Islamic State Warns Those Who Refuse Islam Will Die like Ethiopians in Libya Video

Let me know when you are comfortable enough with the subject material to have an actual discussion about it.

to what "subject matter" do you refer. OSO?

Islamic history. He is ignoring over a thousand years where Christians and Muslims (and Jews) lived side by side without annihilating one another.

I am fascinated with your view of "ISLAMIC HISTORY" I learned Islamic history from several sources -----I got the muslim POV from muslims, the
hindu POV from hindus, the Jewish POV from jews------and even a litte bit from
a few Zoroastrians. Of course I also read. You want to be a bit more
specific about this lauded "side by side" living-----for "more than 1000 years"??
-----lets pick some times and places

I'd be happy to. I'll even quote specific sources - primary and otherwise, though that will of course have to wait for my return to my home. To start though, I'd point to the fact that Muhammad maintained Christian allies throughout his entire life and that Abu Bakr and especially later Omar and Uthman appointed Christians as political leaders within their expanding empires.

Right-----its what empire builders do. Alexander did it best. The romans did it a bit more barbaric then the holy roman empire did it----and muhummad ---sorta Of course the entire Arabian peninsula was ethnically cleansed and over the years both the jewish and Christian populations were decimated. Lets pretend that it did not happen. There are Christians and jews in Yemen now?
how about the emrates? what happened to Iraq ? what is happening in syria

Jews and Christians aren't ethnicities. These trends are also region specific and not applicable to the entire Muslim world as a whole. One thing that you and others have had trouble with is not treating the entire world as a monolith. behaviors within it differ greatly.
to what "subject matter" do you refer. OSO?

Islamic history. He is ignoring over a thousand years where Christians and Muslims (and Jews) lived side by side without annihilating one another.

I am fascinated with your view of "ISLAMIC HISTORY" I learned Islamic history from several sources -----I got the muslim POV from muslims, the
hindu POV from hindus, the Jewish POV from jews------and even a litte bit from
a few Zoroastrians. Of course I also read. You want to be a bit more
specific about this lauded "side by side" living-----for "more than 1000 years"??
-----lets pick some times and places

I'd be happy to. I'll even quote specific sources - primary and otherwise, though that will of course have to wait for my return to my home. To start though, I'd point to the fact that Muhammad maintained Christian allies throughout his entire life and that Abu Bakr and especially later Omar and Uthman appointed Christians as political leaders within their expanding empires.

Right-----its what empire builders do. Alexander did it best. The romans did it a bit more barbaric then the holy roman empire did it----and muhummad ---sorta Of course the entire Arabian peninsula was ethnically cleansed and over the years both the jewish and Christian populations were decimated. Lets pretend that it did not happen. There are Christians and jews in Yemen now?
how about the emrates? what happened to Iraq ? what is happening in syria

Jews and Christians aren't ethnicities. These trends are also region specific and not applicable to the entire Muslim world as a whole. One thing that you and others have had trouble with is not treating the entire world as a monolith. behaviors within it differ greatly.

oh gee-----you ARE CONFUSED where there were jews in the Levant they constituted an ETHNICITY and the same is true of Christians and STILL IS.
UHM------of course you need not----but can you tell me a bit about your background? I get the feeling that you have not been around much. Where
there were Hindus in areas with lots of muslims----the HINDUS constituted an
ethnic group too
Islamic history. He is ignoring over a thousand years where Christians and Muslims (and Jews) lived side by side without annihilating one another.

I am fascinated with your view of "ISLAMIC HISTORY" I learned Islamic history from several sources -----I got the muslim POV from muslims, the
hindu POV from hindus, the Jewish POV from jews------and even a litte bit from
a few Zoroastrians. Of course I also read. You want to be a bit more
specific about this lauded "side by side" living-----for "more than 1000 years"??
-----lets pick some times and places

I'd be happy to. I'll even quote specific sources - primary and otherwise, though that will of course have to wait for my return to my home. To start though, I'd point to the fact that Muhammad maintained Christian allies throughout his entire life and that Abu Bakr and especially later Omar and Uthman appointed Christians as political leaders within their expanding empires.

