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Islamic Cleric Warns Offering Girls Physical Education Classes Could Lead to ‘Prostit

My posts in this thread prove you wrong.

Care to revise your bullshit?

I have, on many occasions, condemned the extreme Muslims that engage in perversion or other forms of extremism.
However, you have yet to condemn other groups that do this, normally defending Jews, even when faced with absolute evidence..

Please condemn the Jews I mentioned above as the perverts they are.
Personally, I have no time for them, Muslims, Christians or whatever that get up to such things.
Make a testicle collection and feed the piranhas.

Why, Freddie, everyone knows there are perverts in every group. Do we have to name each group and then condemn them? I thought this particular Muslim cleric was ridiculous condemning physical education for girls, the same way I thought the Muslim cleric was ridiculous when he blamed earthquakes on women's jiggling breasts. Let me reiterate -- your problem is that you don't want to see anyone post anything bad against Islam, your adopted religion, even though so many members of that group are busy harassing and murdering plus destroying houses of worship in many places on this planet. How come you are not on the Asia forum telling what is happening in your own country where your Sunni brethren do just that. I wouldn't want to be a Shia, Ahmadiyya or Christian in your country because I would always be looking over my shoulder. In fact, these groups would be safer in Israel than in your own country. Since you just mentioned testicles, are you trying to tell us that you have been castrated?

I condemn all acts of violence against civilians, I equally condemn all Muslims who engage in sexual perversion, especially against children. More so if a Muslim marries a young girl.
It happens and I really wish they'd stop being fucking perverts.
Frankly, they should have their balls chopped off.

You, on the other hand, totally refuse to condemn Jews who do the same things, trying to hide your inability to do so in bullshit.

Personally, I condemn all equally.
Child sex and general stupidity regarding sex is unwelcome so we should all do whatever we can to eradicate it but that means admitting all groups have their perverts, Muslims and Jews included.
It's rather sad, you refuse to condemn your lot, hoping to foster hate of another group, by using these things for political gain.

It's attitudes like that, that allow these things to happen.
Frankly, you're disgusting.

Frankly, Freddie, my boy, you are the one who is disgusting. You come on this forum and all we see from you about the Israelis is "bastards this" and "bastards that" while innocent people in your own country aren't safe because of their religious beliefs. And many times when these people of religions other than Sunnis are being had at, the Indonesian police just stand by. Naturally you would never get on a forum that condemn this. All is not a bed of roses in Indonesia, Freddie, as much as you would like people to believe it is. Freddie thinks because he occasionally gives lip service condemning what Muslims are doing (even though every day of the week someplace in the Muslim world people are being killed because of them), he thinks he is doing a fine old job condemning from time to time what they have done and are doing.

Actually, instead of Freddie making such a big to-do over this thread, he should just have said that the cleric was ridiculous and told us what goes on in his country with regard to physical education in schools. This thread wasn't even about sexual perversion, but what some silly cleric said. Has Freddie seen people posting about the different incidents of sexual perversion committed by the Muslim clergy? There are many articles that people could have pulled up if they so desired. However, this thread is not about sexual perversion.
And yet, despite all this oppression of women, Indonesia is considered a "moderate" Muslim country. Ha ha ha

Fighting for women's rights in Indonesia | Direct Action

However, in Indonesia today women are still heavily oppressed. While Suharto is long gone, the fundamental problems still remain. Indonesia is a poor Third World country in which more than half of a population of 240 million live on less than US$2 a day. The current government of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is further entrenching Indonesia’s weak position in the world economy by signing the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement, which will allow Chinese imports to flood the local market, undermining the weak Indonesian industrial sector and potentially resulting in the loss of millions of jobs (possibly up to 7 million). Especially affected will be the textile sector, which is dominated by women.

Indonesia’s political system remains fundamentally unreformed, Indonesia is still one of the most corrupt countries in the world (ranking 110 out of 178 nations in Transparency International’s 2010 corruption index), and the military continue to interfere with civil matters and are active in violently repressing organisations such as the Free Papua Movement.

Within this difficult context, women face a range of specific extra problems. In the United Nations Gender Inequality Index, Indonesia is ranked low in terms of women’s participation in national politics, education, work force participation and health (420 women out of 100,000 die as a result of complications during childbirth - 100 times the rate in Australia ).

Some major human rights issues facing women include prostitution and human trafficking. In 1998 the Yogyakarta Free Children Society estimated that there are at least 650,000 prostitutes in Indonesia, while UNICEF estimated that at least 100,000 women and children are trafficked for sexual exploitation each year, mainly to Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and the Middle East. Hypocritically, while the government takes little action to curb trafficking, in 2008 it passed the infamous anti-pornography law, which metes out long jail terms for a range of activities such as possession of pornographic material or sexual public performances, and displays of “public nudity” (a term that can be flexibly applied, especially to women) can result in up to 10 years jail and $500,000 fines.

