Islam And Public Schools And Textbooks - Major Players


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I don't know how much there is of schools preaching the Bible to kids in public schools, and I wouldn't know what the comparison numerically, would be between that and the Koran and Islam.

What I do know is that there is more than enough of Islam being preached to public school kids than ever should be, including false information and outright attempts to convert kids to Islam.

Here's a list of things (for brevity's sake) to Google (together with the word Islam) to get a focus on the essence and size of that issue : Googlers might want to check out a few websites on each of these, since some organizations will likely give false praise to themselves on their own websites, ex. Muslim Students Association (a front group of the stealth jihadist Muslim Brotherhood).

1. Gilbert Sewall - Islam and the Textbooks

2. The American Textbook Council

3. Gary B. Nash - UCLA

4. Islamic Saudi Academy

5. US Commission on International Religious Freedom

6. Middle East Quarterly

7. Council on Islamic Education

8. Susan Douglas

9. Shabbir Mansuri

10. Stanley Kurtz - National Review

11. Cinnamon Stillwell

12. Amherst Middle School - Amherst, NH

13. Byron Union School District

14. Houghton Mifflin

15. Richard Thompson - Thomas More Law Center

16. Friendswood Junior High - Friendswood, TX

17. Khalil Gibran International Academy

18. Debbie Almontaser

19. Amana Academy - Fulton County, GA

20. Akhtar H. Emon

21. Arabic Language Institute Foundation

22. Stuyvesant High School - New York, NY

23. International Academy of Columbus

24. Westside Academy - Columbus, OH

25. Patrick Poole - Central Ohioans Against Terror

26. Katherine Kersten

27. Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy

28. Muslim Students Association

29. Islamic Pledge of Alliegance

30. New York Daily News - Survey of Textbooks in New York Islamic Schools (2003).

31. Yahiya Emerick - Islamic Foundation of North America

32. Marc Fisher - Washington Post

33. Muslim Community School - Potomac, MD

34. Omid Safi - Colgate University

35. Islamic Academy of Florida - Tampa, FL

36. Mazen al-Najjar

37. American Youth Academy - Tampa, FL

38. New Horizons School - Pasadena, CA

39. Excelsior Elementary School - Byron, CA

40. www. - How to Make America an Islamic Nation

41. DawaNet—to link • to serve: Home - Da'wa in Public Schools

42. The Islam Project - Council on Islamic Education

43. Middle East Policy Council

44. Peter DiGangi

45. William Bennetta - The Textbook Letter

46. Middle East Media Research Institute

The following textbooks have been found to contain content erroneously favorable to Islam, and, in some cases, disparaging to non-Islam religions.
This is by no means a complete list.

1. Arab World History Notebook -

2. Across the Centuries

3. World Cultures : A Global Mosaic

4. Contemporary Problems

5. History of the Arabs & the World in the 20th Century

6. Reading and Text, Part II, 2002 edition.

7. Islamic Education

8. History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond

9. Connections to Today

10. World History: the Modern World

Here's a few websites pertaining to Islamization (AKA Stealth Jihad) in American schools. News Sources/Public Schools embrace Islam.htm
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I don't know how much there is of schools preaching the Bible to kids in public schools, and I wouldn't know what the comparison numerically, would be between that and the Koran and Islam.

What I do know is that there is more than enough of Islam being preached to public school kids than ever should be, including false information and outright attempts to convert kids to Islam.

This is amazing, and troubling to me. Are you talking about public schools in the United States or somewhere else?

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I think it's pretty hilarious that both the high school that I went to (Stuyvesant High School) and a long-term friend of my family (Debbie Almontaser) both made it onto your list of paranoid fears.

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I don't know how much there is of schools preaching the Bible to kids in public schools, and I wouldn't know what the comparison numerically, would be between that and the Koran and Islam.

What I do know is that there is more than enough of Islam being preached to public school kids than ever should be, including false information and outright attempts to convert kids to Islam.