Right-----its what empire builders do. Alexander did it best. The romans did it a bit more barbaric then the holy roman empire did it----and muhummad ---sorta Of course the entire Arabian peninsula was ethnically cleansed and over the years both the jewish and Christian populations were decimated. Lets pretend that it did not happen. There are Christians and jews in Yemen now?
how about the emrates? what happened to Iraq ? what is happening in syria

Jews and Christians aren't ethnicities. These trends are also region specific and not applicable to the entire Muslim world as a whole. One thing that you and others have had trouble with is not treating the entire world as a monolith. behaviors within it differ greatly.

oh gee-----you ARE CONFUSED where there were jews in the Levant they constituted an ETHNICITY and the same is true of Christians and STILL IS.
UHM------of course you need not----but can you tell me a bit about your background? I get the feeling that you have not been around much. Where
there were Hindus in areas with lots of muslims----the HINDUS constituted an
ethnic group too

There were ethnicities that were primarily affiliated with specific religions, but religions in and of themselves aren't ethnicity, with the exception now of Jews. The same doesn't apply to Christianity though (or Hindus).
UHM------of course you need not----but can you tell me a bit about your background?

I am a white non-religious male, I was baptized Protestant, raised in a religious household in the US and later attended a Catholic school. My undergraduate studies were in economics and public administration with a minor in Islamic history and my graduate studies were in international affairs, economic development and conflict with a regional focus on Africa. Since then, I have worked in academia, for non-profits, and for the federal government. Most of my experience is geared towards Africa, which necessitates also having a decent understanding of items like Sharia lawsets (which I included in my graduate education), Islamic theology, and Islamic history (same for Christianity). Islamicly speaking my main interest is in conflict studies and terrorism, though I also like Ottoman and general North African / Levantine history as well which is rather needed for adequate terrorism studies. I also volunteer for NGOs in the area of womens rights, particularly within economic development, legal protections / equality/ and land and credit rights which is what I focused my thesis on.
I am fascinated with your view of "ISLAMIC HISTORY" I learned Islamic history from several sources -----I got the muslim POV from muslims, the
hindu POV from hindus, the Jewish POV from jews------and even a litte bit from
a few Zoroastrians. Of course I also read. You want to be a bit more
specific about this lauded "side by side" living-----for "more than 1000 years"??
-----lets pick some times and places

I'd be happy to. I'll even quote specific sources - primary and otherwise, though that will of course have to wait for my return to my home. To start though, I'd point to the fact that Muhammad maintained Christian allies throughout his entire life and that Abu Bakr and especially later Omar and Uthman appointed Christians as political leaders within their expanding empires.

Right-----its what empire builders do. Alexander did it best. The romans did it a bit more barbaric then the holy roman empire did it----and muhummad ---sorta Of course the entire Arabian peninsula was ethnically cleansed and over the years both the jewish and Christian populations were decimated. Lets pretend that it did not happen. There are Christians and jews in Yemen now?
how about the emrates? what happened to Iraq ? what is happening in syria

Jews and Christians aren't ethnicities. These trends are also region specific and not applicable to the entire Muslim world as a whole. One thing that you and others have had trouble with is not treating the entire world as a monolith. behaviors within it differ greatly.

oh gee-----you ARE CONFUSED where there were jews in the Levant they constituted an ETHNICITY and the same is true of Christians and STILL IS.
UHM------of course you need not----but can you tell me a bit about your background? I get the feeling that you have not been around much. Where
there were Hindus in areas with lots of muslims----the HINDUS constituted an
ethnic group too

There were ethnicities that were primarily affiliated with specific religions, but religions in and of themselves aren't ethnicity, with the exception now of Jews. The same doesn't apply to Christianity though (or Hindus).

