Islam Is The Enemy

Is Islam evil?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 50.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.
I'm sure all over the Middle East, Muslims are listening to assholes who tell them Christianity is evil, based on the actions of the US in recent history.

You credulous rubes are birds of a feather, whether you are Christian or Muslim.

Both religions are evil but Islam is worse. Islam is based in a large part on the Bible. The Bible is bullshit and the Koran is worse. At least Jesus wasn't a pedophile and murderer.
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.
I'm sure all over the Middle East, Muslims are listening to assholes who tell them Christianity is evil, based on the actions of the US in recent history.

You credulous rubes are birds of a feather, whether you are Christian or Muslim.

Both religions are evil but Islam is worse. Islam is based in a large part on the Bible. The Bible is bullshit and the Koran is worse. At least Jesus wasn't a pedophile and murderer.

I doubt that you ever read ---what you call "the bible" or the koran. You give yourself aways as extremely ignorant and a parrot of platitudes
I don't know why liberals can't grasp the simple concept: I've read the Quran holy hate book and these cousin-inbreeding mud-slime terrorists are doing EXACTLY what their praised-by-Hitler, bloodthirsty doctrine tells them to do! I'll bet the liberal brain (or whatever shit passes for it), can't conceive of the fact that Pisslam has killed 300,000,000 in total and obviously still counting to this day.
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.
I'm sure all over the Middle East, Muslims are listening to assholes who tell them Christianity is evil, based on the actions of the US in recent history.

You credulous rubes are birds of a feather, whether you are Christian or Muslim.

Both religions are evil but Islam is worse. Islam is based in a large part on the Bible. The Bible is bullshit and the Koran is worse. At least Jesus wasn't a pedophile and murderer.

I doubt that you ever read ---what you call "the bible" or the koran. You give yourself aways as extremely ignorant and a parrot of platitudes

I can assure you that I have not only read the Bible many times and studied in for years. The Buy Bull is evil too.
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".

there is no comparison. A tiny sect of Christians does not compare to the mosque teachings to which a billion muslims are subjected.

You have no clue what the billion Muslims are taught. You are basing your beliefs on the actions of a minority of Muslims. You want a rundown of Christian atrocities over the centuries?

The comparison is perfectly apt. I simply had to dumb it down for you and named a group which you have probably heard of, and you still didn't get the point. It's hardly all inclusive of the fuckheads who have stained the name of Christianity. Not even close.

Muslims are taught to hate and kill those who don't share their murderous faith established by a pedophile and enforced on the point of a sword and the blast of a back pack full of dynamite, or the near full tanks of airliners flown into building full of people.

Muslims are taught treacherous liars encouraged by their "holy" book to lie and break all their promises and contracts with non-Muslims.

Muslims are scum who hate their own mothers, sisters and wives, because they are female and therefore inferior and perfectly eligible for beating, raping and killing.

Muslims are cancerous pests wherever they infested the world.

Muslims are carrying on with ideas that normal and sensible people - regardless of their religion - have dispensed with years ago. All other religions have committed reprehensible acts, but none as recently and as viciously as Muslims do today.

Not even close.
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.
I'm sure all over the Middle East, Muslims are listening to assholes who tell them Christianity is evil, based on the actions of the US in recent history.

You credulous rubes are birds of a feather, whether you are Christian or Muslim.

not quite------all over the middle east, muslims learn that Christianity is evil----
All over America, rubes learn from Fox News that Islam is evil----

Plenty of priests raped little boys and told them it is what god wanted. They were preaching at church too...

Religion is not bad... Just compare the Bible to the Koran...

It is people's interpretation of either book that can screw things up...

The same guys bitching here about Islam are very close to the guys who tell the Pope to F**k off when he talks about social justice in the bible...

You see they read what they want to read...

Simply put there is a lot of people in the Middle East being controlled by evil unelected leaders who are backed by the West... The Oil revenues are not going to these people... They are uneducated & angry then someone stands in front of them and blames the West.. The West is selling the leaders arms and hording the wealth...
This is not about Religion, religion is used as a tool to identify us from them... This is just common old tribalism...
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".

Indeed. The Westboro church fools have never harmed one person. That is, of course, unless you count getting your "feelings" hurt.

