Islands Disappear As Ocean Levels Rise


Gold Member
Jan 16, 2015
Maybe someone just dumped too many ice cubes in the ocean after a big beach party.

I recently saw the VICE documentary which showed footage of Vienna that was just heartbreaking. They now have elevated walkways and vendors sell rain booties. Businesses have to close because they're flooded.

Footage of NYC was similar and people are losing their homes in Florida.

The small islands are the saddest though. Past president of the Maldives was shown holding a meeting underwater to draw attention to their plight. Thousands have been made homeless and as always, its those who can afford it the least to hit the hardest.

Other countries are pushing green energy but of course, the US can't lead the way. Instead, the RWNJs whine about coal companies going under as though that's a bad thing.

Other countries are training their people in modern day jobs but not the US. Other countries are producing so much green energy, they're able to sell it but not the US.

If we are to survive, we MUST treat the idiot deniers like what they are and move forward without them.
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Luddly Neddite, As long as you continue to use the acronym "RWNJs" to describe conservatives, I will continue to view every post you make with scorn and contempt.
Luddly, look at this map:

This is a map of the Bering Bridge, which existed 16,500 years ago, but is now underwater. Native Americans used this land bridge to walk from Asia to North America, a journey that stopped being possible 11,000 years ago when waters rose and swallowed it up.

Beringia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the oceans of the world have been rising and falling for billions of years, and Luddly Neddite, you and your liberal friends aren't going to stop this process even if you shut down every factory, pull the engine out of every car, and send us back to the Stone Ages.

Do facts matter to you? Because these are facts. There is nothing mankind can do to stop waters from rising, or to stop waters from falling. This has been happening since long before we got here, and will continue long after we are gone.
Earth evolving over the past 600 million years, and 100 million years from now:

Note how much land will be underwater in 100 million years.

This is caused by forces completely beyond our control. Your "Global Warming Theory" is based on ignorance of planetary science, and is based on arrogance that mankind somehow has incredible power to change the face of the Earth and the shape of the continents.
I recently saw the VICE documentary which showed footage of Vienna that was just heartbreaking. They now have elevated walkways and vendors sell rain booties. Businesses have to close because they're flooded.

Footage of NYC was similar and people are losing their homes in Florida.

The small islands are the saddest though. Past president of the Maldives was shown holding a meeting underwater to draw attention to their plight. Thousands have been made homeless and as always, its those who can afford it the least to hit the hardest.

Other countries are pushing green energy but of course, the US can't lead the way. Instead, the RWNJs whine about coal companies going under as though that's a bad thing.

Other countries are training their people in modern day jobs but not the US. Other countries are producing so much green energy, they're able to sell it but not the US.

If we are to survive, we MUST treat the idiot deniers like what they are and move forward without them.

I recently saw the VICE documentary which showed footage of Vienna that was just heartbreaking.

Vienna is flooding? Shit!

Vienna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the water over Europe has reached the 500 ft level, at least we won't have to worry about the Muslims causing trouble, I hear they aren't very good swimmers.
What's ironic is that leftists demand constant changes in society, but counsel us to fear changes in the environment, as if a temperature rise of one degree Celcius will somehow drive all life extinct on this planet.

What they are hoping for is that we will act like cowards, and cave in to their constant demands that we shut down energy plants and factories. The goal is to destroy industry and capitalism, it has nothing to do with saving the environment. If leftists cared about the environment, they would go after Communist China for killing its people with coal pollution.
Maybe someone just dumped too many ice cubes in the ocean after a big beach party.

Throughout earth's history thousand of islands have disappeared, and thousands more have emerged. There are many reasons why an island can disappear, and Assuming it is solely due to anthropogenic global warming Is not congruent with the scientific method. Science is about disproving theories until the theory can not be disproven and becomes law. Anthropogenic global warming is far below this standard.

