Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

Christians do not kill adulterers Jesus never said they should .
They absolutely did, because their bible commanded them to do so. Thats a sinple fact.

See what i mean? Youre not equipped to have an honest conversation that we need to have about reformation of religion today. You cant even accept the most baseline facts, due to your religious nonsense. It's not good for your brain, bro.
I am an agnostic.

What must confuse you is the fact that I have not predetermined to defend Islam and am far too intelligent to fall for the false equilalcies offered by ignorant apologists.

Once again for the manifestly ignorant - the Q'ran represents the direct instructions of Mohammad. To have ANY validity, one must compare these words to the direct instructions of Jesus.

All you did was dredge up something from the Hebrew bible, which you are too utterly ignorant to realize is the foundation of the old Testament.

The intelligent kids know to compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. You should try emulating them some time.
I very well understand Liberalism and how it differs from the totalitarianism of Progressivism and Sharia Law.

But thank you for your concern.
Just asking about the def.
Latin, liber free
For the individual and small gov.
Weird my Islamic corporate friends laugh at sharia law. Just the nuts they say
Just out of interest how many sharia law spewers do you know?
And progressives are total?

I stand by my assessment. Progressivism is a form of statism, as is Islam. Islam is basically a medieval religion that never underwent a reformation to separate church and state. It is hardly liberal unless you consider hanging gays and stoning rape victims to be liberal. I don't.
I'm sure you do.
Omg both sides?
You like hang drawn and quartering?
Want to judge Protestants by this?
You should add IN MY OPINION
As they say, like aholes, everybody has one.
No reply on the real Latin origin?
Just your take?

Links to any state sponsored Protestant sects hanging gays and stoning rape victims in the modern era?
Strange...can’t find any Muslims in America going doing this.

I never claimed they did - although there have been incidents of Islamic honor killings in the United States.

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia

I'm not aware of any Protestants doing equivalent acts which are sanctioned by their religion.
but still , muslim violence , murder , mayhem are in total view all over the world for anyone to see that has eyes .
Not everybody here uses their eyes.

As you can see in this thread, far too many have been trained to close them .All they can do is stick their fingers in their ears and yell nyah nyah nyah - but the Christians!!!" In that sheeple dialect of theirs .
Just asking about the def.
Latin, liber free
For the individual and small gov.
Weird my Islamic corporate friends laugh at sharia law. Just the nuts they say
Just out of interest how many sharia law spewers do you know?
And progressives are total?

I stand by my assessment. Progressivism is a form of statism, as is Islam. Islam is basically a medieval religion that never underwent a reformation to separate church and state. It is hardly liberal unless you consider hanging gays and stoning rape victims to be liberal. I don't.
I'm sure you do.
Omg both sides?
You like hang drawn and quartering?
Want to judge Protestants by this?
You should add IN MY OPINION
As they say, like aholes, everybody has one.
No reply on the real Latin origin?
Just your take?

Links to any state sponsored Protestant sects hanging gays and stoning rape victims in the modern era?
Strange...can’t find any Muslims in America going doing this.

I never claimed they did - although there have been incidents of Islamic honor killings in the United States.

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia

I'm not aware of any Protestants doing equivalent acts which are sanctioned by their religion.
Honor killings aren’t religious or religiously sanctioned. They are cultural.
Honor killing - Wikipedia
so what , its mostly the 'muslims' that are doing the 'honor killings' and quite a few of them do to girls that are becoming too Westernized Coyote .
so what , its mostly the 'muslims' that are doing the 'honor killings' and quite a few of them do to girls that are becoming too Westernized Coyote .
I am sure you can show where in the Quran it is authorized. Otherwise it is part of a misogynist culture.
so what , its mostly the 'muslims' that are doing the 'honor killings' and quite a few of them do to girls that are becoming too Westernized Coyote .
As you can see , some posters think Islamic honor killings are funny.
so what , its mostly the 'muslims' that are doing the 'honor killings' and quite a few of them do to girls that are becoming too Westernized Coyote .
I am sure you can show where in the Quran it is authorized. Otherwise it is part of a misogynist culture.
--------------------------------------------------- don't know if its authorized or not by the 'koran' . I just know that many cases of 'honor killings' are done by muslims parents or parent to young girls that are becoming too Western Coyote .
also on woman hate , don't know , don't care but its mostly muslims that do the honor killing murders Coyote .
I stand by my assessment. Progressivism is a form of statism, as is Islam. Islam is basically a medieval religion that never underwent a reformation to separate church and state. It is hardly liberal unless you consider hanging gays and stoning rape victims to be liberal. I don't.
I'm sure you do.
Omg both sides?
You like hang drawn and quartering?
Want to judge Protestants by this?
You should add IN MY OPINION
As they say, like aholes, everybody has one.
No reply on the real Latin origin?
Just your take?