try again-----in places----in which there are MUSLIMS and/or HINDUS
and/or CHRISTIANS, and/or JEWS------each of those groups GROUP
UP--------and are very much like ETHNICITIES do you live under a rock
or are you under 20 years old? I will provide an example for you-----lets take
MUMBAI (the erstwhile Bombay) Do you actually imagine that historically each of the groups------muslims, hindus, Zoroastrians, jews-------did not GROUP UP---with their separate customs and even their separate cuisines? etc etc?
I will answer that-------they did------in some cases they barely mingled AT ALL----
they didn't just hang out toasting marshmellows together on warm summer evenings. Ask me a question of the relationships between jews and muslims
in Yemen------my expert is right here sipping his coffee
try again-----in places----in which there are MUSLIMS and/or HINDUS
and/or CHRISTIANS, and/or JEWS------each of those groups GROUP
UP--------and are very much like ETHNICITIES do you live under a rock
or are you under 20 years old? I will provide an example for you-----lets take
MUMBAI (the erstwhile Bombay) Do you actually imagine that historically each of the groups------muslims, hindus, Zoroastrians, jews-------did not GROUP UP---with their separate customs and even their separate cuisines? etc etc?
I will answer that-------they did------in some cases they barely mingled AT ALL----
they didn't just hang out toasting marshmellows together on warm summer evenings. Ask me a question of the relationships between jews and muslims
in Yemen------my expert is right here sipping his coffee

Through conflict studies I know this to not be very true. Take Sri Lanka for example. The Tamil Tigers had no problem expelling Muslim Tamils right along with the others, nor did the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists hesitate to slaughter Sinhalese socialists and persecute those Sinhalese who converted to Islam. Religion can often follow ethnic lines and divides, but it doesn't have to.
oh thanks------I grew up like you did-------my high school included 1/3 protestant---
1/3 catholic and 1/3 jew-------there was no way to tell one from the other----we
talked the same, dressed the same, swam in the same mud puddle. I understand
why you have no concept of life in the levant or south east asia-----or even in some of the cities of the USA
try again-----in places----in which there are MUSLIMS and/or HINDUS
and/or CHRISTIANS, and/or JEWS------each of those groups GROUP
UP--------and are very much like ETHNICITIES do you live under a rock
or are you under 20 years old? I will provide an example for you-----lets take
MUMBAI (the erstwhile Bombay) Do you actually imagine that historically each of the groups------muslims, hindus, Zoroastrians, jews-------did not GROUP UP---with their separate customs and even their separate cuisines? etc etc?
I will answer that-------they did------in some cases they barely mingled AT ALL----
they didn't just hang out toasting marshmellows together on warm summer evenings. Ask me a question of the relationships between jews and muslims
in Yemen------my expert is right here sipping his coffee

Through conflict studies I know this to not be very true. Take Sri Lanka for example. The Tamil Tigers had no problem expelling Muslim Tamils right along with the others, nor did the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists hesitate to slaughter Sinhalese socialists and persecute those Sinhalese who converted to Islam. Religion can often follow ethnic lines and divides, but it doesn't have to.

the tamil tigers are HINDUS-------they barely LOOK at a muslim or a Buddhist----the correct point I made was that in lands with muslim majorities like in the Levant-------the different religious groups function like different ethnic groups-----
same is true in much of south east Asia-----I learned about tamils from tamils.
My husband was born in a shariah cesspit-------I ask specific questions----like---

try again-----in places----in which there are MUSLIMS and/or HINDUS
and/or CHRISTIANS, and/or JEWS------each of those groups GROUP
UP--------and are very much like ETHNICITIES do you live under a rock
or are you under 20 years old? I will provide an example for you-----lets take
MUMBAI (the erstwhile Bombay) Do you actually imagine that historically each of the groups------muslims, hindus, Zoroastrians, jews-------did not GROUP UP---with their separate customs and even their separate cuisines? etc etc?
I will answer that-------they did------in some cases they barely mingled AT ALL----
they didn't just hang out toasting marshmellows together on warm summer evenings. Ask me a question of the relationships between jews and muslims
in Yemen------my expert is right here sipping his coffee

Through conflict studies I know this to not be very true. Take Sri Lanka for example. The Tamil Tigers had no problem expelling Muslim Tamils right along with the others, nor did the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists hesitate to slaughter Sinhalese socialists and persecute those Sinhalese who converted to Islam. Religion can often follow ethnic lines and divides, but it doesn't have to.

