ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts

Nazism and Shariah shit-----add up to islamo Nazi. If you imagine they are dead, then you are psychotic. Islamo Nazism is taking the lives of thousands right now----each week and the
USA is fighting a war against this filth of which you deny the
existence. Your denial is nothing new-----islamo Nazi pigs have
been DENYING ----not for 70 years but for centuries. They deny as they dance on the dead bodies of their victims

No, America is fighting a war the Zionists have manipulated us into, but we've gotten pretty tired of this shit. Don't expect us to play along much longer.

Your problems with the Islamic world are your own making.

There ya go, Joehammad always changes the topic to those evil Jooooos.
Who problem is it? it's the problem of all civilized people

Why? By the logic you just listed, the whole civilized world needs to take action against the Zionists for what they are doing to the Palestinians.

Oh, wait, that's "good" slaughtering of women and children.

Simply, not our problem, and I suspect have half these claims about ISIL are being overblown by the same people who lied to us about WMD's and babies being left to die on a hospital floor.
Every one of your posts on the middle east begins and ends with. "Yeah but the Jews!! "In your world, all the Jews should be 'driven into the sea" and the middle east would be a paradise. You're a moron

Joehammad is infected with Mad Muslim Disease. They can't help it. It's always the Joooooos.
The Jews controlled George Bush too:cuckoo:....Nobody gives a shit about you enlisting in the navy for a couple years, during peace time, so you could get your college paid for. You're still a miserable piece of shit

It was the Army, and part of my service covered, "Save the Oil for Zionism War 1". After which I got out.

But, yeah, isn't it funny that all those NeoCons in George W. Bush's Pentagon, the ones who insisted up and down Saddam had WMD's and ties to Bin Laden had you know, Jewish names.

I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

Yup, like I said, he's infected with Mad Muslim Disease. :cuckoo:
Never happened boy. Jew fight their own wars

The Zionists haven't won a war since they snuck attack their neighbors in 1967.

Everything after that has been, "Please save us from the Bad Arabs, Uncle Sam!"
Israel exists because the Jews beat back the hordes..Get used to it Joey Israel is not going anywhere:cool:

Joehammad is engaging in the daily Mooslem jerkoff to the destruction of Israel. It's like a holy ritual for them.
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online

But that is all OK to the left as long as it isnt European males doing it.
Never happened boy. Jew fight their own wars

The Zionists haven't won a war since they snuck attack their neighbors in 1967.

Everything after that has been, "Please save us from the Bad Arabs, Uncle Sam!"
Israel exists because the Jews beat back the hordes..Get used to it Joey Israel is not going anywhere:cool:
Europe exists and the Renaissance happened due in large part that the dirty sandNIGGERS were beaten back from France and Spain. The Battle of Tours and the Battle of Vienna.Two key wars and there were many.

If the hordes would have taken over Spain and France in the same they they took Constantinople, the Renaissance would never have happened for example. Do you think if the stupid hypocritical piles of shit knew the black muslims were the ones that enslaved Africa and then they traded those slaves to European countries like Portugal in order to acquire guns etc? Which, is how the transatlantic slave trade started. Do you know the stupid ass left wingers think whites showed to Africa with nets and that is how the transatlantic slave trade started?

The left wingers are the enemies of truth. They are on the sides of the godless murdering heathens. There are no people worse than those that befriend the enablers of these rapers and murderers. Like the 80% of Jewish Americans who vote in for everything that is the enemy of the Land of Canaan. They are the wolves in sheeps clothing. The TRUE prophets warned about this and we are seeing it.

The day of demon is upon us and the great tribulation is around the corner.
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YOu Zionist slaughtered 2000 women and children last summer, don't tell me you suddenly care about women and children.

I don't support them, I just don't think we have to be involved in their - or your - shit. Cut off aid to the Zionist Entity, pull back our military, and re-invest the money we are pissing away playing hall monitor in energy independence and infrastructure. You can murder each other to your heart's content over whose sky pixie has a bigger dick, but since there are only six million of you and 300 million of them, I don't think that's going to work out for you in the long run.
. Adolph Hitler would love you. I'm sure he's smiling from his pit in Hell that his legacy of hatred toward Jews lives on.
YOu Zionist slaughtered 2000 women and children last summer, don't tell me you suddenly care about women and children.

I don't support them, I just don't think we have to be involved in their - or your - shit. Cut off aid to the Zionist Entity, pull back our military, and re-invest the money we are pissing away playing hall monitor in energy independence and infrastructure. You can murder each other to your heart's content over whose sky pixie has a bigger dick, but since there are only six million of you and 300 million of them, I don't think that's going to work out for you in the long run.
. Adolph Hitler would love you. I'm sure he's smiling from his pit in Hell that his legacy of hatred toward Jews lives on.
Anti-semitism is all the rage among the libtards these days as long as you cloak it as anti-Zionism.
Adolph Hitler would love you. I'm sure he's smiling from his pit in Hell that his legacy of hatred toward Jews lives on.

I don't think that letting the Zionist pretend their Sky PIxie gave them land is worth the life of one American Soldier.

Why do you?
Anti-semitism is all the rage among the libtards these days as long as you cloak it as anti-Zionism.

Actually, a lot of Jews are sort of embarrassed by what Zionism has mutated into... which is just a form or Religious Apartheid.

Why is ANY OF THIS our problem again?
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online
And the Regressive Left is all too willing to deflect from stuff like this to the Crusades.

The left is convinced that that #bringbackourgirls is a winner. That will make them stop killing women.
The Obamas dropped fucking paper flyers in response the the mass kidnapping.
'MO' should have included some diet tips. Her diet has sure helped her right? Fucking 'Hippo-Hips'.
ISIS is just misunderstood. .... :cool:
Back to supporting ISIS in the open again?
Lol.......zionist Juden like you seem to have difficulty understanding sarcasm. ..... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Oh I thought that you said somewhere that the Jews "got off lightly" with the Holocaust in Germany...murdering 6,000,000 of them for being Jewish "was getting of lightly" was just sarcasm too, huh?... (not rhetorical; please respond)

These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online

Oh you mean like Torah says to?

To deal with a beautiful woman taken captive in war in the manner prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 21:10-14)

Shut up you fucking moron..What the hell is wrong with you? Get some psycologocal help. If you are a Jew you are a disgrace...the sex crimes unit should keep an eye on you

Sucks when ya criticize other faiths for doing something your own allows isn't it.
Please advise what group of Christians are engaged in human trafficking.
Adolph Hitler would love you. I'm sure he's smiling from his pit in Hell that his legacy of hatred toward Jews lives on.

I don't think that letting the Zionist pretend their Sky PIxie gave them land is worth the life of one American Soldier.

Why do you?
Because he did give them the land and our Lord is not a sky pixie. Why do you feel compelled to insult? Have you been insulted for being an atheist and feel the need to get even? You radical atheists need to get a life and start appreciating diversity you liberals expect and offer it toward those who do you no harm.

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