Does any poster here know the oceananic geology around this Island, have you asked why this island has disappeared but the Florida Keys still exist? How much land has been lost in the Baja Penisula? Check out this simply diagram of the scientific method. Does anthropogenic global warming fit this diagram?

scientific method - Google Search
You idiots know that that has been happening throughout the many milennia? No? Learn something.
You know that you're a fucking moron, ProdFucked?

Sea levels have been relatively stable for thousands of years. Human civilizations and cumulatively billions of people have lived along essentially the same current coastlines for thousands of years. Now that is changing fast. Trillions of dollars of human development....cities, towns, historical sites and monuments, beach resorts, and enormous amounts of other coastal infrastructure....are all going to be under water within just a few decades.
You idiots know that that has been happening throughout the many milennia? No? Learn something.
You know that you're a fucking moron, ProdFucked?

Sea levels have been relatively stable for thousands of years. Human civilizations and cumulatively billions of people have lived along essentially the same current coastlines for thousands of years. Now that is changing fast. Trillions of dollars of human development....cities, towns, historical sites and monuments, beach resorts, and enormous amounts of other coastal infrastructure....are all going to be under water within just a few decades.

Thanks for being an example of the stupidity of the left. But of course you have to be an uneducated idiot to believe that shit. Everyone knows that but it's nice to see someone just put their stupidity out there for all to see.

Here's a free education for you because I'm in a giving mood this morning: rising sea levels aren't the only way islands sink. Also, if the sea levels rise due to ice melting from the pretend AGW, then the levels wpuld rise everywhere, not just at those islands.

Again, no charge for the education.
You idiots know that that has been happening throughout the many milennia? No? Learn something.
You know that you're a fucking moron, ProdFucked?

Sea levels have been relatively stable for thousands of years. Human civilizations and cumulatively billions of people have lived along essentially the same current coastlines for thousands of years. Now that is changing fast. Trillions of dollars of human development....cities, towns, historical sites and monuments, beach resorts, and enormous amounts of other coastal infrastructure....are all going to be under water within just a few decades.

Thanks for being an example of the stupidity of the left. But of course you have to be an uneducated idiot to believe that shit. Everyone knows that but it's nice to see someone just put their stupidity out there for all to see.

Hilariously ironic, you poor denier cult dumbfuck. Everything I said is backed by science. So you are calling all of the climate scientists "stupid" and claiming that they are ones who are "uneducated", when fact, you and the other denier cult wackos are the extremely stupid, uneducated, anti-science nutjobs. Your crackpot belief that "everyone" is as idiotically in denial of the scientifically observed and measured rise in sea levels as you are is as demented as the rest of your moronic twaddle.

rising sea levels aren't the only way islands sink.
Perhaps not, but it is the way that those islands are sinking. And you have no evidence to contradict that, you confused imbecile, only your deranged denier cult dogmas fraudulently telling you that it is impossible.

Also, if the sea levels rise due to ice melting from the pretend AGW, then the levels wpuld rise everywhere, not just at those islands.

LOLOLOLOL......oh, you poor brainwashed retard....sea levels ARE rising everywhere, "not just at those islands".

Sea Level Rise and Global Warming
The Union of Concerned Scientists
Sea level is rising—and at an accelerating rate—especially along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

Why are the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico hotspots of sea level rise?

    • Global average sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880. Several locations along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico have experienced more than 8 inches of local sea level rise in only the past 50 years.
    • The rate of local sea level rise is affected by global, regional, and local factors.
    • Along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico, changes in the path and strength of ocean currents are contributing to faster-than-average sea level rise.
    • In parts of the East Coast and Gulf regions, land is subsiding, which allows the ocean to penetrate farther inland.
How quickly is land ice melting?

    • Shrinking land ice — glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets — contributed about half of the total global sea level rise between 1972 and 2008, but its contribution has been increasing since the early 1990s as the pace of ice loss has accelerated.
    • Recent studies suggest that land ice loss added nearly half an inch to global sea level from 2003 to 2007, contributing 75 to 80 percent of the total increase during that period.
Why is there such a large range in sea level rise projections?