Links to any state sponsored Protestant sects hanging gays and stoning rape victims in the modern era?
Strange...can’t find any Muslims in America going doing this.

I never claimed they did - although there have been incidents of Islamic honor killings in the United States.

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia

I'm not aware of any Protestants doing equivalent acts which are sanctioned by their religion.
Honor killings aren’t religious or religiously sanctioned. They are cultural.
Honor killing - Wikipedia

Think that if it gives you comfort. Their religion informed their actions of committing honor killings. In countries where the government in controlled by Islam, such honor killings are even more prevalent.
A prophet of God does not order his men to rape women, does not earn a living through theft and does declare eternal war until all submit to him.
A prophet can not order anyone to do anything, he is only a conduit for God.

You are seriously deficient in your knowledge and ability to understand the world. Islam was created intentionally by a murderous warlord for the purpose of investing in himself an aspect of deity so as to bind his warriors to him. It is supremacist ideology that has declared war on all other ways of life until they are snuffed out. That is not a religion at work, there, but simply a dangerous totalitarian ideology inimical to our very way of life.
I'd bet you would have said the same thing if you were a Protestant living a few hundred years ago in a Catholic country. Or if you were a Catholic living a few hundred years ago in a Protestant country.
A prophet can not order anyone to do anything, he is only a conduit for God.
8:60. And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.
Sounds like an order to me. Maybe Muhammad wasn't a prophet.
Maybe he was only repeating what God told him to say?
He never talked to God, he talked to Gabriel.
If the OT is truly from God, then God commanded his followers to do plenty of nasty stuff comparable to what's in the Quran.
Yep. And christianity was reformed by a process that has, apparently, missed Islam, so far.
Christianity has a 600 year head start. I'd bet Islam catches up in only a century or two.
How many will die in 2 more centuries? You don't care?
Of course I care. What I don't care about is scapegoating Islam. That will not change anyone's behavior, it will have just the opposite effect. It is the culture of the people, not their religion we need to address. Maybe they have legitimate grievances that are fueling their actions.
Maybe they have legitimate grievances that are fueling their actions
Maybe? Could you name some?
I'm sure you do.
Omg both sides?
You like hang drawn and quartering?
Want to judge Protestants by this?
You should add IN MY OPINION
As they say, like aholes, everybody has one.
No reply on the real Latin origin?
Just your take?

Links to any state sponsored Protestant sects hanging gays and stoning rape victims in the modern era?
Strange...can’t find any Muslims in America going doing this.

I never claimed they did - although there have been incidents of Islamic honor killings in the United States.

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia

I'm not aware of any Protestants doing equivalent acts which are sanctioned by their religion.
Honor killings aren’t religious or religiously sanctioned. They are cultural.
Honor killing - Wikipedia

Think that if it gives you comfort. Their religion informed their actions of committing honor killings. In countries where the government in controlled by Islam, such honor killings are even more prevalent.
If that were true you'd expect the incidence to be the same in all Muslim countries. It is not. While honor killings are common in Muslim countries like Pakistan or the Arab nations, it is a practically unknown practice in many other Muslim countries too, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia or Senegal. This fact supports the idea that honor killings are to do with culture rather than religion.[84]
I very well understand Liberalism and how it differs from the totalitarianism of Progressivism and Sharia Law.

But thank you for your concern.
Just asking about the def.
Latin, liber free
For the individual and small gov.
Weird my Islamic corporate friends laugh at sharia law. Just the nuts they say
Just out of interest how many sharia law spewers do you know?
And progressives are total?

