Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

If the OT is truly from God, then God commanded his followers to do plenty of nasty stuff comparable to what's in the Quran.
Yep. And christianity was reformed by a process that has, apparently, missed Islam, so far.
Islam cannot reform. Muhammad completed the religion. What he said cannot be changed. Muslims that try risk their lives for something the devout cannot accept. Forget reform, it will never happen.
Islam cannot reform.
Oh, think it can. I can just look at the difference between a moderate, assimilated muslim in our country and your average, pakistani Muslim who believes all manner of disgusting, evil nonsense.

So, the facts dont bear out your assertion. But,keep in mind, Islam (like christianity) will be "reformed" precisely to the extent that its adherents do NOT follow the letter of their holy texts. So,maybe "abandonment" is a better word than "reform".
Islam cannot reform.
Oh, think it can. I can just look at the difference between a moderate, assimilated muslim in our country and your average, pakistani Muslim who believes all manner of disgusting, evil nonsense.

So, the facts dont bear out your assertion. But,keep in mind, Islam (like christianity) will be "reformed" precisely to the extent that its adherents do NOT follow the letter of their holy texts. So,maybe "abandonment" is a better word than "reform".

for muslims-----giving up muhummad and every perverse word recorded and every perverse action-----as being DIVINE----is as impossible as suggesting that Christianity give up Jesus
A prophet of God does not order his men to rape women, does not earn a living through theft and does declare eternal war until all submit to him.
But putting people to death for adultery is a-ok?

There are no gods in any of this nonsense. Clearly these stories were wtitten by terrified, ignorant people trying to make sense of a world they didnt understand.

But,more importantly, we need to put aside all talk of magical sky daddies and focus on the merit of the ideas in these archaic holy texts.
Jesus never put anybody to death for adultery.

Care to try again?
Islam cannot reform.
Oh, think it can. I can just look at the difference between a moderate, assimilated muslim in our country and your average, pakistani Muslim who believes all manner of disgusting, evil nonsense.

So, the facts dont bear out your assertion. But,keep in mind, Islam (like christianity) will be "reformed" precisely to the extent that its adherents do NOT follow the letter of their holy texts. So,maybe "abandonment" is a better word than "reform".

for muslims-----giving up muhummad and every perverse word recorded and every perverse action-----as being DIVINE----is as impossible as suggesting that Christianity give up Jesus
Meh, words are cheap. Lots of christians say they believe jesus is the savior. Yet the churches are half empty every Sunday. I care more about what people do than what they say.
Jesus never put anybody to death for adultery.
And yet his magical daddy supposedly ordered precisely that. And people followed that order long after the mythical jesus supossedly came and went. And now, generally, they don't follow that order.

Hint: that ain't because of Jesus.
Jesus never put anybody to death for adultery.
And yet his magical daddy supposedly ordered precisely that. And people followed that order long after the mythical jesus supossedly came and went. And now, generally, they don't follow that order.

Hint: that ain't because of Jesus.
You are talking the religion of ancient Hebrews, there.

Do you lack the cognitive ability to compare apples to apples, or are you simply refusing to do so because your apologia is predicted upon speciousness?
You are talking the religion of ancient Hebrews, there.
No im not. I am talking about christians. I dont think you are equipped to have an honest coversation about that.

I think I will leave you to it and stick to talking about what needs to happen with Islam.
You are talking the religion of ancient Hebrews, there.
No im not. I am talking about christians. I dont think you are equipped to have an honest coversation about that.

I think I will leave you to it and stick to talking about what needs to happen with Islam.

You are ignorant.

It is your ignorance that precludes you from having the honest conversation, not me.

Christians do not kill adulterers and Jesus never said they should .
Christians do not kill adulterers Jesus never said they should .
They absolutely did, because their bible commanded them to do so. Thats a sinple fact.