    • The long-term rate of global sea level rise will depend on the amount of future heat-trapping emissions and on how quickly land ice responds to rising temperatures.
    • Scientists have developed a range of scenarios for future sea level rise based on estimates of growth in heat-trapping emissions and the potential responses of oceans and ice. The estimates used for these two variables result in the wide range of potential sea level rise scenarios.
How high and how quickly will sea level rise in the future?

    • Our past emissions of heat-trapping gases will largely dictate sea level rise through 2050, but our present and future emissions will have great bearing on sea level rise from 2050 to 2100 and beyond.
    • Even if global warming emissions were to drop to zero by 2016, sea level will continue to rise in the coming decades as oceans and land ice adjust to the changes we have already made to the atmosphere.
    • The greatest effect on long-term sea level rise will be the rate and magnitude of the loss of ice sheets, primarily in Greenland and West Antarctica, as they respond to rising temperatures caused by heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere.
Causes of Sea Level Rise: What the Science Tells Us.

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You are free to use and post this infographic without alterations online, in written materials, and in presentations. We request that any online use includes proper citation and a link to this web page.
You idiots know that that has been happening throughout the many milennia? No? Learn something.
You know that you're a fucking moron, ProdFucked?

Sea levels have been relatively stable for thousands of years. Human civilizations and cumulatively billions of people have lived along essentially the same current coastlines for thousands of years. Now that is changing fast. Trillions of dollars of human development....cities, towns, historical sites and monuments, beach resorts, and enormous amounts of other coastal infrastructure....are all going to be under water within just a few decades.

Thanks for being an example of the stupidity of the left. But of course you have to be an uneducated idiot to believe that shit. Everyone knows that but it's nice to see someone just put their stupidity out there for all to see.

Hilariously ironic, you poor denier cult dumbfuck. Everything I said is backed by science. So you are calling all of the climate scientists "stupid" and claiming that they are ones who are "uneducated", when fact, you and the other denier cult wackos are the extremely stupid, uneducated, anti-science nutjobs. Your crackpot belief that "everyone" is as idiotically in denial of the scientifically observed and measured rise in sea levels as you are is as demented as the rest of your moronic twaddle.

rising sea levels aren't the only way islands sink.
Perhaps not, but it is the way that those islands are sinking. And you have no evidence to contradict that, you confused imbecile, only your deranged denier cult dogmas fraudulently telling you that it is impossible.

Also, if the sea levels rise due to ice melting from the pretend AGW, then the levels wpuld rise everywhere, not just at those islands.

LOLOLOLOL......oh, you poor brainwashed retard....sea levels ARE rising everywhere, "not just at those islands".

Sea Level Rise and Global Warming
The Union of Concerned Scientists
Sea level is rising—and at an accelerating rate—especially along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

Why are the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico hotspots of sea level rise?

    • Global average sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880. Several locations along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico have experienced more than 8 inches of local sea level rise in only the past 50 years.
    • The rate of local sea level rise is affected by global, regional, and local factors.
    • Along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico, changes in the path and strength of ocean currents are contributing to faster-than-average sea level rise.
    • In parts of the East Coast and Gulf regions, land is subsiding, which allows the ocean to penetrate farther inland.
How quickly is land ice melting?

    • Shrinking land ice — glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets — contributed about half of the total global sea level rise between 1972 and 2008, but its contribution has been increasing since the early 1990s as the pace of ice loss has accelerated.
    • Recent studies suggest that land ice loss added nearly half an inch to global sea level from 2003 to 2007, contributing 75 to 80 percent of the total increase during that period.
Why is there such a large range in sea level rise projections?

    • The long-term rate of global sea level rise will depend on the amount of future heat-trapping emissions and on how quickly land ice responds to rising temperatures.
    • Scientists have developed a range of scenarios for future sea level rise based on estimates of growth in heat-trapping emissions and the potential responses of oceans and ice. The estimates used for these two variables result in the wide range of potential sea level rise scenarios.
How high and how quickly will sea level rise in the future?

