ISIS wants to sexually mutilate every female in Iraq

That's right. If Iraq hadn't been 'created' then the sand monkey's would not be committing mass sexual mutilation on 11 year old girls the tenth century.
Taking 'Blame Bush' to the extreme.
Fucking sand monkeys.
Shove a MOAB up their collective asses.
Kill a Sand Monkey Save an 11 Year Old Girl's Clitoris'.
It's worth a thousand sand monkeys any day.
what if the girl is a sand monkey too?
Jihadists in Iraq Order Women Undergo Genital Mutilation
That's right. ISIS who basically now control Iraq or soon will have decreed that all females between 11 and 46 years must have their gentitals mutilated.
It's it nice to have such a wonderful devote bunch of sub-humans occupying part of your planet.
Carpet bomb the lot with MOABs.
But I thought its "cultural" and had nothing to do with Islam? <wink wink>

Strange how one of the first things Islamists do when they come to power is attack the women and start mutilating them, the psychos.

It sure is a religion of piece.
Jihadists in Iraq Order Women Undergo Genital Mutilation
That's right. ISIS who basically now control Iraq or soon will have decreed that all females between 11 and 46 years must have their gentitals mutilated.
It's it nice to have such a wonderful devote bunch of sub-humans occupying part of your planet.
Carpet bomb the lot with MOABs.

Wanna go to war with most African countries too where FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is commonplace? And just to make sure people understand what this is, it's the literal slicing off of the woman/girl's clitoris, usually with little more than a razor blade and no anesthetic. Rationale is that absent their 'sexual pleasure part' they'll be less tempted to fornicate or commit adultery. In effect turning them into eunuchs. Seems to me men can commit adultery and fornicate too but they don't "modify" themselves. FGM then is nothing more than subjugation of women by the male ruling class.

FGM absolutely exists, but I'm beginning to seriously question whether ISIS does. Seem to be doing everything we denounce Islam and Arabs for which seems too convenient. Another boogeyman enemy to justify another middle east invasion perhaps?

"Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac." - George Orwell

Americans are sick and tired of wars (especially since we loose them all.) Trying to get public support for another invasion and war for oil is going to be exceedingly difficult. But if you create a slobbering monster over there literally slaughtering Christians and even its own kind, well then, this must be stopped. Send in the Marines!

Too convenient.

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