All I hear, is that "Islam is the religion of peace" (mostly from liberals) while heads roll, people are burned alive, drowned in cages, made to be sex slaves, etc, etc, etc.

As far as I am concerned, and until proven otherwise, Islam is an evil religion and this crap will not stop until it is stopped.

The plains of Meggido (Armegedon) looks closer each day.
I don't know why liberals can't grasp the simple concept: I've read the Quran holy hate book and these cousin-inbreeding mud-slime terrorists are doing EXACTLY what their praised-by-Hitler, bloodthirsty doctrine tells them to do! I'll bet the liberal brain (or whatever shit passes for it), can't conceive of the fact that Pisslam has killed 300,000,000 in total and obviously still counting to this day.

I don't know why liberals can't grasp the simple concept: I've read the Quran holy hate book and these cousin-inbreeding mud-slime terrorists are doing EXACTLY what their praised-by-Hitler, bloodthirsty doctrine tells them to do! I'll bet the liberal brain (or whatever shit passes for it), can't conceive of the fact that Pisslam has killed 300,000,000 in total and obviously still counting to this day.


How can it be reinterpreted? This doctrine is an exercise in hate from top to bottom, stem to stern. There is absolutely no redeeming quality in Islam to reinterpret.
Plenty of priests raped little boys and told them it is what god wanted. They were preaching at church too...

Bigoted bullshit, sheep boi.

First off, the percentage of priests who molested children is miniscule in contrast to the number of public school teachers who have.

Further, those priests who engaged in such acts didn't claim "god wanted them to," you made that up purely from your own bigotry.

Religion is not bad... Just compare the Bible to the Koran...

I have.

You haven't, but I have.

It is people's interpretation of either book that can screw things up...

Utter bullshit. You are reciting leftist dogma from a position of ignorance. Christianity is based on the concept that Mosaic law was fulfilled and that the elements of the Old Testament are not to be applied.

Islam holds that the Koran is literal and must be applied exactly as the Warlord Muhammad directed (through the Hadiths.)

You are simply ignorant and spewing shit in hopes of defending Islam as an ally in your war on Western Culture.

The same guys bitching here about Islam are very close to the guys who tell the Pope to F**k off when he talks about social justice in the bible...

You see they read what they want to read...

Simply put there is a lot of people in the Middle East being controlled by evil unelected leaders who are backed by the West... The Oil revenues are not going to these people... They are uneducated & angry then someone stands in front of them and blames the West.. The West is selling the leaders arms and hording the wealth...
This is not about Religion, religion is used as a tool to identify us from them... This is just common old tribalism...

Of course, it is the West to blame.

Let's review;

You are a bigot
You are ignorant
You are dishonest
You blame the victim
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".

Indeed. The Westboro church fools have never harmed one person.

Slavery; the Inquisitions; the KKK; the IRA; the Crusades; the Conquistadors; the Thirty Years War; the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries; the sack of Magdeburg; the Croatian extermination camps; the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you tards didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".

Indeed. The Westboro church fools have never harmed one person.

Slavery; the Inquisitions; the KKK; the IRA; the Crusades; the Conquistadors; the Thirty Years War; the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries; the sack of Magdeburg; the Croatian extermination camps; the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you tards didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.


Yeah? what about them in your your list? there is not a single country INVADED by muslims that did not include a genocide of "THE OTHERS"---
including today's Saudi arabia----and Iran, and Jordan, and Syria, and Lebanon,
and Egypt-----etc etc
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".

Indeed. The Westboro church fools have never harmed one person.

Slavery; the Inquisitions; the KKK; the IRA; the Crusades; the Conquistadors; the Thirty Years War; the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries; the sack of Magdeburg; the Croatian extermination camps; the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you tards didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.


Funny - didn't see a thing that pertained to my quote. Go ahead and keep making excuses for your buddies in ISIS.

Keep it up. Your day will come.
Religion is no damn good and the worst are the Abrahamic faiths and the worst of them is Islam. Mudslime who crawled out of their self-made hell holes in the Middle East just killed 30 people in Brussels and injured 100 more. Chalk up another deadly attack by the religion of peace.

The Republicans will be screaming BOMB BOMB BOMB when all that will do is kill innocent people in the Middle East who have no choice but to be Muslims or die. An idea cannot be defeated with guns and bombs alone. Islam is simple one bad idea after another and it is about as evil as any philosophy to ever come down the pike.