    • Our past emissions of heat-trapping gases will largely dictate sea level rise through 2050, but our present and future emissions will have great bearing on sea level rise from 2050 to 2100 and beyond.
    • Even if global warming emissions were to drop to zero by 2016, sea level will continue to rise in the coming decades as oceans and land ice adjust to the changes we have already made to the atmosphere.
    • The greatest effect on long-term sea level rise will be the rate and magnitude of the loss of ice sheets, primarily in Greenland and West Antarctica, as they respond to rising temperatures caused by heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere.
Causes of Sea Level Rise: What the Science Tells Us.

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You are free to use and post this infographic without alterations online, in written materials, and in presentations. We request that any online use includes proper citation and a link to this web page.

Global average sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880

Those islands were only 8 inches above sea level in 1880?
Maybe that's a clue you should start packing?
You idiots know that that has been happening throughout the many milennia? No? Learn something.
You know that you're a fucking moron, ProdFucked?

Sea levels have been relatively stable for thousands of years. Human civilizations and cumulatively billions of people have lived along essentially the same current coastlines for thousands of years. Now that is changing fast. Trillions of dollars of human development....cities, towns, historical sites and monuments, beach resorts, and enormous amounts of other coastal infrastructure....are all going to be under water within just a few decades.

Thanks for being an example of the stupidity of the left. But of course you have to be an uneducated idiot to believe that shit. Everyone knows that but it's nice to see someone just put their stupidity out there for all to see.

Hilariously ironic, you poor denier cult dumbfuck. Everything I said is backed by science. So you are calling all of the climate scientists "stupid" and claiming that they are ones who are "uneducated", when fact, you and the other denier cult wackos are the extremely stupid, uneducated, anti-science nutjobs. Your crackpot belief that "everyone" is as idiotically in denial of the scientifically observed and measured rise in sea levels as you are is as demented as the rest of your moronic twaddle.

rising sea levels aren't the only way islands sink.
Perhaps not, but it is the way that those islands are sinking. And you have no evidence to contradict that, you confused imbecile, only your deranged denier cult dogmas fraudulently telling you that it is impossible.

Also, if the sea levels rise due to ice melting from the pretend AGW, then the levels wpuld rise everywhere, not just at those islands.

LOLOLOLOL......oh, you poor brainwashed retard....sea levels ARE rising everywhere, "not just at those islands".

Sea Level Rise and Global Warming
The Union of Concerned Scientists
Sea level is rising—and at an accelerating rate—especially along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

Why are the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico hotspots of sea level rise?

    • Global average sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880. Several locations along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico have experienced more than 8 inches of local sea level rise in only the past 50 years.
    • The rate of local sea level rise is affected by global, regional, and local factors.
    • Along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico, changes in the path and strength of ocean currents are contributing to faster-than-average sea level rise.
    • In parts of the East Coast and Gulf regions, land is subsiding, which allows the ocean to penetrate farther inland.
How quickly is land ice melting?

    • Shrinking land ice — glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets — contributed about half of the total global sea level rise between 1972 and 2008, but its contribution has been increasing since the early 1990s as the pace of ice loss has accelerated.
    • Recent studies suggest that land ice loss added nearly half an inch to global sea level from 2003 to 2007, contributing 75 to 80 percent of the total increase during that period.
Why is there such a large range in sea level rise projections?

    • The long-term rate of global sea level rise will depend on the amount of future heat-trapping emissions and on how quickly land ice responds to rising temperatures.
    • Scientists have developed a range of scenarios for future sea level rise based on estimates of growth in heat-trapping emissions and the potential responses of oceans and ice. The estimates used for these two variables result in the wide range of potential sea level rise scenarios.
How high and how quickly will sea level rise in the future?

