ISIS, the Caliphate, needs you...


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2014
And oddly enough, for most of you, it needs you to be just exactly who you already are.

It needs you to be enraged, unthinking, unquestioning.
It needs you to go to war, Christians and Jews against Muslims.
It needs you to slaughter Muslim men, women, and children, again.
It needs you to wage terrible wars in Muslim lands.
It needs you to reject the modern, secular, liberal world.
It needs you to be as savage as they are, and take as much pleasure in savage acts.
It needs you to be dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.
It needs you to believe that you are doing the Will of God, wielding the sword of God.

It needs you, to become them.

What ISIS Really Wants
What ISIS really wants?

It wants to kill you, thats what it wants......
Some background on ISIS...

What We Know About Islamic State, Its Deadly Reach
November 15, 2015 - The group behind the horrifying attacks in Paris has been spreading death and destruction in large parts of Iraq and Syria since 2013. The group, known alternately as Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL and Daesh, has become notorious for its brutality, including mass killings, abductions and beheadings. We look at some facts behind its rise and spread.
What are its origins?

Islamic State got its start after the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. The Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi aligned his Jama’at al-Tawhidw’al-Jihad with al-Qaida, calling it al-Qaida in Iraq. After Zarqawi's death in a U.S. airstrike that year, his successors rebranded AQI as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The group is known to its followers as il-Dawla (“the State”) and its Arabic-speaking detractors as Daesh, the Arabic equivalent of the acronym ISIS.

How did it expand?

Islamic State’s current leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, began rebuilding IS's capabilities after taking power in 2010. Baghdadi spent time in U.S.-run prisons in Iraq. Cells organized inside those prisons, along with remnants of Saddam Hussein’s ousted secular nationalist Ba’ath party, now make up some of Islamic State’s ranks. In 2013, IS took advantage of the chaos caused by Syria's ongoing civil war to expand beyond Iraq's borders and recruit vast numbers of Syrian rebels.


An Islamic State militant holds the group's flag as he stands on a tank captured from Syrian government forces, in the town of al-Qaryatayn southwest of Palmyra, central Syria.​

The group went on to a string of successful missions, including wresting control of the Syrian city of Raqqa from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's army. At the end of 2013, it shifted its focus back to Iraq and exploited a political standoff between the Shia-led government and the minority Sunni Arab community. Aided by tribesmen and former Saddam Hussein loyalists, IS took control of the central city of Fallujah. In June 2014, after consolidating its hold over dozens of cities and towns across Iraq and Syria, IS declared the creation of a caliphate and changed its name to "Islamic State."

What does it want?

See also:

IS Supporters Use Social Media to Celebrate Paris Attacks
November 13, 2015 : As it has in many recent global events, social media is playing a large role in the terrorist attacks in Paris.
It is not a claim of responsibility, but an Islamic State supporter used Twitter to express joy over the bloodshed. He tweeted the grim words "Paris is Burning" and used the hashtag #Parisisburning. That hashtag has been co-opted by supporters of IS to gloat. Tweets containing the Arabic translation of the hashtag also contain photos from the scenes of the attacks. IS supporters have also been using #Prayforparis to show support for and to praise the attacks.


Victims lay on the pavement outside a Paris restaurant​

#Parisisburning also has been used by people sharing information on how to help victims, locate friends and family in Paris and express their sympathies. Facebook activated a safety check that allows people in Paris to check in and mark themselves as safe, which then allows their friends on the social network to see that they are ok. The U.S. band Eagles of Death Metal, which was giving a concert at the Bataclan concert hall, has been communicating with its fans through its Facebook page, saying it is trying to determine the safety and whereabouts of band members.

Leaders react

French President Francois Hollande has been using Twitter to keep his fellow French citizens up to date on the situation. Rather than taking the time to run to a television camera or find a microphone, a number of world leaders tweeted their reaction and sympathy. They include British Prime Minister David Cameron, European Union chief Jean-Claude Juncker, and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. They all expressed their deep shock and solidarity with France. Several U.S. presidential candidates, including Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republicans Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson used Twitter to express their feelings.

IS Supporters Use Social Media to Celebrate Paris Attacks


French Fighter Jets Hit IS Targets in Syria
November 15, 2015 — French fighter jets have launched massive airstrikes against the Islamic State (IS) stronghold of Raqqa, reportedly destroying a command post and a training camp.

