Islamist Threat With Qaeda Link Grows in Nigeria

Sorry to say but most of us ( Muslims ) put blame on the USA and Israel for everything. I doubt many of us don't know the meaning of Islam but we know we have to dislike/hate USA and Israel. Islamist clerics who spread the hate for the western countries/people, shit on them ! Peace can't be restored as long as those kind of clerics exist, and we are really lost. We really don't understand the peace but we like violence and killing ..

It's so refreshing to see a level headed honest Muslim on here for a change, you need to post more adeel.:razz:
To further add, don't try to make those extreme sects to impose any kind of Islamic law (Sharia law). Those who won't abide their self-created law, will be beaten to death.
Sorry to say but most of us ( Muslims ) put blame on the USA and Israel for everything. I doubt many of us don't know the meaning of Islam but we know we have to dislike/hate USA and Israel. Islamist clerics who spread the hate for the western countries/people, shit on them ! Peace can't be restored as long as those kind of clerics exist, and we are really lost. We really don't understand the peace but we like violence and killing ..

It's so refreshing to see a level headed honest Muslim on here for a change, you need to post more adeel.:razz:

Hehehe ... I will post bits by bits .. I pray I am not being watched :D
Sorry to say but most of us ( Muslims ) put blame on the USA and Israel for everything. I doubt many of us don't know the meaning of Islam but we know we have to dislike/hate USA and Israel. Islamist clerics who spread the hate for the western countries/people, shit on them ! Peace can't be restored as long as those kind of clerics exist, and we are really lost. We really don't understand the peace but we like violence and killing ..

But, your religion puts the blame on everyone but muslimes. In order for you to not hate Jews, Christians and all infidels, you have to renounce your own religion.
Sorry to say but most of us ( Muslims ) put blame on the USA and Israel for everything. I doubt many of us don't know the meaning of Islam but we know we have to dislike/hate USA and Israel. Islamist clerics who spread the hate for the western countries/people, shit on them ! Peace can't be restored as long as those kind of clerics exist, and we are really lost. We really don't understand the peace but we like violence and killing ..

But, your religion puts the blame on everyone but muslimes. In order for you to not hate Jews, Christians and all infidels, you have to renounce your own religion.

Well I am not really sure what's really the deal, why we are told to hate everyone except Muslims. I don't know if it's my religion or my people which is the source to fuel hatred. I am not religious. I, myself, do not hate Israel and USA. I say we all should have economical connections with each other to progress in this world.
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Well I am not really sure what's really the deal, why we are told to hate everyone except Muslims. I don't know if it's my religion or my people which is the source to fuel hatred. I am not religious. I, myself, do not hate Israel and USA. I say we all should have economical connections with each other to progress in this world.
So are you a Muslim or not?

First, you say "my" religion.

Then, you say, "I am not religious".

You can't have it both ways Achmed :doubt:
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Dr. Wafa Sultan, Psychiatrist, Human Rights Activist, Among "Time magazine's 100 heroes and pioneers whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world"

Wafa Sultan - The 2006 TIME 100 - TIME.

Islam Is A Mental Disorder
When I examined the Koran, the hadiths and the Islamic books under my microscope, I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible--IMPOSSIBLE-- for any human being to read the biography of Muhammad and believe in it and yet emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.

Do you remember the way that Muhammad killed Asma bint Marwan? His followers tore her body apart limb from limb while she was breastfeeding her child. When they returned to him shouting, "Allah Akbar," he said: "Two goats would lock horns over her." As you know, goats lock horns over the most inconsequential thing. For Muhammad, however, the killing of a woman while breastfeeding was too trivial an incident for goats to lock horns over. Is this a prophet of God?

The language of Islam is a negative, dead language, replete with violence, anger, hatred and racism. Man is a product of his language, the outcome of the negative and positive language to which he is exposed in his lifetime. If his life is dominated by negative language, he will emerge as a negative, reckless and non-productive person who rejects everything. This is why the negative language of Islam has failed. It has failed to produce people with a positive outlook. It has produced negative people. If we take a look at Islamic societies, we see what that negative man [Muhammad] did.

Islam is a political doctrine which imposes itself by force. Any doctrine whatsoever that calls to kill those who do not believe in it is not a religion. It is a totalitarian doctrine that imposes itself by force.

