ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Believed to Have Been Killed, According to Report

Obama's speech on Bin Laden -- 9 minutes.

Trump's speech -- 40+ minutes.

As usual, Trump made it all about himself. Obama? A class act.

Apparently you didn't watch the same speech I did. I don't think he used the word "I" 5 times in the entire speech. Obama I think used the word "I" 20 something times during his speech.
Obama took no credit. Trump was taking credit for killing Bin Laden because he supposedly demand it in one of his books.
The pathetic Dems are already saying it’s not an accomplishment because the guy detonated his own suicide vest.

At least the Cvnts are consistently ridiculous. :21:
Wouldn't it have been nice if we got Baghdadi a lot sooner than that.
Oh but we did. We got Baghdadi years ago. He was in prison in Iraq. Shitstain obama ordered his release. So this is another bit of the obama legacy Trump has undone.

‘I’ll see you guys in New York,’ ISIS terror leader told U.S. troops in 2009

Obama did not order his release, he was released in 2004.

ISIS didn't exist in 2004 dumb fuck.
Baghdadi did you dumb fuck.
It is good that our military got this guy.

So when it happens under Trump, it was "our military" that got the guy but if it happened under Obama, it was Obama that got him?

The pathetic Dems are already saying it’s not an accomplishment because the guy detonated his own suicide vest.

At least the Cvnts are consistently ridiculous. :21:
Wouldn't it have been nice if we got Baghdadi a lot sooner than that.
Oh but we did. We got Baghdadi years ago. He was in prison in Iraq. Shitstain obama ordered his release. So this is another bit of the obama legacy Trump has undone.

‘I’ll see you guys in New York,’ ISIS terror leader told U.S. troops in 2009

Trump killing the same terrorists that Obama let go. Trump is STILL cleaning the mess that fucking stupid Muslim loving Oreo left.

Trump is fighting in Syria? Who knew. I thought he had bone spurs.

If Trump had his way, we would have no one in Syria, the Kurds would be wiped out by the Turks & Putin would rule the land.

Instead, Our intel (Trump called scum in the recent past) work with the Kurds (Who trump tried to get slaughtered) to identify where Baghdadi was staying.
It took effort and skill to find and kill Osama bin Laden. Thank you, President Obama!
did obama supply any of the effort and skill?...
Unlike Bush who declared Bin Laden irrelevant,. Obama made getting Bin Laden a high priority.
not what i asked dave.....lakota claimed obama supplied the effort and skill to get the guy...was it him or the military who supplied that effort and skill?......all i asked...lakota ran from that,i dont know why.........
Obama's speech on Bin Laden -- 9 minutes.

Trump's speech -- 40+ minutes.

As usual, Trump made it all about himself. Obama? A class act.

Apparently you didn't watch the same speech I did. I don't think he used the word "I" 5 times in the entire speech. Obama I think used the word "I" 20 something times during his speech.
Obama took no credit. Trump was taking credit for killing Bin Laden because he supposedly demand it in one of his books.


19 times he says "I" and "my direction."
Obama's speech on Bin Laden -- 9 minutes.

Trump's speech -- 40+ minutes.

As usual, Trump made it all about himself. Obama? A class act.

Apparently you didn't watch the same speech I did. I don't think he used the word "I" 5 times in the entire speech. Obama I think used the word "I" 20 something times during his speech.
Obama took no credit. Trump was taking credit for killing Bin Laden because he supposedly demand it in one of his books.


19 times he says "I" and "my direction."


announcing the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Donald Trump on Sunday took questions from journalists -- and made a major false claim about his past statements on Osama bin Laden.