This is amazing, and troubling to me. Are you talking about public schools in the United States or somewhere else?


In the United States AND elsewhere.
I think it's pretty hilarious that both the high school that I went to (Stuyvesant High School) and a long-term friend of my family (Debbie Almontaser) both made it onto your list of paranoid fears.

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What's so hilarious about it ? And upon what do you base the use of the word "paranoid" ?
I think it's pretty hilarious that both the high school that I went to (Stuyvesant High School) and a long-term friend of my family (Debbie Almontaser) both made it onto your list of paranoid fears.

That explains a lot.
I think it's pretty hilarious that both the high school that I went to (Stuyvesant High School) and a long-term friend of my family (Debbie Almontaser) both made it onto your list of paranoid fears.

That explains a lot.

What does it "explain"?

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Your irrational BIAS.

Under a tidal wave of criticism, Almontaser resigned from her job as principal of the infamous Khalil Gibran International Academy, a hotbed of anti-Americanism and Islamic supremacism. She had accepted an award from the Muslim Brotherhood front and Hamas terrorist linked group, CAIR, and publicly defended them as a supposed victimized civil rights group. She got in to more hot water with a nonsenical statement about the Intifada (a term Palestinian jihad terrorists use for their violent campaign against Israel). In defense of T-shirts saying Intifada NYC, Almonteser laughingly justified the T-Shirts as an indication of the wearer's integration into New York Society. Facing vocifierous criticism the next day, she backed off and apologized for the remark. Noting that apologies are designed for the benefit of the apologizer, many New York public officials called for her resignation from the school. New York media were also disturbed by her Islamist attitudes. The New York Sun noted this >> "when one of our reporters asked Ms. Almontaser whether she considers Hamas and Hizbollah to be terrorist organizations, and who she thinks was behind the terrorist attacks of 9-11, she declined to answer, suggesting that she shouldn't be singled out for such questions."

Regarding the Intifada fiasco, the New York Post said: "But if [intifada's] generally accepted meaning were as benign as she insists, you can bet no one would be wearing it on a T-Shirt. You can further bet that she knows it. Now if Dhabah Almontaser is going to be as disingenuous about something like this, why should New Yorkers believe her claim that "you won't find religious or political indoctrination or anti-Americanism" at her Khalil Gibran school ?"
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Should not the LGBT community be worried? After all these years, after all these lawsuits?

I just can't see a future in Mohammed has Two Daddies.
You really should give it a rest, protectionist. You're starting to get on people's nerves, especially mine. No, we don't sympathize with those in Islam who actually do the things you accuse them of, but your bullshit is getting old. Fast.

What you call "irrational bias" is actually common sense! Get used to it.
That explains a lot.

What does it "explain"?

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Your irrational BIAS.

Under a tidal wave of criticism, Almontaser resigned from her job as principal of the infamous Khalil Gibran International Academy, a hotbed of anti-Americanism and Islamic supremacism. She had accepted an award from the Muslim Brotherhood front and Hamas terrorist linked group, CAIR, and publicly defended them as a supposed victimized civil rights group. She got in to more hot water with a nonsenical statement about the Intifada (a term Palestinian jihad terrorists use for their violent campaign against Israel). In defense of T-shirts saying Intifada NYC, Almonteser laughingly justified the T-Shirts as an indication of the wearer's integration into New York Society. Facing vocifierous criticism the next day, she backed off and apologized for the remark. Noting that apologies are designed for the benefit of the apologizer, many New York public officials called for her resignation from the school. New York media were also disturbed by her Islamist attitudes. The New York Sun noted this >> "when one of our reporters asked Ms. Almontaser whether she considers Hamas and Hizbollah to be terrorist organizations, and who she thinks was behind the terrorist attacks of 9-11, she declined to answer, suggesting that she shouldn't be singled out for such questions."