Another major issue is migrant labour. Hundreds of thousands of Indonesian workers accept contracts in other countries or attempt to migrate to those countries to escape unemployment and poverty. These migrant workers often have very little legal protection and rights in the host country, and women workers face the possibility of harassment, violence, sexual abuse or even death at the hands of employers.
What a bastion of freedom and tolerance Indonesia is! Ha ha ha.


No Model for Muslim Democracy

IT is fashionable these days for Western leaders to praise Indonesia as a model Muslim democracy. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has declared, “If you want to know whether Islam, democracy, modernity and women’s rights can coexist, go to Indonesia.” And last month Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, lauded Indonesia for showing that “religion and democracy need not be in conflict.”

Tell that to Asia Lumbantoruan, a Christian elder whose congregation outside Jakarta has recently had two of its partially built churches burned down by Islamist militants. He was stabbed by these extremists while defending a third site from attack in September 2010.

This week in Geneva, the United Nations is reviewing Indonesia’s human rights record. It should call on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to crack down on extremists and protect minorities. While Indonesia has made great strides in consolidating a stable, democratic government after five decades of authoritarian rule, the country is by no means a bastion of tolerance. The rights of religious and ethnic minorities are routinely trampled. By 2010, Indonesia had over 150 religiously motivated regulations restricting minorities’ rights.

In 2006, Mr. Yudhoyono, in a new decree on “religious harmony,” tightened criteria for building a house of worship. The decree is enforced only on religious minorities — often when Islamists pressure local officials not to authorize the construction of Christian churches or to harass and intimidate those worshiping in “illegal” churches, which lack official registration. More than 400 such churches have been closed since Mr. Yudhoyono took office in 2004.
In August 2011, for example, Muslim militants burned down three Christian churches on Sumatra. No one was charged and officials have prevented the congregations from rebuilding their churches. And on the outskirts of Jakarta, two municipalities have refused to obey Supreme Court orders to reopen two sealed churches; Mr. Yudhoyono claimed he had no authority to intervene.
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What a bastion of freedom and tolerance Indonesia is! Ha ha ha.


No Model for Muslim Democracy

IT is fashionable these days for Western leaders to praise Indonesia as a model Muslim democracy. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has declared, “If you want to know whether Islam, democracy, modernity and women’s rights can coexist, go to Indonesia.” And last month Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, lauded Indonesia for showing that “religion and democracy need not be in conflict.”

Tell that to Asia Lumbantoruan, a Christian elder whose congregation outside Jakarta has recently had two of its partially built churches burned down by Islamist militants. He was stabbed by these extremists while defending a third site from attack in September 2010.

This week in Geneva, the United Nations is reviewing Indonesia’s human rights record. It should call on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to crack down on extremists and protect minorities. While Indonesia has made great strides in consolidating a stable, democratic government after five decades of authoritarian rule, the country is by no means a bastion of tolerance. The rights of religious and ethnic minorities are routinely trampled. By 2010, Indonesia had over 150 religiously motivated regulations restricting minorities’ rights.

In 2006, Mr. Yudhoyono, in a new decree on “religious harmony,” tightened criteria for building a house of worship. The decree is enforced only on religious minorities — often when Islamists pressure local officials not to authorize the construction of Christian churches or to harass and intimidate those worshiping in “illegal” churches, which lack official registration. More than 400 such churches have been closed since Mr. Yudhoyono took office in 2004.
In August 2011, for example, Muslim militants burned down three Christian churches on Sumatra. No one was charged and officials have prevented the congregations from rebuilding their churches. And on the outskirts of Jakarta, two municipalities have refused to obey Supreme Court orders to reopen two sealed churches; Mr. Yudhoyono claimed he had no authority to intervene.

Not only that, Roudy, but such a huge percentage has no tolerance for homosexuals. Something seems very wrong here. We know that there is a certain percentage of homosexuals in every society (even though a country like Iran denies they have homosexuals), and for such a high percentage of people in Indonsia saying it is not acceptable, some homosexuals were probably afraid to speak up when being polled.

Indonesia Among World's Least Accepting Countries of Homosexuality: Pew - The Jakarta Globe

Indonesia Among World's Least Accepting Countries of Homosexuality: Pew - The Jakarta Globe
You come on this forum and all we see from you about the Israelis is "bastards this" and "bastards that"

I think you'll find, if you care not to lie, I'm against Israel (as in its government and policies) and Israeli government murder; toss in illegal settlers to complete the picture.
You come on this forum and all we see from you about the Israelis is "bastards this" and "bastards that"

I think you'll find, if you care not to lie, I'm against Israel (as in its government and policies) and Israeli government murder; toss in illegal settlers to complete the picture.

Funny how you are so against Israel, a tiny, tiny country, but never post anything about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and the Muslim world in general. I think a lot of people are against the Muslims who murder others in the name of their religion plus the other Muslims who keep silent about what their fellow Muslims are doing.

