Islamic terror deaths up 800% since 2010; 300 per year 2002 to 30,000 p/yr now!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010

Bloody tide: Terror deaths increased 8-fold since 2010, says study | Fox News
Dont worry folks. ISIS is contained. Obama has it under control. Secretary Clinton did an amazing job.

The world went from about 300 Islamic terror deaths in 3600 in now averaging 30,000 per year since 2010.

Islam is at war with the world folks.
As Obama and John Kerry say....ISIS is on the run. They're desperate.

Sure. Their success stories are up 800% since 2010.

President Obama.
Secretary Clinton.
Secretary Kerry.

Just a wonderful job folks.

And we're about to make Clinton the president for another 8 years.

We deserve whatever we get if we are this fucking dumb as a nation.
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.

only 99% you fucking retard. It TEACHES killing you ignorant fucking dipshit.
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.

Your act is so old and stale. You respond to everything with a lecture about what version of "fallacy" it is. Hey...this isn't your college philosophy class. This is the real world. And Islam is becoming a cancer.
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.

only 99% you fucking retard. It TEACHES killing you ignorant fucking dipshit.
From the fatman who gets on the religious thread asking if he is going to hell by stuffing his face and watching porn while being a born again christian! , priceless calling other dipshit!!!
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.

Claiming that guns as a whole are 'responsible' when an INDIVIDUAL misuses one is nothing but stupidity. Remember that next time your kind goes after guns when a PERSON misuses one of them.
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.

Didn't see where either story blamed Islam. They are blaming groups that claim to be Islamic terrorists. ISIS took blame for Brussels and Paris, they are a group are committing acts in the name of Islam.

