Islamic terrorism, "moderate" vs "extremist" Muslims:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
In the aftermath of the France terror attacks, we keep hearing the term "moderate" Muslim. What exactly is a moderate Muslim? There is no such thing. This is a term the West has made up to deceive itself in reference to the Muslims that live within their borders.

Have you noticed, Muslims living in Muslim countries never refer to themselves as "moderate Muslims"? As a matter of fact, if you tell ask a Muslim are you a "moderate", they will ask "what the heck is that" and then laugh at you.

That is because you either are, or aren't a Muslim. Even if you are born a Muslim and not practicing the tenements of the faith ie, fasting during Ramadan, Shariah requirements, etc. then you really aren't a Muslim.

When the West labels certain Muslims as "moderate", it means they are educated (usually in Western schools), peaceful, tolerant, non violent individuals. Probably as a result of the Western environment, and influence of Western culture and education. Which means, they aren't real Muslims following the teachings of Islam and the Koran. Most of the moderate Muslims in the West today are a-religious in other words they just believe in God, but no religion. However since they are born Muslim, then they are labeled "moderates".
Rowdy, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
If you can define a moderate death, then you can define Muslims as moderate. Kill all infidels and heretics is radical no matter how politically correct we try to be..
Ever wondered why we don't have "moderate Jews" or "moderate Christians" or "moderate Hindus"?

In essence Muslims should be the ones offended by this term. It's like labeling an animal that is prone to hatred and violence "domesticated" or "tame".

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