ISIS Imposes Jizya on Christians, Rapes Women Who Cannot Pay


Nov 14, 2012
The Jizya, an Islamic tax for infidels to pay, has been introduced by ISIS Monsters in their unique cruel way.

Christianity Today—The nightmare continues for Christians living in ISIS-controlled areas as militants exact brutal punishment for those who fall short of their strict and violent interpretation of Islam.

The AINA news agency is reporting that an Assyrian mother and daughter were raped by militants in Mosul after saying they did not have the money to pay the jizya poll tax for non-Muslims.

The rapes were carried out in front of the father who was so traumatised that he committed suicide, reports Dr Sallama Al Khafaji, a member of the Iraq High Commission for Human Rights.

ISIS has demanded that all non-Muslims pay the jizya tax and abide by strict Sharia regulations.

"The Christians have told me that they cannot pay this tax and they say 'what am I to do, shall I kill myself?'" Dr Al Khafaji told AINA.

There are also unsubstantiated reports that ISIS militants shot and killed four Christian women because they were not wearing veils.

Barnabas Fund said the ISIS takeover may be the "death knell" for Iraq's Christian community, which had already dwindled since the US-led invasion of 2003.

"Having previously sought refuge in Syria, this is no longer an option and as ISIS violence threatens the stability of the wider region, Christians have very few places of safety to which to run," said Barnabas Fund international director Patrick Sookhdeo.
Answering Muslims: ISIS Imposes Jizya on Christians, Rapes Women Who Cannot Pay
They aren't "monsters" just following the teachings of Islam. Al Queda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, etc, are all just devout Muslims doing what they believe Islam has commanded them to do. They are emulating their prophet who did much worse, as best as they can. It's as simple as that. The sooner the world realizes this obvious fact, and stop sugarcoating it with politically correct BS, the better off humanity in general will be.
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They aren't "monsters" just following the teachings of Islam. Al Queda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, etc, are all just devout Muslims doing what they believe Islam has commanded them to do. They are emulating their prophet who did much worse, as best as they can. It's as simple as that. The sooner the world realizes this obvious fact, and stop sugarcoating it with politically correct BS, the better off humanity in general will be.
You don´t understand that they are simply evil. The Jizya is not good, but ISIS knows the Christians cannot pay. This makes clear they just know how abuse even the Jiszya as instrument to ridicule the Christians before they rape and kill them and create an environment of fear.
They aren't "monsters" just following the teachings of Islam. Al Queda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, etc, are all just devout Muslims doing what they believe Islam has commanded them to do. They are emulating their prophet who did much worse, as best as they can. It's as simple as that. The sooner the world realizes this obvious fact, and stop sugarcoating it with politically correct BS, the better off humanity in general will be.
You don´t understand that they are simply evil. The Jizya is not good, but ISIS knows the Christians cannot pay. This makes clear they just know how abuse even the Jiszya as instrument to ridicule the Christians before they rape and kill them and create an environment of fear.
Of course they are evil, but it's the ideology that they are following that makes them evil.
They aren't "monsters" just following the teachings of Islam. Al Queda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, etc, are all just devout Muslims doing what they believe Islam has commanded them to do. They are emulating their prophet who did much worse, as best as they can. It's as simple as that. The sooner the world realizes this obvious fact, and stop sugarcoating it with politically correct BS, the better off humanity in general will be.
You don´t understand that they are simply evil. The Jizya is not good, but ISIS knows the Christians cannot pay. This makes clear they just know how abuse even the Jiszya as instrument to ridicule the Christians before they rape and kill them and create an environment of fear.
Of course they are evil, but it's the ideology that they are following that makes them evil.
For some of them maybe. But how does that explain the fact that the terrorist groups fight each other?
You don´t understand that they are simply evil. The Jizya is not good, but ISIS knows the Christians cannot pay. This makes clear they just know how abuse even the Jiszya as instrument to ridicule the Christians before they rape and kill them and create an environment of fear.
Of course they are evil, but it's the ideology that they are following that makes them evil.
For some of them maybe. But how does that explain the fact that the terrorist groups fight each other?
They are different sects of the same evil jostling for power. Sunnis are busy trying to kill Shiites and vice versa. Once a winner emerges, they will then attack get more aggressive with the non Muslims. Fortunately, these two sects have been fighting each other for 1400 years and let's pray they continue to do so for another 1400 years.

Today I heard for the first time on CNN about dividing Iraq into three states. Keep an eye on this, as this concept gets promoted more and more as a viable solution.

For America and the West, everything is going according to the plan, which was conceived over a decade ago.
Of course they are evil, but it's the ideology that they are following that makes them evil.
For some of them maybe. But how does that explain the fact that the terrorist groups fight each other?
They are different sects of the same evil jostling for power. Sunnis are busy trying to kill Shiites and vice versa. Once a winner emerges, they will then attack get more aggressive with the non Muslims. Fortunately, these two sects have been fighting each other for 1400 years and let's pray they continue to do so for another 1400 years.

