ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts

isis doesn't want any of Israel right now. They are are too busy killing Arabs muslim and Christian and raping their women..If they kill a Jewish baby they'll have hell to pay

Damned straight. The Zionists will have to call America go fight their war for them again, like usual.
Never happened boy. Jew fight their own wars:cool-45:
Never happened boy. Jew fight their own wars

The Zionists haven't won a war since they snuck attack their neighbors in 1967.

Everything after that has been, "Please save us from the Bad Arabs, Uncle Sam!"
Where can I find this quote in the Holy Quran? Thanks.

In the holy divine law of allah----to wit---shariah----it is legal for a muslim to spit at a jew---
pillage him and rape his daughter -----resistence is
a big time crime-----an "INSULT TO ALLAH"

Call you Zionist buddies, they can get right on that for us.

they are already on it and have been for quite a while now fighting the islamonazis:thup:

Oh, is that what you are calling it? It looks like "unnecessarily pissing people off by blowing up children" to the rest of the world.
To you who is out of touch with reality....So why does a anti religion bigot like your self, continually support islamonazis? Are you into the buying ,selling, and enslaving women?:dunno:

I understand his mindset because I have interacted with Nazis in the USA (having lived as a child in a Nazi town) and I have interacted with muslims having worked in very large teaching hospitals with lots of
foreign housestaff for----uhm----almost 50 years
The bottom line is THEY CAN and JOOOS cannot respond. It was a big time crime in Nazi Germany
for a jew to refuse the order of a Nazi-----no matter what they order------like "go into that gas chamber over there" In the holy divine law of allah----to wit---shariah----it is legal for a muslim to spit at a jew---
pillage him and rape his daughter -----resistence is
a big time crime-----an "INSULT TO ALLAH" That
people die when DA JOOOOOS return fire as muslims toss bombs on the heads of jewish children----
expressing his "culture"
Never happened boy. Jew fight their own wars

The Zionists haven't won a war since they snuck attack their neighbors in 1967.

Everything after that has been, "Please save us from the Bad Arabs, Uncle Sam!"
Israel exists because the Jews beat back the hordes..Get used to it Joey Israel is not going anywhere:cool:
Where can I find this quote in the Holy Quran? Thanks.

In the holy divine law of allah----to wit---shariah----it is legal for a muslim to spit at a jew---
pillage him and rape his daughter -----resistence is
a big time crime-----an "INSULT TO ALLAH"

you are pulling out the "show me in the Koran"---bullshit card.. You are either a muslim who lies a lot or a desperate apologist for the stinking filth. Shariah is not explicitly SPELLED OUT rule by rule in the Koran (a book you never bothered to read) It is a system of jurisprudence elaborated by muslim "KORANIC SCHOLARS" over years----complete with case law type writings. There is no way to discuss shariah law with a piece of scum like you------btw ----my own husband was born a fullFLEDGED DHIMMI----in a shariah shit hole------in a land in which his community was afflicted with shariah stink for more than 1000 years-------if you have any questions (which I am sure you will not), feel free to ask. A very sober and accurate description of VERY MODERATELY imposed shariah law appears in the writings of Robert Spencer (if you REALLY don't know------which I doubt)
You remind me of a bitch who posted in the past who INSISTED that there is full freedo of religious expression in SAUDI ARABIA because "no one knows what you are thinking"

Call you Zionist buddies, they can get right on that for us.

they are already on it and have been for quite a while now fighting the islamonazis:thup:

Oh, is that what you are calling it? It looks like "unnecessarily pissing people off by blowing up children" to the rest of the world.
To you who is out of touch with reality....So why does a anti religion bigot like your self, continually support islamonazis? Are you into the buying ,selling, and enslaving women?:dunno:

I understand his mindset because I have interacted with Nazis in the USA (having lived as a child in a Nazi town) and I have interacted with muslims having worked in very large teaching hospitals with lots of
foreign housestaff for----uhm----almost 50 years
The bottom line is THEY CAN and JOOOS cannot respond. It was a big time crime in Nazi Germany
for a jew to refuse the order of a Nazi-----no matter what they order------like "go into that gas chamber over there" In the holy divine law of allah----to wit---shariah----it is legal for a muslim to spit at a jew---
pillage him and rape his daughter -----resistence is
a big time crime-----an "INSULT TO ALLAH" That
people die when DA JOOOOOS return fire as muslims toss bombs on the heads of jewish children----
expressing his "culture"
srael exists because the Jews beat back the hordes..Get used to it Joey Israel is not going anywhere

The Zionist entity is as doomed as the Crusader States ultimately were.

Because eventually, the descendents of the people who started won't consider it worth it.
LOL.. they are not that well armed. The Egyptian army is much better armed than isis.and if we wanted to, we could wipe out isis in a matter of weeks. Obama just doesn't want to

Yeah, the old, "We could totally beat those guys." wasn't true with the Iraqi resistance, wasn't true of the Vietcong, wasn't even true when we fought war in the Philippines 110 year ago.