the tamil tigers are HINDUS-------they barely LOOK at a muslim or a Buddhist----

Tamils are not all Hindus. You see you made a claim that Hindus were an ethnic group: that suggests that either all people of a single ethnicity are Hindus and/or that all Hindus belong to one ethnic groups and identity with each other as such. The simple fact that not all members of the Tamil ethnic group identify with the same religion proves you wrong.

the correct point I made was that in lands with muslim majorities like in the Levant-------the different religious groups function like different ethnic groups-----

And even more correct way of saying it is that ethnic groups acted like ethnic groups. The various Indian peoples were fighting amongst themselves (Hindus against Hindus) even when the Muslims were around. You are attempting to lump distinct peoples like the Oriya, the Sindhi, the Tamils and the Marathi all together because most of them practice Hinduism, and it really doesn't work that way.



1.) You literally know nothing about my father.

2.) I have visited Muslims in the home of Muslims, and I work with Islamic populations all of the time. On top of it, I have actually received some formal training in the area of Sunni Islamic fiqh. Your attempt to brush aside what I am saying and my own experience and rely on some sense of natural superiority despite an inability to argue specifics isn't very impressive.
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Surely, Nusra Sally will be spared...

Another stupid comment from a mentally impaired individual. If posters don't worship at the feet of his pal Assad, he considers them terrorist supporters which of course is far from the truth.

Yeah, I think if the Little Man's good buddy Assad told him to kill some innocent civilians, he would readily follow orders. Anything for his idol.
try again-----in places----in which there are MUSLIMS and/or HINDUS
and/or CHRISTIANS, and/or JEWS------each of those groups GROUP
UP--------and are very much like ETHNICITIES do you live under a rock
or are you under 20 years old? I will provide an example for you-----lets take
MUMBAI (the erstwhile Bombay) Do you actually imagine that historically each of the groups------muslims, hindus, Zoroastrians, jews-------did not GROUP UP---with their separate customs and even their separate cuisines? etc etc?
I will answer that-------they did------in some cases they barely mingled AT ALL----
they didn't just hang out toasting marshmellows together on warm summer evenings. Ask me a question of the relationships between jews and muslims
in Yemen------my expert is right here sipping his coffee

Through conflict studies I know this to not be very true. Take Sri Lanka for example. The Tamil Tigers had no problem expelling Muslim Tamils right along with the others, nor did the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists hesitate to slaughter Sinhalese socialists and persecute those Sinhalese who converted to Islam. Religion can often follow ethnic lines and divides, but it doesn't have to.

the tamil tigers are HINDUS-------they barely LOOK at a muslim or a Buddhist----

Tamils are not all Hindus. You see you made a claim that Hindus were an ethnic group: that suggests that either all people of a single ethnicity are Hindus and/or that all Hindus belong to one ethnic groups and identity with each other as such. The simple fact that not all members of the Tamil ethnic group identify with the same religion proves you wrong.

the correct point I made was that in lands with muslim majorities like in the Levant-------the different religious groups function like different ethnic groups-----

And even more correct way of saying it is that ethnic groups acted like ethnic groups. The various Indian peoples were fighting amongst themselves (Hindus against Hindus) even when the Muslims were around. You are attempting to lump distinct peoples like the Oriya, the Sindhi, the Tamils and the Marathi all together because most of them practice Hinduism, and it really doesn't work that way.



1.) You literally know nothing about my father.

2.) I have visited Muslims in the home of Muslims, and I work with Islamic populations all of the time. On top of it, I have actually received some formal training in the area of Sunni Islamic fiqh. Your attempt to brush aside what I am saying and my own experience and rely on some sense of natural superiority despite an inability to argue specifics isn't very impressive.

