Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

Maybe. But I’m not talking about overpopulation. I’m talking about a growing segment in a society. Specifically, Europe.

Has their demographic increased in over the past ten years? Does it have a positive slope? A negative slope? Or is it flat?

Well you specifically mentioned birth rates. When it comes to immigrants Muslims are no different than other groups in that regard, and while they may initially have more children, by the next generation it is usually in line with the National average.

If you are talking about immigration, then yes it is growing but even the highest projections show them at 14% of the population. They also come from all over the world and different cultures. I think there is a lot of fear mongering.

Muslim Population Growth in Europe
It’s all part and parcel. But the ultimate measure is their population over time relative to the population of the indigenous people. Israel has the same problem.

Not really, immigration fluctuates, and even maximum projections go only to 14%. The birth rate claim is a myth.
Time will tell.

aw shucks DINGBAT------I was expecting more from YOU
Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

Not with demanding statements like that, SunniDude.

Westerners are lazy. We like to be coddled, cuddled, convinced in detail and sold on 'why'. We need good reasons to even bother looking at something as complex as Islam. Westerners need motivation and Middle-Easterners need to understand that "no." means "no.". That and if you try handing it to us at the point of a sword, you're likely to get shot.

Besides... even if I had ANY motivation to study Islam, which one do I study? :dunno:

Tell you what, SunniDude.... You and ShiaDude figure out which one really is the "True Islam", and get back to me, 'k?

Nonsense. Culture and religion are intimately intertwined in Islamic countries. Muslims in the West have to confront the dominant culture of Western Civ as a counterpoint to their religion. Some adapt, others don't. The fact that some Muslims become westernized doesn't negate the medieval nature of unreformed Islam in areas that are dominated by that religion.
If you think that was nonsense you'll enjoy this...

Set your clock back 120 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Jew for Islam/Muslim.

Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
So the Quran says nothing on this. That book is only used by the Shafi school of jurisprudence, but not in either Quran or Hadith. I think it is cultural thing, not a religious.
I asked you if it was OK.

No you didn’t. I just looked through your post.

Honor killings are not ok.

the "its not religion, but culture" is a MYTH in reference to islam.
As to the statement "honor killing is not a problem in BanglaDesh"----
WHAT A HOOT. Honor killing in east Pakistan was actually my INTRO
to islam----way back in 1971 during the Pakistani civil war (west vs east Pakistan) -----there were reports of rampant rapes by the west Pakistani army upon
both muslims and hindus in east Pakistan and DROVES of pregnant
muslim girls either killed or abandoned to the gutters in east Pakistan (that meant death by starvation) ----droves were committing suicide. I complained to a
Pakistani surgeon I knew way back then. His answer was "YOU DON'T
tell it again coyote dear. PS. no mention of TURKEY? The suicide rate of
GIRLS is off the charts--------(sssshhh don't tell anyone---"she committed suicide"
is a euphemism for "the family offed her" ) For a candid appraisal of the
behavior of the West Pakistani army------speak to a Bangla Deshi-------
I am not referring to the abandonment of pregnant daughters-----I am referring
to WHAT THE WEST PAKISTANI ARMY DID----back then....circa 1971.
I don't doubt what you write, only the information I have is that at time:
While honor killings are common in Muslim countries like Pakistan or the Arab nations, it is a practically unknown practice in many other Muslim countries too, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia or Senegal. This fact supports the idea that honor killings are to do with culture rather than religion.[84]

wiki is not a source------it is written by contribution by INTERESTED PARTIES---
sorry-----but if you write a paper for a college course------do not site WIKI-----there
are some high school teachers who will not accept it
That's silly, Wiki is a fine source, lots of footnotes. Can you cite a source that was not contributed by INTERESTED PARTIES?
Nonsense. Culture and religion are intimately intertwined in Islamic countries. Muslims in the West have to confront the dominant culture of Western Civ as a counterpoint to their religion. Some adapt, others don't. The fact that some Muslims become westernized doesn't negate the medieval nature of unreformed Islam in areas that are dominated by that religion.
If you think that was nonsense you'll enjoy this...

Set your clock back 120 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Jew for Islam/Muslim.

Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.
What were the Irish Catholics blowing up? Where is their doctrine saying they intended to dominate the world? Can you post a copy?
Questions totally irrelevant to the subject of assimilation.
Besides... even if I had ANY motivation to study Islam, which one do I study? :dunno:

Tell you what, SunniDude.... You and ShiaDude figure out which one really is the "True Islam", and get back to me, 'k?

feel free to ask questions-----I came into contact with lots of muslims since I was 14
------I read the Koran at age 20-----ALL VERY LONG AGO. (I is old now) My hubby was born in a shariah shit hole -----as a bonafide DHIMMI ------I will not call myself an EXPERT-----but I probably know more about it than does sunni
Nonsense. Culture and religion are intimately intertwined in Islamic countries. Muslims in the West have to confront the dominant culture of Western Civ as a counterpoint to their religion. Some adapt, others don't. The fact that some Muslims become westernized doesn't negate the medieval nature of unreformed Islam in areas that are dominated by that religion.
If you think that was nonsense you'll enjoy this...

