Islam is evil...

gop_jeff said:
I'm assuming that you concede my first point.

Talk of WMD's aside, the fact is that Saddam Hussein had repeatedly broken the 1991 Gulf War cease fire between his army and the American-led Coalition Army. That alone was reason enough to resume hostilities between the two nations.
SpidermanTuba said:
I was asking for justification from Just War Theory, not from you.

What makes YOU so certain that isn't what is says, more or less in relation to a CEASE FIRE agreement?
SpidermanTuba said:
You are aware, that people need water to survive, and that there isn't much water in the desert?
Well, a filthy rich ruler could certainly produce a couple of water tanks. Besides, I think you missed my bold statement: that he had the CHOICE of not being bombed at all.

What is your discussion even about? What despot collaborated in the 9/11 attacks other than Osama Bin Laden?
Um Saddam Hussein? Remember the intelligence that caused Congressional liberals and conservatives alike to agree that war with Iraq was a viable option? It probably had something to do with the fact that Iraq was a threat to us. And remember the oh-so-brief news blip about how the government had intelligence that Hussein was linked to bin Laden? I don't blame you for forgetting that one. It was certainly less of a media event than NSA SPYING!
mom4 said:
Well, a filthy rich ruler could certainly produce a couple of water tanks. Besides, I think you missed my bold statement: that he had the CHOICE of not being bombed at all.

No he didn't.

Bush already stated that he would have invaded anyway even if he knew Hussein had WMD.

So you are saying its not our fault that the Iraqi civilians died, because Bush honestly expected that Saddam Hussein would take care of them? So is Bush stupid?

Funny how the richest nation on Earth couldn't get water to a few thousands people for days - yet you expect one evil rich man to bring water to millions in the desert. Do you consider your expectations reasonable?

Um Saddam Hussein? Remember the intelligence that caused Congressional liberals and conservatives alike to agree that war with Iraq was a viable option?

Remember how Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were in no collaborative relationship whatsoever on the 9/11 attacks?
SpidermanTuba said:
Where in Just War Theory does it state that mere breaking of an agreement is justification for invasion?


It's a cease fire and arms related agreement. It's not a deal for firewood.

How's your new size eleven asshole feeling today? We're ripping you a new one.
SpidermanTuba said:
I'm not certain. That's why I'm asking.

And I answered you. Jus ad bellum: Just Cause and Last Resort criteria - removing a public evil and something about exhausting all viable alternatives, which would include cease fire agreements and no-fly-zones. Those restrictions and agreements were implemented so Saddam could stay in power, he violated them. What a tardo. Not you, him. :D
SpidermanTuba said:
One is dated afer the invasion. The other relies on the words of Bill Clinton, a known liar.
SOMETIMES an administration can keep national secrets quiet until AFTER they are played out.

Clinton, yeah, he's quite the liar. But I haven't heard much to impugn his defense secretary.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's a cease fire and arms related agreement. It's not a deal for firewood.

How's your new size eleven asshole feeling today? We're ripping you a new one.

You folks seem to have trouble reading. I'm not asking for your opinion on it, I'm asking for what Just War Theory states about it.
Said1 said:
And I answered you. Jus ad bellum: Just Cause and Last Resort criteria - removing a public evil and something about exhausting all viable alternatives, which would include cease fire agreements and no-fly-zones. Those restrictions and agreements were implemented so Saddam could stay in power, he violated them. What a tardo. Not you, him. :D

Well you are asnwering me now. But you didn't answer me jsut them.

Obviously, all viable alternatives were no exhausted, as Hussein had no WMD. Inspections must have been working despite the difficulties with them.
Said1 said:
I personally loved his "Iraq Liberation Act". Nothing going on in Iraq at all, NOTHING. Zip about WMD though. :laugh:
Ah, yes. The Sacred Democratic Formula for Problem Solving:

On October 21, 1998, I signed into law the Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999, which made $8 million available for assistance to the Iraqi democratic opposition.
Yeah! That'll get 'em!
mom4 said:
SOMETIMES an administration can keep national secrets quiet until AFTER they are played out.

So, 9/11 happens, and Bush wants to invade Iraq, and he decides it best to keep secret evidence that 9/11 and Iraq were related?

That's a nice stretch.
SpidermanTuba said:
So, 9/11 happens, and Bush wants to invade Iraq, and he decides it best to keep secret evidence that 9/11 and Iraq were related?

That's a nice stretch.

The 9/11 report was careful to say no OPERATIONAL connection between them. This begs the question; what kind of connection was it? There obviously was a connection, or they would have said NO CONNECTION. Get it?
SpidermanTuba said:
Well you are asnwering me now. But you didn't answer me jsut them.

Obviously, all viable alternatives were no exhausted, as Hussein had no WMD. Inspections must have been working despite the difficulties with them.

Actually, I did answer.

I didn't mention WMD, specifically either, did I? The entire premise of the cease-fire agreement wasn't solely based on WmD, there were other conditions (he violated) and the whole "public evil" thing too. How long do you suppose he should have been left to violate agreements he signed, while at the same time inflicting abuses on Iraqis - another 12yrs - would that be sufficient for you?

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