Islam in Australia: Living and dying for the flag of Allah

Then in 2012 Sydney had the "Muslim Riots"...Muslim rioters invaded Sydney's CBD trying to gain acces to the US Consulate.
The cops and the govt man were taken by surpise...many say "as usual'.

Rioting Muslims now hit Sydney Australia - 15th Sept 2012

Once again. More from an Australian. Why not respond to his posts when you say no one knows what's going on there theliq?


Because what is as a pimple to us,is exaggerated into a full blow head cancer by the media(mainly POX News)

He's on this forum posting in this thread. You bypassed all his posts to tell us all (including him) that we don't know a thing about Australia when he is Australian.

It's hard to take what you say with a lot of consideration when you say things like that.

Because it's just a piss in the ocean,saying that the Jihardists leaving Australia to fight is another matter,mind you the same thing occurs when Young Jews go to Israel and fight against the Palestinians.......all of them should not be allowed back into the country........if they feel so motivated to go and fight...they should stay there.

We are talking about just a few hundred people here out of 22 million.

Australia, we are all Australians
So you're a minimalist. He's not. There's room for both of you in the discussion and for both of your points of view.

I know you think everyone else doesn't know what the real truth is and only you do.

You just said it in this thread.

The apologism is rife and rampant. Coyote needs to show the connect in Australia with proof.

So far she falls back on ephemeral proof.

For Austrailia. Where are they?

I'll wait for your proof that the majority of the Muslims in Austrailia are standing up against their violent and vocal bretheren.

Not just a few voices here and not groups that promote understanding in their non profit organizations that often are found to be silently funding terrorism.

Post thse groups in Austrailia and what they are actually doing to take their violent jihadi bretheren to task for what they do.

Like travelling to join ISIS.

We have this same issue in Canada. Some small talk, money raised and the only action is when these organizations of reformers are found in contravention of the newly minted anti-terrorism funding laws .


That's your favorite accusation.

There have been plenty of denouncements around the world regarding violent extremism but they are routinely ignorerd - excuses made, goal posts moved.

Imam condemns Iraq violence - Shepparton -
The American Muslim (TAM)

There have been many denouncements from Muslim Leaders around the world regarding violent extremism. They are conveniently ignored by many so they can continue to perpetrate the fiction that all Muslims are terrorists, and that they are all the enemy, which is of course incorrect, ignorant and hateful.

Top Muslim religious leaders from around the world have been consistently outspoken on the abhorrent murder of James Foley and continue to condemn ISIS' brutal treatment of Christians and other religious groups. The only way people couldn't be aware of this is if they lived under a rock....

World s top Muslim leaders condemn attacks on Iraqi Christians Vatican Radio

CAIR Condemns ISIS Violence and Rejects Calls to Join Extremists Fighting Abroad - CAIR

Not in our Name British Muslims Condemn the Barbarity of ISIS
Not all Muslims are terrorists.
Most of the terrorists in the world today seem to be Muslims.

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