Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.
I don’t know about all that but Europe is being converted through birth rates.
Or maybe that is a myth designed to scare people.

Will Pew Muslim birth rate study finally silence the “Eurabia” claim?

The Muslim Overpopulation Myth That Just Won’t Die
Maybe. But I’m not talking about overpopulation. I’m talking about a growing segment in a society. Specifically, Europe.

Has their demographic increased in over the past ten years? Does it have a positive slope? A negative slope? Or is it flat?

Well you specifically mentioned birth rates. When it comes to immigrants Muslims are no different than other groups in that regard, and while they may initially have more children, by the next generation it is usually in line with the National average.

If you are talking about immigration, then yes it is growing but even the highest projections show them at 14% of the population. They also come from all over the world and different cultures. I think there is a lot of fear mongering.

Muslim Population Growth in Europe
It’s all part and parcel. But the ultimate measure is their population over time relative to the population of the indigenous people. Israel has the same problem.
Jesus never put anybody to death for adultery.
And yet his magical daddy supposedly ordered precisely that. And people followed that order long after the mythical jesus supossedly came and went. And now, generally, they don't follow that order.

Hint: that ain't because of Jesus.

In fact-----capital penalty for adultery had already been abolished in jewish law
before Jesus was born.------. The greeks and romans
did inflict it-----I think on the whim of the husband-----but it is not clear to me that
it was the mode in Christian countries---------except when QUEENS did it.
IDK anyone? It is still the mode in shariah. Facts matter
Christians do not kill adulterers Jesus never said they should .
They absolutely did, because their bible commanded them to do so. Thats a sinple fact.

See what i mean? Youre not equipped to have an honest conversation that we need to have about reformation of religion today. You cant even accept the most baseline facts, due to your religious nonsense. It's not good for your brain, bro.

lots of confusion here-----WHO 'absolutely' executed adulterers? At the time of
Jesus----the PHARISEE OPINION precluded execution for adulterers and that was the prevailing opinion at that time of the Sanhedrin I am not
clear on what the CANON law in early Christianity had to say on the matter----ANYONE? Henry VIII construed adultery by his wives as "treason" ---
if adultery had been a capital crime back then----why would his court resort
to a charge of "treason" ? Ancient greeks seem to have been the most
neurotic about adultery----if one defines adultery by------a MAN (the guilty party) ---screwing a married woman----(also guilty) or more specifically-----a man screwing a MARRIED GREEK WOMAN. -------lots of other marriage breaches were
entirely ok-------Getting back to Henry VIII ----his many affairs were not considered
"adultery" even by the Canon law
When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.
I don’t know about all that but Europe is being converted through birth rates.
Or maybe that is a myth designed to scare people.

Will Pew Muslim birth rate study finally silence the “Eurabia” claim?

The Muslim Overpopulation Myth That Just Won’t Die
Maybe. But I’m not talking about overpopulation. I’m talking about a growing segment in a society. Specifically, Europe.

Has their demographic increased in over the past ten years? Does it have a positive slope? A negative slope? Or is it flat?

Well you specifically mentioned birth rates. When it comes to immigrants Muslims are no different than other groups in that regard, and while they may initially have more children, by the next generation it is usually in line with the National average.

If you are talking about immigration, then yes it is growing but even the highest projections show them at 14% of the population. They also come from all over the world and different cultures. I think there is a lot of fear mongering.

Muslim Population Growth in Europe
It’s all part and parcel. But the ultimate measure is their population over time relative to the population of the indigenous people. Israel has the same problem.

Not really, immigration fluctuates, and even maximum projections go only to 14%. The birth rate claim is a myth.
Honor killings aren’t religious or religiously sanctioned. They are cultural.
Honor killing - Wikipedia

Think that if it gives you comfort. Their religion informed their actions of committing honor killings. In countries where the government in controlled by Islam, such honor killings are even more prevalent.
If that were true you'd expect the incidence to be the same in all Muslim countries. It is not. While honor killings are common in Muslim countries like Pakistan or the Arab nations, it is a practically unknown practice in many other Muslim countries too, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia or Senegal. This fact supports the idea that honor killings are to do with culture rather than religion.[84]
It says in "Reliance of the Traveler" ( the go to resource for Sharia law) that there is no retaliation for killing a child or sibling if they disgraced the family. So at least the law is there just in case they need it.