They are a group of people that claim to be Islamic, I don't blame all Muslims, but I do blame these groups.
Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2016.03.27 Pakistan Lahore 72 300 A massive suicide blast targeting Christian families celebrating Easter leaves over seventy dead, half of whom were children.
2016.03.26 Nigeria Tumpun 4 0 Boko Haram gunmen open fire on a group of villagers, killing four.
2016.03.25 Yemen Aden 25 15 Three al-Qaeda suicide bombings leave twenty-five dead.
2016.03.25 Iraq Iskandariyah 41 105 Forty-one innocents are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a soccer game.
2016.03.24 Scotland Glasgow 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is killed by a radical Muslim after wishing Christians a Happy Easter.
2016.03.23 Syria Foua 2 3 Ahrar al-Sham snipers pick off two civilians.
2016.03.22 Bangladesh Kurigram 1 0 A Christian convert is stabbed to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.03.22 Belgium Brussels 14 92 Fourteen people are murdered when two suicide bombers detonate nail-packed explosives at crowded airline counters.
2016.03.22 Belgium Brussels 21 130 A Religion of Peace suicide blast on a subway train incinerates twenty-one commuters.
2016.03.22 Iraq Tarmiya 3 7 A Mujahid bomb blast claims three lives.
2016.03.21 Somalia Laantu Buur 6 0 Six local soldiers are ambushed and killed by an Islamist group.
2016.03.21 Iraq Makhmour 2 0 Two others are taken out by a series of suicide bombers.
2016.03.21 Iraq Anbar 30 0 A British suicide bomber is said to be responsible for a blast that kills thirty Iraqis.
2016.03.21 Yemen Taiz 1 3 Shiite snipers fire on a group of journalists, bringing down one.
2016.03.20 Iraq Haqlaniyah 24 12 A wave of Shahid suicide bombers kill two dozen Iraqis.
2016.03.19 Turkey Istanbul 4 39 An ISIS suicide bomber murders four people along a city street, including two American tourists.
2016.03.19 Egypt al-Arish 15 0 ISIS claims to have detonated a suicide car bomb that leaves fifteen others dead.
2016.03.19 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two more children die from the effects of an ISIS mustard gas attack.
2016.03.19 Iraq Mosul 70 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of seventy female Yazidi victims of ISIS torture and execution.
2016.03.19 Somalia Afmadhow 2 5 An al-Shabaab attack leaves two others dead.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo 1 6 A Sunni rocket sends a woman to the morgue.
2016.03.18 Afghanistan Seori Tapi 2 1 A Taliban landmine takes out two people, including a child.
2016.03.18 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A gentleman's head is removed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo 2 3 Two children, a boy and a girl, are reduced to pulp by a series of Sunni rockets on their neighborhood.
2016.03.17 Pakistan Smagal 4 0 A woman and her child are among four souls obliterated by a suicide bomber.
2016.03.17 Niger Dolbel 3 3 Three guards at a market are shot to death point blank by Jihadis.
2016.03.17 Niger Diffa 1 2 Four suicide bombers manage to kill one other person.
2016.03.17 Philippines Sarangani 1 0 A 43-year-old man is beheaded by a pro-caliphate group.
2016.03.17 Egypt Rafah 5 10 Five are killed when religious extremists attack a local military base.
2016.03.17 Iraq Hamidat 1 0 Radicals put a rival imam against a wall and shoot him to death.
2016.03.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 53-year-old guard at a school is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2016.03.17 Iraq Fallujah 6 0 Six men are executed in barbaric fashion by the Islamic State, including one whose head is blown off with explosives.
2016.03.16 Pakistan Peshawar 15 30 Fifteen people are torn to shreds when Jihadis bomb a bus carrying commuters.
2016.03.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 35 Two female suicide bombers slaughter two dozen worshippers at a rival mosque.
2016.03.15 Iraq Qwar 9 17 An ISIS chlorine gas attack kills nine Kurds.
2016.03.15 Afghanistan Hajiabad 4 0 Women and children are among four civilians exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.15 Afghanistan Laghman 1 1 Sharia state proponents ambush and kill an off-duty police officer.
2016.03.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Suspected terrorists shoot a young woman twice in the head at a market.
2016.03.15 Philippines Patikul 2 0 Abu Sayyaf members ambush and kill two local soldiers.
2016.03.14 Nigeria Chul 3 7 Three civilians are taken out by a Boko Haram bomb blast.
2016.03.14 Nigeria Huyum 1 1 Islamic gunmen kill a woman and shoot a child in the leg.
2016.03.14 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two Egyptians are picked off by fundamentalist snipers.
2016.03.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Taliban.
2016.03.14 Iraq Zankurah 22 16 Twenty-two Iraqis are killed during an assault by the Islamic State.
2016.03.14 Canada Toronto, ON 0 2 A man stabs two soldiers at a recruiting center, saying that he was just following Allah's instructions.