There are people who hate to think and love their own ignorance so much that they will gravitate to something like is Islam and certainly exterminating those sort of psychopaths is the only humane thing we can do for humanity but more than that we must piss all over bad ideas and never give those ideas rights. Rights are for people not religions.

When it come to religion we need to drop the political correctness and call Islam what it is. EVIL!

Your post is incoherent. First you start with Islam is evil and then move to Christianity.

The problem with Islam is Mo. You can't have a religious leader who converts with the sword and takes women sex slaves and engages in pedophilia and expect that religion to be one of peace
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.
I'm sure all over the Middle East, Muslims are listening to assholes who tell them Christianity is evil, based on the actions of the US in recent history.

You credulous rubes are birds of a feather, whether you are Christian or Muslim.

Men are going to kill no matter if there is religion in the world or not. However, when you have people believing that when they die in battle they get 70 virgins it helps motivate those people to kill. Also, when you also convince them that the enemy are subhuman, or an infidel, then it makes it that much easier.
Religion is no damn good and the worst are the Abrahamic faiths and the worst of them is Islam. Mudslime who crawled out of their self-made hell holes in the Middle East just killed 30 people in Brussels and injured 100 more. Chalk up another deadly attack by the religion of peace.

The Republicans will be screaming BOMB BOMB BOMB when all that will do is kill innocent people in the Middle East who have no choice but to be Muslims or die. An idea cannot be defeated with guns and bombs alone. Islam is simple one bad idea after another and it is about as evil as any philosophy to ever come down the pike.

There are people who hate to think and love their own ignorance so much that they will gravitate to something like is Islam and certainly exterminating those sort of psychopaths is the only humane thing we can do for humanity but more than that we must piss all over bad ideas and never give those ideas rights. Rights are for people not religions.

When it come to religion we need to drop the political correctness and call Islam what it is. EVIL!

Your post is incoherent. First you start with Islam is evil and then move to Christianity.

The problem with Islam is Mo. You can't have a religious leader who converts with the sword and takes women sex slaves and engages in pedophilia and expect that religion to be one of peace

the issue is PRESTIGE------people like to be big shots in THEIR SOCIETY
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.
I'm sure all over the Middle East, Muslims are listening to assholes who tell them Christianity is evil, based on the actions of the US in recent history.

You credulous rubes are birds of a feather, whether you are Christian or Muslim.

Men are going to kill no matter if there is religion in the world or not. However, when you have people believing that when they die in battle they get 70 virgins it helps motivate those people to kill. Also, when you also convince them that the enemy are subhuman, or an infidel, then it makes it that much easier.
Men are going to kill no matter if there is religion in the world or not. However, when you have people believing that when they die in battle they get to live with Jesus, it helps motivate those people to kill. Also, when you also convince them that the enemy are subhuman, or an infidel, then it makes it that much easier.
Religion is no damn good and the worst are the Abrahamic faiths and the worst of them is Islam. Mudslime who crawled out of their self-made hell holes in the Middle East just killed 30 people in Brussels and injured 100 more. Chalk up another deadly attack by the religion of peace.

The Republicans will be screaming BOMB BOMB BOMB when all that will do is kill innocent people in the Middle East who have no choice but to be Muslims or die. An idea cannot be defeated with guns and bombs alone. Islam is simple one bad idea after another and it is about as evil as any philosophy to ever come down the pike.

There are people who hate to think and love their own ignorance so much that they will gravitate to something like is Islam and certainly exterminating those sort of psychopaths is the only humane thing we can do for humanity but more than that we must piss all over bad ideas and never give those ideas rights. Rights are for people not religions.

When it come to religion we need to drop the political correctness and call Islam what it is. EVIL!

no. republican establishment is the enemy.because they supporting suidi arabia.suidi arabia funding isis.
isis killing people.
its republican establishment bloody hand fault.
fact1: isis establishment is molenberg neighborhood in brussel.
fact2:paris attack and belgium attack had directly link and network with molenberg
fact3:molenberg neighborhood have wahabi-salafi ........... like suidi arabia
fact4= suidi arabia directly fundding and support all wahabism mosque and community in molenberg
fact5= republican establishment directly supply and funding by suidi arabia wahabism oil money

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