Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

I don't hate Muslims. I hate the ideology which some of them use to justify killing gays and rape victims. Muslims who come to the U.S. and assimilate with our values of Western Civilization and recognize the supremacy of Our Constitution are just fine with me. Ones who engage in terrorist attacks and sexually mutilate little girls...not so much.
On this we can agree. I think the majority of Muslims, certainly the ones I know, would also agree.

I wish the lawful Muslims would take a stronger and more assertive stand against the violent Islamists...and reform their religion. It's long overdue.
I wish the lawful Muslims would take a stronger and more assertive stand against the violent Islamists...and reform their religion. It's long overdue.
I wish that too but Islam it too decentralized to be considered one religion. It is more akin Christianity. For every reformation there is a counter-reformation. One example: the Baptists decided slavery was an evil which gave rise to the Southern Baptists.
" Seeking An Answer To A Valid Standard "

* Logical Deduction "
Attacking those that attack you is self-defense.
Not all aggression is illegitimate , and self-defense is legitimate aggression against illegitimate aggression .

* Language Criteria "
Attacking the ethnicity or religion of those that attack you is hate.
The legitimacy of " hate " , just as the legitimacy of self defense , is contingent upon whether the tenets or edicts of creed for fictional ishmaelism i slam violate non violence principles .

There is not a difference between religion and creed , and there is not an exception in us constitution , whether as a religion or as a creed , for an intent to implement illegitimate aggression .

Thus , answer the question , " Do tenets and edicts for the creed of fictional ishmaelism i slam violate non violence principles ? " .
Hopefully atheism outpaces Islam in the West. Makes since for Islam to outpace Christianity and Judaism since it’s earlier in the lifecycle that religions undergo. As far as the Abrahamic religions go, Islam is probably the tail end of the lifecycle of that movement.

What's so great about atheism? Even without religion, people with low to mid-range intelligence will always grasp at some form of dogma to give their lives meaning.

An old military saying- ~~~~"There are no atheists in foxholes"
But there are
Not while bullets are flying. I've seen men in my company who called themselves atheist. That was 54 years ago in Vietnam. Three of them have been preachers for years, thanks to close combat.
Instead of just winging it by blathering away about things you obviously do not know, wouldn't you time be better spent trying to learn at least a LITTLE something about the subject matter?

This blind defense of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.
I'd love to learn more about the subject. Sill, I have yet to be impressed by the depth or breath of your knowledge.

This blind hatred of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.
You are lying. If you actually wanted to learn about the subject, you WOULD be learning about the subject instead of just doubling down on all your stupid comparisons here that have absolutely no validity whatsoever.
Instead of just winging it by blathering away about things you obviously do not know, wouldn't you time be better spent trying to learn at least a LITTLE something about the subject matter?

This blind defense of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.
I'd love to learn more about the subject. Sill, I have yet to be impressed by the depth or breath of your knowledge.

This blind hatred of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.

I've known irosie91 for many years and she understands and can explain Islam better than anyone on this forum.
Thus , answer the question , " Do tenets and edicts for the creed of fictional ishmaelism i slam violate non violence principles ? " .
Are you asking about what is written in the religion or what is or was done in the name of that religion? How would you answer regarding the OT/NT and Christianity?
Maybe. But I’m not talking about overpopulation. I’m talking about a growing segment in a society. Specifically, Europe.

Has their demographic increased in over the past ten years? Does it have a positive slope? A negative slope? Or is it flat?

Well you specifically mentioned birth rates. When it comes to immigrants Muslims are no different than other groups in that regard, and while they may initially have more children, by the next generation it is usually in line with the National average.

If you are talking about immigration, then yes it is growing but even the highest projections show them at 14% of the population. They also come from all over the world and different cultures. I think there is a lot of fear mongering.

Muslim Population Growth in Europe
It’s all part and parcel. But the ultimate measure is their population over time relative to the population of the indigenous people. Israel has the same problem.

Not really, immigration fluctuates, and even maximum projections go only to 14%. The birth rate claim is a myth.
Time will tell.

aw shucks DINGBAT------I was expecting more from YOU
Me too.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain they said.
Thus , answer the question , " Do tenets and edicts for the creed of fictional ishmaelism i slam violate non violence principles ? " .
Are you asking about what is written in the religion or what is or was done in the name of that religion? How would you answer regarding the OT/NT and Christianity?

I don't believe Christianity does things like this:

Two US tourists were injured in the attack inside the Dutch capital’s busy station
Daily Mail - SEPTEMBER 3, 2019

An Afghan man suspected of stabbing two American tourists last year at Amsterdam’s Central Station has told judges he travelled to the Netherlands ‘to protect the Prophet Mohammed’.

Jawed Santani, 20, appeared at a two-day hearing in a heavily fortified courtroom in Amsterdam, where he faces two attempted murder charges with the aim of committing an act of terror.

