Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

The west's rejection of religion is leaving a spiritual vacuum and the religion of Islam will eventually fill that void. .... :thup:

By force if necessary, right? That's how Islam has worked all through out history.
Hopefully atheism outpaces Islam in the West. Makes since for Islam to outpace Christianity and Judaism since it’s earlier in the lifecycle that religions undergo. As far as the Abrahamic religions go, Islam is probably the tail end of the lifecycle of that movement.

What's so great about atheism? Even without religion, people with low to mid-range intelligence will always grasp at some form of dogma to give their lives meaning.

An old military saying- ~~~~"There are no atheists in foxholes"
But there are
B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

for that comparison you need to be a bit more SPECIFIC in order to
come up with a POINT. Always remember the first page of the little
textbook "intro into baby logic" ------CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION
My point is the correlation, I never addressed any causations. I'll leave the causation to others since that is irrelevant to my point.

You have no point.

You are trying to equate resistance to those following a supremacist ideology that uses violence to overcome the societies it invades with bigotry against ethnicities that do not follow a supremacist doctrine, do not use violence to spread that doctrine and who assimilate rather than dominate.

It is a manifestly stupid and dishonest comparison, motivated by nothing more than virtue signaling.
Last edited:
You are trying to equate resistance to those following a supremacist ideology that uses violence to overcome the societies it invades with bigotry against ethnicities that do not follow a supremacist doctrine, do not use violence to spread that doctrine and who assimilate rather than dominate.

It is a manifestly stupid and dishonest comparison, motivated by nothing more than virtue signaling.
Yet Christians have at times exhibited a supremacist ideology and have used violence to overcome the societies it invaded.

Maybe you should be more concerned with your virtue than with mine.
When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.
Pray tell who is going to make you join a Muzzy Church if you don't join any church. Knock on the door from your local Muzzy shop.?

CAIR operatives are first to claim systematic oppression and fear of a “backlash” if bloodthirsty Islamic jihadists slay innocent Americans. It’s always our fault and it’s always our responsibility — to curtail our speech, give up our gun rights, undergo sensitivity training, accept inflated statistics about “hate crimes” and apologize for everything.

CAIR wants to shut up its critics in the name of “stopping the hate” because it doesn’t want us talking about its dirty, dangerous deeds.

Never forget: The federal government designated CAIR an un-indicted terror co-conspirator in 2007 in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation and others for providing support to violent Hamas jihadists. Investigators tied CAIR’s founders to the Islamic Association for Palestine, founded by a senior Hamas jihadist to serve as the terrorist group’s public relations and recruitment arm in America. The Holy Land Foundation, a terror-financing charity, provided seed money for CAIR’s Beltway office.

Never forget: CAIR is a designated terror organization in the United Arab Emirates.
Nonsense. Culture and religion are intimately intertwined in Islamic countries. Muslims in the West have to confront the dominant culture of Western Civ as a counterpoint to their religion. Some adapt, others don't. The fact that some Muslims become westernized doesn't negate the medieval nature of unreformed Islam in areas that are dominated by that religion.
If you think that was nonsense you'll enjoy this...

Set your clock back 120 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Jew for Islam/Muslim.

Good point. Set your clock back 150 years and you could rewrite your post substituting Irish/Catholic for Islam/Muslim.

B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.

The Irish Catholics did not engage in honor killings - nor did they try to impose some form of Catholic Sharia (which doesn't exist) on society.
B'loney^2 150 years ago the Irish were recovering from the Great Famine which killed 1M of them.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

for that comparison you need to be a bit more SPECIFIC in order to
come up with a POINT. Always remember the first page of the little
textbook "intro into baby logic" ------CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION
My point is the correlation, I never addressed any causations. I'll leave the causation to others since that is irrelevant to my point.

Your point is nonsensical.
True but not relevant. There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
Islam is an ideology. The Irish are an ethnicity.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to confuse the two.
Islam is a religion. The Catholicism is a religion.

A person would have to be incredibly ignorant and unintelligent to not see the similarity as to how Muslims are treated in the US today and how Catholics were treated in the past.

for that comparison you need to be a bit more SPECIFIC in order to
come up with a POINT. Always remember the first page of the little
textbook "intro into baby logic" ------CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION
My point is the correlation, I never addressed any causations. I'll leave the causation to others since that is irrelevant to my point.

not a point------there are ZILLIONS of correlations that are meaningless


15 Insane Things That Correlate With Each Other
You are trying to equate resistance to those following a supremacist ideology that uses violence to overcome the societies it invades with bigotry against ethnicities that do not follow a supremacist doctrine, do not use violence to spread that doctrine and who assimilate rather than dominate.

It is a manifestly stupid and dishonest comparison, motivated by nothing more than virtue signaling.
Yet Christians have at times exhibited a supremacist ideology and have used violence to overcome the societies it invaded.

Maybe you should be more concerned with your virtue than with mine.
Instead of just winging it by blathering away about things you obviously do not know, wouldn't you time be better spent trying to learn at least a LITTLE something about the subject matter?

