Islam is winning the war in America.


Apr 6, 2012
Islam is winning the war in America.

We went to war in the Islamic countries to steal their minerals and oil, but are finding that the reality is that Islam is starting to replace Christianity in OUR Country.

US soldiers are returning from Afghanistan and converting to Islam in ever increasing numbers. Something about the simplistic order of Islam and the strict moral code that straightens out the rules for society that is appealing to more and more young American men who have been exposed to Islam overseas.

As a Christian minister, I see this while at the same time seeing the horrible moral and ethical breakdown in America, and I understand. Seeing this massive wave of Republiscamism that has put America 60 Trillion Dollars in debt I know how decadent we have become. As the Christian Churches have become more and more liberal, the conservatism of Islam appeals to them, and I understand it.

Ironically, it appeals more strongly to women who feel that the Islamic moral code is what they world needs and what they need to bring order to their lives. The young women converting to Islam in America exceeds the number of men, and if American men are tired of the Sexually Free Liberated Women they encounter in our society they are being drawn to local mosques. As I approach Seventy years of age, I go out on daily walks for health reasons. What I see is both alarming and reassuring.

I have a large Mosque just a hundred yards away from my house, and on Friday I watch as the people arrive for prayers as I am out walking. I see the traditional immigrant Islamic men in robes, but each week I see more and more and more young Americans of Northern European descent going to those prayer services. (Lots of people with blond hair and blue eyes. High IQ types abound, so these are not stupid people.)

Knowing what a grossly immoral jungle it is out there in America, I fully understand. I see the trend, we initiated these wars to steal the oil and minerals from these "backwards" Islamic countries, and their "backwards" religion is going to conquer America. It is happening as I write this, because our churches have backed off on strict morality, and the overwhelming majority of people want a moral orderly culture surrounding them.

Yeah, but my Fantasy NBA team needs a backup point guard, and there is just NOTHING out there right now.

Unfortunately it is true. It is true here, and true in secular countries around the world. The path to islam runs right through secularism. The path is much faster through atheism. Where we look at an atheist and see an enlightened non-believer, islam sees a convert that John Walker Lindh typifies.

Although it pains me to agree with what should be nonsense, personal experience is that women are particularly susceptible to the lure of islam. Particularly islamic men.
Barack Obama is currently telling his supporters to 'vote and take your revenge against Mitt Romney'. That's Jeremiah Wright speak if you still have any doubts. Mr Obama has been and is all about letting the Muslims win, whether it be here or abroad, and apparently he thinks another Civil War, which he's openly advocating with that remark, will do just fine and dandy in bringing that about. He might even be contemplating bringing Arab military forces here to quell his opposition when it breaks out after the US Military balks. We should greet them with a few tricks we learned from the Germans and the Japanese.
Unfortunately it is true. It is true here, and true in secular countries around the world. The path to islam runs right through secularism. The path is much faster through atheism. Where we look at an atheist and see an enlightened non-believer, islam sees a convert that John Walker Lindh typifies.

Although it pains me to agree with what should be nonsense, personal experience is that women are particularly susceptible to the lure of islam. Particularly islamic men.

Katz. Unbelievable, we agree.

As I say, I only post the truth in all things. I have seen the rampant increase in Mosques all across the nation. I am seeing this wave of conversions. Now, I only have talked to six recent converts, but they all tell me that their acceptance of SUBMISSION (ISLAM) was as a reaction to the immorality that they saw all around them.

Atheists, Agnostics and Weak Church goers are rebelling against IMMORALITY.
Barack Obama is currently telling his supporters to 'vote and take your revenge against Mitt Romney'. That's Jeremiah Wright speak if you still have any doubts. Mr Obama has been and is all about letting the Muslims win, whether it be here or abroad, and apparently he thinks another Civil War, which he's openly advocating with that remark, will do just fine and dandy in bringing that about. He might even be contemplating bringing Arab military forces here to quell his opposition when it breaks out after the US Military balks. We should greet them with a few tricks we learned from the Germans and the Japanese.