Your comments make no sense. At no time did I suggest that there are NOT various groups of hindus---some hostile to each other. MOST tamils are hindus As to YOUR activities as a foreign guest in a muslim country ----it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the experience of groups oppressed under the filth of dhimmia in shariah shit holes-------YOU get treated as a GUEST.----they get treated as something entirely inferior by LAW ------YOU ACTUALLY KNOW NOTHING ------btw----I have been a guest many times of muslims-----even got invited to a mosque. I am an American I am not a jew living under the filth of dhimmia in a classical shariah shit hole and neither are you. For an understanding of that condition-----the persons with whom to talk are those who have experienced the stink. The last place to learn about the muslim way of life is -----in the parlor sipping tea. -----YOU TEACH??? sheeesh---you
are clueless
try again-----in places----in which there are MUSLIMS and/or HINDUS
and/or CHRISTIANS, and/or JEWS------each of those groups GROUP
UP--------and are very much like ETHNICITIES do you live under a rock
or are you under 20 years old? I will provide an example for you-----lets take
MUMBAI (the erstwhile Bombay) Do you actually imagine that historically each of the groups------muslims, hindus, Zoroastrians, jews-------did not GROUP UP---with their separate customs and even their separate cuisines? etc etc?
I will answer that-------they did------in some cases they barely mingled AT ALL----
they didn't just hang out toasting marshmellows together on warm summer evenings. Ask me a question of the relationships between jews and muslims
in Yemen------my expert is right here sipping his coffee

Through conflict studies I know this to not be very true. Take Sri Lanka for example. The Tamil Tigers had no problem expelling Muslim Tamils right along with the others, nor did the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists hesitate to slaughter Sinhalese socialists and persecute those Sinhalese who converted to Islam. Religion can often follow ethnic lines and divides, but it doesn't have to.

the tamil tigers are HINDUS-------they barely LOOK at a muslim or a Buddhist----

Tamils are not all Hindus. You see you made a claim that Hindus were an ethnic group: that suggests that either all people of a single ethnicity are Hindus and/or that all Hindus belong to one ethnic groups and identity with each other as such. The simple fact that not all members of the Tamil ethnic group identify with the same religion proves you wrong.

the correct point I made was that in lands with muslim majorities like in the Levant-------the different religious groups function like different ethnic groups-----

And even more correct way of saying it is that ethnic groups acted like ethnic groups. The various Indian peoples were fighting amongst themselves (Hindus against Hindus) even when the Muslims were around. You are attempting to lump distinct peoples like the Oriya, the Sindhi, the Tamils and the Marathi all together because most of them practice Hinduism, and it really doesn't work that way.



1.) You literally know nothing about my father.

2.) I have visited Muslims in the home of Muslims, and I work with Islamic populations all of the time. On top of it, I have actually received some formal training in the area of Sunni Islamic fiqh. Your attempt to brush aside what I am saying and my own experience and rely on some sense of natural superiority despite an inability to argue specifics isn't very impressive.

Your comments make no sense. At no time did I suggest that there are NOT various groups of hindus---some hostile to each other. MOST tamils are hindus As to YOUR activities as a foreign guest in a muslim country ----it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the experience of groups oppressed under the filth of dhimmia in shariah shit holes-------YOU get treated as a GUEST.----they get treated as something entirely inferior by LAW ------YOU ACTUALLY KNOW NOTHING ------btw----I have been a guest many times of muslims-----even got invited to a mosque. I am an American I am not a jew living under the filth of dhimmia in a classical shariah shit hole and neither are you. For an understanding of that condition-----the persons with whom to talk are those who have experienced the stink. The last place to learn about the muslim way of life is -----in the parlor sipping tea. -----YOU TEACH??? sheeesh---you
are clueless

I'm sorry that my references to actual historical events contradicted the dialogue that you were trying to put forth causing you embarrassment. You can prevent that in the future by taking the time to know what you're talking about before posting.
try again-----in places----in which there are MUSLIMS and/or HINDUS
and/or CHRISTIANS, and/or JEWS------each of those groups GROUP
UP--------and are very much like ETHNICITIES do you live under a rock
or are you under 20 years old? I will provide an example for you-----lets take
MUMBAI (the erstwhile Bombay) Do you actually imagine that historically each of the groups------muslims, hindus, Zoroastrians, jews-------did not GROUP UP---with their separate customs and even their separate cuisines? etc etc?
I will answer that-------they did------in some cases they barely mingled AT ALL----
they didn't just hang out toasting marshmellows together on warm summer evenings. Ask me a question of the relationships between jews and muslims
in Yemen------my expert is right here sipping his coffee

