ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Believed to Have Been Killed, According to Report

Obama's speech on Bin Laden -- 9 minutes.

Trump's speech -- 40+ minutes.

As usual, Trump made it all about himself. Obama? A class act.

Apparently you didn't watch the same speech I did. I don't think he used the word "I" 5 times in the entire speech. Obama I think used the word "I" 20 something times during his speech.
Obama took no credit. Trump was taking credit for killing Bin Laden because he supposedly demand it in one of his books.


19 times he says "I" and "my direction."

God Bless the Great Obama!

Nobody did it better
What the hell were we doing there?
Fighting ISIS and preventing Russia from getting the foothold they desired. Remember, all roads with Trump lead to Putin. That will help you understand what Trump says and does.

You sure do ask a lot of questions for someone who avoids all questions asked of him.
I am a child of the 60s There was a very common expression for negative outcomes for
people who DID IT TO THEMSELVES----
How NOT to end never-ending wars

Column: Trump's brand of war is killing more civilians than before
What the hell were we doing there?
Fighting ISIS and preventing Russia from getting the foothold they desired. Remember, all roads with Trump lead to Putin. That will help you understand what Trump says and does.

You sure do ask a lot of questions for someone who avoids all questions asked of him.
I tend to ignore shit except when I step in it, FFI. That seems to be all you got.
Time to get out of there.....maybe another of your NATO countries will pick up the slack.
You and your ilk are bent on Trump and Putin, when it was Obama and Putin and the old hag and Putin all the time. :auiqs.jpg:
What the hell were we doing there?
Fighting ISIS and preventing Russia from getting the foothold they desired. Remember, all roads with Trump lead to Putin. That will help you understand what Trump says and does.

You sure do ask a lot of questions for someone who avoids all questions asked of him.
I tend to ignore shit except when I step in it, FFI. That seems to be all you got.
Time to get out of there.....maybe another of your NATO countries will pick up the slack.
You and your ilk are bent on Trump and Putin, when it was Obama and Putin and the old hag and Putin all the time. :auiqs.jpg:

The guy you're talking to is a moron. Russia and their Soviet predecessor have had a "foothold" in Syria for 50+ fucking years. I'm glad I'm not a moderator so that I could put that idiot on "ignore".
It's a good day for Trump when the leader if ISIS is killed, and then watch the liberals head explode over it.

All Americans rejoiced the killing of Bin Laden. Not surprisingly, many American leftists aren't eager to celebrate the killing of this terrorist because they're afraid that it might be beneficial to Trump. Their loyalty is to the Democratic Party, not to the American people or the poor folks in Syria and Iraq that have been victimized by ISIS.
I told you why, FFI.
No, you made up a reason why, in order to soothe yourself out loud. In reality, you are an intellectual pussy. That's the reason "why", no matter what you blubber to yourself.
Sounds like you're trolling ffi.

See, you can't even say anything on topic about The death of the ISIS terrorist. Just say, Trump was president
and gets some kudo's for staying out of the way while the Military did their jobs. Go ahead, I'll be waiting
Sounds like you're trolling ffi.
Nope. My statements are completely honest and spot on. The troll here is you, who doesn't engage in discussion, but rather ignores all points made and questions asked, instead just trying to annoy people.

Or did they not teach you that in mod school? Well, I just taught it to you. You're welcome.
Sounds like you're trolling ffi.
Nope. My statements are completely honest and spot on. The troll here is you, who doesn't engage in discussion, but rather ignores all points made and questions asked, instead just trying to annoy people.

Or did they not teach you that in mod school? Well, I just taught it to you. You're welcome.
You make a good chew toy for the rest of us, ffi.
I did notice you still can't say anything good about the head of ISIS being killed. That speaks volumes about you.
Trump once again showing why he's a good president for this country. Sucks to be you
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