ISIS seizes Saddam's chemical weapons

No senior bushies in the admin every announced that WMDs were found.

No reason exists to deny marriage equality?

And the only thing the droid Far Right is . . . but, but, but.

Fuck em if they don't get the joke.


Of course there is a reason to deny marriage equality, the culture of the country is eroded. You want the same rights as a NORMAL married couple, you got it, but it's a civil union, and not a marriage. Live your lives however you want to, just don't force your lifestyle and your forced acceptance on me, period.

You will follow constitutional and legal requirements in the public forum, Vigilante, or pay the price.

You will not be allowed to deny personal and civil liberty to any group of Americans under the 14th Amendment.

Your opinion in these matters does not count, other than you can look foolishly as you make them.

AS with this current presidents actions, I, as a FREE American citizen reject some of what 9 UNELECTED citizens say as law. And I shall face the consequences of my actions, when and if the push comes to shove! I DO NOT interpret several of the Constitutions many parts, the way subversive justices do.

You have to be the dumbest, or, at least, the biggest WHORE for the subversive party.... You KNOW nothing, BUT General Sada said there were plenty of WMD that he personally flew into Syria... He [/IMG]

Sada's story was not corroborated as well you know.

If the bushies thought he was believable, they would have shouted from the rooftop.

I am a mainstream Republican, you are running dog of the subversive far right. No doubt about it.

No, you're a lapdog subversive, as are most RINO'S. You have NO CORE values, and all you can do, Mr. Chamberlain, is try to GET ALONG with the very bastards that want YOU to commit economic and social suicide.....Once the domino of Man/woman marriage is overturned, how long before ALL our cultural domino's collapse? It was badly shaken by abortion, thank GOD, if I believed in him, that that domino left us weak. Even that Communist dictator Putin knows you can't have a strong, cohesive society without your established cultural moral, ethics and principles....THAT is why many of us admire the man, not because he's a commie, but he KNOWS what cultural suicide looks like, and REFUSES to make his people bow before perversion, and immorality!


Idiot, this is why you build roads, schools and screwed away 3 trillion dollars on other nations for a decade? Yet, now that we need to maintain our own country = no, you say. LOL:badgrin:

You wouldn't know constitutional if it bit you in the ass!
Vagilante, you really need to stop. All of your little gifs and bullshit jpegs don't amount to a damned thing next to declassified Bush administration documents so shove your self-righteous shit back up your ass.

Deportee or whatever your gay screen name is, the same goes for you. You can preach on and on and on and on about how much of a threat that you think Saddam Hussein was, but it doesn't amount to a hill of shit compared to DECLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS.

The proof is there for you, just a click away. Bush lied to invade Iraq and the proof is there. You don't have any legitimate excuse to deny reality.
You can spot the lefties who haven't gotten a new car in a long time and can't figure out how to scrape the old bumper stickers off. :lol:
From depotoo's link: "Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said."

Thank you for documenting that no WMDs existed and that the yellowcake was not a WMD threat under Saddam.

ps: you guys don't read this stuff, do you?

Was 550 tons of Yellowcake IN IRAQ before , during and after the Gulf War? Did a secretive transfer of said yellowcake, with all possible protective gear mandated for that transfer happen. Does yellowcake LOSE it's strength in 30 years, or so? Do you have any idea of the half life of uranium. Was the Yellowcake LEFT UNGUARDED by the U.N. just before, during and after the war, until American forces secured it. Who cares about a date, when you have the REAL THING already in front of you! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
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Vagilante, you really need to stop. All of your little gifs and bullshit jpegs don't amount to a damned thing next to declassified Bush administration documents so shove your self-righteous shit back up your ass.

Deportee or whatever your gay screen name is, the same goes for you. You can preach on and on and on and on about how much of a threat that you think Saddam Hussein was, but it doesn't amount to a hill of shit compared to DECLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS.

The proof is there for you, just a click away. Bush lied to invade Iraq and the proof is there. You don't have any legitimate excuse to deny reality.

One question...Has your government ever lied to you?

Sada's story was not corroborated as well you know.

If the bushies thought he was believable, they would have shouted from the rooftop.

I am a mainstream Republican, you are running dog of the subversive far right. No doubt about it.

No, you're a lapdog subversive, as are most RINO'S. You have NO CORE values, and all you can do, Mr. Chamberlain, is try to GET ALONG with the very bastards that want YOU to commit economic and social suicide.....Once the domino of Man/woman marriage is overturned, how long before ALL our cultural domino's collapse? It was badly shaken by abortion, thank GOD, if I believed in him, that that domino left us weak. Even that Communist dictator Putin knows you can't have a strong, cohesive society without your established cultural moral, ethics and principles....THAT is why many of us admire the man, not because he's a commie, but he KNOWS what cultural suicide looks like, and REFUSES to make his people bow before perversion, and immorality!


Idiot, this is why you build roads, schools and screwed away 3 trillion dollars on other nations for a decade? Yet, now that we need to maintain our own country = no, you say. LOL:badgrin:

You wouldn't know constitutional if it bit you in the ass!

Roads, and schools are wonderful things....BUT we can't afford them... Cut back 1% of the budget for each of the next 7 years, and we will have NO DEBT. But shit, don't let common sense and logic ruin your idiotic rant... keep putting us deeper in the hole! :cuckoo::cuckoo:

I see you have your own FUCKED UP INTERPRETATION of the Constitution!
You're posting internet pictures, I'm posting declassified government documents, and you think that you're winning this debate?
Vagilante, you really need to stop. All of your little gifs and bullshit jpegs don't amount to a damned thing next to declassified Bush administration documents so shove your self-righteous shit back up your ass.