    • Our past emissions of heat-trapping gases will largely dictate sea level rise through 2050, but our present and future emissions will have great bearing on sea level rise from 2050 to 2100 and beyond.
    • Even if global warming emissions were to drop to zero by 2016, sea level will continue to rise in the coming decades as oceans and land ice adjust to the changes we have already made to the atmosphere.
    • The greatest effect on long-term sea level rise will be the rate and magnitude of the loss of ice sheets, primarily in Greenland and West Antarctica, as they respond to rising temperatures caused by heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere.
Causes of Sea Level Rise: What the Science Tells Us.

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You are free to use and post this infographic without alterations online, in written materials, and in presentations. We request that any online use includes proper citation and a link to this web page.

Global average sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880

Those islands were only 8 inches above sea level in 1880?
Maybe that's a clue you should start packing?

Your post is a clue that your assumptions are ignorant nonsense, ToadTheParrot. You know nothing but you continue to assume that you know more than the scientists studying this issue.
You idiots know that that has been happening throughout the many milennia? No? Learn something.
You know that you're a fucking moron, ProdFucked?

Sea levels have been relatively stable for thousands of years. Human civilizations and cumulatively billions of people have lived along essentially the same current coastlines for thousands of years. Now that is changing fast. Trillions of dollars of human development....cities, towns, historical sites and monuments, beach resorts, and enormous amounts of other coastal infrastructure....are all going to be under water within just a few decades.

Thanks for being an example of the stupidity of the left. But of course you have to be an uneducated idiot to believe that shit. Everyone knows that but it's nice to see someone just put their stupidity out there for all to see.

Hilariously ironic, you poor denier cult dumbfuck. Everything I said is backed by science. So you are calling all of the climate scientists "stupid" and claiming that they are ones who are "uneducated", when fact, you and the other denier cult wackos are the extremely stupid, uneducated, anti-science nutjobs. Your crackpot belief that "everyone" is as idiotically in denial of the scientifically observed and measured rise in sea levels as you are is as demented as the rest of your moronic twaddle.

rising sea levels aren't the only way islands sink.
Perhaps not, but it is the way that those islands are sinking. And you have no evidence to contradict that, you confused imbecile, only your deranged denier cult dogmas fraudulently telling you that it is impossible.

Also, if the sea levels rise due to ice melting from the pretend AGW, then the levels wpuld rise everywhere, not just at those islands.

LOLOLOLOL......oh, you poor brainwashed retard....sea levels ARE rising everywhere, "not just at those islands".

Sea Level Rise and Global Warming
The Union of Concerned Scientists
Sea level is rising—and at an accelerating rate—especially along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

Why are the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico hotspots of sea level rise?

    • Global average sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880. Several locations along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico have experienced more than 8 inches of local sea level rise in only the past 50 years.
    • The rate of local sea level rise is affected by global, regional, and local factors.
    • Along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico, changes in the path and strength of ocean currents are contributing to faster-than-average sea level rise.
    • In parts of the East Coast and Gulf regions, land is subsiding, which allows the ocean to penetrate farther inland.
How quickly is land ice melting?

    • Shrinking land ice — glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets — contributed about half of the total global sea level rise between 1972 and 2008, but its contribution has been increasing since the early 1990s as the pace of ice loss has accelerated.
    • Recent studies suggest that land ice loss added nearly half an inch to global sea level from 2003 to 2007, contributing 75 to 80 percent of the total increase during that period.
Why is there such a large range in sea level rise projections?

    • The long-term rate of global sea level rise will depend on the amount of future heat-trapping emissions and on how quickly land ice responds to rising temperatures.
    • Scientists have developed a range of scenarios for future sea level rise based on estimates of growth in heat-trapping emissions and the potential responses of oceans and ice. The estimates used for these two variables result in the wide range of potential sea level rise scenarios.
How high and how quickly will sea level rise in the future?

    • Our past emissions of heat-trapping gases will largely dictate sea level rise through 2050, but our present and future emissions will have great bearing on sea level rise from 2050 to 2100 and beyond.
    • Even if global warming emissions were to drop to zero by 2016, sea level will continue to rise in the coming decades as oceans and land ice adjust to the changes we have already made to the atmosphere.
    • The greatest effect on long-term sea level rise will be the rate and magnitude of the loss of ice sheets, primarily in Greenland and West Antarctica, as they respond to rising temperatures caused by heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere.
Causes of Sea Level Rise: What the Science Tells Us.

