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CDZ Islamophobia

We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?
bigotry is the right wing way.

Nice of you to give us your opinion but that is all you have and it is not enough.....a mesage board is designed for dicussions...if everyone just came on here and stated their opinion what a waste it would be.

When one gives his opinion he should attempt to support by some kind of evidence, logic or reason.
A phobia is not a choice. Hating Islam is a choice. Disagreeing with it, disliking it, denouncing it is not hate and certainly not a phobia.
A phobia is not a choice. Hating Islam is a choice. Disagreeing with it, disliking it, denouncing it is not hate and certainly not a phobia.

I would agree that you are correct on what a phobia is....but of course the leftwingers who constantly shout that about the more educated elements in our society have no idea what a phobia is...they just adopted the term to try and demonize anyone who dares speak out about the reality of Islam in today's world.

And....even more interesting they have no problem whilst defending and making excuses for Islam to constantly attack Christians and Christianity.

The logic of their behavior is rather difficult to understand...as in there is no religion more intolerant of all the things they stand for aka homersexuality, drugs etc.etc. and so on and so forth than Islam.

and...............to characterize Islam's behavior toward homersexuals as being simply intolerant is being way too nice as in they in their intolerance throw homersexuals off of tall buildings, hang them etc.
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

Well it does say unreasonable. So if I just personally don’t like it then it’s ok, that’s not unreasonable is it, or am I forced to like islam?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

Well it does say unreasonable. So if I just personally don’t like it then it’s ok, that’s not unreasonable is it, or am I forced to like islam?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well the day when we will probably be 'forced' to do a lot of things is not far off.

With the advancement of computer technology that can read thoughts we are facing an increasing level of scrutiny and a loss of freedom.

Not even to mention how the fallacious ideology of political correctness inhibits our free speech.
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

Well it does say unreasonable. So if I just personally don’t like it then it’s ok, that’s not unreasonable is it, or am I forced to like islam?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well the day when we will probably be 'forced' to do a lot of things is not far off.

With the advancement of computer technology that can read thoughts we are facing an increasing level of scrutiny and a loss of freedom.

Not even to mention how the fallacious ideology of political correctness inhibits our free speech.
How many muslims does it take to set off a nuclear device in New York? Lest we forget Obama said that was one of his biggest fears.

Anyhow....we see posts like yours all the time claiming that(you do not post any stats) but even if the stats support that it is essentially irrelevant...as in the count could change at any time.

Say Obama's fear about N.Y. came true....can you imagine how the count would change?

Um, yeah, you know what, I don't put any stock in "Obama kind of said something once that I can totally take out of context to rationalize my position" as an argument.

The problem with the whole "Nuke in New York Scenario" is the only people who know how to make a nuke really aren't suicidal enough to use one.

What anyone who is interested in America's National security should be concerned about is not the body count at this point in time but who or what group poses the biggest threat to America...

Oh, in that case, when do we go to war with Multi-national corporations, they are a bigger threat to America than "Islam" is.. they're killing the whole planet.

At that moment in time when Japan attacked pearl harbor..more whites had been killed in America by other whites over the years....but who posed the biggest threat to America?....thus it is obvious you pose a fallacious argument.

Japan only posed a threat because we kept screwing with them. And even in WWII, the White Germans killed more Americans than the non-white Japanese.
Nazism was Christian?

Yes, it was. Very much so.

What muslim cities did we bomb before 9/11...do you think we should have just turned the other cheek after 9/11 and pretended it was just another crime like we did after the first attack on the WTC when clinton was president?

Well, Beruit. Baghdad, Kabul... we bombed those cities. We've also occuppied or invaded a total of 14 Islamic nations since 1980.

I have no problem with going after Bin Laden after 9/11, but Bush seemed to have forgotten all about that by 2002. Nope, he was going to get Saddam for making his Poppy look bad.

This is the problem with a "War on Terror", it's a war on an abstraction.

