ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

I don't buy that. I don't think its our job to save them from their stupidity.

Taken someone else's holy land and putting up your own country on it was stupid. Living next door to 300 million people who want to kill you is stupid.

Why is this OUR problem again?
Nothing is so inhumane as man's inhumanity to his fellow man.

Don't you stay awake at night thinking about all those people who died because you didn't demand action?

First of all, we didn't put "up your own country" ... clearly, you weren't there ... you didn't see the Iraqi people braving death in order to vote for their own government. You obviously didn't see little babies raped, or little girls cut from one end to another, simply because they happened to be in the wrong place. You probably didn't see 18 members of an Iraqi wedding party blown into little pieces by a suicide bomber. You know the thing I remember most about that? The bride was beheaded in the blast, but yet, her dress was virgin white - not a single ash or drop of blood on it -- as she lay there on the steps.

THAT is why it's our job --- not to save the stupid, but to save the innocent from the stupid. We are the only ones who can calm the area - if we don't do it, who will?

And, yet, you're comfortable sitting in your happy little home, your happy little kids safe in their beds, while you eat ice cream and watch Family Guy. And, the only thought in your mind? "Fuck them - I got mine. I didn't do anything to earn it, but I got it. Let them get theirs."

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

I don't buy that. I don't think its our job to save them from their stupidity.

Taken someone else's holy land and putting up your own country on it was stupid. Living next door to 300 million people who want to kill you is stupid.

Why is this OUR problem again?
Nothing is so inhumane as man's inhumanity to his fellow man.

Don't you stay awake at night thinking about all those people who died because you didn't demand action?

First of all, we didn't put "up your own country" ... clearly, you weren't there ... you didn't see the Iraqi people braving death in order to vote for their own government. You obviously didn't see little babies raped, or little girls cut from one end to another, simply because they happened to be in the wrong place. You probably didn't see 18 members of an Iraqi wedding party blown into little pieces by a suicide bomber. You know the thing I remember most about that? The bride was beheaded in the blast, but yet, her dress was virgin white - not a single ash or drop of blood on it -- as she lay there on the steps.

THAT is why it's our job --- not to save the stupid, but to save the innocent from the stupid. We are the only ones who can calm the area - if we don't do it, who will?

And, yet, you're comfortable sitting in your happy little home, your happy little kids safe in their beds, while you eat ice cream and watch Family Guy. And, the only thought in your mind? "Fuck them - I got mine. I didn't do anything to earn it, but I got it. Let them get theirs."


If you've been around the board long enough you'd know Joe is not happy. He's a miserable sort of fellow, and it's somebody else's fault
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

I don't buy that. I don't think its our job to save them from their stupidity.

Taken someone else's holy land and putting up your own country on it was stupid. Living next door to 300 million people who want to kill you is stupid.

Why is this OUR problem again?

Jew on the brain again...The poem is not about Jews Joey....Mankind generally. you miss the point entirely because of your Jew hatred :eusa_wall:
Nothing is so inhumane as man's inhumanity to his fellow man.

Don't you stay awake at night thinking about all those people who died because you didn't demand action?

Nope, not for a minute. I feel bad that these people are dying because the Zionists manipulated George W. Stupid into taking out Saddam and fucking up the place. But I don't feel bad that Obama isn't throwing good money after bad.

But if you right-wingers feel bad about it, there's nothing stopping you from forming your own private brigades and going over their to fight, um, er, who are we fighting exactly? The Sunnis or the Shi'ites, I forget.

First of all, we didn't put "up your own country" ... clearly, you weren't there ... you didn't see the Iraqi people braving death in order to vote for their own government. You obviously didn't see little babies raped, or little girls cut from one end to another, simply because they happened to be in the wrong place. You probably didn't see 18 members of an Iraqi wedding party blown into little pieces by a suicide bomber. You know the thing I remember most about that? The bride was beheaded in the blast, but yet, her dress was virgin white - not a single ash or drop of blood on it -- as she lay there on the steps.

The Iraqi people had every oppurtunity to build a functioning democracy. They didn't take it. So why is this MY problem again.

So let's be honest as to why ISIS gained a foothold. Because Maliki, the guy George W. Stupid put into power, the guy the Zionists wanted because he was inept, antagonized the Sunnis to the point they gave up on Iraq and backed ISIS.

THAT is why it's our job --- not to save the stupid, but to save the innocent from the stupid. We are the only ones who can calm the area - if we don't do it, who will?

Why is it "our job". And why is that our job but someplace like the Congo or Nigeria or Somalia isn't our job? Look, the only reasons why we seem to think that ISIS is a big deal is because - 1) They are sitting on a shitload of oil and 2) The Zionists are scared of them. NEITHER is a good reason to lose ONE American life.

Here's the thing. We've spent billions building up the Zionist Entity and their military. Do you see the Zionists going into Syria and Iraq to save the"Innocent". Fuck no, becuase the Zionists are so fucking hated over there that the Innocent would probably help ISIS in fighting them. The Turks have half a million troops and 6000 tanks. They could clean up ISIS in half an hour. But they don't want to empower the pro-Iranian regime that has taken hold in Baghdad.