Set your clock back 120 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Jew for Islam/Muslim.

Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
If you think that was nonsense you'll enjoy this...

Set your clock back 120 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Jew for Islam/Muslim.

Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.
If you think that was nonsense you'll enjoy this...

Set your clock back 120 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Jew for Islam/Muslim.

Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.

not entirely an UNBLURED.....distinction. Irish is also a NATIONAL
IDENTITY------islam is------the UMMAH---ummah means NATION. Muslims
do see their co-religionists and themselves as a NATIONAL IDENTITY
Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

for that comparison you need to be a bit more SPECIFIC in order to
come up with a POINT. Always remember the first page of the little
textbook "intro into baby logic" ------CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION
Besides... even if I had ANY motivation to study Islam, which one do I study? :dunno:

Tell you what, SunniDude.... You and ShiaDude figure out which one really is the "True Islam", and get back to me, 'k?


feel free to ask questions-----I came into contact with lots of muslims since I was 14
------I read the Koran at age 20-----ALL VERY LONG AGO. (I is old now) My hubby was born in a shariah shit hole -----as a bonafide DHIMMI ------I will not call myself an EXPERT-----but I probably know more about it than does sunni

Can I feel free to NOT ask questions?


As I mentioned, I would need motivation beyond what is possible at this moment in my life to even consider something as complex as Islam.

Beer? :beer:
Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

You said Irish, child.

The Irish people are predominantly Catholic, but not all, and those who do happen to be Catholic do not follow a doctrine that calls on them to commit eternal warfare until all submit. Not only that, but they had expressed no common pattern of committing acts of mass murder all throughout the world towards that end.

Your comparison is as utterly dishonest as it is stupid.

Even those who are Catholic do not follow a doctrine which calls on them
Besides... even if I had ANY motivation to study Islam, which one do I study? :dunno:

Tell you what, SunniDude.... You and ShiaDude figure out which one really is the "True Islam", and get back to me, 'k?


feel free to ask questions-----I came into contact with lots of muslims since I was 14
------I read the Koran at age 20-----ALL VERY LONG AGO. (I is old now) My hubby was born in a shariah shit hole -----as a bonafide DHIMMI ------I will not call myself an EXPERT-----but I probably know more about it than does sunni

Can I feel free to NOT ask questions?


As I mentioned, I would need motivation beyond what is possible at this moment in my life to even consider something as complex as Islam.

Beer? :beer:

of course-----but remember what mama said---"did you ask any questions in
school today"??
Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

for that comparison you need to be a bit more SPECIFIC in order to
come up with a POINT. Always remember the first page of the little
textbook "intro into baby logic" ------CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION
My point is the correlation, I never addressed any causations. I'll leave the causation to others since that is irrelevant to my point.
Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

You said Irish, child.

The Irish people are predominantly Catholic, but not all, and those who do happen to be Catholic do not follow a doctrine that calls on them to commit eternal warfare until all submit. Not only that, but they had expressed no common pattern of committing acts of mass murder all throughout the world towards that end.

Your comparison is as utterly dishonest as it is stupid.

Even those who are Catholic do not follow a doctrine which calls on them
If you read more carefully old man, you'd see I referenced the Irish Catholic.

If you asked Muslims what jihad means, I'd wager the vast majority would NOT say it commits them to warfare to spread Islam, rather it commits them to a personal struggle to be the best, most devout person they can be.
B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

for that comparison you need to be a bit more SPECIFIC in order to
come up with a POINT. Always remember the first page of the little
textbook "intro into baby logic" ------CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION
My point is the correlation, I never addressed any causations. I'll leave the causation to others since that is irrelevant to my point.

not a point------there are ZILLIONS of correlations that are meaningless
B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

You said Irish, child.

The Irish people are predominantly Catholic, but not all, and those who do happen to be Catholic do not follow a doctrine that calls on them to commit eternal warfare until all submit. Not only that, but they had expressed no common pattern of committing acts of mass murder all throughout the world towards that end.

Your comparison is as utterly dishonest as it is stupid.

Even those who are Catholic do not follow a doctrine which calls on them
If you read more carefully old man, you'd see I referenced the Irish Catholic.

If you asked Muslims what jihad means, I'd wager the vast majority would NOT say it commits them to warfare to spread Islam, rather it commits them to a personal struggle to be the best, most devout person they can be.

not all are all that disingenuous-------but most are because it is the lesson
taught in the mosque
Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

If Allah wills it

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