ISIS plans to massacre thousands of civilians in the Western countries

ISIS has killed less than 50 people in this country. Right wing nut jobs with guns kill thousands every year in this country. But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Right wing nut jobs are far far more dangerous than ISIS, because they have so many in the government, forcing their ideology on the masses, the same way ISIS likes to do.

Dont worry shitface, even a right wing nut job like me would still shoot a terrorist to save your ass. Yes, I'd even choose you over them asshole.

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Yet all we see you do is shoot of your mouth, via the keyboard...
ISIS has killed less than 50 people in this country. Right wing nut jobs with guns kill thousands every year in this country. But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Right wing nut jobs are far far more dangerous than ISIS, because they have so many in the government, forcing their ideology on the masses, the same way ISIS likes to do.

Dont worry shitface, even a right wing nut job like me would still shoot a terrorist to save your ass. Yes, I'd even choose you over them asshole.

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Really? Why not let the terrorist take out the Democrat then cap his ass?
ISIS has killed less than 50 people in this country. Right wing nut jobs with guns kill thousands every year in this country. But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Right wing nut jobs are far far more dangerous than ISIS, because they have so many in the government, forcing their ideology on the masses, the same way ISIS likes to do.

Dont worry shitface, even a right wing nut job like me would still shoot a terrorist to save your ass. Yes, I'd even choose you over them asshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Why not let the terrorist take out the Democrat then cap his ass?

Two birds with one stone...excellent she purred
ISIS has killed less than 50 people in this country. Right wing nut jobs with guns kill thousands every year in this country. But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Right wing nut jobs are far far more dangerous than ISIS, because they have so many in the government, forcing their ideology on the masses, the same way ISIS likes to do.

Dont worry shitface, even a right wing nut job like me would still shoot a terrorist to save your ass. Yes, I'd even choose you over them asshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Why not let the terrorist take out the Democrat then cap his ass?

Two birds with one stone...excellent she purred
ISIS has killed less than 50 people in this country. Right wing nut jobs with guns kill thousands every year in this country. But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Right wing nut jobs are far far more dangerous than ISIS, because they have so many in the government, forcing their ideology on the masses, the same way ISIS likes to do.

Dont worry shitface, even a right wing nut job like me would still shoot a terrorist to save your ass. Yes, I'd even choose you over them asshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Why not let the terrorist take out the Democrat then cap his ass?

Two birds with one stone...excellent she purred

You're not funny, run long, runt
This is horrible! What should we do?

Nothing, it is too late.

I'm planning that I flee to the USA and I take my three sons (they're 21, 23, 25 years old).
I am worried, because it is possible that the same is the situation as in Ukraine.

This news is true!!! I personally met with Ukrainian young people who told me many things:
"Kiev Fails to Provide Soldiers With Military Training, Sends Them to Death." Kiev Fails to Provide Soldiers With Military Training, Sends Them to Death

Prime Minister Viktor Orban created new laws:
(25 April 2011)
Article XXXI
(1) Every Hungarian citizen shall be obliged to defend the Homeland.
(2) Hungary shall maintain a volunteer reserve system for national defence purposes.
(3) During a state of national crisis, or if Parliament decides so during a state of preventive defence, adult male Hungarian citizens with residence in Hungary shall perform military service. If military service involving the use of arms is incompatible with the conscientious belief of the person obliged to perform military service, he shall perform unarmed service. The forms and detailed rules for military service shall be laid down in a cardinal Act.
(4) For the duration of a state of national crisis, adult Hungarian citizens with residence in Hungary may be ordered to perform work for national defence purposes, as provided for by a cardinal Act.
(5) For adult Hungarian citizens with residence in Hungary civil protection obligation may be introduced in the interest of performing national defence and disaster management tasks, as provided for by a cardinal Act.
(6) In the interest of performing national defence and disaster management tasks everyone may be ordered to provide economic and material services, as provided for by a cardinal Act." The fundamental law of Hungary* Trump, try to sound so tough,...but when asked why he didn't serve in the military, he said he had a sore foot. What a tough guy....chicken hawks, chicken hawks, chicken hawks. More afluenza. Trump, try to sound so tough,...but when asked why he didn't serve in the military, he said he had a sore foot. What a tough guy....chicken hawks, chicken hawks, chicken hawks. More afluenza.

I'm a veteran, and a lot of Conservatives that post here can say the same...

What's your excuse??? Did the military turn you down due to your chronic "hangover"???? Trump, try to sound so tough,...but when asked why he didn't serve in the military, he said he had a sore foot. What a tough guy....chicken hawks, chicken hawks, chicken hawks. More afluenza.

I'm a veteran, and a lot of Conservatives that post here can say the same...

What's your excuse??? Did the military turn you down due to your chronic "hangover"????

