Islamic State child fighter dubbed Cub of Baghdadi killed in air strike: Militant media


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Sad that the father was stupid enough to take such a young child into what is essentially a war zone.

Islamic State child fighter dubbed Cub of Baghdadi killed in air strike: Militant media

PUBLISHED ON OCT 10, 2014 1:50 AM

A screenshot from a YouTube video of Mohammad al-Absi Abu Obeida, dubbed the Cub of Baghdadi. A child from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) fighting with Islamic State in Syria was killed along with his father in a US-led coalition air strike, supporters of the militant group said on social media on Thursday. -- PHOTO: YOUTUBE

BEIRUT (REUTERS) - A child from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) fighting with Islamic State in Syria was killed along with his father in a US-led coalition air strike, supporters of the militant group said on social media on Thursday.

Mohammad al-Absi Abu Obeida, dubbed the Cub of Baghdadi - a reference to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - died on Wednesday, the reports said.

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Islamic State child fighter dubbed Cub of Baghdadi killed in air strike Militant media
ISIS loves the little children.

So's dey can do a bin-Laden raid on him...

US offers $25 million reward for info leading to al-Baghdadi
December 16,`16 | WASHINGTON — The United States has more than doubled its offer of a reward to $25 million for information leading to the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliph.
The State Department had previously offered $10 million for information that helps the U.S. determine the location of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, or arrest and convict him.

The agency says that under al-Baghdadi, IS has been responsible for thousands of deaths in the Middle East, including American citizens, and terrorist attacks elsewhere.

US offers $25 million reward for info leading to al-Baghdadi

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