Islam and China have similar goals of global domination and have a similar styles.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Both China and Islam have very long term goals of being a dominant world power. Islam wants to be the dominant religion/government in the world and has been very consistent in their "incremental creep" spread into other countries for hundreds of years. China has a shorter history but they also have a slow consistent plan in becoming the the world's number one superpower. They target the USA since we are clearly number one and we have been willing idiots in helping China become our closest and most dangerous adversary.

Islam uses the centuries proven method of infiltrating a country, refusing to assimilate, and setting up small Islamic neighborhoods. From their they attempt to gain control by implementing local Sharia law. Once they have done that, then it's simple: Rinse and repeat until they have control of 8 to 10 percent of the population. From that point they become militant and make demands and inroads into the countries government. Game over.

China's goal is to pass America by copying and stealing our intellectual property. They have hundreds of thousands of state sponsored "students" in our colleges many of whom will return to China with great knowledge and in some cases the actual equipment to advance China's technological strength. Sure they screw us on Tariffs but that is chump change compared to what has been going on with IP theft and poaching of select engineers and scientists. Not many can resist being offered one or two million a year in salary to do your job. But China doesn't stop there. They are also actively attempting to degrade America by flooding the country with Opiates in the hopes of weakening America's citizens and tying up government resources to combat the drug crisis they help to create.

Both Islam and China are global threats, but China is the one we should be paying the most attention to since they are directly targeting us. Thankfully we finally have a President who recognizes the threat and is doing something about it, not just giving speeches.
Both China and Islam have very long term goals of being a dominant world power. Islam wants to be the dominant religion/government in the world and has been very consistent in their "incremental creep" spread into other countries for hundreds of years. China has a shorter history but they also have a slow consistent plan in becoming the the world's number one superpower. They target the USA since we are clearly number one and we have been willing idiots in helping China become our closest and most dangerous adversary.

Islam uses the centuries proven method of infiltrating a country, refusing to assimilate, and setting up small Islamic neighborhoods. From their they attempt to gain control by implementing local Sharia law. Once they have done that, then it's simple: Rinse and repeat until they have control of 8 to 10 percent of the population. From that point they become militant and make demands and inroads into the countries government. Game over.

China's goal is to pass America by copying and stealing our intellectual property. They have hundreds of thousands of state sponsored "students" in our colleges many of whom will return to China with great knowledge and in some cases the actual equipment to advance China's technological strength. Sure they screw us on Tariffs but that is chump change compared to what has been going on with IP theft and poaching of select engineers and scientists. Not many can resist being offered one or two million a year in salary to do your job. But China doesn't stop there. They are also actively attempting to degrade America by flooding the country with Opiates in the hopes of weakening America's citizens and tying up government resources to combat the drug crisis they help to create.

Both Islam and China are global threats, but China is the one we should be paying the most attention to since they are directly targeting us. Thankfully we finally have a President who recognizes the threat and is doing something about it, not just giving speeches.
I have done some reading about China and Russia going to change the Ruble and Yuan to the gold standard. If this happens the Oil dollars will not be worth crap. Russia has the oil and pipelines china has the gold. So the Dollar will crash. Not good.

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