Also you probably do not remember that Clinton Bombed Christian cities in Bosnia in support of muslims.

No,I remember it... and I thought it was pretty stupid at the time. This wasn't our fight, either.
The term "Islamophobia" is just some recent made up propaganda created by Islamists as a way to hoodwink the benightedly unintelligent of the world into thinking that any resistance to their supremacist doctrine is actually some sort of abnormal psychological condition. As such, it represents an intentional inversion of reality as it posits that rationality is actualy mental instability and the willingness to confront danger is actually fear.

Again, right now I am sitting in a Starbucks and there is an Islamic lady sitting next to me. She took some time out to pray... but oddly, she didn't blow anyone up. She also didn't try to decapitate me while I was sitting here.

Of course, it's an irrational fear, the fear of the "other" , the one who is different or has different beliefs you can't relate to. I find it amusing that Americans who deploy troops and ships all over the world have the gall to complain about anyone having a supremacist doctrine. We use military and economic means to bully countries all over the world who don't want to do things our way, and then we wonder why we get some blowback.

I go back to my Hornet's Nest analogy. The hornet is what it is... it's our policy and lack of judgement that is problem here.

The actual abnormal fear being expressed here is by the low quality individuals who use the term. They have turned the fear of being labelled as racist by their equally stupid little peeps into an all-encompassing campaign to promote this anti-humanist ideology that represents the very antithesis of everything they claim to believe. It is all so entirely irrational as to beg nothing but mockery.

Ah, "Humanist". interesting concept. Should point out that the worst attrocities in history have been committed by imperialist and secularist regimes.

I don't promote or disdain Islam any more than any other religion (I think all religion is a little silly.) But I also realize that our problems have to do with our policies, not their religion.

Back in the 1970's, when I was growing up, when they figured out they could hurt us by cutting off the oil spigot, our biggest worry wasn't their religion, it was that too many of the secularist regimes over there were too closely alligned with the USSR. This is when some geniuses got the idea of arming guys like Bin Laden to fight guys who weren't allied with us.

How'd that work out again?
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

Well it does say unreasonable. So if I just personally don’t like it then it’s ok, that’s not unreasonable is it, or am I forced to like islam?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
-------------------------------- seems to me that the word UNREASONABLE is simply an OPINION .
Obviously you know nothing of the History of Islam. They have been fighting wars ever since Mohammed founded Islam.

It never ends....

The actual abnormal fear being expressed here is by the low quality individuals who use the term. They have turned the fear of being labelled as racist by their equally stupid little peeps into an all-encompassing campaign to promote this anti-humanist ideology that represents the very antithesis of everything they claim to believe.

Apprehension , not fear

A phobia is not a choice. Hating Islam is a choice. Disagreeing with it, disliking it, denouncing it is not hate and certainly not a phobia.

well said , these people hail from theocracies , which is really the root problem, i just disagree ,dislike,and denounce them all, even when i see it manifest in our own governance

Again, right now I am sitting in a Starbucks and there is an Islamic lady sitting next to me. She took some time out to pray... but oddly, she didn't blow anyone up. She also didn't try to decapitate me while I was sitting here.

Did you read the cup Joe?

We use military and economic means to bully countries all over the world who don't want to do things our way, and then we wonder why we get some blowback.

and that ^^^^ is really the nitty gritty

so maybe all this islamobobia is some coropratist fascade cloaked in the guise of extreemism

but whadda i know , the most foriegn thing i might talk to here is a goat....


This whole "---phobia" tactic has been tremendously successful for the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left in doing what they do best - changing the subject by putting their target on the defensive so that they can avoid an honest conversation about the original topic.

Irony of ironies, it was this kind of cowardly intellectual dishonesty that created the pushback that put Trump in office. Just barely enough people had had enough, and they voted.