2016.03.14 Syria Busayrah 1 0 A young man is shot in the head for 'mocking religion'.
2016.03.14 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 Radical Muslims assassinate a 'polytheist apostate' (ie Shia cleric).
2016.03.14 Iraq Ramadi 25 20 ISIS suicide bombers massacre over two dozen in attacks on two villages.
2016.03.14 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six young people are rounded up and executed by the caliphate.
2016.03.13 Afghanistan Yengi Qala 2 0 A young couple is murdered over suspected sexual activity.
2016.03.13 Ivory Coast Bassam 18 17 al-Qaeda gunmen assault a hotel and murder anyone refusing to praise Allah with them. The eighteen killed include a 5-year-old Christian who was cut down while praying.
2016.03.13 Iraq Tal Kasab 8 22 Suicide bomb attacks leave eight dead.
2016.03.13 Iraq Sinjar 7 11 ISIS pour shells into a Yazidi village, killing seven residents.
2016.03.12 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 2 7 Mujahid bombers kill two patrons at a market.
2016.03.12 Iraq Munsiyah 7 0 Three women are among seven people murdered in their home by sectarian militia.
2016.03.12 Afghanistan Khanashin 1 3 A child is disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.11 Ingushetia Nazran 0 4 'Problems in the religious sphere' result in a car bomb blast outside a mosque.
2016.03.11 Pakistan Kohistan 2 0 A couple is shot to death for 'illicit relations'.
2016.03.11 Iraq Sheikhan 11 2 Two ISIS rockets claim the lives of eleven Iraqis.
2016.03.11 Iraq Sinjar 5 3 Five Kurds are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.03.10 Nigeria Tarka 3 0 Fulani mercenaries kill three villagers and burn their homes.
2016.03.10 Libya Misrata 3 0 Three police are killed when ISIS members attack a checkpoint.
2016.03.10 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.03.10 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 A poet and his son are murdered by the Islamic State.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr 1 0 A man is forced by ISIS to climb a radio tower, from which he is shot off.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr 2 0 The Islamic State executes two terrified men by blowing them up.
2016.03.09 Iraq Husseiniya 1 6 Terrorists place a bomb under a bus that kills a passenger.
2016.03.09 Nigeria Benue 8 0 Fulani mercenaries invade four villages in the middle of the night, shooting at least eight residents to death.
2016.03.09 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 30 A Taliban suicide assault on a government building leaves four guards dead.
2016.03.09 Somalia Mogadishu 4 2 Four people bleed out following a suicide car bombing outside a café.
2016.03.09 Iraq Taza 1 1500 A 3-year-old girl dies from an ISIS chemical attack that left hundreds injured.
2016.03.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Muslim terrorists murder two members of a guard patrol for teachers.
2016.03.08 Uruguay Paysandu 1 0 A Jewish man is stabbed to death by a Muslim convert 'following Allah's order'…
2016.03.08 Iraq al-Hadar 4 0 Four sex slaves are executed for trying to escape captivity in the caliphate.
2016.03.08 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Three people are left dead following a Mujahideen bombing.
2016.03.08 Thailand Si Sakhon 1 0 A man on a motorcycle is ambushed and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2016.03.08 Turkey Kilis 2 1 A 4-year-old and his mother die when Sunni extremists hit their car with a rocket.
2016.03.08 Israel Jaffa 1 15 Palestinians stab an American tourist to death.
2016.03.08 Afghanistan Maiwand 2 0 Two men clearing landmines are executed by suspected fundamentalists.
2016.03.08 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Devout Muslims implement the 'Rule of Allah' by shooting an 'apostate' in the head.
2016.03.08 Thailand Tak Bai 1 0 A Muslim 'insurgent' walks up to a man in a crowd and fires a bullet into the back of his head.
2016.03.08 Iraq Fallujah 50 0 Fifty civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.07 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five young people are torn to shreds by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Orangi Town 2 0 A young couple is shot to death by conservative relatives for marrying of their own free will.
2016.03.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 Three people at a market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Tunisia Ben Guerdane 19 17 A 12-year-old girl is among nineteen others who lose their lives during an Islamist assault on a small town.
2016.03.07 Somalia Beledweyne 0 6 A bomb hidden in a laptop detonates at an airport.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Shabqadar 17 30 A Jamatul Ahrar suicide bomber murders seventeen people at a courthouse, including two children.
2016.03.07 Afghanistan Shindand 3 3 Three civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two local cops are pulled into pieces by Muslim bombers.
2016.03.07 Syria Hasakah 1 3 A woman loses her life to an ISIS explosive device.