Regarding the Intifada fiasco, the New York Post said: "But if [intifada's] generally accepted meaning were as benign as she insists, you can bet no one would be wearing it on a T-Shirt. You can further bet that she knows it. Now if Dhabah Almontaser is going to be as disingenuous about something like this, why should New Yorkers believe her claim that "you won't find religious or political indoctrination or anti-Americanism" at her Khalil Gibran school ?"

You think it is "irrational" for me to base my opinion of someone I've known for 25 years on my own experience instead of those of hysterical anti-Islamic fanatics?

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You really should give it a rest, protectionist. You're starting to get on people's nerves, especially mine. No, we don't sympathize with those in Islam who actually do the things you accuse them of, but your bullshit is getting old. Fast.

What you call "irrational bias" is actually common sense! Get used to it.

So you say Doctor's reference to Dhabah Almontasser on a list of Muslim indoctrination in schools as "hilarious" is "common sense" ? Yeah ? Can you explain why that would be ? Sounds more like pure bias, and NONsense, since he said she was a long-time friend of his family.

And if you don't sympathize with those in Islam who actually do the things I accuse them of, then what's your beef ? And if you want to come into this thread and be a meaningful participant (rather than just some kind of bothersome troll, talking about your nerves), then how about addressing THE TOPIC. You know, The stuff written in the OP ?

Got something to say about the OP content ? That's what you should be posting, not just a bunch of meaningless hot air. Got something to say about Gilbert Sewall - Islam and the Textbooks ? Council on Islamic Education ? Susan Douglas ? Shabbir Mansuri ? Khalil Gibran International Academy ? Peter DiGangi ? Across the Centuries ? If so, welcome. Participate in the discussion of the TOPIC.
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What does it "explain"?

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Your irrational BIAS.

Under a tidal wave of criticism, Almontaser resigned from her job as principal of the infamous Khalil Gibran International Academy, a hotbed of anti-Americanism and Islamic supremacism. She had accepted an award from the Muslim Brotherhood front and Hamas terrorist linked group, CAIR, and publicly defended them as a supposed victimized civil rights group. She got in to more hot water with a nonsenical statement about the Intifada (a term Palestinian jihad terrorists use for their violent campaign against Israel). In defense of T-shirts saying Intifada NYC, Almonteser laughingly justified the T-Shirts as an indication of the wearer's integration into New York Society. Facing vocifierous criticism the next day, she backed off and apologized for the remark. Noting that apologies are designed for the benefit of the apologizer, many New York public officials called for her resignation from the school. New York media were also disturbed by her Islamist attitudes. The New York Sun noted this >> "when one of our reporters asked Ms. Almontaser whether she considers Hamas and Hizbollah to be terrorist organizations, and who she thinks was behind the terrorist attacks of 9-11, she declined to answer, suggesting that she shouldn't be singled out for such questions."

Regarding the Intifada fiasco, the New York Post said: "But if [intifada's] generally accepted meaning were as benign as she insists, you can bet no one would be wearing it on a T-Shirt. You can further bet that she knows it. Now if Dhabah Almontaser is going to be as disingenuous about something like this, why should New Yorkers believe her claim that "you won't find religious or political indoctrination or anti-Americanism" at her Khalil Gibran school ?"

You think it is "irrational" for me to base my opinion of someone I've known for 25 years on my own experience instead of those of hysterical anti-Islamic fanatics?

No, I KNOW it is irrational for you to base your opinion of someone you've known for 25 years on your own experience, which probably has nothing to do with her activities at the academy, instead of those of people who have investigated her role at that academy, and quite likely know much more about it then you do. (ie. reporters and editors of the New York Post, the New York Sun, etc) And where do you get off referring to these critics as "hysterical anti-Islam" fanatics" ???? Can you even state the name of a single one of these people whom you so casually smear ? Do you even know what or whom you are talking about ? If so, let's hear it.
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Leftists like TemplarKormac and theDoctorisin simply can't understand how Islam is actively seeking to undermine America. In fact, they may actually love the fact that their rights will be taken away due to their far-left rhetoric, and love of a culture that is the antithesis of all that is America.

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