Islam Is the Problem

Islam IS the problem. I don't see any other way around it. Even if we didn't meddle in their shit, they would still be killing each other by the thousands. They would still be sending their own daughter in the street with a bomb vest. They would still want a global caliphate.
Hopefully they will go through rehab like Christianity. Hopefully.
No, people are the problem, people who use Islam as an excuse just like people used Christianity, nationalism, any ideology as an excuse/reason.
If there was no islam I would bet no MEeners would be putting vests on their children. Or stoning women because they got raped. Or want a world wide caliphate.
Duh, of course not you're specifically referring to radicals who use Islam as an excuse but study the history of western civilization and you have a lot of the same only Christian based, Islam is at the stage (again) we Christians were hundreds of years ago. There were many who tried to spread Christianity at the point of the sword, the rack and the stake, it's people who use ideologies of all kinds justify violence.
Oh and I'm a Christian so don't think I'm Christian bashing, I'm also a historian...........
Oh no man. I completely agree. When I said that, I just meant currently.
I would be saying the same shit if this was 600 years ago. Hell, even a couple.. But its not like that anymore. Islam is.
It's ideological manipulation, the more uneducated a society is the easier it is to manipulate as most manipulation is an appeal to the emotive but that only touches on the most obvious. Even in western civilization we see the appeal to the emotive being effective on a daily basis especially in the realm of politics and among even highly educated peoples so we don't need to imagine it's effect among peoples who have been taught the Koran almost exclusively like the affect exerted upon most Christians hundreds of years ago.
Look at the wars that resulted from the Reformation; "the true faith is under attack" when in reality it was the authority and power of the Catholic Church which was under attack, now draw similar associations to today's ME only the Islamic power brokers are also using; "our lands are under attack by the infidel" along with; "our faith is under attack". The power brokers want to not only drive the infidel back but ultimately (by the sword or assimilation) create a world wide Caliphate.
As always it's a relatively few individuals manipulating a huge number of people.
Yo, put the Koran down now, and start reading the Bible unbeliever!

I've read the bible. YOu know, the funny part where God drowns every baby in the world, because they made choices he didn't like.

That's kind of fucked up.

It gets worse from there.

Islam IS the problem. I don't see any other way around it. Even if we didn't meddle in their shit, they would still be killing each other by the thousands. They would still be sending their own daughter in the street with a bomb vest. They would still want a global caliphate.
Hopefully they will go through rehab like Christianity. Hopefully.

I don't know, when is Christianity going to "rehab", exactly? The Nazis rampaged around Europe a mere 70 years ago wearing belt buckles that read "Gott Mit Uns".... And the Pope went along with it.

Did we all forget about Vietnam, where we killed 3 million Vietnamese for really no good reason?

I think we need to rehab ourselves before we tell other people to "rehab".

Yo, when you use the word "WE" you make it seem like all Americans are Christians? News Flash: We`re Not!

Shit Hitting The Fan:
Awwww, wassamatter, little fella....intimidated yet again? Your obsession with fellatio is most telling...roll with it and stop suppressing your inner desires of "smoking pole".....hell, faggotry is not only accepted but encouraged.

Hey, you can't beat getting a blow job... Just ask Bill Clinton...

But being the sucker kind of sucks....
Is the Bible relevant today? The Koran is. Past crimes or laws are not excuses for present atrocities.

Given how many Americans want to impose bible law on us, um, yeah, it's still relevant.

But again, our problem isn't their religion, it's our boneheaded policies.

Their religion is a(the) problem. The way it is handled is up to us. I know making excuses for the hate that religion teaches does not help anything.
Oh no man. I completely agree. When I said that, I just meant currently.
I would be saying the same shit about Christianity if this was 600 years ago. Hell, even a couple.. But its not like that anymore. Islam is.

here's the thing. 50 years ago, no one complained about the "Islamists". Our problem in the middle east were all these Socialist Secularist leaders who were allied to the USSR and were against Israel. - Saddam, Assad, Qadaffi, Arafat. So we sent shitloads of money to Israel so the "Commies" wouldn't win. And armed people like Bin Laden.