Through conflict studies I know this to not be very true. Take Sri Lanka for example. The Tamil Tigers had no problem expelling Muslim Tamils right along with the others, nor did the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists hesitate to slaughter Sinhalese socialists and persecute those Sinhalese who converted to Islam. Religion can often follow ethnic lines and divides, but it doesn't have to.

the tamil tigers are HINDUS-------they barely LOOK at a muslim or a Buddhist----

Tamils are not all Hindus. You see you made a claim that Hindus were an ethnic group: that suggests that either all people of a single ethnicity are Hindus and/or that all Hindus belong to one ethnic groups and identity with each other as such. The simple fact that not all members of the Tamil ethnic group identify with the same religion proves you wrong.

the correct point I made was that in lands with muslim majorities like in the Levant-------the different religious groups function like different ethnic groups-----

And even more correct way of saying it is that ethnic groups acted like ethnic groups. The various Indian peoples were fighting amongst themselves (Hindus against Hindus) even when the Muslims were around. You are attempting to lump distinct peoples like the Oriya, the Sindhi, the Tamils and the Marathi all together because most of them practice Hinduism, and it really doesn't work that way.



1.) You literally know nothing about my father.

2.) I have visited Muslims in the home of Muslims, and I work with Islamic populations all of the time. On top of it, I have actually received some formal training in the area of Sunni Islamic fiqh. Your attempt to brush aside what I am saying and my own experience and rely on some sense of natural superiority despite an inability to argue specifics isn't very impressive.

Your comments make no sense. At no time did I suggest that there are NOT various groups of hindus---some hostile to each other. MOST tamils are hindus As to YOUR activities as a foreign guest in a muslim country ----it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the experience of groups oppressed under the filth of dhimmia in shariah shit holes-------YOU get treated as a GUEST.----they get treated as something entirely inferior by LAW ------YOU ACTUALLY KNOW NOTHING ------btw----I have been a guest many times of muslims-----even got invited to a mosque. I am an American I am not a jew living under the filth of dhimmia in a classical shariah shit hole and neither are you. For an understanding of that condition-----the persons with whom to talk are those who have experienced the stink. The last place to learn about the muslim way of life is -----in the parlor sipping tea. -----YOU TEACH??? sheeesh---you
are clueless

I'm sorry that my references to actual historical events contradicted the dialogue that you were trying to put forth causing you embarrassment. You can prevent that in the future by taking the time to know what you're talking about before posting.

I did not notice any HISTORICAL events in your post-----I will re-read. You claimed that you relied on
"my own experience"-----ie as a guest in the parlor of a muslim sipping tea. Your posts indicate that you
know nothing, You are embarrassing yourself. My own experience with muslims (and hindus, Sikhs, etc etc) is far more UP CLOSE and PERSONAL-------and----of course I have the advantage of many many
relatives from those countries --- ------------'historical events'??? LOL I can tell you all kinds of
VERSIONS of "historical events" depending on who is relaying the story
I love reading desperate attempts to defend murdering fanatics.

No one in this thread is trying to defend murderous fanatics.
I also like to watch them deny trying to defending terrorists.

be patient SJ-----OSOMIR is going to tell us about the GOLDEN AGE
of MONOTHEISM GALVANIZED LOVE -----and the golden place
where it happened--------the TRI RELIGION LOVE AFFAIR

It isn't exactly a historical secret that Nestorian Christians and Jews fled persecution in Europe and In Anatolia and came and settled in the Middle East. Iraq was majority Nestorian Christian for some time under Islamic rule. It is likewise hardly an historical secret that Cordoba was among the most intellectually and religiously diverse places in all of medieval Europe.