Today I heard for the first time on CNN about dividing Iraq into three states. Keep an eye on this, as this concept gets promoted more and more as a viable solution.

For America and the West, everything is going according to the plan, which was conceived over a decade ago.
These groups currently carrying out terror in Syria and Iraq are all Sunni. Its Sunni vs Sunni.
For some of them maybe. But how does that explain the fact that the terrorist groups fight each other?
They are different sects of the same evil jostling for power. Sunnis are busy trying to kill Shiites and vice versa. Once a winner emerges, they will then attack get more aggressive with the non Muslims. Fortunately, these two sects have been fighting each other for 1400 years and let's pray they continue to do so for another 1400 years.

Today I heard for the first time on CNN about dividing Iraq into three states. Keep an eye on this, as this concept gets promoted more and more as a viable solution.

For America and the West, everything is going according to the plan, which was conceived over a decade ago.
These groups currently carrying out terror in Syria and Iraq are all Sunni. Its Sunni vs Sunni.
In Syria it's the Sunni secular dictatorship (with Shiite / Hezbollah / Iran ties) vs the Sunni terrorist groups who want to create an Islamic state. In Iraq again, it's the Sunni Islamists vs the Sunni Iraqi army, the Iraqi Govt. Which has a Shiite leadership and a known puppet of Iran. All the people that died and got maimed in the Iraqi invasion as a result of the gains made and regime change have been wasted, thanks to Obama.

Like I said, keep an eye on the division of Iraq, if things get much worse that is going to be the solution that will be presented, as an alternative to war which will be acceptable to all parties. That way the US and the West can help protect the borders of the three subdivisions, which will be easier because people are fighting to protect their own ethnicity and tribe in that case.

And after that, Iran will be on the chopping block, once they overthrow the current regime.

Most of what is happening today geopolitically has been preplanned I believe.
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In Syria it's the Sunni secular dictatorship (with Shiite / Hezbollah / Iran ties) vs the Sunni terrorist groups who want to create an Islamic state.
Not correct. An estimated number of 1000 bands split into fractions are up to mischief in Syria fighting the Alawite dominated secular Syrian government and each other. The west says, there are 10 % jihadists and 30 - 35 % hardline islamists among the estimated 100.000 fighters. Syria says, 80 % or more are jihadists.
Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane's report - Telegraph

In Iraq again, it's the Sunni Islamists vs the Sunni Iraqi army, the Iraqi Govt. Which has a Shiite leadership and a known puppet of Iran. All the people that died and got maimed in the Iraqi invasion as a result of the gains made and regime change have been wasted, thanks to Obama.
This is really not a REP vs DEM thing. Obama did not launch the war on Iraq but I don´t know if Bush knew that his successor would cheer ISIS, a subsidiary of the organization that attacked America in 2001.

Like I said, keep an eye on the division of Iraq, if things get much worse that is going to be the solution that will be presented, as an alternative to war which will be acceptable to all parties. That way the US and the West can help protect the borders of the three subdivisions, which will be easier because people are fighting to protect their own ethnicity and tribe in that case.

And after that, Iran will be on the chopping block, once they overthrow the current regime.

Most of what is happening today geopolitically has been preplanned I believe.
Lets listen to what the insider General Wesley Clark knows about that:
[ame=]wars against Irak, Iran Libya and Syria was planned a long time ago.flv - YouTube[/ame]
They aren't "monsters" just following the teachings of Islam. Al Queda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, etc, are all just devout Muslims doing what they believe Islam has commanded them to do. They are emulating their prophet who did much worse, as best as they can. It's as simple as that. The sooner the world realizes this obvious fact, and stop sugarcoating it with politically correct BS, the better off humanity in general will be.
Is the story true?

If so, then, I must say, I'm not terribly surprised.

We should not expect different from a belief system whose holy writings and whose founder gives its adherents explicit and multiple permissions to kill in the name of the godhead and to make war in the name of the godhead and to lie to unbelievers, and whose founder was a pedophile, widow-raper, bloodthirsty conqueror and dictator, and whose psychotic, selfish and self-excusing pronouncements and delusional visions are sources of constant embarrassment and cause for paranoid defensiveness on the part of its practitioners.

Islam is a cancer upon the face of the planet.
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They are barbarians.............

As they always have been.........

There is no reasoning with them, just like Hitler youth. The only solution is wiping them off the face of the earth.
They are barbarians.............

As they always have been.........

There is no reasoning with them, just like Hitler youth. The only solution is wiping them off the face of the earth.

anyone who has any questions regarding the Islamic explanation for Jizya-----
under the BEAUTY OF ISLAMIC ALLAH GIVEn LAW----feel free to ask
They are barbarians.............

As they always have been.........

There is no reasoning with them, just like Hitler youth. The only solution is wiping them off the face of the earth.

anyone who has any questions regarding the Islamic explanation for Jizya-----
under the BEAUTY OF ISLAMIC ALLAH GIVE LAW----feel free to ask

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