Deportee or whatever your gay screen name is, the same goes for you. You can preach on and on and on and on about how much of a threat that you think Saddam Hussein was, but it doesn't amount to a hill of shit compared to DECLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS.

The proof is there for you, just a click away. Bush lied to invade Iraq and the proof is there. You don't have any legitimate excuse to deny reality.

No, the proof is there for those that don't refuse to see the threat was there. You also have totally refused to read the Commission report stating, Bush did not lie. PERIOD. You also refuse to believe the Dem's senate investigation, also stating he did not lie. Did some of the intelligence communities in multiple countries get some of their intelligence wrong? Yes, but Bush did not lie. Did what was found prove that he was concealing from inspectors? Yes. Did the ISG state they were told by Iraqi's that some itemsmpre war were removed to Syria? Yes. Do we know what those items were, other than dealng with his chemical and biological weapons programs? No.

Only fools would want to tempt fate with his history and his beginning to harbor some al queda in his country to wait until he had already sold or attempt himself to bring down who he considered to be the enemy, and it would then be too, late.

You don't want to hear the truth? Fine, but many others realize the foolhardy of doing nothing, until it was, indeed, too late

And only a fool would make the comment that what was found and discreetly removed for security reasons amounted to nothing. I think God, there was no wide spread use on our troops while there because then it would have been too late, to satisfy your definition of what you foolishly considered as the only sign he was dangerous. How sick can you be?
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"You don't want to hear the truth?" Just give up. You lost.

You're arguing against Bush administration documents. Have you ever heard the term "go to the source"? The Bush administration is the source. Declassified government documents without any lamestream liberal media spin.

Bush lied to the entire world to justify his invasion of Iraq. The Bush administration proved it. The proof is online for you to read for free. You don't have any excuses to deny the truth.

Lefty idiots like this will be mumbling this same nonsense when they are in the retirement home sucking on Jell-O and having their adult diapers changed.

And it will still have changed NOTHING and proven NOTHING.
Yes, ultimately everything is pointless because the oligarchy doesn't care about the will of the People.

Right-wing morons hate the government but love the rich people who run it. They adore the men and women of the US military but want to fight a revolution against America. They love the US Constitution and that's why they threaten violence from behind imbecilic unarmed volunteer human shields to stop American laws from being enforced.

And it all works to the advantage of the oligarchy.
You're posting internet pictures, I'm posting declassified government documents, and you think that you're winning this debate?

Listen, you ANTI-AMERICAN SCUMBUCKET, why would ANYONE even bother with you when you print out this shit?

And the coward American Taliban are hiding behind human shields. That's your idea of patriotism.

And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some RACIST ***** dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.

Thank you for finally confirming that you are a subversive, in the style of the ones McCarthy warned America about, that cares nothing about America, just as long as your fellow subversives can plunder the citizens of the country. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
You're posting internet pictures, I'm posting declassified government documents, and you think that you're winning this debate?

Listen, you ANTI-AMERICAN SCUMBUCKET, why would ANYONE even bother with you when you print out this shit?

And the coward American Taliban are hiding behind human shields. That's your idea of patriotism.

And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some RACIST ***** dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.

Thank you for finally confirming that you are a subversive, in the style of the ones McCarthy warned America about, that cares nothing about America, just as long as your fellow subversives can plunder the citizens of the country. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
I already told you, you subversive liberal leftist Occupier who loves V For Vendetta, that if you don't believe me then you should read the Bush administration's own declassified government documents. So stop responding and just read the Bush administration's own declassified documents which prove that the intelligence on Iraq's WMD capabilities was exaggerated and fabricated to justify an otherwise unjustifiable war. A war, mind you, that George W. Bush was incapable of finishing.

13 years now. How do we ever know if we've won?
"You don't want to hear the truth?" Just give up. You lost.

You're arguing against Bush administration documents. Have you ever heard the term "go to the source"? The Bush administration is the source. Declassified government documents without any lamestream liberal media spin.

Bush lied to the entire world to justify his invasion of Iraq. The Bush administration proved it. The proof is online for you to read for free. You don't have any excuses to deny the truth.

U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD

Once again, you are the liar. The senate dems even stated, after investigating it, he didn't lie. As well as the 9/11 Commission. You are being force fed to satisfy your own sick need to believe he lied.
And you are relying on the biased interpretations of progressives journalists for your information. Tells one all they need to know.
You're posting internet pictures, I'm posting declassified government documents, and you think that you're winning this debate?

Listen, you ANTI-AMERICAN SCUMBUCKET, why would ANYONE even bother with you when you print out this shit?

Thank you for finally confirming that you are a subversive, in the style of the ones McCarthy warned America about, that cares nothing about America, just as long as your fellow subversives can plunder the citizens of the country. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
I already told you, you subversive liberal leftist Occupier who loves V For Vendetta, that if you don't believe me then you should read the Bush administration's own declassified government documents. So stop responding and just read the Bush administration's own declassified documents which prove that the intelligence on Iraq's WMD capabilities was exaggerated and fabricated to justify an otherwise unjustifiable war. A war, mind you, that George W. Bush was incapable of finishing.

13 years now. How do we ever know if we've won?

Bet this is a phony scandal to you also...Putz!

Senate Dems don't mean shit next to declassified Bush government documents. Bush started the war over lies, Bush failed America and the world, and it didn't matter who was elected after him because the war was lost when Bush invaded over lies.

No WMD attacks in Iraq means no WMD in Iraq. It's that simple.
Vagilante, you're still posting internet pictures to counter declassified government documents.

Try harder or stop trying.
Vagilante, you're still posting internet pictures to counter declassified government documents.

Try harder or stop trying.

Why, do my little pictures actually bitch slap you, as a fucking moron, more than mere words? Ah, and the Vigilante shall strike down all those leftist subversives that dwell in the house of the right!


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