2016.03.07 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 Video surfaces showing religious radicals executing a man with a shot to the head.
2016.03.06 Iraq al-Jahash 12 0 A dozen people are executed by a Sharia court.
2016.03.06 Iraq Hillah 61 95 At least sixty people are incinerated when a suicide bomber in a fuel tanker detonates outside a town.
2016.03.06 Syria Aleppo 14 40 Jaish-al-Sunna terrorists send mortars and rockets into a busy market, massacring over a dozen shoppers.
2016.03.06 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Fundamentalists ambush an ambulance and machine-gun a medic and two injured patients.
2016.03.05 Syria Jarablus 1 0 A teen is beheaded for apostasy after missing Friday prayers.
2016.03.05 Yemen Aden 2 0 Sectarian terrorists fire on a vehicle, killing two occupants.
2016.03.04 Yemen Aden 16 0 Militant Muslims storm a Catholic retirement home and murder sixteen, including four nuns and the elderly residents.
2016.03.03 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 10 Two civilians are killed when terrorists sent mortar shells into a market.
2016.03.03 Libya Surman 2 0 Two Italian hostages are killed while being used as human shields by ISIS.
2016.03.03 Syria Kafriya 1 3 Sunni militants machine-gun a civilian in his home.
2016.03.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a rubber tapper to death, then set his body on fire.
2016.03.02 Egypt Khariza 1 3 An Islamist bomb claims one life.
2016.03.02 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six people are beheaded and crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.03.02 Iraq Nineveh 5 0 A 12-year-old girl is forced by the caliphate to execute five women, including a doctor.
2016.03.02 Syria Quneitra 18 30 Two suicide bombers massacre eighteen bystanders.
2016.03.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 19 Four suicide bombers target the Indian consulate, killing two civilians.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Noorshah 2 0 Two women are murdered over 'doubts about their character and lifestyles'.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Peshawar 2 4 Two employees at the US consulate bleed to death following an Islamist bombing.
2016.03.01 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 3 2 Religious extremists hit a house with a rocket, killing three family members.
2016.03.01 Somalia Alamada 5 8 An al-Shabaab bomb produces five dead bodies.
2016.03.01 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Fundamentalists behead a man and shoot his son to death.
2016.03.01 Iraq Haditha 8 8 Eight Iraqis are blown up by four Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.03.01 Philippines Datu Salibo 1 2 Bangsamoro Islamists kill one other person during an ambush.
2016.03.01 Philippines Zamboanga 2 0 An assassination attempt on an anti-ISIS preacher outside a university hall leaves two dead.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is stabbed to death for his faith.
2016.02.29 Russia Moscow 1 0 A woman beheads a child, saying that it was revenge for 'spilled Muslim blood' in Syria.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Farah 3 3 Three children are disassembled by a Taliban IED.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 3 Four locals are shot to death by the Taliban
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 24 0 Two dozen Iraqis are rounded up and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two religious clerics are murdered by their more radical brethren
2016.02.29 Iraq Muqdadiya 40 58 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, sending at least forty mourners straight into their own afterlife.
2016.02.29 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three youth are beheaded for putting up anti-ISIS posters.
2016.02.29 Yemen Aden 4 5 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out four other souls.
2016.02.29 DRC Ntombi 13 0 Four women are among thirteen villagers found hacked to pieces by ADF Islamists.
2016.02.29 Nigeria Badarawa 15 22 Suspected Boko Haram surround a group of villagers gathered to watch a video and pour machine gun fire into them, killing at least fifteen.
2016.02.29 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 0 Three men are crucified by a Sharia court for crimes against Allah.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Qads 1 0 A tribal elder is tortured to death by religious extremists.
2016.02.28 Iraq Abu Ghraib 24 22 Two dozen Iraqis are shot or blown apart during a Fedayeen suicide attack by ISIS.
2016.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 78 112 Seventy-eight people at a packed market in a Shiite area are exterminated by two Sunni suicide bombers.
2016.02.28 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A man is shot to death in front of his home by the Islamic State.
2016.02.28 Somalia Baidoa 30 60 At least thirty civilians and first responders are slaughtered by a twin suicide attack near a restaurant.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 11 Three souls are snuffed out by an explosive device planted by Sharia proponents.
Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2016.03.27 Pakistan Lahore 72 300 A massive suicide blast targeting Christian families celebrating Easter leaves over seventy dead, half of whom were children.
2016.03.26 Nigeria Tumpun 4 0 Boko Haram gunmen open fire on a group of villagers, killing four.
2016.03.25 Yemen Aden 25 15 Three al-Qaeda suicide bombings leave twenty-five dead.
2016.03.25 Iraq Iskandariyah 41 105 Forty-one innocents are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a soccer game.
2016.03.24 Scotland Glasgow 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is killed by a radical Muslim after wishing Christians a Happy Easter.
2016.03.23 Syria Foua 2 3 Ahrar al-Sham snipers pick off two civilians.
2016.03.22 Bangladesh Kurigram 1 0 A Christian convert is stabbed to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.03.22 Belgium Brussels 14 92 Fourteen people are murdered when two suicide bombers detonate nail-packed explosives at crowded airline counters.
2016.03.22 Belgium Brussels 21 130 A Religion of Peace suicide blast on a subway train incinerates twenty-one commuters.
2016.03.22 Iraq Tarmiya 3 7 A Mujahid bomb blast claims three lives.
2016.03.21 Somalia Laantu Buur 6 0 Six local soldiers are ambushed and killed by an Islamist group.
2016.03.21 Iraq Makhmour 2 0 Two others are taken out by a series of suicide bombers.
2016.03.21 Iraq Anbar 30 0 A British suicide bomber is said to be responsible for a blast that kills thirty Iraqis.
2016.03.21 Yemen Taiz 1 3 Shiite snipers fire on a group of journalists, bringing down one.
2016.03.20 Iraq Haqlaniyah 24 12 A wave of Shahid suicide bombers kill two dozen Iraqis.
2016.03.19 Turkey Istanbul 4 39 An ISIS suicide bomber murders four people along a city street, including two American tourists.
2016.03.19 Egypt al-Arish 15 0 ISIS claims to have detonated a suicide car bomb that leaves fifteen others dead.
2016.03.19 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two more children die from the effects of an ISIS mustard gas attack.
2016.03.19 Iraq Mosul 70 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of seventy female Yazidi victims of ISIS torture and execution.
2016.03.19 Somalia Afmadhow 2 5 An al-Shabaab attack leaves two others dead.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo 1 6 A Sunni rocket sends a woman to the morgue.
2016.03.18 Afghanistan Seori Tapi 2 1 A Taliban landmine takes out two people, including a child.
2016.03.18 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A gentleman's head is removed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo 2 3 Two children, a boy and a girl, are reduced to pulp by a series of Sunni rockets on their neighborhood.
2016.03.17 Pakistan Smagal 4 0 A woman and her child are among four souls obliterated by a suicide bomber.
2016.03.17 Niger Dolbel 3 3 Three guards at a market are shot to death point blank by Jihadis.
2016.03.17 Niger Diffa 1 2 Four suicide bombers manage to kill one other person.
2016.03.17 Philippines Sarangani 1 0 A 43-year-old man is beheaded by a pro-caliphate group.
2016.03.17 Egypt Rafah 5 10 Five are killed when religious extremists attack a local military base.
2016.03.17 Iraq Hamidat 1 0 Radicals put a rival imam against a wall and shoot him to death.
2016.03.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 53-year-old guard at a school is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2016.03.17 Iraq Fallujah 6 0 Six men are executed in barbaric fashion by the Islamic State, including one whose head is blown off with explosives.
2016.03.16 Pakistan Peshawar 15 30 Fifteen people are torn to shreds when Jihadis bomb a bus carrying commuters.
2016.03.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 35 Two female suicide bombers slaughter two dozen worshippers at a rival mosque.
2016.03.15 Iraq Qwar 9 17 An ISIS chlorine gas attack kills nine Kurds.
2016.03.15 Afghanistan Hajiabad 4 0 Women and children are among four civilians exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.15 Afghanistan Laghman 1 1 Sharia state proponents ambush and kill an off-duty police officer.
2016.03.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Suspected terrorists shoot a young woman twice in the head at a market.
2016.03.15 Philippines Patikul 2 0 Abu Sayyaf members ambush and kill two local soldiers.
2016.03.14 Nigeria Chul 3 7 Three civilians are taken out by a Boko Haram bomb blast.
2016.03.14 Nigeria Huyum 1 1 Islamic gunmen kill a woman and shoot a child in the leg.
2016.03.14 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two Egyptians are picked off by fundamentalist snipers.
2016.03.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Taliban.
2016.03.14 Iraq Zankurah 22 16 Twenty-two Iraqis are killed during an assault by the Islamic State.
2016.03.14 Canada Toronto, ON 0 2 A man stabs two soldiers at a recruiting center, saying that he was just following Allah's instructions.
2016.03.14 Syria Busayrah 1 0 A young man is shot in the head for 'mocking religion'.
