ISIS fighter executes his own MOTHER in Raqqa after....

Excellent, one less muslim CU*T to drop babies off left and right for terrorism!

I think his mother would be too old to have babies anymore.

nope-----the poor lady is only 35-------the jihadist pig is 20----it was extruded when she was only 15 ---------a happy bride at 14

:eusa_doh: However, you just don't kill your mother, no matter what, she's still your mother.

These monsters have no respect for anything, they are beyond Satanic beasts.
Excellent, one less muslim CU*T to drop babies off left and right for terrorism!

I think his mother would be too old to have babies anymore.

nope-----the poor lady is only 35-------the jihadist pig is 20----it was extruded when she was only 15 ---------a happy bride at 14
I'm sure she was completely ecstatic to be sold to some old-assed pedophile who only wanted here to breed his terrorist scum offspring.
The ME is the world's shithole. Retard inbreds just can't seem to move out of the 7the century.
Sounds reasonable to me. If she was a traitor, she was a traitor.
mother is mother .even animal dont kill mother
Disloyalty is pretty bad...

The mother gives you life, without the mother, nothing.
This animal should be a poster child for abortion.

brain washing by isis force.maybe this boy was normal person just 3 years ago.
She wanted out. She wanted him to be her son and get away from ISIS. He turned on his own mother. But this should not be any surprise. Men kill their own children for honor killings in their culture. They are born and raised with that mindset. This woman wanted away from it all. Well, she got her wish. And I find it an awful thing.
I notice there's not much effort to defend the PC-protected religion on this thread.

A couple of diversionary insults, that's about it.

Oh well.

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