Now the people who are against Israel and the Oil Companies are "Islamists" But really, its the same problem. We are sticking our dick in their hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung. .
Their religion is a(the) problem. The way it is handled is up to us. I know making excuses for the hate that religion teaches does not help anything.

we only have a "problem" because we want to run their countries and take their resources...

Not because their belief in an imaginary fairy in the sky is any worse than your belief in an imaginary fairy is the sky.

But if we told people,"Rich people want their stuff!" you wouldn't get young men to sign up to go fight over there to lose limbs and come back with PTSD.
Yo, when you use the word "WE" you make it seem like all Americans are Christians? News Flash: We`re Not!

I think you missed the point.

We killed 3 million Vietnamese because they didn't like our political system. We killed a Million Iraqis because we thought they had weapons they didn't have.

If I were a space alien judging who was the "Savage" here, it wouldn't be really good for "Us".
Islam IS the problem. I don't see any other way around it. Even if we didn't meddle in their shit, they would still be killing each other by the thousands. They would still be sending their own daughter in the street with a bomb vest. They would still want a global caliphate.
Hopefully they will go through rehab like Christianity. Hopefully.
No, people are the problem, people who use Islam as an excuse just like people used Christianity, nationalism, any ideology as an excuse/reason.
If there was no islam I would bet no MEeners would be putting vests on their children. Or stoning women because they got raped. Or want a world wide caliphate.
Duh, of course not you're specifically referring to radicals who use Islam as an excuse but study the history of western civilization and you have a lot of the same only Christian based, Islam is at the stage (again) we Christians were hundreds of years ago. There were many who tried to spread Christianity at the point of the sword, the rack and the stake, it's people who use ideologies of all kinds justify violence.
Oh and I'm a Christian so don't think I'm Christian bashing, I'm also a historian...........

Excuse me. When Mohammad died Islam was in the same stage it is now. You do not understand it is not a stage Islam is in, it is a war.
Islam IS the problem. I don't see any other way around it. Even if we didn't meddle in their shit, they would still be killing each other by the thousands. They would still be sending their own daughter in the street with a bomb vest. They would still want a global caliphate.
Hopefully they will go through rehab like Christianity. Hopefully.
No, people are the problem, people who use Islam as an excuse just like people used Christianity, nationalism, any ideology as an excuse/reason.
If there was no islam I would bet no MEeners would be putting vests on their children. Or stoning women because they got raped. Or want a world wide caliphate.
Duh, of course not you're specifically referring to radicals who use Islam as an excuse but study the history of western civilization and you have a lot of the same only Christian based, Islam is at the stage (again) we Christians were hundreds of years ago. There were many who tried to spread Christianity at the point of the sword, the rack and the stake, it's people who use ideologies of all kinds justify violence.
Oh and I'm a Christian so don't think I'm Christian bashing, I'm also a historian...........

Excuse me. When Mohammad died Islam was in the same stage it is now. You do not understand it is not a stage Islam is in, it is a war.
You missed the point completely but it's not unexpected from someone who refuses to look past their own nose. :thup:
Islam IS the problem. I don't see any other way around it. Even if we didn't meddle in their shit, they would still be killing each other by the thousands. They would still be sending their own daughter in the street with a bomb vest. They would still want a global caliphate.
Hopefully they will go through rehab like Christianity. Hopefully.
No, people are the problem, people who use Islam as an excuse just like people used Christianity, nationalism, any ideology as an excuse/reason.
If there was no islam I would bet no MEeners would be putting vests on their children. Or stoning women because they got raped. Or want a world wide caliphate.
Duh, of course not you're specifically referring to radicals who use Islam as an excuse but study the history of western civilization and you have a lot of the same only Christian based, Islam is at the stage (again) we Christians were hundreds of years ago. There were many who tried to spread Christianity at the point of the sword, the rack and the stake, it's people who use ideologies of all kinds justify violence.
Oh and I'm a Christian so don't think I'm Christian bashing, I'm also a historian...........