‘I came to the Netherlands to protect my prophet,’ he told the judges in reference to the August 31 incident last year that sent midday commuters into a panic and left two severely injured victims.

‘I was planning to kill unfair and cruel people, those who make it possible for the Prophet Mohammed to be insulted,’ national news agency ANP quoted him as saying.

Afghan ‘who stabbed two American tourists’ at Amsterdam train station says he travelled to Holland ‘to protect the Prophet Mohammed’ and ‘kill unfair and cruel people’
Instead of just winging it by blathering away about things you obviously do not know, wouldn't you time be better spent trying to learn at least a LITTLE something about the subject matter?

This blind defense of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.
I'd love to learn more about the subject. Sill, I have yet to be impressed by the depth or breath of your knowledge.

This blind hatred of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.

I've known irosie91 for many years and she understands and can explain Islam better than anyone on this forum.
Discussions such as these all follow the same pattern - those who know about Islam being opposed by utterly ignorant individuals who know nothing whatsoever about it other than that they are required to defend it.

These people lack the cognitive ability to deal with principles, values or reason .All they know is identity and so defend anything and everything attached to the approved identities.
Thus , answer the question , " Do tenets and edicts for the creed of fictional ishmaelism i slam violate non violence principles ? " .
Are you asking about what is written in the religion or what is or was done in the name of that religion? How would you answer regarding the OT/NT and Christianity?

I don't believe Christianity does things like this:

Two US tourists were injured in the attack inside the Dutch capital’s busy station
Daily Mail - SEPTEMBER 3, 2019

An Afghan man suspected of stabbing two American tourists last year at Amsterdam’s Central Station has told judges he travelled to the Netherlands ‘to protect the Prophet Mohammed’.

Jawed Santani, 20, appeared at a two-day hearing in a heavily fortified courtroom in Amsterdam, where he faces two attempted murder charges with the aim of committing an act of terror.

‘I came to the Netherlands to protect my prophet,’ he told the judges in reference to the August 31 incident last year that sent midday commuters into a panic and left two severely injured victims.

‘I was planning to kill unfair and cruel people, those who make it possible for the Prophet Mohammed to be insulted,’ national news agency ANP quoted him as saying.

Afghan ‘who stabbed two American tourists’ at Amsterdam train station says he travelled to Holland ‘to protect the Prophet Mohammed’ and ‘kill unfair and cruel people’
Do you mean to imply that no Christian would kill innocent people if they thought they needed to defend Christianity?
Besides... even if I had ANY motivation to study Islam, which one do I study? :dunno:

Tell you what, SunniDude.... You and ShiaDude figure out which one really is the "True Islam", and get back to me, 'k?


feel free to ask questions-----I came into contact with lots of muslims since I was 14
------I read the Koran at age 20-----ALL VERY LONG AGO. (I is old now) My hubby was born in a shariah shit hole -----as a bonafide DHIMMI ------I will not call myself an EXPERT-----but I probably know more about it than does sunni

Can I feel free to NOT ask questions?


As I mentioned, I would need motivation beyond what is possible at this moment in my life to even consider something as complex as Islam.

Beer? :beer:

of course-----but remember what mama said---"did you ask any questions in
school today"??

Lol! Let's just say that I'm happy to report that the t-shirt still fits :wink_2:
When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.
Why are Communists and Muslims working together to bring down Capitalism ???

OP's claim is an uneducated, fortune teller's claim. Knowledge is replacing faith worldwide, and Jefferson's tenet of a "wall of separation" is still viable, because it is the State that molds religious belief, not the other way around. Secular Turkey is an example. There are at least three types of secularity, the West being Secularity III:

'In Taylor's account, century-long processes of gradual differentiation facilitate the emergence of a widening range of possible options of belief and unbelief, and, as such, Secularity III. These in turn nourish calls for the retreat of religion from public space: Secularity I. The cultural rise of Secularity III's "conditions of belief" precede amd create the original historic possibility for Secularity I's institutional separation of religion and state in the West. The picture is rather different in most contributions to this volume. While differentiation played a large role in facilitating the emergence of a pluralism of outlooks, both religious and non-religious, it did so often as a consequence of sudden historical breaks, often disruptive and violent, such as the establishment of colonial administrations with all their consequent breaches in notions of authority, meaning, property rights, social organization, cosmology, etc. With independence, political elites often created polities in which positions of exclusive humanism of the option to not believe were hardly publicly available.

The corollary to Taylor's narrative as regards the "why" question therefore lies in the central role of the state in shaping conditions of belief. Constitution-crafters and state makers usually tackled the challenge of plurality through institutional arrangements: some privileged one belief system (e.g., Shi'a Islam in Khomeni's Iran, Sunni Islam in Zia's Pakistan, Orthodox and Conservative Judaism in Israel), others excluded religions from several aspects of public life (e.g., India's Representation of the People Act of 1951 excluded religious rhetoric from election campaigns), or any aspect of public life altogether (e.g. laiklik in early Republican Turkey and atheism in communist China and the USSR)....The emergence of Secularity III or its survival after the inauguration of post-colonial polities was often put in jeopardy by such exclusivist institutional arrangements.'
(Kuenkler and Shankar, Introduction, A Secular Age Beyond the West: Religions, Law and the State in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa)
Thus , answer the question , " Do tenets and edicts for the creed of fictional ishmaelism i slam violate non violence principles ? " .
Are you asking about what is written in the religion or what is or was done in the name of that religion? How would you answer regarding the OT/NT and Christianity?

