Islam Is A False Religion

5 Foot 2 inch Woman Attacked For Destroying The Kooran

Muslims have been told their whole lives that the Qur'an is complete and unchanged; that not a letter, nor a word, nor a sentence has been accreted nor deleted, and that the Qur'an they read in Arabic is exactly the same all over the world.

That was until my colleague Hatun Tash, a 5 foot 2 inch woman accidentally found 26 different Arabic Qur'ans while traveling in Africa and the Middle East, and brought them back to London.

So, we decided to take Hatuns 26 different Arabic Qur'ans to Speaker's Corner to show them to the world on August 7th, 2016, and the Muslims almost went berserk.

Watch as they tried to rip examples of the differences printed on our laminated papers out of our hands, attacked our camera-man, and then tried to grab the Qur'ans from our bags, and even attempted to stop our exit when we left

This is the kind of reaction one would expect when they hear for the first time that everything they have been told about the book which is the very foundation of everything they believe turns out to be a lie.

Also watch Mohammed Hijab, one of the leading Muslim YouTube gurus today, who was in the crowd filming us back in 2016. Upon seeing what we were showing the world he quickly retreated to the outskirts and called all the Muslims to stop looking at what we were showing, and stop listening to what we were saying; that he would explain everything to them.

Then almost 4 years later, the same Mohammed Hijab had an infamous Zoom interview, on June 8, 2020, with Dr Yasir Qadhi, probably the leading authority on the Qira'at readings of the Qur'an, with a PhD on the subject from Yale University.

The interview, now coined the "Standard Narrative has holes in it" interview was an honest explanation by Dr Yasir Qadhi concerning the burning question posed by Mohammed Hijab; namely, which of the 30 Qira'at readings is the original Qur'an? Which was the eternal one in heaven, or the perfect Qur'an revealed to Muhammad, or the final version written down by Uthman in 652 AD? Was it the 'Hafs' or the 'Warsh', or the 'Qalun', or the 'Kisai'? (Read more in the description)

What he didn't know in 2020,
was that there are 93,236 differences
between these 30 different Arabic Koorans.

What does that have to do with killing and land theft?
What does that have to do with killing and land theft?


do Moozlems

have any self awareness?

This woman is a believer, 'people of the book', not even an infidel.
How Muslims react to debating Kooran', is only a glimpse to the
genocide and land theft inflicted by Arab imperialism.

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do Moozlems

have any self awareness?

This woman is a believer, 'people of the book', not even an infidel.
How Muslims react to debating Kooran', is only a glimpse to the
genocide and land theft inflicted by Arab imperialism.


ISIS came out of camp Brucca prison in Iraq in 2004. They are the enemy of Muslims.
ISIS came out of camp Brucca prison in Iraq in 2004. They are the enemy of Muslims.

And back to blaming the infidel...
for every degeneracy of the Muslim world.

Is that how you bring justice and knowledge of G-d to the world?

HEATED! Muslim Says Islam PROTECTS Woman & Gets DECIMATED [Debate] | Sam Shamoun​

The ugly truth about Islam-

Moohammad wasn't even circumcised,
and demanded his followers prostitute their wives TO HIMSELF.

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And back to blaming the infidel...
for every degeneracy of the Muslim world.

Is that how you bring justice and knowledge of G-d to the world?

Read Clean Break Strategy. The invasion of Iraq was the dumbest foreign policy blunder the US has pulled in the past 50 years. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They were no threat to the US or their neighbors.

HEATED! Muslim Says Islam PROTECTS Woman & Gets DECIMATED [Debate] | Sam Shamoun​

The ugly truth about Islam-

Moohammad wasn't even circumcised,
and demanded his followers prostitute their wives TO HIMSELF.

Circumcision was common among the Arabs long before Islam.
Islam may be false . I really could not personally care the proverbial monkey .
But to make that assertion and not accept the stupidity and arrogance of Christianity and Judaism is amazing .

Jews say Christianity is false.
Jews say Christianity is false.
Obviously , and vice versa .
But my point is that the foundations of all of these three cult religions is banal unless you get int Sci Fi ---- knowing the Universe Creator , being a chosen race , etc
It goes on and on but is deemed OK and actual if you have Faith .

Don't mention Facts , Logic , Science , Stupidity or Gullibility .
Fath wins over everything .

As they say , Jesus Wept
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