OH CORDOBA----an excellent example------it was a fine CULTURALLY advanced city when muslims
invaded -------and it stayed that way for a time------that was the city MAIMONIDES fled when the pogroms
left so many of his friends and relatives dead in the gutters It kinda recaps the very culturally diverse MECCA-----pre islam------but then.......well........Is that the best you can do, OSO???? You actually did
come up with a good example of "what happens when islam happens"
try again-----in places----in which there are MUSLIMS and/or HINDUS
and/or CHRISTIANS, and/or JEWS------each of those groups GROUP
UP--------and are very much like ETHNICITIES do you live under a rock
or are you under 20 years old? I will provide an example for you-----lets take
MUMBAI (the erstwhile Bombay) Do you actually imagine that historically each of the groups------muslims, hindus, Zoroastrians, jews-------did not GROUP UP---with their separate customs and even their separate cuisines? etc etc?
I will answer that-------they did------in some cases they barely mingled AT ALL----
they didn't just hang out toasting marshmellows together on warm summer evenings. Ask me a question of the relationships between jews and muslims
in Yemen------my expert is right here sipping his coffee

Through conflict studies I know this to not be very true. Take Sri Lanka for example. The Tamil Tigers had no problem expelling Muslim Tamils right along with the others, nor did the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists hesitate to slaughter Sinhalese socialists and persecute those Sinhalese who converted to Islam. Religion can often follow ethnic lines and divides, but it doesn't have to.

the tamil tigers are HINDUS-------they barely LOOK at a muslim or a Buddhist----

Tamils are not all Hindus. You see you made a claim that Hindus were an ethnic group: that suggests that either all people of a single ethnicity are Hindus and/or that all Hindus belong to one ethnic groups and identity with each other as such. The simple fact that not all members of the Tamil ethnic group identify with the same religion proves you wrong.

the correct point I made was that in lands with muslim majorities like in the Levant-------the different religious groups function like different ethnic groups-----

And even more correct way of saying it is that ethnic groups acted like ethnic groups. The various Indian peoples were fighting amongst themselves (Hindus against Hindus) even when the Muslims were around. You are attempting to lump distinct peoples like the Oriya, the Sindhi, the Tamils and the Marathi all together because most of them practice Hinduism, and it really doesn't work that way.



1.) You literally know nothing about my father.

2.) I have visited Muslims in the home of Muslims, and I work with Islamic populations all of the time. On top of it, I have actually received some formal training in the area of Sunni Islamic fiqh. Your attempt to brush aside what I am saying and my own experience and rely on some sense of natural superiority despite an inability to argue specifics isn't very impressive.

Your comments make no sense. At no time did I suggest that there are NOT various groups of hindus---some hostile to each other. MOST tamils are hindus As to YOUR activities as a foreign guest in a muslim country ----it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the experience of groups oppressed under the filth of dhimmia in shariah shit holes-------YOU get treated as a GUEST.----they get treated as something entirely inferior by LAW ------YOU ACTUALLY KNOW NOTHING ------btw----I have been a guest many times of muslims-----even got invited to a mosque. I am an American I am not a jew living under the filth of dhimmia in a classical shariah shit hole and neither are you. For an understanding of that condition-----the persons with whom to talk are those who have experienced the stink. The last place to learn about the muslim way of life is -----in the parlor sipping tea. -----YOU TEACH??? sheeesh---you
are clueless

I'm sorry that my references to actual historical events contradicted the dialogue that you were trying to put forth causing you embarrassment. You can prevent that in the future by taking the time to know what you're talking about before posting.

I re-read and did notice your silly, misrepresented ----"HISTORICAL EVENTS"
Please note-----I wish to correct my statement-----I commented that TAMILS are hindus----which, indeed is
the historic religion there------when Indians comment on Tamils they are talking about a specific ethnic
group of hindus from a specific place with a very long history and even a specific language. TAMIL TIGERS ---are also a specific HINDU group-------of course there are persons of other groups living in those areas. Tamil TIGERS are known as unusually aggressive
People coexisted despite Islam, not because of. They came from a ancient cultures that espoused equality and wanted to continue it, even though Arab Islamic savages had invaded their lands and had forced their barbaric ideology down their throats.
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