Excuse me. When Mohammad died Islam was in the same stage it is now. You do not understand it is not a stage Islam is in, it is a war.
You missed the point completely but it's not unexpected from someone who refuses to look past their own nose. :thup:
What is the point?
No, people are the problem, people who use Islam as an excuse just like people used Christianity, nationalism, any ideology as an excuse/reason.
If there was no islam I would bet no MEeners would be putting vests on their children. Or stoning women because they got raped. Or want a world wide caliphate.
Duh, of course not you're specifically referring to radicals who use Islam as an excuse but study the history of western civilization and you have a lot of the same only Christian based, Islam is at the stage (again) we Christians were hundreds of years ago. There were many who tried to spread Christianity at the point of the sword, the rack and the stake, it's people who use ideologies of all kinds justify violence.
Oh and I'm a Christian so don't think I'm Christian bashing, I'm also a historian...........

Excuse me. When Mohammad died Islam was in the same stage it is now. You do not understand it is not a stage Islam is in, it is a war.
You missed the point completely but it's not unexpected from someone who refuses to look past their own nose. :thup:
What is the point?
Drop your preconceptions and defensive hackery and reread it. :dunno:
If there was no islam I would bet no MEeners would be putting vests on their children. Or stoning women because they got raped. Or want a world wide caliphate.
Duh, of course not you're specifically referring to radicals who use Islam as an excuse but study the history of western civilization and you have a lot of the same only Christian based, Islam is at the stage (again) we Christians were hundreds of years ago. There were many who tried to spread Christianity at the point of the sword, the rack and the stake, it's people who use ideologies of all kinds justify violence.
Oh and I'm a Christian so don't think I'm Christian bashing, I'm also a historian...........

Excuse me. When Mohammad died Islam was in the same stage it is now. You do not understand it is not a stage Islam is in, it is a war.
You missed the point completely but it's not unexpected from someone who refuses to look past their own nose. :thup:
What is the point?
Drop your preconceptions and defensive hackery and reread it. :dunno:

Re-read. It is just an excuse and really off topic to boot. This thread is about Islam. And for you to compare to some sort of stage needs change, and Islam has not changed.
Duh, of course not you're specifically referring to radicals who use Islam as an excuse but study the history of western civilization and you have a lot of the same only Christian based, Islam is at the stage (again) we Christians were hundreds of years ago. There were many who tried to spread Christianity at the point of the sword, the rack and the stake, it's people who use ideologies of all kinds justify violence.
Oh and I'm a Christian so don't think I'm Christian bashing, I'm also a historian...........

Excuse me. When Mohammad died Islam was in the same stage it is now. You do not understand it is not a stage Islam is in, it is a war.
You missed the point completely but it's not unexpected from someone who refuses to look past their own nose. :thup:
What is the point?
Drop your preconceptions and defensive hackery and reread it. :dunno:

Re-read. It is just an excuse and really off topic to boot. This thread is about Islam. And for you to compare to some sort of stage needs change, and Islam has not changed.
Well since you refuse to use your brain, Islam in the sense of violent expansion and reaction waned until modern times, if you were a student of history you would know that. If you were a student of history, psychology and sociology you would understand that Islam like Christianity, like Communist humanism, like any other social and sociopolitical construct is not to blame, it's those who pervert it for their own reasons that are to blame.
Excuse me. When Mohammad died Islam was in the same stage it is now. You do not understand it is not a stage Islam is in, it is a war.
You missed the point completely but it's not unexpected from someone who refuses to look past their own nose. :thup:
What is the point?
Drop your preconceptions and defensive hackery and reread it. :dunno:

Re-read. It is just an excuse and really off topic to boot. This thread is about Islam. And for you to compare to some sort of stage needs change, and Islam has not changed.
Well since you refuse to use your brain, Islam in the sense of violent expansion and reaction waned until modern times, if you were a student of history you would know that. If you were a student of history, psychology and sociology you would understand that Islam like Christianity, like Communist humanism, like any other social and sociopolitical construct is not to blame, it's those who pervert it for their own reasons that are to blame.
Islam is not being perverted that is the point. Islam is being followed to the when terror occurs, when large communities in host countries do not assimilate, and when a group like CAIR comes out against terror, while tied to terror.