2016.03.14 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 Radical Muslims assassinate a 'polytheist apostate' (ie Shia cleric).
2016.03.14 Iraq Ramadi 25 20 ISIS suicide bombers massacre over two dozen in attacks on two villages.
2016.03.14 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six young people are rounded up and executed by the caliphate.
2016.03.13 Afghanistan Yengi Qala 2 0 A young couple is murdered over suspected sexual activity.
2016.03.13 Ivory Coast Bassam 18 17 al-Qaeda gunmen assault a hotel and murder anyone refusing to praise Allah with them. The eighteen killed include a 5-year-old Christian who was cut down while praying.
2016.03.13 Iraq Tal Kasab 8 22 Suicide bomb attacks leave eight dead.
2016.03.13 Iraq Sinjar 7 11 ISIS pour shells into a Yazidi village, killing seven residents.
2016.03.12 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 2 7 Mujahid bombers kill two patrons at a market.
2016.03.12 Iraq Munsiyah 7 0 Three women are among seven people murdered in their home by sectarian militia.
2016.03.12 Afghanistan Khanashin 1 3 A child is disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.11 Ingushetia Nazran 0 4 'Problems in the religious sphere' result in a car bomb blast outside a mosque.
2016.03.11 Pakistan Kohistan 2 0 A couple is shot to death for 'illicit relations'.
2016.03.11 Iraq Sheikhan 11 2 Two ISIS rockets claim the lives of eleven Iraqis.
2016.03.11 Iraq Sinjar 5 3 Five Kurds are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.03.10 Nigeria Tarka 3 0 Fulani mercenaries kill three villagers and burn their homes.
2016.03.10 Libya Misrata 3 0 Three police are killed when ISIS members attack a checkpoint.
2016.03.10 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.03.10 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 A poet and his son are murdered by the Islamic State.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr 1 0 A man is forced by ISIS to climb a radio tower, from which he is shot off.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr 2 0 The Islamic State executes two terrified men by blowing them up.
2016.03.09 Iraq Husseiniya 1 6 Terrorists place a bomb under a bus that kills a passenger.
2016.03.09 Nigeria Benue 8 0 Fulani mercenaries invade four villages in the middle of the night, shooting at least eight residents to death.
2016.03.09 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 30 A Taliban suicide assault on a government building leaves four guards dead.
2016.03.09 Somalia Mogadishu 4 2 Four people bleed out following a suicide car bombing outside a café.
2016.03.09 Iraq Taza 1 1500 A 3-year-old girl dies from an ISIS chemical attack that left hundreds injured.
2016.03.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Muslim terrorists murder two members of a guard patrol for teachers.
2016.03.08 Uruguay Paysandu 1 0 A Jewish man is stabbed to death by a Muslim convert 'following Allah's order'…
2016.03.08 Iraq al-Hadar 4 0 Four sex slaves are executed for trying to escape captivity in the caliphate.
2016.03.08 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Three people are left dead following a Mujahideen bombing.
2016.03.08 Thailand Si Sakhon 1 0 A man on a motorcycle is ambushed and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2016.03.08 Turkey Kilis 2 1 A 4-year-old and his mother die when Sunni extremists hit their car with a rocket.
2016.03.08 Israel Jaffa 1 15 Palestinians stab an American tourist to death.
2016.03.08 Afghanistan Maiwand 2 0 Two men clearing landmines are executed by suspected fundamentalists.
2016.03.08 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Devout Muslims implement the 'Rule of Allah' by shooting an 'apostate' in the head.
2016.03.08 Thailand Tak Bai 1 0 A Muslim 'insurgent' walks up to a man in a crowd and fires a bullet into the back of his head.
2016.03.08 Iraq Fallujah 50 0 Fifty civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.07 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five young people are torn to shreds by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Orangi Town 2 0 A young couple is shot to death by conservative relatives for marrying of their own free will.
2016.03.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 Three people at a market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Tunisia Ben Guerdane 19 17 A 12-year-old girl is among nineteen others who lose their lives during an Islamist assault on a small town.
2016.03.07 Somalia Beledweyne 0 6 A bomb hidden in a laptop detonates at an airport.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Shabqadar 17 30 A Jamatul Ahrar suicide bomber murders seventeen people at a courthouse, including two children.
2016.03.07 Afghanistan Shindand 3 3 Three civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two local cops are pulled into pieces by Muslim bombers.
2016.03.07 Syria Hasakah 1 3 A woman loses her life to an ISIS explosive device.