Rights and permissions

You are free to use and post this infographic without alterations online, in written materials, and in presentations. We request that any online use includes proper citation and a link to this web page.

There is no stupid like someone who refused to learn. I can only provide you with the information. If you choose to stay stupid, I cannot force you to learn.
You idiots know that that has been happening throughout the many milennia? No? Learn something.
You know that you're a fucking moron, ProdFucked?

Sea levels have been relatively stable for thousands of years. Human civilizations and cumulatively billions of people have lived along essentially the same current coastlines for thousands of years. Now that is changing fast. Trillions of dollars of human development....cities, towns, historical sites and monuments, beach resorts, and enormous amounts of other coastal infrastructure....are all going to be under water within just a few decades.

Thanks for being an example of the stupidity of the left. But of course you have to be an uneducated idiot to believe that shit. Everyone knows that but it's nice to see someone just put their stupidity out there for all to see.

Hilariously ironic, you poor denier cult dumbfuck. Everything I said is backed by science. So you are calling all of the climate scientists "stupid" and claiming that they are ones who are "uneducated", when fact, you and the other denier cult wackos are the extremely stupid, uneducated, anti-science nutjobs. Your crackpot belief that "everyone" is as idiotically in denial of the scientifically observed and measured rise in sea levels as you are is as demented as the rest of your moronic twaddle.

rising sea levels aren't the only way islands sink.
Perhaps not, but it is the way that those islands are sinking. And you have no evidence to contradict that, you confused imbecile, only your deranged denier cult dogmas fraudulently telling you that it is impossible.

Also, if the sea levels rise due to ice melting from the pretend AGW, then the levels wpuld rise everywhere, not just at those islands.

LOLOLOLOL......oh, you poor brainwashed retard....sea levels ARE rising everywhere, "not just at those islands".

Sea Level Rise and Global Warming
The Union of Concerned Scientists
Sea level is rising—and at an accelerating rate—especially along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

Why are the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico hotspots of sea level rise?

    • Global average sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880. Several locations along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico have experienced more than 8 inches of local sea level rise in only the past 50 years.
    • The rate of local sea level rise is affected by global, regional, and local factors.
    • Along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico, changes in the path and strength of ocean currents are contributing to faster-than-average sea level rise.
    • In parts of the East Coast and Gulf regions, land is subsiding, which allows the ocean to penetrate farther inland.
How quickly is land ice melting?

    • Shrinking land ice — glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets — contributed about half of the total global sea level rise between 1972 and 2008, but its contribution has been increasing since the early 1990s as the pace of ice loss has accelerated.
    • Recent studies suggest that land ice loss added nearly half an inch to global sea level from 2003 to 2007, contributing 75 to 80 percent of the total increase during that period.
Why is there such a large range in sea level rise projections?

    • The long-term rate of global sea level rise will depend on the amount of future heat-trapping emissions and on how quickly land ice responds to rising temperatures.
    • Scientists have developed a range of scenarios for future sea level rise based on estimates of growth in heat-trapping emissions and the potential responses of oceans and ice. The estimates used for these two variables result in the wide range of potential sea level rise scenarios.
How high and how quickly will sea level rise in the future?

    • Our past emissions of heat-trapping gases will largely dictate sea level rise through 2050, but our present and future emissions will have great bearing on sea level rise from 2050 to 2100 and beyond.
    • Even if global warming emissions were to drop to zero by 2016, sea level will continue to rise in the coming decades as oceans and land ice adjust to the changes we have already made to the atmosphere.
    • The greatest effect on long-term sea level rise will be the rate and magnitude of the loss of ice sheets, primarily in Greenland and West Antarctica, as they respond to rising temperatures caused by heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere.
Causes of Sea Level Rise: What the Science Tells Us.

