Islam, 'the religion of peace' - when will people learn?

Did you really want to try and show that Muhammad was a man of "peace"?
Muhammad was a warrior, a general, not a pussy (like Jesus) so, why would I?

Actually kid it is you who is a pussy. Islam was founded in blood, the "peaceful" Muslims are the "apostates". Islam is a religion of hatred, blood, and violence.
So? Why does that make you wet your pants?

(smile) Oh lookie....a bad ass!!!!!
Nothing makes me wet my pants kid. I don't have to fight in any more wars and my wife's biopsy came back benign. I have nothing to fear.
Then - start fucking acting like it.

Don't fear Islam - learn it. In Islam you are allowed to kill your enemies (unlike what that pussy Jesus taught). I can't imagine why you wouldn't agree (with Muhammad not Jesus)?

I like it when little kids like you act all bad and shit. My degree is in comparative Religion, I've known about Islam for a very long time and seen first hand it's "work". You seem to have a great admiration for those that kill innocent people indiscriminately. Why don't you volunteer to lend your services to them?
Muhammad was a warrior, a general, not a pussy (like Jesus) so, why would I?

Actually kid it is you who is a pussy. Islam was founded in blood, the "peaceful" Muslims are the "apostates". Islam is a religion of hatred, blood, and violence.
So? Why does that make you wet your pants?

(smile) Oh lookie....a bad ass!!!!!
Nothing makes me wet my pants kid. I don't have to fight in any more wars and my wife's biopsy came back benign. I have nothing to fear.
Then - start fucking acting like it.

Don't fear Islam - learn it. In Islam you are allowed to kill your enemies (unlike what that pussy Jesus taught). I can't imagine why you wouldn't agree (with Muhammad not Jesus)?

I like it when little kids like you act all bad and shit. My degree is in comparative Religion, I've known about Islam for a very long time and seen first hand it's "work". You seem to have a great admiration for those that kill innocent people indiscriminately. Why don't you volunteer to lend your services to them?
If you know Islam then stop posting like a fearful child - there are already too many here. Jesus was a pacifist - The Prophet was not. Deal with it, kids.
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FAKE NEWS MSNBC just had an Afro American on saying the Islamic Terrorists were not Muslim and he is upset that the British PM alluded to the savage Islamic Terrorists as such.
do you have a post like a video of that, I would love to see it
so will we ever hear from Obama on these attacks? ever? well, would be kinds hard for him to do so without using the word Islamic
Barack Hussein Obama could not say those words "radical Islam", "jihadism" and "Islamist extremists.


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