ISIS Takes Hundreds Of Christians Hostage After Overrunning Their Village In Syria…

No, they are not Christians because president Barack OMuslima said they are Syrians like he did about the Christian Egyptians. Our president is a coward lying in his own excrement and we should all unite as one in shame as the people of the free world ask, "where is America"? He refuses to aid our allies in the Ukraine for his fear of a superior leader in Putin.
'Cause he knows Putin anything but a cowardly shit who would do his damnedest to appease us. Putin would do everything in his power to kick our sad asses to the curb, given the slightest opportunity.
I understand the question perfectly, and by you repeatedly asking "what would YOU do", tells us all that this president either doesn't KNOW what to do or isn't WILLING to do it. Instead of defending his ineptness, you should be demanding his resignation.

That doesn't make any logical sense. The fact that you don't like his plan doesn't mean that he doesn't have one. if you want to offer up specific critiques of it I'd be happy to listen and discuss them with you, but simply running around saying "he doesn't have a plan!" or "He isn't doing enough!" isn't very insightful.
I think his "plan" is to NOT defeat ISIS. I think he wants the killing of Christians to continue.

And you are basing this on what evidence exactly?
His obvious affection for Islam, his refusal to call the terrorists "Islamic terrorists", his preoccupation with "reaching out to muslims", releasing 5 terrorists in exchange for 1 deserter (whose parents are muslims) and refusing to help Christians held captive. Do I really need to explain it to you? We have 6 years of him praising Islam and bashing Christianity. He shows the same disrespect for Jews as well. I don't expect any of you Obama sycophants to acknowledge these obvious facts but the entire world knows where this guy is coming from.

So what would a campaign against ISIS waged by someone who "cares" or who isn't a double agent look like to you?
I notice you didn't address anything I just said (after you asked me for evidence). I guess the only argument you have is "what would YOU do?".
That doesn't make any logical sense. The fact that you don't like his plan doesn't mean that he doesn't have one. if you want to offer up specific critiques of it I'd be happy to listen and discuss them with you, but simply running around saying "he doesn't have a plan!" or "He isn't doing enough!" isn't very insightful.
I think his "plan" is to NOT defeat ISIS. I think he wants the killing of Christians to continue.

And you are basing this on what evidence exactly?
His obvious affection for Islam, his refusal to call the terrorists "Islamic terrorists", his preoccupation with "reaching out to muslims", releasing 5 terrorists in exchange for 1 deserter (whose parents are muslims) and refusing to help Christians held captive. Do I really need to explain it to you? We have 6 years of him praising Islam and bashing Christianity. He shows the same disrespect for Jews as well. I don't expect any of you Obama sycophants to acknowledge these obvious facts but the entire world knows where this guy is coming from.

So what would a campaign against ISIS waged by someone who "cares" or who isn't a double agent look like to you?
SJ wants words, not actions. In his world words are all that matter, you don't have to actually do anything just like his version of Christianity. As long as you call Jesus Lord that's all that's required.
Fuck off, troll.
Sadly if true they are already destined to die in some horrific manner to be broadcast on the internet while Obama golf's and pretends it's rightwingers causing all the strife
The ONLY THING this ASS has ever been TRANSPARENT about..... One HAS to wonder!

Another obama success.
I must have missed the picture or report of YOU or any other chickenhawk fucks over there battling ISIS...This is NOT a christian nation and those people are NOT American citizens. Therefore its NONE of our business! They should have created a militia and fought least die fighting.
They'll have at least 2 more years to murder Christians and Jews without a response from our POTUS.
There doesn't need to be a response.Its very simple. Stop aiding TERRORISTS in Syria and back the Syrian government. Once Syria destroys the terrorists there they can destroy ISIS. Or maybe ISRAEL should help out...its their back yard not ours.
Another obama success.
I must have missed the picture or report of YOU or any other chickenhawk fucks over there battling ISIS...This is NOT a christian nation and those people are NOT American citizens. Therefore its NONE of our business! They should have created a militia and fought least die fighting.
I will pretend that obama isn't bringing these terrorists here. You are. So will I.
They'll have at least 2 more years to murder Christians and Jews without a response from our POTUS.
There doesn't need to be a response.Its very simple. Stop aiding TERRORISTS in Syria and back the Syrian government. Once Syria destroys the terrorists there they can destroy ISIS. Or maybe ISRAEL should help out...its their back yard not ours.
If obumble wasn't such a stupid ass, Assad and Russia would take care of isis in a week. The idiot ass in the white house keeps bombing the Syrians to protect isis.