"A man fighting for his own home is stronger than the best armed knight"-

Actually, it WAS true...but nobody had the stones to do what it would have taken.
Muslim in Pennsylvania Busted Seeking to Buy Yazidi Slave Girls
"I'm considering buying one girl inshallah once I arrive in Islamic State".
December 19, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Slavery isn't something that happened in the past. The slave trade still exists. It even exists in America where every now and then, Muslims are arrested and charged with bringing slaves to this country. It's happening in Irvine, California.

A decade ago, Shyima Hall was smuggled into the United States as a 10-year-old slave, forced to cook and clean inside the home of a wealthy Irvine family and, at night, sleep on a squalid mattress in a windowless garage.

Hall's Egyptian parents sold her into slavery when she was 8 for $30 a month, according to authorities. The Cairo couple who bought her moved to Irvine two years later, smuggling Hall into the U.S. where she toiled for them and their five children until she was 13.

Hall said she worked 16 hour days, scrubbing floors, cooking meals and cleaning house, and was rarely allowed outside the spacious home. She was forced to wash her own clothes in a bucket and was forbidden from going to school. She never visited a doctor or dentist and didn't speak a word of English.

Now an ISIS supporter in Pennsylvania has been busted and his social media accounts show an interest in enslaving non-Muslims; which is what ISIS stands for.

"I'm considering buying one girl inshallah once I arrive in Islamic State".


Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz, a 19-year-old Muslim operating out of Pennsylvania, was asking about the price of Yazidi girls as part of his larger pro-ISIS operation.

A Harrisburg man arrested in an FBI raid Thursday afternoon is accused of aiding the ISIS terrorist group, federal court filings show.


While Muslim terrorists have previously used the 72 virgins in Islamic heaven as incentive, ISIS' return to enslaving non-Muslim women, a practice initiated by Mohammed, its founder, allows them to offer girls, some only children, to Muslim Jihadists from around the world.

Muslim in Pennsylvania Busted Seeking to Buy Yazidi Slave Girls
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online

HMMM, no Clash of Civilizations here.....
Muslim in Pennsylvania Busted Seeking to Buy Yazidi Slave Girls
"I'm considering buying one girl inshallah once I arrive in Islamic State".
December 19, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Slavery isn't something that happened in the past. The slave trade still exists. It even exists in America where every now and then, Muslims are arrested and charged with bringing slaves to this country. It's happening in Irvine, California.

A decade ago, Shyima Hall was smuggled into the United States as a 10-year-old slave, forced to cook and clean inside the home of a wealthy Irvine family and, at night, sleep on a squalid mattress in a windowless garage.

Hall's Egyptian parents sold her into slavery when she was 8 for $30 a month, according to authorities. The Cairo couple who bought her moved to Irvine two years later, smuggling Hall into the U.S. where she toiled for them and their five children until she was 13.

Hall said she worked 16 hour days, scrubbing floors, cooking meals and cleaning house, and was rarely allowed outside the spacious home. She was forced to wash her own clothes in a bucket and was forbidden from going to school. She never visited a doctor or dentist and didn't speak a word of English.

Now an ISIS supporter in Pennsylvania has been busted and his social media accounts show an interest in enslaving non-Muslims; which is what ISIS stands for.

"I'm considering buying one girl inshallah once I arrive in Islamic State".


Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz, a 19-year-old Muslim operating out of Pennsylvania, was asking about the price of Yazidi girls as part of his larger pro-ISIS operation.

A Harrisburg man arrested in an FBI raid Thursday afternoon is accused of aiding the ISIS terrorist group, federal court filings show.


While Muslim terrorists have previously used the 72 virgins in Islamic heaven as incentive, ISIS' return to enslaving non-Muslim women, a practice initiated by Mohammed, its founder, allows them to offer girls, some only children, to Muslim Jihadists from around the world.

Muslim in Pennsylvania Busted Seeking to Buy Yazidi Slave Girls

Yeah, no clash of civilizations there either, we need more of these people here! they are only 8 year old orphans anyway
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online

Oh you mean like Torah says to?

To deal with a beautiful woman taken captive in war in the manner prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 21:10-14)
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online

Oh you mean like Torah says to?

To deal with a beautiful woman taken captive in war in the manner prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 21:10-14)

Shut up you fucking moron..What the hell is wrong with you? Get some psycologocal help. If you are a Jew you are a disgrace...the sex crimes unit should keep an eye on you

Sucks when ya criticize other faiths for doing something your own allows isn't it.

Fuck you, you fake ass Jew. You and you're sick mind. Jews should be at the forefront of eliminating such an evil, as we have been persecuted by it, as have been marked for elimination by it... You're an embarrassment

Only embarassment here is you for criticizing other faiths for doing something our own permits. It's the dictionary definition of hypocrite.

Your quote from the bible talks about how to deal with women as captives. Not burn the ones you don't like alive.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
Call you Zionist buddies, they can get right on that for us.

they are already on it and have been for quite a while now fighting the islamonazis:thup:

Oh, is that what you are calling it? It looks like "unnecessarily pissing people off by blowing up children" to the rest of the world.
To you who is out of touch with reality....So why does a anti religion bigot like your self, continually support islamonazis? Are you into the buying ,selling, and enslaving women?:dunno:

Because he's a Mooslem who poses as an atheist? That's their most common disguise.

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