I don't believe Christianity does things like this:

Two US tourists were injured in the attack inside the Dutch capital’s busy station
Daily Mail - SEPTEMBER 3, 2019

An Afghan man suspected of stabbing two American tourists last year at Amsterdam’s Central Station has told judges he travelled to the Netherlands ‘to protect the Prophet Mohammed’.

Jawed Santani, 20, appeared at a two-day hearing in a heavily fortified courtroom in Amsterdam, where he faces two attempted murder charges with the aim of committing an act of terror.

‘I came to the Netherlands to protect my prophet,’ he told the judges in reference to the August 31 incident last year that sent midday commuters into a panic and left two severely injured victims.

‘I was planning to kill unfair and cruel people, those who make it possible for the Prophet Mohammed to be insulted,’ national news agency ANP quoted him as saying.

Afghan ‘who stabbed two American tourists’ at Amsterdam train station says he travelled to Holland ‘to protect the Prophet Mohammed’ and ‘kill unfair and cruel people’
Do you mean to imply that no Christian would kill innocent people if they thought they needed to defend Christianity?

Very small chance. Christians live in the present.
Nonsense. Culture and religion are intimately intertwined in Islamic countries. Muslims in the West have to confront the dominant culture of Western Civ as a counterpoint to their religion. Some adapt, others don't. The fact that some Muslims become westernized doesn't negate the medieval nature of unreformed Islam in areas that are dominated by that religion.
If you think that was nonsense you'll enjoy this...

Set your clock back 120 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Jew for Islam/Muslim.

Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.
What were the Irish Catholics blowing up? Where is their doctrine saying they intended to dominate the world? Can you post a copy?
Questions totally irrelevant to the subject of assimilation.
Muslim Non-Assimilation

The Koran says Muslims are not supposed to assimilate. Look at Western Europe.
“I understand very well that you are against assimilation. One cannot expect you to assimilate. Assimilation is a crime against humanity.” Erdogan
Why does Erdogan call assimilation “a crime against humanity?” It is because the “humanity” he embraces includes only Islam’s believers—i.e., non-believers are unworthy of inclusion. Thus, believers in foreign lands are instructed to isolate themselves—for the sake of purity—from non-believers.
Last edited:
Thus , answer the question , " Do tenets and edicts for the creed of fictional ishmaelism i slam violate non violence principles ? " .
Are you asking about what is written in the religion or what is or was done in the name of that religion? How would you answer regarding the OT/NT and Christianity?

I don't believe Christianity does things like this:

Two US tourists were injured in the attack inside the Dutch capital’s busy station
Daily Mail - SEPTEMBER 3, 2019

An Afghan man suspected of stabbing two American tourists last year at Amsterdam’s Central Station has told judges he travelled to the Netherlands ‘to protect the Prophet Mohammed’.

Jawed Santani, 20, appeared at a two-day hearing in a heavily fortified courtroom in Amsterdam, where he faces two attempted murder charges with the aim of committing an act of terror.

‘I came to the Netherlands to protect my prophet,’ he told the judges in reference to the August 31 incident last year that sent midday commuters into a panic and left two severely injured victims.

‘I was planning to kill unfair and cruel people, those who make it possible for the Prophet Mohammed to be insulted,’ national news agency ANP quoted him as saying.

Afghan ‘who stabbed two American tourists’ at Amsterdam train station says he travelled to Holland ‘to protect the Prophet Mohammed’ and ‘kill unfair and cruel people’
Do you mean to imply that no Christian would kill innocent people if they thought they needed to defend Christianity?

Very small chance. Christians live in the present.
Oh, come on, man.

You just missed all those thousands and thousands of Christians running around screaming "for Jesus!!!" as they indulged in the mass murder of innocent people.

If Alang says it has been happening, it must be true.
" Abrogation Versus Literalism "

* Empirical Evidence *
Are you asking about what is written in the religion or what is or was done in the name of that religion?
Both are relevant as the history of fictional ishmaelism substantiates the tenets and edicts of creed for illegitimate aggression as written within its doctrine .

* Nomian Basics *
How would you answer regarding the OT/NT and Christianity?
The genetic religion of torahnism would not apply outside of israel .

The gospel is based upon antinomianism and it DOES NOT INCLUDE directives to kill and be killed in a fight for the cause of gawd .

Surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 in chronology and this passage is a reference to september 11 2001 .

9:111. Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

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