ISIS now spreading into Libya - and beginning to win

I assumed they were already there?
Yeah, but what caught my eye about that, was that they're now sufficiently organized, so that they've captured a large seacoast town, as a point of departure for further mischief or conquest. And, they are not far from the Egyptian border, if I read that correctly. That raised an eyebrow - and some concern - when I spotted that yesterday.

Yeah thats not a good sign and there is no organized force in Libya to fight them. This conflict just got alot more complicated, Libya is a very strategic location. I hate to say it but we'd have been better off letting Gaddafi keep Libya, he kept Islamic nut bags in check.
Best argument that I've seen for continuing to prop-up dictators in Muslim-dominated countries...

Left to their own devices, they always try to crawl back into the womb - 7th Century A.D. Islam.

Fundies, who make our own (US) Fundies look like Libertines, by comparison.

Slave minds, tied to a slave religion, with a slave-warrior component to it.

One of these days, the Mahdi will show-up, and unplug their sorry asses from The Matrix.

But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Meanwhile... as the cancer of ISIS continues to spread... now, onto the North African coast, in a military and territorial sense... I sense a broader war in the making... and soon, too... although it may end-up waiting until after January 20, 2017... assuming that we can install a CiC that the troops will respect and support.
Re your final comment - IMO evil s**t is going to run rampant as long as the world is led ("from behind") by a "weak horse"

The troops will go where the CinC sends them and do their very best.

What will be different in Jan of 2017 will be found in the leadership in the office of the CinC.
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So, tell us, Jihadi George, is this a good thing?
For Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, you mean?
"In a revealing interview with Truthout about his new bookPay Any Price, journalist James Risen provides evidence of how the United States has become enmeshed in an endless war.

"He also discusses how the post-9/11, military-surveillance state has enriched - with little oversight or accountability - many opportunists.

"Risen tells Truthout: Four trillion dollars is the best estimate for the total price tag of the war on terror, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and much of it has gone to shadowy contractors.

"It is one of the largest transfers of wealth in American history, and yet it has gone largely unnoticed.'"

Wall Street likes it; how about you?

James Risen The Post-9 11 Homeland Security Industrial Complex Profiteers and Endless War
So, tell us, Jihadi George, is this a good thing?
For Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, you mean?
"In a revealing interview with Truthout about his new bookPay Any Price, journalist James Risen provides evidence of how the United States has become enmeshed in an endless war.

"He also discusses how the post-9/11, military-surveillance state has enriched - with little oversight or accountability - many opportunists.

"Risen tells Truthout: Four trillion dollars is the best estimate for the total price tag of the war on terror, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and much of it has gone to shadowy contractors.

"It is one of the largest transfers of wealth in American history, and yet it has gone largely unnoticed.'"

Wall Street likes it; how about you?

James Risen The Post-9 11 Homeland Security Industrial Complex Profiteers and Endless War

When you allow a few to get rich from the mass murder and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims, don't WHINE when the car bombs BLOW beside your
  1. the building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.
    • a Jewish assembly or congregation.
When you allow a few to get rich from the mass murder and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims, don't WHINE when the car bombs BLOW beside your
  1. the building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.
    • a Jewish assembly or congregation.
Biggest pile of horseshit to ooze out of Jihadi George in quite time time...
Biggest pile of horseshit to ooze out of Jihadi George in quite time time...

Fun, ain't it?
Somebody needs to remind Jihadi George that the topic of this thread is ISIS in Libya.

His masturbation over Jew-hatred and Israel is off-topic and irrelevant in this context.
Somebody needs to remind Jihadi George that the topic of this thread is ISIS in Libya.

His masturbation over Jew-hatred and Israel is off-topic and irrelevant in this context.
The Jewish colonization of Palestine is why Muslims are murdering each other in Libya and Syria, Sissy.
From the OP link to CNN:

Derna has a long history of Islamist radicalism. Marginalized during the Gadhafi era, it contributed more foreign fighters per capita to al Qaeda in Iraq than any other town in the Middle East. It has also provided scores of fighters for ISIS in Syria.

Apparently Gaddafi didn't control this town much.
The Jewish colonization of Palestine is why Muslims are murdering each other in Libya and Syria, Sissy.


It's a shame that all those in the different countries who started this Arab Spring because they wanted a democracy where they would have more opportunities and more freedoms couldn't see the nonsense that Gaza George has written. I know it isn't the Middle East, but maybe Gaza George can tell us where there have been so many car and suicide bombings by the Sunnis against the Shia in Pakistan. Surely he doesn't think this is because of Israel. Are the Boko Haram murdering people because of Israel? I guess if Gaza George could figure out a way to blame the Israelis for this, he wouldn't hesitate to do so.
Oh, and, by the way, thanks for your tax dollars, which go, in part, to providing those shells...

Damned nice of you to do that.
Some shells make Jews SMILE

Don't they, Yeppers?
Don't try to over-think it, Jihadi George, you know that's not your strong suit.

Meanwhile, how are your ISIS butt-buddies in Libya doing?
Don't try to over-think it, Jihadi George, you know that's not your strong suit.
What do you know about thinking, Tool?
Very little, truth be told, and I only possess a tiny little brain with which to do that, as well.

I am able to take some small comfort, however, in the knowledge that my own meager resources and abilities in that connection, exceed your own, Jihadi George, by a very considerable margin.

Thus, I am content.

Any other brilliant observations to share with the class, little Arab butt-buddy?


How does any of this help us to discuss the presence and actions of ISIS in Libya?

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