier example.. Jewish population went down from 50,000 to 2,000 being expelled to die in the desert, for the crime of not converting to Islam.
Funny how you guys always talking about being genocided when theres a Billion Arabs in land practically void of Jews where there once were many.

Let’s try to look ahead to what Gaza will look like after all Palestinians have left the area, and the Israelis - with their superior abilities - can eventually turn the area into a gorgeous seaside resort. I’m thinking something like this:

View attachment 846301
If-and-when the Israelis ever take the common-sense step of expelling those so-called "Palestinian" losers, your imagining of the future of the area is probably pretty darned-close to being accurate... once they manage to expel those scumbags.
Arabs living in the occupied West Bank don't have rights, you idiot.

Palstinians have their own laws under the Palestinian authority. Israel does limit their movements with Check points, however all this could have been solved if Palestinians hadnt decided to walk away from peace deals. This is preferable for their leadership.

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