Of course, the Regressive Left will not admit this, not in a million years. But they will continue to attack the messenger, because it's in their DNA now. Anything beyond that is simply too much.
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We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

No and no. There are plenty of Muslims living in the U.S. with no problem at all and no one I know is afraid of them. You see them a lot in convenience stores and gas stations.
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

No and no. There are plenty of Muslims living in the U.S. with no problem at all and no one I know is afraid of them. You see them a lot in convenience stores and gas stations.
That is because their numbers are relatively small and they are for the most part dispersed except for the Minneapolis/St Paul area. Interestingly those areas have lots of issues with Muslims just like every other Muslim concentration in France, England, Germany, Sweden, Africa, etc etc etc.....
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

No and no. There are plenty of Muslims living in the U.S. with no problem at all and no one I know is afraid of them. You see them a lot in convenience stores and gas stations.

A List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks on U.S. Soil

There is a huge, huge rhetorical attempt to gloss over the reality of the threat of radical Islamic terror on American soil by muslims living in America.

The attempt to disconnect "lone wolf" terrorists from the terror organizations who often inspire them does nothing to alleviate the pain of those who have suffered at the hands of jihadists and only hurts prevention efforts. Rhetorical tricks aside, the reality is that scores of innocent Americans have been murdered on U.S. soil by jihadists, most of whom were inspired by or acting under the direction of foreign terror groups, particularly the Islamic state

Below is a list of the major, verifiable radical Islamic terror attacks "successfully planned and executed" on U.S. soil since n 2009

Little Rock, Arkansas, June 1, 2009. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and murdered one soldier, Army Pvt. William Andrew Long, and injured another, Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, at a military recruiting station in Little Rock. Muhammad reportedly converted to Islam in college and was on the FBI's radar after being arrested in Yemen–a hotbed of radical Islamic terrorism–for using a Somali passport, even though he was a U.S. citizen. In a note to an Arkansas judge, Muhammad claimedto be a member of al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula, the terror group's Yemen chapter.

Fort Hood, Texas, November 5, 2009. Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot up a military base in Fort Hood and murdered 14 people. Hasan was in contact with al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack and shouted "Allahu Akbar!" as he fired upon the soldiers on the Fort Hood base. After being sentenced to death, Hasan requested to join ISIS while on death row. It took six years for Obama to acknowledge the shooting as a terror attack instead of "workplace violence."

Boston, Massachusetts, April 15, 2013. Tamerlan and Dhozkar Tsarnaev set off two bombs at the 2013 Boston marathon, killing three and injuring over 260 people. The Tsarnaev brothers later shot and murdered Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer Sean Collier. The Tsarnaev brothers were self-radicalized through online jihadist propaganda and through a mosque with ties to al-Qaeda.

Moore, Oklahoma, September 24, 2014. Alton Nolen beheaded a woman, Colleen Huff, at a Vaughan Foods plant and stabbed and injured another person. While Nolen's motives are unclear, he appears to have been another radicalized Muslim who was obsessed with beheadings.

Queens, New York, October 23, 2014. Zale Thompson, another self-radicalized Muslim, injured two police officers with a hatchet before being shot dead by other cops. Thompson reportedly indoctrinated himself with ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Shabab–a Somali jihadist terror group–websites and was a lone wolf attacker.

Brooklyn, New York, December 20, 2014. Ismaayil Brinsley shot and murdered two police officers execution-style and his Facebook page featured jihadist postings and had ties to a terror-linked mosque.

Garland, Texas, May 3, 2015. Two gunmen shot up the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, where a Mohammed cartoon contest was taking place, and were killed by a police officer. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 16, 2015. Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez shot and killed four Marines and a sailor at a military base in Chattanooga and was believed to have been inspired by ISIS.

San Bernardino, California, December 14, 2015. Two radical Islamists, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, shot and murdered 14 people and injured 22 others at an office holiday party.