Rights and permissions

You are free to use and post this infographic without alterations online, in written materials, and in presentations. We request that any online use includes proper citation and a link to this web page.

There is no stupid like someone who refused to learn.
LOLOLOLOL. Well, that describes you perfectly, you delusional dumbfuck. You're too retarded to realize that your clueless drivel got debunked.
I recently saw the VICE documentary which showed footage of Vienna that was just heartbreaking. They now have elevated walkways and vendors sell rain booties. Businesses have to close because they're flooded.

Footage of NYC was similar and people are losing their homes in Florida.

The small islands are the saddest though. Past president of the Maldives was shown holding a meeting underwater to draw attention to their plight. Thousands have been made homeless and as always, its those who can afford it the least to hit the hardest.

Other countries are pushing green energy but of course, the US can't lead the way. Instead, the RWNJs whine about coal companies going under as though that's a bad thing.

Other countries are training their people in modern day jobs but not the US. Other countries are producing so much green energy, they're able to sell it but not the US.

If we are to survive, we MUST treat the idiot deniers like what they are and move forward without them.

Another misinformed ignoramus..

Yea I heard they are now building undwater airports in the Maldives

Fucking propaganda retards.


The Maldives Has Just Built its Eleventh Airport. That's How Scared it is of Global Warming... - Breitbart
I recently saw the VICE documentary which showed footage of Vienna that was just heartbreaking. They now have elevated walkways and vendors sell rain booties. Businesses have to close because they're flooded.

Footage of NYC was similar and people are losing their homes in Florida.

The small islands are the saddest though. Past president of the Maldives was shown holding a meeting underwater to draw attention to their plight. Thousands have been made homeless and as always, its those who can afford it the least to hit the hardest.

Other countries are pushing green energy but of course, the US can't lead the way. Instead, the RWNJs whine about coal companies going under as though that's a bad thing.

Other countries are training their people in modern day jobs but not the US. Other countries are producing so much green energy, they're able to sell it but not the US.

If we are to survive, we MUST treat the idiot deniers like what they are and move forward without them.

Another misinformed ignoramus..
Nope! He is one of the 'almost everybody' who are smarter and better informed than you are, barebutt.

Fucking propaganda retards.
You are that, all right, you and the other denier cult retards.

LOLOLOLOL.....just another fraudulent denier cult blog filled with bullshit.


LOLOLOL.....'Breitbart'' is a fraudulent rightwingnut propaganda outlet with zero of course you would moronically cite that source for your idiocy.

In the real world...

The Maldives and Rising Sea Levels
American University

Justin Hoffmann
Climate Change's Impact on the Maldives
The Maldives are comprised of nearly 1,200 islands and atolls in the Indian Ocean. The combined land mass of all the islands is 115 square miles--approximately twice the size of Washington, DC. Climate change and rising sea levels are of great concern to the Maldives, which is only 8 feet above sea level at its highest point. As global warming causes the polar ice caps melt and sea levels to rise, the Maldives' entire existence is in jeopardy. In the near future, climate change will affect the the Maldives' economy. Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to the Maldives' beautiful resorts and beaches. Tourism accounts for 28 percent of the country's GDP and for more than 60 percent of the Maldives' foreign exchange. The vast majority of government revenue (approximately 90 percent) comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes. [1]

In 1987, unusually high tides swept over the country and inundated the capital city, Male'. The Asian tsunami of December 26, 2004 killed 82 people, displaced an additional 12,000 and caused extensive damage to the country's important tourism industry.[2] The tsunami inflicted $375 million in overall damages, $100 million of which included damages to resorts. As a result, the Maldives' GDP contracted by 3.6 percent in 2005. [3] However, most losses to the resorts were covered by insurance and quickly rebuilt, which helped spur the significant rebound in the Maldives' tourism industry. The sea also plays an important role in the Maldives' economy. Fishing and fish processing is the second largest industry. Due to the low-lying nature of the Maldives, farming is not possible. Maldivians rely on the fishing industry to supply most of their food; imports account for the remainder. Pollution and over fishing are major concerns to the fishing industry.