Trump claimed he had been prescient about the danger posed by bin Laden, having called for the death of the al Qaeda leader in a "very successful" book he published in the year before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Trump said that he knew the threat from bin Laden at a time when "nobody" had "ever heard of" bin Laden.
"About a year -- you'll have to check it, a year, year and a half before the World Trade Center came down, the book came out. I was talking about Osama bin Laden. I said, 'You have to kill him. You have to take him out.' Nobody listened to me," he said.
"Let's put it this way: if they would have listened to me, a lot of things would have been different," he said.
Trump said he still hears people marveling about his supposed declaration.
"To this day, I get people coming up to me," he said. "They said, 'You know what one of the most amazing things I've ever seen about you is that you predicted that Osama bin Laden had to be killed before he knocked down the World Trade Center.' It's true. Now, most of the press doesn't want to write that, but, you know -- but it's true. If you go back, look at my book."
Obama's speech on Bin Laden -- 9 minutes.

Trump's speech -- 40+ minutes.

As usual, Trump made it all about himself. Obama? A class act.

Apparently you didn't watch the same speech I did. I don't think he used the word "I" 5 times in the entire speech. Obama I think used the word "I" 20 something times during his speech.
Obama took no credit. Trump was taking credit for killing Bin Laden because he supposedly demand it in one of his books.


19 times he says "I" and "my direction."

Trump said how he wrote in a book how Bin Laden needed to be killed & if only people listened...

Fact check: Trump falsely claims his 2000 book demanded the killing of Osama bin Laden - CNNPolitics


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Obama's speech on Bin Laden -- 9 minutes.

Trump's speech -- 40+ minutes.

As usual, Trump made it all about himself. Obama? A class act.

Apparently you didn't watch the same speech I did. I don't think he used the word "I" 5 times in the entire speech. Obama I think used the word "I" 20 something times during his speech.
Obama took no credit. Trump was taking credit for killing Bin Laden because he supposedly demand it in one of his books.


19 times he says "I" and "my direction."


Our Democracy is at stake. Obama must be impeached!
For the record----the person who declared OSAMA BIN LADEN----an evil guy was Oliver North 1987
Thank you POTUS for remembering by name:

James Foley Steven Sotloff Kayla Mueller Peter Kassig Muath Safi Yousef al-Kasasbeh.

What a great day for America.

Obama's speech on Bin Laden -- 9 minutes.

Trump's speech -- 40+ minutes.

As usual, Trump made it all about himself. Obama? A class act.

Apparently you didn't watch the same speech I did. I don't think he used the word "I" 5 times in the entire speech. Obama I think used the word "I" 20 something times during his speech.
Obama took no credit. Trump was taking credit for killing Bin Laden because he supposedly demand it in one of his books.


19 times he says "I" and "my direction."
Osama Bin Laden Dead.

Read it assfuck. Count the number of "I"s.

These raids need Presidential approval. He gave it.

The only thing he took credit for was telling his CIOA head to make Bin Laden a priority.
Thank you POTUS for remembering by name:

James Foley Steven Sotloff Kayla Mueller Peter Kassig Muath Safi Yousef al-Kasasbeh.

What a great day for America.

What decade long war did he end?

"Moral well-being" Trump? That is some funny chit
Bad last few days for Democrats. Trump offs one of their main heroes, then a couple of their most experienced and corrupt racist machine hacks finally die, Conyers and Cummings. Oh well, the Democrats are busy 'pivoting' to the latino criminals and illegal aliens now, they're gaining a lot more influence with the Party sociopaths and blacks are losing their influence, so it's to be expected.
Body Parts...........there fixed it for you. Are you calling Delta Force and the Ranger Liars......who went after him.

He exploded a suicide vest with his 3 children .............Only DNA can be used to verify it after that.

Isn’t it amazing? They just never stop.

People like DD are just miserable idiots.

They are brainwashed political beasts.

You are the miserable idiot when you applaud a president who thanks Russia first before our troops. What a fucking dumb prick.

Hey scumbag, do you agree with the Hate Site "Washington Post" that Baghdadi was an "austere religious leader?


This is why decent people hate you vile pigs, you know...

ISIS approves this headline! (along with most Democrats too...).

Damned sure debbiedowner does.

According to the Daily Star via a link from Drudge Russia says it didn't happen.

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ‘not killed by US military’ Russia claims

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