2016.03.07 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 Video surfaces showing religious radicals executing a man with a shot to the head.
2016.03.06 Iraq al-Jahash 12 0 A dozen people are executed by a Sharia court.
2016.03.06 Iraq Hillah 61 95 At least sixty people are incinerated when a suicide bomber in a fuel tanker detonates outside a town.
2016.03.06 Syria Aleppo 14 40 Jaish-al-Sunna terrorists send mortars and rockets into a busy market, massacring over a dozen shoppers.
2016.03.06 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Fundamentalists ambush an ambulance and machine-gun a medic and two injured patients.
2016.03.05 Syria Jarablus 1 0 A teen is beheaded for apostasy after missing Friday prayers.
2016.03.05 Yemen Aden 2 0 Sectarian terrorists fire on a vehicle, killing two occupants.
2016.03.04 Yemen Aden 16 0 Militant Muslims storm a Catholic retirement home and murder sixteen, including four nuns and the elderly residents.
2016.03.03 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 10 Two civilians are killed when terrorists sent mortar shells into a market.
2016.03.03 Libya Surman 2 0 Two Italian hostages are killed while being used as human shields by ISIS.
2016.03.03 Syria Kafriya 1 3 Sunni militants machine-gun a civilian in his home.
2016.03.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a rubber tapper to death, then set his body on fire.
2016.03.02 Egypt Khariza 1 3 An Islamist bomb claims one life.
2016.03.02 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six people are beheaded and crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.03.02 Iraq Nineveh 5 0 A 12-year-old girl is forced by the caliphate to execute five women, including a doctor.
2016.03.02 Syria Quneitra 18 30 Two suicide bombers massacre eighteen bystanders.
2016.03.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 19 Four suicide bombers target the Indian consulate, killing two civilians.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Noorshah 2 0 Two women are murdered over 'doubts about their character and lifestyles'.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Peshawar 2 4 Two employees at the US consulate bleed to death following an Islamist bombing.
2016.03.01 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 3 2 Religious extremists hit a house with a rocket, killing three family members.
2016.03.01 Somalia Alamada 5 8 An al-Shabaab bomb produces five dead bodies.
2016.03.01 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Fundamentalists behead a man and shoot his son to death.
2016.03.01 Iraq Haditha 8 8 Eight Iraqis are blown up by four Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.03.01 Philippines Datu Salibo 1 2 Bangsamoro Islamists kill one other person during an ambush.
2016.03.01 Philippines Zamboanga 2 0 An assassination attempt on an anti-ISIS preacher outside a university hall leaves two dead.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is stabbed to death for his faith.
2016.02.29 Russia Moscow 1 0 A woman beheads a child, saying that it was revenge for 'spilled Muslim blood' in Syria.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Farah 3 3 Three children are disassembled by a Taliban IED.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 3 Four locals are shot to death by the Taliban
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 24 0 Two dozen Iraqis are rounded up and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two religious clerics are murdered by their more radical brethren
2016.02.29 Iraq Muqdadiya 40 58 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, sending at least forty mourners straight into their own afterlife.
2016.02.29 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three youth are beheaded for putting up anti-ISIS posters.
2016.02.29 Yemen Aden 4 5 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out four other souls.
2016.02.29 DRC Ntombi 13 0 Four women are among thirteen villagers found hacked to pieces by ADF Islamists.
2016.02.29 Nigeria Badarawa 15 22 Suspected Boko Haram surround a group of villagers gathered to watch a video and pour machine gun fire into them, killing at least fifteen.
2016.02.29 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 0 Three men are crucified by a Sharia court for crimes against Allah.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Qads 1 0 A tribal elder is tortured to death by religious extremists.
2016.02.28 Iraq Abu Ghraib 24 22 Two dozen Iraqis are shot or blown apart during a Fedayeen suicide attack by ISIS.
2016.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 78 112 Seventy-eight people at a packed market in a Shiite area are exterminated by two Sunni suicide bombers.
2016.02.28 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A man is shot to death in front of his home by the Islamic State.
2016.02.28 Somalia Baidoa 30 60 At least thirty civilians and first responders are slaughtered by a twin suicide attack near a restaurant.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 11 Three souls are snuffed out by an explosive device planted by Sharia proponents.