Read about the life of Muhammad. What do you find there? Nothing but his raids and and his wives. I shudder when I hear the hadith: A woman's paradise is under her husband's foot. The Islamc teachings have become dreadful in the skulls of the Muslims. I see no alternative butr to open these skulls and to clean the life-threatening cancerous cells in these brains.
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Well I am not really sure what's really the deal, why we are told to hate everyone except Muslims. I don't know if it's my religion or my people which is the source to fuel hatred. I am not religious. I, myself, do not hate Israel and USA. I say we all should have economical connections with each other to progress in this world.
So are you a Muslim or not?

First, you say "my" religion.

Then, you say, "I am not religious".

You can't have it both ways Achmed :doubt:

I am a Muslim, born to a Muslim family. Yes, I am not religious. I don't offer pray. I don't attend any religious activity. If a Muslim is recognized by involving into any terror activities; Yes, I am not religious.
I am a Muslim, born to a Muslim family. Yes, I am not religious. I don't offer pray. I don't attend any religious activity. If a Muslim is recognized by involving into any terror activities; Yes, I am not religious.
You don't pray.

You don't participate in any religious activity.

And you don't go to the Mosque.

So why do you call your self a Muslim? :doubt:
I am a Muslim, born to a Muslim family. Yes, I am not religious. I don't offer pray. I don't attend any religious activity. If a Muslim is recognized by involving into any terror activities; Yes, I am not religious.
You don't pray.

You don't participate in any religious activity.

And you don't go to the Mosque.

So why do you call your self a Muslim? :doubt:

Born to a Muslim family, you know :)
I am a Muslim, born to a Muslim family. Yes, I am not religious. I don't offer pray. I don't attend any religious activity. If a Muslim is recognized by involving into any terror activities; Yes, I am not religious.
You don't pray.

You don't participate in any religious activity.

And you don't go to the Mosque.

So why do you call your self a Muslim? :doubt:

Born to a Muslim family, you know :)
No I don't know.

I am a convert to Islam.

Do you drink alcohol?

Eat pork?
Answer to alcohol; No
Answer to pork; No
Why not?

Since you say that you are not religious and don't pray or go to the Mosque?

Wow ! So that means I should use all of these things ???

Okay, what you want me to do to become a Muslim then ? Every time I sit in the Mosque, I attend religious activities, go out and participate into Anti-USA, Anti-Israel demonstrations, get picked by the militant group, join them, blow myself up in the crowded area in Pakistan?

Sorry if it hurts you but this is now the new definition of a Muslim.
Answer to alcohol; No
Answer to pork; No
Why not?

Since you say that you are not religious and don't pray or go to the Mosque?

Wow ! So that means I should use all of these things ???

Okay, what you want me to do to become a Muslim then ? Every time I sit in the Mosque, I attend religious activities, go out and participate into Anti-USA, Anti-Israel demonstrations, get picked by the militant group, join them, blow myself up in the crowded area in Pakistan?

Sorry if it hurts you but this is now the new definition of a Muslim.
So the new definition of a Muslim is; don't pray, don't participate in any activities, and don't go to Mosque.

Just call yourself a Muslim.

And you are automatically a Muslim without doing anything Islamic?
Why not?

Since you say that you are not religious and don't pray or go to the Mosque?

Wow ! So that means I should use all of these things ???

Okay, what you want me to do to become a Muslim then ? Every time I sit in the Mosque, I attend religious activities, go out and participate into Anti-USA, Anti-Israel demonstrations, get picked by the militant group, join them, blow myself up in the crowded area in Pakistan?

Sorry if it hurts you but this is now the new definition of a Muslim.
So the new definition of a Muslim is; don't pray, don't participate in any activities, and don't go to Mosque.

Just call yourself a Muslim.

And you are automatically a Muslim without doing anything Islamic?

Yours avatar is so horrifying. I better keep myself off of you. I understand that You and I are not going to reach on a point where we both do agree with each other.

So, Asalam o Alaikum :)
Then don't come here acting like you are speaking for Muslims when clearly you are not. :doubt:

Walakum Salam
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Then don't come here acting like you are speaking for Muslims when clearly you are not. :doubt:

Walakum Salam

You can't stop me coming here, mate :) Oh yes, you can if you have connections with the extremists :)

Edit: By the way, don't implement a fatwa on me :)
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Then don't come here acting like you are speaking for Muslims when clearly you are not. :doubt:

Walakum Salam

Shouldn't you be working on a Nobel Prize since there are only 4 muslime Nobel Prize Laureates among 1.5 BILLION muslimes and 175 Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates among 13 million Jews.