In the long run, climate change will threaten the entire country's existence. The highest point in the Maldives is only 8 feet above sea level. Along with rising sea levels, increased beach erosion, more powerful storms, higher storm surges, and threats to biodiversity are among the major threatens to the Maldives due to climate change over the coming decades.[5] The 1987 high tides and the 2004 tsunami illustrate that climate change is already affecting the Maldives. Much of the country's economy relies on beautiful beaches and scenery--all things that would be affected by rising sea levels, increased beach erosion, and stronger storms.
I recently saw the VICE documentary which showed footage of Vienna that was just heartbreaking. They now have elevated walkways and vendors sell rain booties. Businesses have to close because they're flooded.

Footage of NYC was similar and people are losing their homes in Florida.

The small islands are the saddest though. Past president of the Maldives was shown holding a meeting underwater to draw attention to their plight. Thousands have been made homeless and as always, its those who can afford it the least to hit the hardest.

Other countries are pushing green energy but of course, the US can't lead the way. Instead, the RWNJs whine about coal companies going under as though that's a bad thing.

Other countries are training their people in modern day jobs but not the US. Other countries are producing so much green energy, they're able to sell it but not the US.

If we are to survive, we MUST treat the idiot deniers like what they are and move forward without them.

Another misinformed ignoramus..
Nope! He is one of the 'almost everybody' who are smarter and better informed than you are, barebutt.

Fucking propaganda retards.
You are that, all right, you and the other denier cult retards.

LOLOLOLOL.....just another fraudulent denier cult blog filled with bullshit.


LOLOLOL.....'Breitbart'' is a fraudulent rightwingnut propaganda outlet with zero of course you would moronically cite that source for your idiocy.

In the real world...

The Maldives and Rising Sea Levels
American University

Justin Hoffmann
Climate Change's Impact on the Maldives
The Maldives are comprised of nearly 1,200 islands and atolls in the Indian Ocean. The combined land mass of all the islands is 115 square miles--approximately twice the size of Washington, DC. Climate change and rising sea levels are of great concern to the Maldives, which is only 8 feet above sea level at its highest point. As global warming causes the polar ice caps melt and sea levels to rise, the Maldives' entire existence is in jeopardy. In the near future, climate change will affect the the Maldives' economy. Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to the Maldives' beautiful resorts and beaches. Tourism accounts for 28 percent of the country's GDP and for more than 60 percent of the Maldives' foreign exchange. The vast majority of government revenue (approximately 90 percent) comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes. [1]

In 1987, unusually high tides swept over the country and inundated the capital city, Male'. The Asian tsunami of December 26, 2004 killed 82 people, displaced an additional 12,000 and caused extensive damage to the country's important tourism industry.[2] The tsunami inflicted $375 million in overall damages, $100 million of which included damages to resorts. As a result, the Maldives' GDP contracted by 3.6 percent in 2005. [3] However, most losses to the resorts were covered by insurance and quickly rebuilt, which helped spur the significant rebound in the Maldives' tourism industry. The sea also plays an important role in the Maldives' economy. Fishing and fish processing is the second largest industry. Due to the low-lying nature of the Maldives, farming is not possible. Maldivians rely on the fishing industry to supply most of their food; imports account for the remainder. Pollution and over fishing are major concerns to the fishing industry.

In the long run, climate change will threaten the entire country's existence. The highest point in the Maldives is only 8 feet above sea level. Along with rising sea levels, increased beach erosion, more powerful storms, higher storm surges, and threats to biodiversity are among the major threatens to the Maldives due to climate change over the coming decades.[5] The 1987 high tides and the 2004 tsunami illustrate that climate change is already affecting the Maldives. Much of the country's economy relies on beautiful beaches and scenery--all things that would be affected by rising sea levels, increased beach erosion, and stronger storms.
what is factual in there that would indicate a sea level increase has happened?

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