Orlando, Florida, June 12, 2016. Omar Mateen, 29, opened fire at a gay nightclub, killing 49 and injuring 53. The FBI investigated Mateen twice before his rampage, but did not take any substantive action. Officials believe Mateen was self-radicalized but he pledged fealty to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before his death. "The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west," Mateen posted on his Facebook page after committing his heinous act at Pulse nightclub. "I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me," he wrote.

St. Cloud, Minnesota, September 17, 2016. Dahir Ahmed Adan, a 20-year-old Somali refugee, began hacking at people with a steak knife at a Minnesota mall, injuring nine people before he was shot dead by off-duty police officer Jason Falconer. The FBI said numerous witnesses heard Adan yelling "Allahu akbar!" and "Islam! Islam!" during the rampage. He also asked potential victims if they were Muslims before inflicting wounds in their heads, necks, and chests. The FBI believe he had recently become self-radicalized. (As the Daily Wire highlighted, the Minneapolis Star Tribune attempted to blame "anti-Muslim tensions" for his murderous actions.)

New York City/New Jersey, September 17, 2016. Ahmad Khan Rahami, a 28-year-old naturalized citizen from Afghanistan, set off multiple bombs in New York and New Jersey. In Chelsea, his bomb resulted in the injury of over 30 people. Rahami wrote in his journal that he was connected to "terrorist leaders," and appears to have been heavily influenced by Sheikh Anwar, Anwar al-Awlaki, Nidal Hassan, and Osama bin Laden. "I pray to the beautiful wise ALLAH, [d]o not take JIHAD away from me," Rahami wrote. "You [USA Government] continue your [unintelligible] slaught[er]" against the holy warriors, "be it Afghanistan, Iraq, Sham [Syria], Palestine ... "

Columbus, Ohio, November 28, 2016. Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an ISIS-inspired 20-year-old Somali refugee who had been granted permanent legal residence in 2014 after living in Pakistan for 7 years, attempted to run over his fellow Ohio State students on campus. After his car was stopped by a barrier, he got out of the vehicle and began hacking at people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by a campus police officer. He injured 11 people, one critically. ISIS took credit for the attack, describing Artan as their "soldier." Just three minutes before his rampage, Artan posted a warning to America on Facebook that the "lone wolf attacks" will continue.

Note: While this list contains the major radical islamic attacks since 2009 there are many other incidents suspected of having been motivated by the muslim ideology but was not verified and of course the powers that be try to cover up as much as possible the muslim threat here in America...thus if the motive behind some violent attack is not easily demonstrated as orchestrated my radical islamists...they do not go to much trouble to try and find the real motivation. It is not politically correct to talk about the dangers American born muslims pose to our nation. Thus once again as usual Political Correctness over-rules public safety.

Note: While this list contins the major and verified radical islaqmic attacks since 2009 there are many other incidents that were suspected of having been motivated by the ideology of radical islam but were never verified.

Regarding Muslim terroism and a possible attack on America utilizing a weapon of mass destruction:

' Diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks provide another reminder that al-Qaida remains committed to obtaining weapons of mass destruction (WMD) – nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and “dirty bombs.” Security briefing cables published by the London Telegraph – some as recent as 2009 – state that jihadists are close to making “workable and efficient biological and chemical weapons” capable of killing thousands of people if used to attack the West.'

Documents Show Jihadists Seek Weapons of Mass Destruction | Breitbart
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We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. Most of them are just trying to get by in life. There are 6 million Muslims in the US. Most of them are law abiding folks as well.

You are more likely to be killed by a white extremist than a Muslim extremist in this country.

View attachment 239109

Nobody talks about Caucasia-phobia... we just kind of accept it.

How many muslims does it take to set off a nuclear device in New York? Lest we forget Obama said that was one of his biggest fears.

The same number as...
White supremacists
Black Panthers
Shooters in school shootings
Disgruntled postal workers
Russian agents

In particular reason to be more afraid of Muslims than any one else in America?

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