Under the most foolish emperor since Nero the United States has interfered in another country's civil war - on the wrong side.
Another obama success.
I must have missed the picture or report of YOU or any other chickenhawk fucks over there battling ISIS...This is NOT a christian nation and those people are NOT American citizens. Therefore its NONE of our business! They should have created a militia and fought least die fighting.
I will pretend that obama isn't bringing these terrorists here. You are. So will I.
He is bringing who here?

They'll have at least 2 more years to murder Christians and Jews without a response from our POTUS.
There doesn't need to be a response.Its very simple. Stop aiding TERRORISTS in Syria and back the Syrian government. Once Syria destroys the terrorists there they can destroy ISIS. Or maybe ISRAEL should help out...its their back yard not ours.
If obumble wasn't such a stupid ass, Assad and Russia would take care of isis in a week. The idiot ass in the white house keeps bombing the Syrians to protect isis.

Under the most foolish emperor since Nero the United States has interfered in another country's civil war - on the wrong side.
As does Israel. Obama is only bombing shit in the ME because you republicans keep whining that he isn't doing anything. Go yell at Israel to get more involved in this shit..why is Israel not worried about ISIS? Why are they still stuck on Iran? Iran is against ISIS as well...US and Israel don't want their help...its a big circle jerk that we should have NOTHING to do with.
Relax everyone, John Kerry ( who served in Vietnam ) said the world is safer than ever.......

In the not too distant past, this would have been something the Onion would have published.... with this administration, it's reality following what was satire!
Time to heavily arm Christian minorities in the region and various churches throughout the west should finance weaponry and Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist and Agnostic mercenaries to fight against ISIS/ISIL, Boko Haram, al Shabob, et cetera.
China, Russia, India, need to understand what a threat Islam is and send in huge amounts of troops to the region and flatten everything and everyone.
SJ 10835964
His obvious affection for Islam, his refusal to call the terrorists "Islamic terrorists", his preoccupation with "reaching out to muslims", releasing 5 terrorists in exchange for 1 deserter (whose parents are muslims) and refusing to help Christians held captive. Do I really need to explain it to you? We have 6 years of him praising Islam and bashing Christianity. He shows the same disrespect for Jews as well. I don't expect any of you Obama sycophants to acknowledge these obvious facts but the entire world knows where this guy is coming from.

SJ 10835964.
His obvious affection for Islam, ...

Tolerance and respect for people who peacefully practice all the great religions of human history is not only a Constitutional requirement for POTUS and members of Congress and the judicial branch; it is the correct way to deal with terrorists who violate the massive numbers of religious people that would never do what these murderers do. That is not in any way obvious affection by our president for Islam. He has declared himself a Christian so that is where his affection for his personal religion is focused.

SJ 10835964
. ...his refusal to call the terrorists "Islamic terrorists",

There are no disadvantages or link between the coalition of North American, Australian European, others and Middle-Eastern military forces having the ability to degrade and destroy DAIISH by what you are so emotionally concerned. Terrorist scum die when bombed and shot whether they call them that or "Islamic terrorists" . This is one of the most silly right-winger talking points. King Abdullah said these DAIISH terrorist scum are the enemy Islam. His Jordanian bombs and missiles kill terrorists just like every other member of the coalition and allies do. Do you think the King of Jordan is wrong? I must assume he has affection for Islam.

SJ 10835964.
his preoccupation with "reaching out to muslims",

The prisoner exchange was reaching out to not leaving a US soldier on the battlefield. Any president would have done the same thing. You are grasping for straws.

I'll respond to the rest of your rubbish if by chance response with some genuine thoughts other your basic "Obama Sucks" right-winger list of talking points.

Pray for their safety.....But we have already seen what happens to Christians when captured by muslim animals!

Via Newsweek:

Members of the Islamic State (ISIS) stormed the Tell Tamer area in Syria on Monday morning, taking villagers hostage. The women and children were separated from the men, who were taken to the Abd al-Aziz mountains. The women remain in the village guarded by ISIS militants. It is unclear how many hostages the Islamic State took, but estimates are in the several hundreds.