I stand by my assessment. Progressivism is a form of statism, as is Islam. Islam is basically a medieval religion that never underwent a reformation to separate church and state. It is hardly liberal unless you consider hanging gays and stoning rape victims to be liberal. I don't.
I'm sure you do.
Omg both sides?
You like hang drawn and quartering?
Want to judge Protestants by this?
You should add IN MY OPINION
As they say, like aholes, everybody has one.
No reply on the real Latin origin?
Just your take?

Links to any state sponsored Protestant sects hanging gays and stoning rape victims in the modern era?
Strange...can’t find any Muslims in America going doing this.
But they do it, right? You have to agree to that. Is the place it is done make it OK?
A prophet of God does not order his men to rape women, does not earn a living through theft and does declare eternal war until all submit to him.
A prophet can not order anyone to do anything, he is only a conduit for God.

You are seriously deficient in your knowledge and ability to understand the world. Islam was created intentionally by a murderous warlord for the purpose of investing in himself an aspect of deity so as to bind his warriors to him. It is supremacist ideology that has declared war on all other ways of life until they are snuffed out. That is not a religion at work, there, but simply a dangerous totalitarian ideology inimical to our very way of life.
I'd bet you would have said the same thing if you were a Protestant living a few hundred years ago in a Catholic country. Or if you were a Catholic living a few hundred years ago in a Protestant country.
A prophet can not order anyone to do anything, he is only a conduit for God.
8:60. And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.
Sounds like an order to me. Maybe Muhammad wasn't a prophet.
Maybe he was only repeating what God told him to say?
He never talked to God, he talked to Gabriel.
who talked to God...
Links to any state sponsored Protestant sects hanging gays and stoning rape victims in the modern era?
Strange...can’t find any Muslims in America going doing this.

I never claimed they did - although there have been incidents of Islamic honor killings in the United States.

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia

I'm not aware of any Protestants doing equivalent acts which are sanctioned by their religion.
Honor killings aren’t religious or religiously sanctioned. They are cultural.
Honor killing - Wikipedia

Think that if it gives you comfort. Their religion informed their actions of committing honor killings. In countries where the government in controlled by Islam, such honor killings are even more prevalent.
If that were true you'd expect the incidence to be the same in all Muslim countries. It is not. While honor killings are common in Muslim countries like Pakistan or the Arab nations, it is a practically unknown practice in many other Muslim countries too, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia or Senegal. This fact supports the idea that honor killings are to do with culture rather than religion.[84]
It says in "Reliance of the Traveler" ( the go to resource for Sharia law) that there is no retaliation for killing a child or sibling if they disgraced the family. So at least the law is there just in case they need it.
When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.
I don’t know about all that but Europe is being converted through birth rates.
Strange...can’t find any Muslims in America going doing this.

I never claimed they did - although there have been incidents of Islamic honor killings in the United States.

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia

I'm not aware of any Protestants doing equivalent acts which are sanctioned by their religion.
Honor killings aren’t religious or religiously sanctioned. They are cultural.
Honor killing - Wikipedia

Think that if it gives you comfort. Their religion informed their actions of committing honor killings. In countries where the government in controlled by Islam, such honor killings are even more prevalent.
If that were true you'd expect the incidence to be the same in all Muslim countries. It is not. While honor killings are common in Muslim countries like Pakistan or the Arab nations, it is a practically unknown practice in many other Muslim countries too, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia or Senegal. This fact supports the idea that honor killings are to do with culture rather than religion.[84]
It says in "Reliance of the Traveler" ( the go to resource for Sharia law) that there is no retaliation for killing a child or sibling if they disgraced the family. So at least the law is there just in case they need it.

So the Quran says nothing on this. That book is only used by the Shafi school of jurisprudence, but not in either Quran or Hadith. I think it is cultural thing, not a religious.
When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.
I don’t know about all that but Europe is being converted through birth rates.
Or maybe that is a myth designed to scare people.

Will Pew Muslim birth rate study finally silence the “Eurabia” claim?

The Muslim Overpopulation Myth That Just Won’t Die

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