See what i mean? Youre not equipped to have an honest conversation that we need to have about reformation of religion today. You cant even accept the most baseline facts, due to your religious nonsense. It's not good for your brain, bro.
Islam has converted all the camels to its side. You're all next! :alirulz:
Islam cannot reform.
Oh, think it can. I can just look at the difference between a moderate, assimilated muslim in our country and your average, pakistani Muslim who believes all manner of disgusting, evil nonsense.

So, the facts dont bear out your assertion. But,keep in mind, Islam (like christianity) will be "reformed" precisely to the extent that its adherents do NOT follow the letter of their holy texts. So,maybe "abandonment" is a better word than "reform".
assimilated muslim in our country
Like the Fort Hood shooter, the foiled Time Square bomber, the Orlando shooter?
These Muslims mentioned were supposedly assimilated.
And represent such a small percentage of American muslims that you pretty much strengthen my point for me, thanks.

Clearly the moderate, assimilated Muslims -- many of them actually now secular -- have benefitted from reform that more fundamental muslims have not.
These Muslims mentioned were supposedly assimilated.
And represent such a small percentage of American muslims that you pretty much strengthen my point for me, thanks.

Clearly the moderate, assimilated Muslims -- many of them actually now secular -- have benefitted from reform that more fundamental muslims have not.
19 killed 3,000. That small percentage is deadly and it is the religion that makes them that way. That is what you will not admit.
These Muslims mentioned were supposedly assimilated.
And represent such a small percentage of American muslims that you pretty much strengthen my point for me, thanks.

Clearly the moderate, assimilated Muslims -- many of them actually now secular -- have benefitted from reform that more fundamental muslims have not.
19 killed 3,000. That small percentage is deadly and it is the religion that makes them that way.
Yes, but that only speaks to my point in supporting it. You see the difference between those fanatics and Abdul in the IT department who likes to hit the strip clubs on Friday night. Just as you can see the difference between a nun and a cafeteria christian.
Islam cannot reform.
Oh, think it can. I can just look at the difference between a moderate, assimilated muslim in our country and your average, pakistani Muslim who believes all manner of disgusting, evil nonsense.

So, the facts dont bear out your assertion. But,keep in mind, Islam (like christianity) will be "reformed" precisely to the extent that its adherents do NOT follow the letter of their holy texts. So,maybe "abandonment" is a better word than "reform".

for muslims-----giving up muhummad and every perverse word recorded and every perverse action-----as being DIVINE----is as impossible as suggesting that Christianity give up Jesus
Meh, words are cheap. Lots of christians say they believe jesus is the savior. Yet the churches are half empty every Sunday. I care more about what people do than what they say.

are you suggesting that mosques are STUFFED to the gills on Friday?----nope.
Have you ever socialized or worked with muslims? I grew up in a very church going town. For middle class American provincial protestants ----"churcn on sunday" was a kind of obligatory FAMILY EVENT. -------mosque is a whole
different thing. ------for some muslims WOMEN never go-----in my childhood tow
it was the MEN who rarely went or did so-------begrudgingly -----different cultural
norms here and there
These Muslims mentioned were supposedly assimilated.
And represent such a small percentage of American muslims that you pretty much strengthen my point for me, thanks.

Clearly the moderate, assimilated Muslims -- many of them actually now secular -- have benefitted from reform that more fundamental muslims have not.
19 killed 3,000. That small percentage is deadly and it is the religion that makes them that way. That is what you will not admit.

well----the Vikings did put their HEROES who murdered and pillaged lots
into VALHALLA too-----muslims are not unique
These Muslims mentioned were supposedly assimilated.
And represent such a small percentage of American muslims that you pretty much strengthen my point for me, thanks.

Clearly the moderate, assimilated Muslims -- many of them actually now secular -- have benefitted from reform that more fundamental muslims have not.
19 killed 3,000. That small percentage is deadly and it is the religion that makes them that way.
Yes, but that only speaks to my point in supporting it. You see the difference between those fanatics and Abdul in the IT department who likes to hit the strip clubs on Friday night. Just as you can see the difference between a nun and a cafeteria christian.
So you ignore the religion that teaches hate because not enough Islam inspired haters kill people here in America? Good thinking.

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