After the separation, one of the hostages contacted a relative in Canada who then got in touch with A Demand For Action (ADFA), an organization that fosters protection for Assyrians, Chaldeans and Syriacs. The ADFA publicized the attack and hostage situation. Nuri Kino, the founder of ADFA, has been in touch with numerous relatives of those held hostage since the attack. “Many of them have relatives in Sweden and Germany,” Kino told Newsweek in a phone interview.

Kino and his organization attempted to reach villagers by phone, only to have a member of ISIS pick up. “[ISIS] told us that we should not call any longer since we cannot do anything about their situation,” ADFA said in a statement.

The terrorist organization demanded a prisoner exchange with Kurdish fighters; they are seeking the release of ISIS members in exchange for the villagers. The exact number of prisoners ISIS is looking to swap for is not known. They have threatened the lives of the village men, estimated to be more than 100, if the swap does not go through.

It is unclear how many ISIS fighters took part in the attack on the village. Kino said witnesses described the force as “massive” and the atmosphere as “a panic.” The villagers are predominantly Christian and jihadist tracking social media accounts indicate the terrorist group burned down a church during the attack. Last week, ISIS fighters in Libya targeted Christians, executing 21 Egyptian Coptics.

"I hear ISIS is nearby and headed this way."

"That's ok, we're Christians. God loves us and will protect us."

Obama is probably OK with this since the Christians did bad shit as well...
About 900 years ago.

Pushed Uganda to implement the death penalty for homosexuality. While that was given up on, in Feb 2014 Uganda did finally make it illegal with a 14 year prison sentence.

"Homosexuality was illegal in Uganda under existing colonial laws, he explained, “But nobody was ever arrested or prosecuted based on those old laws. People turned a blind eye to it. Homosexuality was not a political issue.”

That changed in 2009, Rev Kaoma said, when a group of American evangelicals led by Pastor Scott Lively, a self-proclaimed expert on the “gay movement”, held a series of talks in Uganda. Mr Lively warned audiences that the “evil institution” of homosexuality sought to “prey upon” and recruit Ugandan children in a bid to “defeat the marriage-based society”."
How Uganda was seduced by anti-gay conservative evangelicals - Africa - World - The Independent

Pray for their safety.....But we have already seen what happens to Christians when captured by muslim animals!

Via Newsweek:

Members of the Islamic State (ISIS) stormed the Tell Tamer area in Syria on Monday morning, taking villagers hostage. The women and children were separated from the men, who were taken to the Abd al-Aziz mountains. The women remain in the village guarded by ISIS militants. It is unclear how many hostages the Islamic State took, but estimates are in the several hundreds.

After the separation, one of the hostages contacted a relative in Canada who then got in touch with A Demand For Action (ADFA), an organization that fosters protection for Assyrians, Chaldeans and Syriacs. The ADFA publicized the attack and hostage situation. Nuri Kino, the founder of ADFA, has been in touch with numerous relatives of those held hostage since the attack. “Many of them have relatives in Sweden and Germany,” Kino told Newsweek in a phone interview.

Kino and his organization attempted to reach villagers by phone, only to have a member of ISIS pick up. “[ISIS] told us that we should not call any longer since we cannot do anything about their situation,” ADFA said in a statement.

The terrorist organization demanded a prisoner exchange with Kurdish fighters; they are seeking the release of ISIS members in exchange for the villagers. The exact number of prisoners ISIS is looking to swap for is not known. They have threatened the lives of the village men, estimated to be more than 100, if the swap does not go through.

It is unclear how many ISIS fighters took part in the attack on the village. Kino said witnesses described the force as “massive” and the atmosphere as “a panic.” The villagers are predominantly Christian and jihadist tracking social media accounts indicate the terrorist group burned down a church during the attack. Last week, ISIS fighters in Libya targeted Christians, executing 21 Egyptian Coptics.

"I hear ISIS is nearby and headed this way."

"That's ok, we're Christians. God loves us and will protect us."


In the not too distant past, this would have been something the Onion would have published.... with this administration, it's reality following what was satire!
So true...the Onion. I'm pretty sure that jobs programs are not the answer to the unfettered murder of innocents being carried out in the ME.

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