^^^^Religion of Peace.
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.
Its funny how you don't take this position with police. Hypocrite.
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.

I am sure you would say something to the same effect in reverse if the victims were Muslims and the perpetrators non-Muslims.

Bloody tide: Terror deaths increased 8-fold since 2010, says study | Fox News
Dont worry folks. ISIS is contained. Obama has it under control. Secretary Clinton did an amazing job.

The world went from about 300 Islamic terror deaths in 3600 in now averaging 30,000 per year since 2010.

Islam is at war with the world folks.
But the Crusades, the Crusades!

They were really bad too!

Ask guno !

Don't think about this, think about the Crusades!

They were TERRIBLE!
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.
Its funny how you don't take this position with police. Hypocrite.

Yep. They don't see the same "fallacy" with police as they do with Muslims.

Bloody tide: Terror deaths increased 8-fold since 2010, says study | Fox News
Dont worry folks. ISIS is contained. Obama has it under control. Secretary Clinton did an amazing job.

The world went from about 300 Islamic terror deaths in 3600 in now averaging 30,000 per year since 2010.

Islam is at war with the world folks.

Obama is an amazing success...


Bloody tide: Terror deaths increased 8-fold since 2010, says study | Fox News
Dont worry folks. ISIS is contained. Obama has it under control. Secretary Clinton did an amazing job.

The world went from about 300 Islamic terror deaths in 3600 in now averaging 30,000 per year since 2010.

Islam is at war with the world folks.

What a great success for Barack Hussein Obama, President of the Islamic State.
This fails as a composition fallacy; individuals commit acts of terror, not religions; terrorists alone are responsible for their acts, not every member of the religion terrorists claim to belong to.

Claiming that Islam as a religion is ‘responsible’ for all terrorist attacks is nothing but ignorance and bigotry.

In that case, we shouldn't worry about offending Muslims.
liberals are so fucked up in the head they don't realize one of the reasons muslims hate the west is hollywood, gays and abortion- all lib platforms.

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