Let's face it, even in countries where they are so few Jews or any at all, the Muslim are up in arms against Israel basically because they don't want to see one little piece of land governed by Jews and think they should own it all.
You come on this forum and all we see from you about the Israelis is "bastards this" and "bastards that"

I think you'll find, if you care not to lie, I'm against Israel (as in its government and policies) and Israeli government murder; toss in illegal settlers to complete the picture.
Yeah right, typical Mooslem response. You're just cloaking your hatred and intolerance. Meanwhile, Those poor, suffering, sniff sniff, Palestinians are just walking around with halos on their heads. Ha ha ha.
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You come on this forum and all we see from you about the Israelis is "bastards this" and "bastards that"

I think you'll find, if you care not to lie, I'm against Israel (as in its government and policies) and Israeli government murder; toss in illegal settlers to complete the picture.

Funny how you are so against Israel, a tiny, tiny country, but never post anything about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and the Muslim world in general. I think a lot of people are against the Muslims who murder others in the name of their religion plus the other Muslims who keep silent about what their fellow Muslims are doing.

Let's face it, even in countries where they are so few Jews or any at all, the Muslim are up in arms against Israel basically because they don't want to see one little piece of land governed by Jews and think they should own it all.
You have to understand the mentality. Even when Muslims are obviously behaving like uncivilized, intolerant savages, it's someone else's fault, the reason why the Muslim world in general will never come out of the 7th century is because their ideology forbids them to face the truth.
Amazing how they can come up with things to make themselves more ridiculous.
They fear empowering girls, but want healthy women to breed? They educate the mind but not the body?
one step forward three steps back
They don't even educate the mind either. They basically treat women like cattle. They are disgusting pigs.

BBC News - Women arrested at Western Wall for wearing prayer shawls

Five women activists have been arrested for wearing prayer shawls at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Israeli policewomen detained members of the religious group Women of the Wall for breaching orthodox rules governing prayers at the site, which only allow men to dress this way.

Jews arrest women for praying the wrong way.

Sorry, Roudy, what was that about women being treated like cattle?
Even Israeli politicians rape.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iFIUa2qsY8]Israeli President Jailed For Rape - YouTube[/ame]
Israel has a massive sexual abuse problem and Jews, as we see in the no women photo, treat their women like cattle.
Roudy blames Muslims.
That's the problem with people like Sally.
They point out the faults of others but refuse any blame for their preferred groups.
There is clearly a problem amongst some Muslims when it come to sex and treatment of women but the OP doesn't give a shit, she just wants a hatefest against Muslims but, as you may have noticed, these fools absolutely refuse to condemn Jews who do exactly the same things.

My position - I condemn all equally; race, religion or other factors have no bearing.
Why do you insist on displaying your ignorance? Are you really comparing the women's rights in Indonesia to Israel? What a friggin moron. Ha ha ha.
That's the problem with people like Sally.
They point out the faults of others but refuse any blame for their preferred groups.
There is clearly a problem amongst some Muslims when it come to sex and treatment of women but the OP doesn't give a shit, she just wants a hatefest against Muslims but, as you may have noticed, these fools absolutely refuse to condemn Jews who do exactly the same things.

My position - I condemn all equally; race, religion or other factors have no bearing.
Majority of Jews are not "orthodox", and Israel is a secular state. Majority of Muslim countries are backwards-ass shariah shitholes that persecute minorities and women to one degree or another. Did you see how 400 churches have been set on fire by Indonesian Muslim animals in the last few years? I bet you were friends with a few of them. Maybe you ran into them at that Islamic bookstore again. Ha ha ha.
Israel has a massive sexual abuse problem and Jews, as we see in the no women photo, treat their women like cattle.
Roudy blames Muslims.
Actually Israeli women have more freedoms and treated better than women in both the US and Europe. But what would you know.
That's the problem with people like Sally.
They point out the faults of others but refuse any blame for their preferred groups.
There is clearly a problem amongst some Muslims when it come to sex and treatment of women but the OP doesn't give a shit, she just wants a hatefest against Muslims but, as you may have noticed, these fools absolutely refuse to condemn Jews who do exactly the same things.

My position - I condemn all equally; race, religion or other factors have no bearing.

The problem with you, Freddie, since you see yourself as a devout Muslim convert, is that you don't want anything derogatory said about the Muslims no matter what they do. I don't see you here (on a Middle East forum) giving us any news of what is happening in any of the other Middle East countries. You just jump in when you see something said about the Muslims. Look at you -- getting a fit about some thread about a ridiculous Muslim cleric when in the same area of the world so many Muslims are lying dead in the streets because other Muslims killed them. It is so ludicrous for y ou to be having a hissy fit over this particular thread.
Amazing how they can come up with things to make themselves more ridiculous.
They fear empowering girls, but want healthy women to breed? They educate the mind but not the body?
one step forward three steps back
They don't even educate the mind either. They basically treat women like cattle. They are disgusting pigs.


That happens among a small group of haredi. Total orthodox population in Israel is on 10% so the sexual segregation is a fraction of that. That is far cry from equating exercise with prostitution in a country of 29 million people, and/or the greater Islamic world.

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