The Saudis don't either.

So if the people who SHOULD be doing something aren't, why should we?

And, yet, you're comfortable sitting in your happy little home, your happy little kids safe in their beds, while you eat ice cream and watch Family Guy. And, the only thought in your mind? "Fuck them - I got mine. I didn't do anything to earn it, but I got it. Let them get theirs."

No, guy, at the risk of sounding almost Republican, I got mine because I went out and earned it. After serving in our military, I went to work at a series of mostly thankless jobs.

We dropped a trillion dollars into Iraq trying to get them "theirs", not to mention 5000 lives. They decided they'd rather fight amongst themselves over how many Imams there were and whether the peacock angel is really the devil and shit like that.

You can't save people from themselves.
Nothing is so inhumane as man's inhumanity to his fellow man.

Don't you stay awake at night thinking about all those people who died because you didn't demand action?

Nope, not for a minute. I feel bad that these people are dying because the Zionists manipulated George W. Stupid into taking out Saddam and fucking up the place. But I don't feel bad that Obama isn't throwing good money after bad.

But if you right-wingers feel bad about it, there's nothing stopping you from forming your own private brigades and going over their to fight, um, er, who are we fighting exactly? The Sunnis or the Shi'ites, I forget.

First of all, we didn't put "up your own country" ... clearly, you weren't there ... you didn't see the Iraqi people braving death in order to vote for their own government. You obviously didn't see little babies raped, or little girls cut from one end to another, simply because they happened to be in the wrong place. You probably didn't see 18 members of an Iraqi wedding party blown into little pieces by a suicide bomber. You know the thing I remember most about that? The bride was beheaded in the blast, but yet, her dress was virgin white - not a single ash or drop of blood on it -- as she lay there on the steps.

The Iraqi people had every oppurtunity to build a functioning democracy. They didn't take it. So why is this MY problem again.

So let's be honest as to why ISIS gained a foothold. Because Maliki, the guy George W. Stupid put into power, the guy the Zionists wanted because he was inept, antagonized the Sunnis to the point they gave up on Iraq and backed ISIS.

THAT is why it's our job --- not to save the stupid, but to save the innocent from the stupid. We are the only ones who can calm the area - if we don't do it, who will?

Why is it "our job". And why is that our job but someplace like the Congo or Nigeria or Somalia isn't our job? Look, the only reasons why we seem to think that ISIS is a big deal is because - 1) They are sitting on a shitload of oil and 2) The Zionists are scared of them. NEITHER is a good reason to lose ONE American life.

Here's the thing. We've spent billions building up the Zionist Entity and their military. Do you see the Zionists going into Syria and Iraq to save the"Innocent". Fuck no, becuase the Zionists are so fucking hated over there that the Innocent would probably help ISIS in fighting them. The Turks have half a million troops and 6000 tanks. They could clean up ISIS in half an hour. But they don't want to empower the pro-Iranian regime that has taken hold in Baghdad.

The Saudis don't either.

So if the people who SHOULD be doing something aren't, why should we?

And, yet, you're comfortable sitting in your happy little home, your happy little kids safe in their beds, while you eat ice cream and watch Family Guy. And, the only thought in your mind? "Fuck them - I got mine. I didn't do anything to earn it, but I got it. Let them get theirs."

No, guy, at the risk of sounding almost Republican, I got mine because I went out and earned it. After serving in our military, I went to work at a series of mostly thankless jobs.

We dropped a trillion dollars into Iraq trying to get them "theirs", not to mention 5000 lives. They decided they'd rather fight amongst themselves over how many Imams there were and whether the peacock angel is really the devil and shit like that.

You can't save people from themselves.
The Jews controlled George Bush too:cuckoo:....Nobody gives a shit about you enlisting in the navy for a couple years, during peace time, so you could get your college paid for. You're still a miserable piece of shit:thup:
The Jews controlled George Bush too:cuckoo:....Nobody gives a shit about you enlisting in the navy for a couple years, during peace time, so you could get your college paid for. You're still a miserable piece of shit

It was the Army, and part of my service covered, "Save the Oil for Zionism War 1". After which I got out.

But, yeah, isn't it funny that all those NeoCons in George W. Bush's Pentagon, the ones who insisted up and down Saddam had WMD's and ties to Bin Laden had you know, Jewish names.

I'm sure that was just a coincidence.
The Jews controlled George Bush too:cuckoo:....Nobody gives a shit about you enlisting in the navy for a couple years, during peace time, so you could get your college paid for. You're still a miserable piece of shit

It was the Army, and part of my service covered, "Save the Oil for Zionism War 1". After which I got out.

But, yeah, isn't it funny that all those NeoCons in George W. Bush's Pentagon, the ones who insisted up and down Saddam had WMD's and ties to Bin Laden had you know, Jewish names.

I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

Doubtful you were actually in any kind of war. although that was before you became sickly and mentally unstable.."Jews run the government" right Joey?
Doubtful you were actually in any kind of war. although that was before you became sickly and mentally unstable.."Jews run the government" right Joey?