This blind defense of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.
There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
The Irish Catholics did not engage in honor killings - nor did they try to impose some form of Catholic Sharia (which doesn't exist) on society.
All true and yet they still faced hate and discrimination when they came to the US. Maybe Americans are not the best at evaluating other religions.
Instead of just winging it by blathering away about things you obviously do not know, wouldn't you time be better spent trying to learn at least a LITTLE something about the subject matter?

This blind defense of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.
I'd love to learn more about the subject. Sill, I have yet to be impressed by the depth or breath of your knowledge.

This blind hatred of something of which you are so completely ignorant is silly and childish.
" Nomian Dogma Versus Non Nomian Options "

* Advisement Against Repeated Misinformation *

A technical difference between torahnism ( includes leviticus , deuteronomy ) , which would only apply within israel , and the gospel needs to be understood by the left .

The 613 = 17x17 + 18x18 mitzvot set by moses are city state laws for torahnism that are not expected to apply universally outside of israel .

Alternatively , fictional ishmaelism expects that the city state laws for qurayshism are to apply universally outside of hejaz .

It would be most advantageous for the left to ensure those promoting themselves as " christians " be corrected of misunderstandings and be remanded to abide by directives of the gospel for edicts and tenets of creed .

* De Ei It Ty As Di Ie Et Ty Gawd Dwag *

Alternatively , informed consent implores a public need to clearly understand the implications of fictional ishmaelism and the expectations of its adherents for hisbah .

A morpheme dissection of the term provides his bah that is clearly a reference to a patriarchal " his " and an absolutists mockery " bah " against alternative perspectives to the edicts and tenets from the qurayshism doctrine for creed .

Hisbah - Wikipedia
Hisbah (Arabic: ḥisbah) is an Islamic doctrine which means "accountability".[1] Hisbah is an individual or collective duty (depending on the school of law) to intervene and "enjoin good and forbid wrong" in order to maintain the norms of sharia (Islamic law). The doctrine is based on an expression from the Quran ( ).

The Hisbah has the following major aspects:[3]

  • An obligation of a Muslim.
  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia.
  • In a broader sense, hisbah also refers to the practice of supervision of commercial, guild, and other secular affairs.
There was a significant backlash against allowing Irish and Italian Catholics into the US and they faced the very same arguments you put forth against Islam.
The Irish Catholics did not engage in honor killings - nor did they try to impose some form of Catholic Sharia (which doesn't exist) on society.
All true and yet they still faced hate and discrimination when they came to the US. Maybe Americans are not the best at evaluating other religions.

Oh Puhleeeze. For thousands of years, humans have faced discrimination from other humans who view them as being part of the outgroup. The big difference in the U.S. is that we have a melting pot culture based on values and beliefs - not DNA. We HEAL our culture due to our ideology. That is the very ideology which the left is trying to destroy via hyper-identity politics.
Oh Puhleeeze. For thousands of years, humans have faced discrimination from other humans who view them as being part of the outgroup. The big difference in the U.S. is that we have a melting pot culture based on values and beliefs - not DNA. We HEAL our culture due to our ideology. That is the very ideology which the left is trying to destroy via hyper-identity politics.
So hating Muslims is OK because every other group faced it, it's just their turn?

We 'heal' our culture AFTER we first hate and fear every new group to our culture, Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, Irish, Italians, Jews, and now Muslims. That is indeed the ideology the left is trying to destroy.
Oh Puhleeeze. For thousands of years, humans have faced discrimination from other humans who view them as being part of the outgroup. The big difference in the U.S. is that we have a melting pot culture based on values and beliefs - not DNA. We HEAL our culture due to our ideology. That is the very ideology which the left is trying to destroy via hyper-identity politics.
So hating Muslims is OK because every other group faced it, it's just their turn?

We 'heal' our culture AFTER we first hate and fear every new group to our culture, Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, Irish, Italians, Jews, and now Muslims. That is indeed the ideology the left is trying to destroy.

I don't hate Muslims. I hate the ideology which some of them use to justify killing gays and rape victims. Muslims who come to the U.S. and assimilate with our values of Western Civilization and recognize the supremacy of Our Constitution are just fine with me. Ones who engage in terrorist attacks and sexually mutilate little girls...not so much.

And the left is not trying to heal our culture; it is trying to destroy it by pitting race against race and gender against gender.
" Recovering From Ambiguity "

* Systematic Stipulations *
So hating Muslims is OK because every other group faced it, it's just their turn?
What does hate have to do with self defense ?

Do tenets and edicts for the creed of fictional ishmaelism i slam violate non violence principles ?

By definition , illegitimate aggression is violence .

* Subjective Relativism *
We 'heal' our culture AFTER we first hate and fear every new group to our culture, Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, Irish, Italians, Jews, and now Muslims. That is indeed the ideology the left is trying to destroy.
The left is not understanding the purposes of discrimination between correct versus incorrect solutions , between valid versus less valid perspectives , as a criteria for success .
I don't hate Muslims. I hate the ideology which some of them use to justify killing gays and rape victims. Muslims who come to the U.S. and assimilate with our values of Western Civilization and recognize the supremacy of Our Constitution are just fine with me. Ones who engage in terrorist attacks and sexually mutilate little girls...not so much.
On this we can agree. I think the majority of Muslims, certainly the ones I know, would also agree.

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