So the Quran says nothing on this. That book is only used by the Shafi school of jurisprudence, but not in either Quran or Hadith. I think it is cultural thing, not a religious.
I asked you if it was OK.

No you didn’t. I just looked through your post.

Honor killings are not ok.
Think that if it gives you comfort. Their religion informed their actions of committing honor killings. In countries where the government in controlled by Islam, such honor killings are even more prevalent.
If that were true you'd expect the incidence to be the same in all Muslim countries. It is not. While honor killings are common in Muslim countries like Pakistan or the Arab nations, it is a practically unknown practice in many other Muslim countries too, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia or Senegal. This fact supports the idea that honor killings are to do with culture rather than religion.[84]
It says in "Reliance of the Traveler" ( the go to resource for Sharia law) that there is no retaliation for killing a child or sibling if they disgraced the family. So at least the law is there just in case they need it.

So the Quran says nothing on this. That book is only used by the Shafi school of jurisprudence, but not in either Quran or Hadith. I think it is cultural thing, not a religious.
I asked you if it was OK.

No you didn’t. I just looked through your post.

Honor killings are not ok.

the "its not religion, but culture" is a MYTH in reference to islam.
As to the statement "honor killing is not a problem in BanglaDesh"----
WHAT A HOOT. Honor killing in east Pakistan was actually my INTRO
to islam----way back in 1971 during the Pakistani civil war (west vs east Pakistan) -----there were reports of rampant rapes by the west Pakistani army upon
both muslims and hindus in east Pakistan and DROVES of pregnant
muslim girls either killed or abandoned to the gutters in east Pakistan (that meant death by starvation) ----droves were committing suicide. I complained to a
Pakistani surgeon I knew way back then. His answer was "YOU DON'T
tell it again coyote dear. PS. no mention of TURKEY? The suicide rate of
GIRLS is off the charts--------(sssshhh don't tell anyone---"she committed suicide"
is a euphemism for "the family offed her" ) For a candid appraisal of the
behavior of the West Pakistani army------speak to a Bangla Deshi-------
I am not referring to the abandonment of pregnant daughters-----I am referring
to WHAT THE WEST PAKISTANI ARMY DID----back then....circa 1971.
I never claimed they did - although there have been incidents of Islamic honor killings in the United States.

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia

I'm not aware of any Protestants doing equivalent acts which are sanctioned by their religion.
Honor killings aren’t religious or religiously sanctioned. They are cultural.
Honor killing - Wikipedia

Think that if it gives you comfort. Their religion informed their actions of committing honor killings. In countries where the government in controlled by Islam, such honor killings are even more prevalent.

Has nothing to do with what I think.

Well, then not thinking may be the problem.
In your case, quite likely.

You're projecting again, hun.
Think that if it gives you comfort. Their religion informed their actions of committing honor killings. In countries where the government in controlled by Islam, such honor killings are even more prevalent.
If that were true you'd expect the incidence to be the same in all Muslim countries. It is not. While honor killings are common in Muslim countries like Pakistan or the Arab nations, it is a practically unknown practice in many other Muslim countries too, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia or Senegal. This fact supports the idea that honor killings are to do with culture rather than religion.[84]
It says in "Reliance of the Traveler" ( the go to resource for Sharia law) that there is no retaliation for killing a child or sibling if they disgraced the family. So at least the law is there just in case they need it.

So the Quran says nothing on this. That book is only used by the Shafi school of jurisprudence, but not in either Quran or Hadith. I think it is cultural thing, not a religious.

Well, here's the problem with your theory: in Islamic societies, their is no separation between church and state. The culture and the religion are interrelated.
The same applies in Christian, Hindu and Jewish societies. Look at history. What is your point?

No, it doesn't. Christianity underwent a reformation. Israel is a pluralistic country which does not persecute non Jews. There are no Hindu states.