Yes, thankfully, I didn't have to shoot anyone because Zionists run our government.

Now we need to stop getting us from shooting anyone else. Make the Zionists fight their own wars.

Wonderful idea.
You mean the ISIS that refuses to attack physically or verbally Israel? The same ISIS that has reported ties to CIA and Mossad? Yeah no surprise wasn't Israel named a real bad place for women recently?
You mean the ISIS that refuses to attack physically or verbally Israel? The same ISIS that has reported ties to CIA and Mossad? Yeah no surprise wasn't Israel named a real bad place for women recently?

Has there been some kind of bulletin sent out inviting more idiots to this board ? The islamonazis are slaughtering people and all you nuts can think about is Jews:cuckoo:
Has there been some kind of bulletin sent out inviting more idiots to this board ? The islamonazis are slaughtering people and all you nuts can think about is Jews

Or we just got tired of the Zionists manipulating us into wars over things that aren't happening.

Hey, remember d uring Gulf War I when they said Saddam's troops were taking babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the floor?

Oh, wait, that wasn't true.

Remember during the Iraq War when they said Saddam had weapons of Mass Destruction and was helping Al Qaeda?

Oh, wait, that wasn't true, either.

Now we are getting all these stories about how bad the "Islamonazifaschistswhatevers" are, and honestly, it sounds like it was all cooked up some brainstorming session.

None of our business. If you Zionists think they are so bad, YOU take care of them.
You mean the ISIS that refuses to attack physically or verbally Israel? The same ISIS that has reported ties to CIA and Mossad? Yeah no surprise wasn't Israel named a real bad place for women recently?

Has there been some kind of bulletin sent out inviting more idiots to this board ? The islamonazis are slaughtering people and all you nuts can think about is Jews:cuckoo:
Is that an admission that I am right or that you refuse to answer a legit question because you can't?
You mean the ISIS that refuses to attack physically or verbally Israel? The same ISIS that has reported ties to CIA and Mossad? Yeah no surprise wasn't Israel named a real bad place for women recently?

Has there been some kind of bulletin sent out inviting more idiots to this board ? The islamonazis are slaughtering people and all you nuts can think about is Jews:cuckoo:
Is that an admission that I am right or that you refuse to answer a legit question because you can't?

isis doesn't want any of Israel right now. They are are too busy killing Arabs muslim and Christian and raping their women..If they kill a Jewish baby they'll have hell to pay:thup:
You mean the ISIS that refuses to attack physically or verbally Israel? The same ISIS that has reported ties to CIA and Mossad? Yeah no surprise wasn't Israel named a real bad place for women recently?

Has there been some kind of bulletin sent out inviting more idiots to this board ? The islamonazis are slaughtering people and all you nuts can think about is Jews:cuckoo:
Is that an admission that I am right or that you refuse to answer a legit question because you can't?

isis doesn't want any of Israel right now. They are are too busy killing Arabs muslim and Christian and raping their women..If they kill a Jewish baby they'll have hell to pay:thup:
Sure that's all it is....Many "terrorist" groups have battled Israel...ISIS is the most well armed and funded yet nada....
You mean the ISIS that refuses to attack physically or verbally Israel? The same ISIS that has reported ties to CIA and Mossad? Yeah no surprise wasn't Israel named a real bad place for women recently?

Has there been some kind of bulletin sent out inviting more idiots to this board ? The islamonazis are slaughtering people and all you nuts can think about is Jews:cuckoo:
Is that an admission that I am right or that you refuse to answer a legit question because you can't?

isis doesn't want any of Israel right now. They are are too busy killing Arabs muslim and Christian and raping their women..If they kill a Jewish baby they'll have hell to pay:thup:
Sure that's all it is....Many "terrorist" groups have battled Israel...ISIS is the most well armed and funded yet nada....

LOL.. they are not that well armed. The Egyptian army is much better armed than isis.and if we wanted to, we could wipe out isis in a matter of weeks. Obama just doesn't want to
isis doesn't want any of Israel right now. They are are too busy killing Arabs muslim and Christian and raping their women..If they kill a Jewish baby they'll have hell to pay

Damned straight. The Zionists will have to call America go fight their war for them again, like usual.
LOL.. they are not that well armed. The Egyptian army is much better armed than isis.and if we wanted to, we could wipe out isis in a matter of weeks. Obama just doesn't want to

Yeah, the old, "We could totally beat those guys." wasn't true with the Iraqi resistance, wasn't true of the Vietcong, wasn't even true when we fought war in the Philippines 110 year ago.

"A man fighting for his own home is stronger than the best armed knight"-
Islam. Last bastion of the scoundrel. Sickening turds. Koolaid drinking power freaks with a death wish. Other than that, they are ok.
LOL.. they are not that well armed. The Egyptian army is much better armed than isis.and if we wanted to, we could wipe out isis in a matter of weeks. Obama just doesn't want to

Yeah, the old, "We could totally beat those guys." wasn't true with the Iraqi resistance, wasn't true of the Vietcong, wasn't even true when we fought war in the Philippines 110 year ago.

"A man fighting for his own home is stronger than the best armed knight"-
isis has no home

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