This photo released Nov. 9, 2015, by the French Army shows a French Mirage 2000 jet on the tarmac of an undisclosed air base as part of France's Operation Chammal launched in September 2015 in support of the U.S-led. coalition against Islamic State group.​

A French military statement said 10 fighter jets were used to drop 20 bombs on IS targets. It is France’s biggest strike to date targeting IS in Syria, and comes after the terrorist group claimed responsibility for a series of attacks in Paris that killed more than 130 people Friday night. The planes took off from Jordan and the United Arab Emirates Sunday evening and were operating in conjunction with U.S. forces French President Francois Hollande has called Friday’s gun and suicide attacks an "act of war." In a possibly related development, Reuters News Agency is reporting that the United States has made a second delivery of ammunition to the Syrian Arab coalition fighting IS in northern Syria. Reuters quotes a U.S. official as saying the weaponry was delivered over land. A previous supply mission was conducted by air in October.

In pursuit of suspect


Police react to a suspicious vehicle near Le Carillon restaurant following a series of deadly attacks in Paris​

French police have released a photo of a suspect who is still at large from the Friday night attack on Paris. The suspect is identified as Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old man born in Brussels, Belgium. The posting soliciting information about the so-called eighth attacker warns that he is dangerous and that anyone with information should call authorities. Media sources are reporting that French officials stopped Abdeslam hours after the attacks Friday night. They pulled him over on a roadway near the Belgian border in a car with two other people, questioned the three and released them. He is one of three French brothers linked to the string of near simultaneous attacks across Paris. Another brother - Salah Ibrahim - blew himself up at the Bataclan music hall, during an attack there that killed more than 80 people. Belgium authorities are detaining the third brother.

Several arrests


People gather outside the Bataclan music hall in Paris, France​

Police in both France and Belgium have made several arrests and also are questioning family members and other people linked to the other suspected assailants. Several of the Paris suicide bombers have been identified, including Bilal Hafdi of Belgium, who was one of the suicide bombers at the stadium. French police Sunday questioned close relatives of Omar Ismail Mostefai, the first terrorist identified in the attack. Mostefai's father, brother and sister-in-law were among six people authorities detained. He was one of seven attackers, all of them wearing suicide vests packed with explosives, who died during the simultaneous attacks, with six of them blowing themselves up and the seventh killed in a shootout with police. French prosecutor Francois Molins said Mostefai was known to police as a petty criminal, but had "never been implicated in an investigation or a terrorist association." The 29-year-old Mostefai lived in Chartres, near Paris. While authorities believe that there were only 8 actual attackers, they think that about 20 people were involved and of those, 10 are still unaccounted for.

Paris panic
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And oddly enough, for most of you, it needs you to be just exactly who you already are.

It needs you to be enraged, unthinking, unquestioning.
It needs you to go to war, Christians and Jews against Muslims.
It needs you to slaughter Muslim men, women, and children, again.
It needs you to wage terrible wars in Muslim lands.
It needs you to reject the modern, secular, liberal world.
It needs you to be as savage as they are, and take as much pleasure in savage acts.
It needs you to be dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.
It needs you to believe that you are doing the Will of God, wielding the sword of God.

It needs you, to become them.

What ISIS Really Wants

Nonsense. Post you made dopes not accurately the article you reference.
And oddly enough, for most of you, it needs you to be just exactly who you already are.

It needs you to be enraged, unthinking, unquestioning.
It needs you to go to war, Christians and Jews against Muslims.
It needs you to slaughter Muslim men, women, and children, again.
It needs you to wage terrible wars in Muslim lands.
It needs you to reject the modern, secular, liberal world.
It needs you to be as savage as they are, and take as much pleasure in savage acts.
It needs you to be dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.
It needs you to believe that you are doing the Will of God, wielding the sword of God.

It needs you, to become them.

What ISIS Really Wants
So you're an ISIS recruiter now.
And oddly enough, for most of you, it needs you to be just exactly who you already are.

It needs you to be enraged, unthinking, unquestioning.
It needs you to go to war, Christians and Jews against Muslims.
It needs you to slaughter Muslim men, women, and children, again.
It needs you to wage terrible wars in Muslim lands.
It needs you to reject the modern, secular, liberal world.
It needs you to be as savage as they are, and take as much pleasure in savage acts.
It needs you to be dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.
It needs you to believe that you are doing the Will of God, wielding the sword of God.

It needs you, to become them.

What ISIS Really Wants
So you're an ISIS recruiter now.
No, you are actually...
What ISIS Really Wants

Just saw an interview with Graeme Wood in which he explained much about ISIS.
They believe that the most horrible acts bring them closer to god, and are trying to bring about Armageddon.
And the West is feeding into their theology perfectly at the moment. A Holy War to resolve a Holy Question, which faith is the Will of God...

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