Given that Obama nor Bill Clinton served if I were a left loon I'd leave military service out of it Trump, try to sound so tough,...but when asked why he didn't serve in the military, he said he had a sore foot. What a tough guy....chicken hawks, chicken hawks, chicken hawks. More afluenza.

I'm a veteran, and a lot of Conservatives that post here can say the same...

What's your excuse??? Did the military turn you down due to your chronic "hangover"????

Given that Obama nor Bill Clinton served if I were a left loon I'd leave military service out of it
But Hillary obviously did....
Hillary sniper fire.jpg

Remember when she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia??? Trump, try to sound so tough,...but when asked why he didn't serve in the military, he said he had a sore foot. What a tough guy....chicken hawks, chicken hawks, chicken hawks. More afluenza.

I'm a veteran, and a lot of Conservatives that post here can say the same...

What's your excuse??? Did the military turn you down due to your chronic "hangover"????

Given that Obama nor Bill Clinton served if I were a left loon I'd leave military service out of it
But Hillary obviously did....
View attachment 58468
Remember when she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia???

Yeah....that was a pathetic lie, she should have known better

Has this board been taken over by a cabal of right-wing loons? This place sure has changed over the past few years since I stopped posting.

Maybe you guys are a group of National Lampoon Interns taking the piss...You guys can't seriously believe half the shit you write.
Yes it has been a number of US Patriots join this forum. And many of us who served our country while the likes of you stayed home and jerked-off on Jane Fonda posters.
There's a reason why asshole. Because millions and millions of Patriotic Americans are waking up and seeing how the fucking LIBs are trying to turn America into a fucking shithole country like they have done in Europe.
There is a HUGE wave of Nationalism sweeping this country.
We've watched Obama do everything his daddy would have been proud of to destroy our country.
We are sick of it and soon President Trump will put an end to the Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, George Soros, Obama 'wet dream' forever.
Last edited:
Yes it has been a number of US Patriots join this forum. And many of us who served our country while the likes of you stayed home and jerked-off on Jane Fonda posters.
There's a reason why asshole. Because millions and millions of Patriotic Americans are waking up and seeing how the fucking LIBs are trying to turn America into a fucking shithole country like they have done in Europe.
There is a HUGE wave of Nationalism sweeping this country.
We've watched Obama do everything his daddy would have been proud of to destroy our country.
We are sick of it and soon President Trump will put an end to the Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, George Soros, Obama 'wet dream' forever.

Timothy McVeigh also served. As did Lee Harvey Oswald. Serving doesn't make you anything special. And unless you served in WWII I wouldn't be go around dissing others that haven't. Every other action the US has been involved in since has had nothing to do with ultruism (unlike WWII) and everything to do with either serving your own self interests or some warped sense of righteousness.

You should be on your knees kissing Obama's feet with the job he has done trying to fix up the clusterfuck that was Bush's presidency.

The only people bent on destroying your country are neocon whackjobs like yourself....

Has this board been taken over by a cabal of right-wing loons? This place sure has changed over the past few years since I stopped posting.

Maybe you guys are a group of National Lampoon Interns taking the piss...You guys can't seriously believe half the shit you write.
Yes it has been a number of US Patriots join this forum. And many of us who served our country while the likes of you stayed home and jerked-off on Jane Fonda posters.
There's a reason why asshole. Because millions and millions of Patriotic Americans are waking up and seeing how the fucking LIBs are trying to turn America into a fucking shithole country like they have done in Europe.
There is a HUGE wave of Nationalism sweeping this country.
We've watched Obama do everything his daddy would have been proud of to destroy our country.
We are sick of it and soon President Trump will put an end to the Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, George Soros, Obama 'wet dream' forever.
That's the Trump that couldn't serve in the military because he had a sore foot. So you're voting for a chicken hawk.

Has this board been taken over by a cabal of right-wing loons? This place sure has changed over the past few years since I stopped posting.

Maybe you guys are a group of National Lampoon Interns taking the piss...You guys can't seriously believe half the shit you write.
Yes it has been a number of US Patriots join this forum. And many of us who served our country while the likes of you stayed home and jerked-off on Jane Fonda posters.
There's a reason why asshole. Because millions and millions of Patriotic Americans are waking up and seeing how the fucking LIBs are trying to turn America into a fucking shithole country like they have done in Europe.
There is a HUGE wave of Nationalism sweeping this country.
We've watched Obama do everything his daddy would have been proud of to destroy our country.
We are sick of it and soon President Trump will put an end to the Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, George Soros, Obama 'wet dream' forever.
That's the Trump that couldn't serve in the military because he had a sore foot. So you're voting for a chicken hawk.
Do you really want to get into a pissing match about which public figures/politicians got deferrals and why?
The Military is told by the politicians when and where to go fight.

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