Barack Obama is currently telling his supporters to 'vote and take your revenge against Mitt Romney'. That's Jeremiah Wright speak if you still have any doubts. Mr Obama has been and is all about letting the Muslims win, whether it be here or abroad, and apparently he thinks another Civil War, which he's openly advocating with that remark, will do just fine and dandy in bringing that about. He might even be contemplating bringing Arab military forces here to quell his opposition when it breaks out after the US Military balks. We should greet them with a few tricks we learned from the Germans and the Japanese.


You are at war with sanity.

And you are losing.

Barack Obama is currently telling his supporters to 'vote and take your revenge against Mitt Romney'. That's Jeremiah Wright speak if you still have any doubts. Mr Obama has been and is all about letting the Muslims win, whether it be here or abroad, and apparently he thinks another Civil War, which he's openly advocating with that remark, will do just fine and dandy in bringing that about. He might even be contemplating bringing Arab military forces here to quell his opposition when it breaks out after the US Military balks. We should greet them with a few tricks we learned from the Germans and the Japanese.


Of course we are at war with islam. We might call it all kinds of things, but it is a war nonetheless. We are at war simply because THEY are at war leaving us no choice. This is going to get much much worse as Iran develops its nuclear weapons and we are forced to do something to stop their continued use. Yes, I said continued use because islam will undoubtably use them initially and there is nothing we can do and no way to stop it.

People are drawn to islam not only because their own immorality has started disgusting them, but because of the structure islam offers. That, and the societal almost forced decline of Christianity. With nations turning against Christianity with such a vengeance, islam is the only politically acceptable place to go.
Barack Obama is currently telling his supporters to 'vote and take your revenge against Mitt Romney'. That's Jeremiah Wright speak if you still have any doubts. Mr Obama has been and is all about letting the Muslims win, whether it be here or abroad, and apparently he thinks another Civil War, which he's openly advocating with that remark, will do just fine and dandy in bringing that about. He might even be contemplating bringing Arab military forces here to quell his opposition when it breaks out after the US Military balks. We should greet them with a few tricks we learned from the Germans and the Japanese.


Of course we are at war with islam. We might call it all kinds of things, but it is a war nonetheless. We are at war simply because THEY are at war leaving us no choice. This is going to get much much worse as Iran develops its nuclear weapons and we are forced to do something to stop their continued use. Yes, I said continued use because islam will undoubtably use them initially and there is nothing we can do and no way to stop it.

People are drawn to islam not only because their own immorality has started disgusting them, but because of the structure islam offers. That, and the societal almost forced decline of Christianity. With nations turning against Christianity with such a vengeance, islam is the only politically acceptable place to go.

I agree that atheists are triumphing the Christians in America. And it is their fault.

As for Iran, no we don't have to go to war. What a moronic statement.

Quit fighting for Israel. :eusa_hand:
I would appreciate some links to back up your claim.

Everything I've seen is that Muslims in America come here with Islamic backgrounds from countries that have a majority of Muslims. Then, many of their children seek to get away from Islam, but cannot due to the restrictive nature of the religion practiced by their family. HONOR KILLINGS!

As to Vets coming back from the Middle East converting to Islam, that is something I definitely want to see references to. I have never seen even a hint of this in the dozens of milblogs I daily check - or the ones coming online.

I hope this is not an empty, unconfirmed attempt to push an agenda.
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I think the reference to Vets coming back after having converted to islam, is the plot of Homeland.

More women are converting to islam than vets. In the beginning, women love the way they are treated, by the time they realize that they won't always be treated like that, it's too late.
I think the reference to Vets coming back after having converted to islam, is the plot of Homeland.

More women are converting to islam than vets. In the beginning, women love the way they are treated, by the time they realize that they won't always be treated like that, it's too late.

Just admit people like the religion. Quit telling us they fell in a trap.

It's because of people like you that Christians are moving away from Church.

Also give credit to the media, no matter how much they try to show Islam in a bad light, they are actually doing Islam a favor. People realize the kind of baloney and crap journalism they see. So they go to a mosque to see for theirselves.
I lost interest in this op-ed the minute i got to the "War for oil" part in the first sentence.

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