You pray 50 times a day to your allah who wills Jews to be successful. Loser. :lol:

14 million Jews. 0.2% World Population
175 Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates For Science, Mathematics, Economics and Literature, 20% of All Nobel Prizes

List of Jewish Nobel laureates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.5 Billion Muslims, 23% World Population
Just 4 Muslim Nobel Prize Laureates

[ame=]Jews and Muslims-Nobel Prize List (Latest) - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry to say but most of us ( Muslims ) put blame on the USA and Israel for everything. I doubt many of us don't know the meaning of Islam but we know we have to dislike/hate USA and Israel. Islamist clerics who spread the hate for the western countries/people, shit on them ! Peace can't be restored as long as those kind of clerics exist, and we are really lost. We really don't understand the peace but we like violence and killing ..

But, your religion puts the blame on everyone but muslimes. In order for you to not hate Jews, Christians and all infidels, you have to renounce your own religion.

Well I am not really sure what's really the deal, why we are told to hate everyone except Muslims. I don't know if it's my religion or my people which is the source to fuel hatred. I am not religious. I, myself, do not hate Israel and USA. I say we all should have economical connections with each other to progress in this world.

While all muslims are not hateful, all of islam is hateful toward the non-muslim based on the quran, hadeeth and shariah. Even those muslims who choose to leave are subject to death under the shariah

In fact, islam is the only "religion" that does not have a Golden Rule, universal reciprocation of love toward non-muslims known as lowly kafirs.

You really should convert to a real religion. Just don't tell any muslim

As Sunni Dog illustrates, islam is a cult of ignorance and stupidity. There is no future in islam.

Bernard Lewis, "The Crisis of Islam"
Almost the entire Muslim world is affected by poverty and tyranny. The combinatoin of low productivity and high birth rate in the Middle East makes for an untenable mix, with a large and rapidly growing population of unemployed, uneducated and frustrated young men. By all indicators from the United Nations, the World Bank and other authorities, the Arab countries--in matters such as job creation, education, technology and productivity--lag further behind the West. Even worse, the Arab nations also lag behind the more recent recruits to Western-style democracy, such as Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.

The comparative figures on the performance of Muslim countries, as reflected in these statistics, are devastating.

In the listing of economies by gross domestic product, the highest ranking Muslim majority country is Turkey, with 64 million inhabitants, in 23rd place, between Austria and Denmark, with about 5 million each. The next is Indonesia, with 212 million, in 28th place, following Norway with 4.5 million and followed by Saudi Arabia with 21 million. In comparative purchasing power, the first Muslim state is Indonesia in 15th place followed by Turkey in 19th place. In living standards as reflected by gross domestic product per head, the first Muslim state is Qatar, in 23rd place, followed by the United Arab Emirates in 23rd place and Kuwait in 28th.

In a listing of industrial output, the highest-ranking Muslim country is Saudi Arabia, number 21, followed by Indonesia, tied with Austria and Belgium in 22nd place and Turkey, tied with Norway in 27th place.

In a listing by manufacturing output, the highest ranking Arab country is Egypt, in 35th place, tying with Norway.

In a listing of life expectancy, the first Arab state is Kuwait, in 32nd place. In ownership of telephone lines per hundred people, the first Muslim country listed is the UAE in 33rd place. In ownership of computers per hundred people, the first Muslim state listed is Bahrain in 30th place.

Book sales present an even more dismal picture. A listing of 27 countries, beginning with the United States and ending with Viet Nam, does not include a single Muslim state. In a human development index, Brunei is number 32, Kuwait 36, Bahrain 40, Qatar 41, the UAE 44, Libya 66 and Saudi Arabia 68.

According to a report on Arab Human Development prepared by a committee of Arab intellectualss, reveals, "the Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one-fifth of the number that Greece translates. The total of translated books since the 9th century is about 100,000, almost the average that Spain translates in one year.

The economic situation is no better. "The GDP in all Arab countries combined stood at $531 billion in 1999---less than that of a single European country, Spain [$595 billion]
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