You can shove the history that surrounds Islam. History is a teacher. It looks like you have learned nothing.
You missed the point completely but it's not unexpected from someone who refuses to look past their own nose. :thup:
What is the point?
Drop your preconceptions and defensive hackery and reread it. :dunno:

Re-read. It is just an excuse and really off topic to boot. This thread is about Islam. And for you to compare to some sort of stage needs change, and Islam has not changed.
Well since you refuse to use your brain, Islam in the sense of violent expansion and reaction waned until modern times, if you were a student of history you would know that. If you were a student of history, psychology and sociology you would understand that Islam like Christianity, like Communist humanism, like any other social and sociopolitical construct is not to blame, it's those who pervert it for their own reasons that are to blame.
Islam is not being perverted that is the point. Islam is being followed to the when terror occurs, when large communities in host countries do not assimilate, and when a group like CAIR comes out against terror, while tied to terror.

You can shove the history that surrounds Islam. History is a teacher. It looks like you have learned nothing.
Coming from a clueless hack such as yourself I'll take that as a compliment. :thup:
What is the point?
Drop your preconceptions and defensive hackery and reread it. :dunno:

Re-read. It is just an excuse and really off topic to boot. This thread is about Islam. And for you to compare to some sort of stage needs change, and Islam has not changed.
Well since you refuse to use your brain, Islam in the sense of violent expansion and reaction waned until modern times, if you were a student of history you would know that. If you were a student of history, psychology and sociology you would understand that Islam like Christianity, like Communist humanism, like any other social and sociopolitical construct is not to blame, it's those who pervert it for their own reasons that are to blame.
Islam is not being perverted that is the point. Islam is being followed to the when terror occurs, when large communities in host countries do not assimilate, and when a group like CAIR comes out against terror, while tied to terror.

You can shove the history that surrounds Islam. History is a teacher. It looks like you have learned nothing.
Coming from a clueless hack such as yourself I'll take that as a compliment. :thup:

Clueless? What I am has little to do with what Islam is. And I am hardly clueless. You have avoided the topic again.

So tell me what I do not know about Islam?
Drop your preconceptions and defensive hackery and reread it. :dunno:

Re-read. It is just an excuse and really off topic to boot. This thread is about Islam. And for you to compare to some sort of stage needs change, and Islam has not changed.
Well since you refuse to use your brain, Islam in the sense of violent expansion and reaction waned until modern times, if you were a student of history you would know that. If you were a student of history, psychology and sociology you would understand that Islam like Christianity, like Communist humanism, like any other social and sociopolitical construct is not to blame, it's those who pervert it for their own reasons that are to blame.
Islam is not being perverted that is the point. Islam is being followed to the when terror occurs, when large communities in host countries do not assimilate, and when a group like CAIR comes out against terror, while tied to terror.

You can shove the history that surrounds Islam. History is a teacher. It looks like you have learned nothing.
Coming from a clueless hack such as yourself I'll take that as a compliment. :thup:

Clueless? What I am has little to do with what Islam is. And I am hardly clueless. You have avoided the topic again.

So tell me what I do not know about Islam?
No, you tell me what you know without cutting and pasting out of context. :thup:
Religion is the problem.

This silly relativism is common among the Left.

I once had a guy say to me all religions are bad so I said to him since all religions are bad then Islam is bad, right? He repeated all religions are bad. I could NOT get him to admit to his assertion that Islam is bad even by pointing out he had clearly said Islam is bad in his statement. It was surreal.

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