You cannot find any modern examples of these three religions engaging in the horrific destruction of human life that occurs in Islamic states. The only ones that beat them in death count are Communist ones - which are another form of religious states.
You could have just said that it was well beyond your ability to debate at all rationally and saved me the trouble.
Excuse you, I said why your point was silly. I can have this entire dicsussion without once mentioning Jesus, nor does any religious person have to eschew their "chosen one" completely to reform away from the bad ideas in their religion.

If you can't muster the tools to directly respond to this, consider one or both of the following:

1) your point was stupid, and you should abandon it

2) you just aren't equipped to argue your points
In fact-----capital penalty for adultery had already been abolished in jewish law
before Jesus was born.------
Yes, in a magical holy book asopted ny christians as Canon....some christians TO THIS DAY cite it as the reasons they believe certain thi vs.

So, try as you might, you arent going to slither out from under the baseline facts of my point:

Reformation is possible and has happened. One example: christians stoning people for adultery. They used to do this a lot, and now they don't.

These are simple facts that really are not up for debate. Please don't waste my time.
You could have just said that it was well beyond your ability to debate at all rationally and saved me the trouble.
Excuse you, I said why your point was silly. I can have this entire dicsussion without once mentioning Jesus, nor does any religious person have to eschew their "chosen one" completely to reform away from the bad ideas in their religion.

If you can't muster the tools to directly respond to this, consider one or both of the following:

1) your point was stupid, and you should abandon it

2) you just aren't equipped to argue your points
Once again, kid, you are free to indulge in your infantile false equivalences and indulge in utterly ignorant apologia. You obviously know nothing at all and are faking it.

I am also free, for the time being, to display why your equivalences are patently false, point out your abject ignorance of the subject matter, and characterize your thoughtless blather for what it is - apologia.
Once again, kid, you are free to indulge in your infantile false equivalences and indulge in utterly ignorant apologia. You obviously know nothing at all and are faking it
Meaningless self soothing..

I am also free, for the time being, to display why your equivalences are patently false, point out your abject ignorance of the subject matter, and characterize your thoughtless blather for what it is - apologia
More meaningless self soothing....

Got challenged on his stupid point, immediately goes into a tailspin...
Once again, kid, you are free to indulge in your infantile false equivalences and indulge in utterly ignorant apologia. You obviously know nothing at all and are faking it
Meaningless self soothing..

I am also free, for the time being, to display why your equivalences are patently false, point out your abject ignorance of the subject matter, and characterize your thoughtless blather for what it is - apologia
More meaningless self soothing....

Got challenged on his stupid point, immediately goes into a tailspin...
You call a salient point "stupid" while displaying that you lack the intellect necessary to distinguish Islam from Christianity.

How old are you, child?
You call a salient point "stupid"
Correct, and I argued why with two very simple points. Instead of addressing them, you have treated me to a grade a, childish tantrum.

Anyhow, upward and onward...
You showed that you lack the intelligence necessary to realize the Old Testament represents the Hebrew bible, yes.

That goes well beyond simple and enters the realm of simple minded.

You are incapable of comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges because you are ignorant, quite unintelligent and not at all honest.
You showed that you lack the intelligence necessary to realize the Old Testament represents the Hebrew bible, yes.
And yet it is christian canon, and many christians did (and still do) take direction from it. Many more literally in the past.

So, go complain to them, not the person reporting factual observations. Thanks.

A lot of christians took it and its evil content quite literally. Now, fewer do. What changed? Not the old testament. Not the new testament.

What changed is the society around them. Better, secular ideas reformed them away from these vile practices.

Now, we have a similar challenge at hand with Islam.
Islam in the USA is limited to pockets where Muslim immigrants have been settled. It is when they try to move their influence outside of those pockets that they encounter resistance. As of now, the resistance is minor.

But, the time will come when the evil spreads too far and people start to fight back. At first, it will be in the courts. Then...

I'm not a religious person in the sense of attending the rites of organized religions. But, I am fully aware of prophecies of various sects calling for the major confrontation between two forces. Gog and Magog I believe is one.

It's coming and it won't be that long before it does.

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